| | Status | Subtype | Assigned | Task |
| | Open | | Vijayakumar | T6707 Implement a new build and release workflow based on GitHub Actions |
| | Not Applicable | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6461 Create a workflow, that checks existence of codeowners file in repo, if not create one. |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | None | T6416 Run smoke tests before merging |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6678 Implement darker with ruff workflow |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6645 Handle merge commits in mirror PR workflow |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6316 need to add automatic assignment of reviewers from reviewers team |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6349 keep all workflows as reusable workflows in global .github and make vyox-1x to use from there |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6392 validate backport with reusable action |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6410 separate subset of workflows for documentation |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6466 Add PR checks as mandatory for vyos-1x |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6449 PR title/commit message check workfow to add comment to PR incase of title is not compliant |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6469 Remove J2Lint workflow from vyos-1x |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6467 Add sagitta for vyos-1x workflows trigger branch list |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6508 vyos-build update pr title check workflow update (current branch) |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6509 Add PR comment in case of unused import check fails |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6309 Check code quality with CodeQL |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6310 Change branches for CodeQL on push |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6315 Add Codeql reusable action workflow |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6357 Create test repository to validate setup |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6372 global CODEOWERS not reflecting in other repos |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6399 add reusable workflows and codeowners to vyos-1x sagitta and equuleus |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6476 add sonar workflow to vyos-1x current |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6487 update central workflow usage branch to current (update vyos-1x) |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6491 codeql workflow update py version |
| | Not Applicable | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6495 vyos-1x: replicate worflows to all stream branches from current |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6511 add circinus branch to pr check workflows |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6512 replicate workflows to all repositories |
| | Invalid | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6515 vyos-world - add workflows |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6533 add reusable workflows for vyatta-cfg-system - sagitta branch |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6520 update vyos-1x workkflow package-smoketest permission for adding comment |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6540 add reusable workflows for vyatta-bash |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6546 add permissions for unused import workflow callers |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6556 wokrflow trigger branches cleanup |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6560 workflow trigger restrictions as per change type, vyos-1x current |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6564 workflow trigger restrictions as per change type, vyos-1x sagitta, circinus, equuleus |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6565 Use bullfrog action to get the outbound info audit - vyos-1x current |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6572 Add create pr workflow |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6590 Rebase label creation if branch behind 50 commits |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6637 check un-used imports with path finder action check |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6690 Disable codeql workflow from private repo |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6705 Analyze and fix vars passing issue with vyos-build CI. |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Viacheslav | T6415 Repo sync |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6443 fix pr title regex check issue |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6606 duplicate conflict labels to be fixed |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6397 Triger action on merge |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6708 Automatically mirror PRs between /vyos and /VyOS-Networks organizations |
| | Resolved | FEATURE REQUEST | Vijayakumar | T6660 Mirror PR: Remove temp feature branch after merge |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6722 Implement reusable workflows for vyatta-cfg |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6728 turn on bot with PR's between orgs for vyos-build |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6730 add reusable workflows for vyatta-wanloadbalance |
| | Open | | Vijayakumar | T6732 Add reusable workflow - VyOS image build workflow |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6749 Fix commenting issue with integration test workflow |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6784 Need to stop forkflows (repo-sync.yml) repo-sync for the sagitta and circinus branches (from public) for all repos |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6785 fix pr title workflow for pip install |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6786 Fix codeowners file for VyOS-Networks/vyos-1x |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6789 unused-workflow checkout failing head repo checkout |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6798 create mirror sync sample |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6845 update code owners in private vyos-build |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6846 Fix check pr message workflow in private org |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6850 Update mirror sync to use revised approach (mirror and repo-sync) - vyos-1x |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6851 remove check-pr-title-and-commit-messages script from workflow |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6862 Make unused import check workflow parameterized |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6885 add pr template and codeowners for vyos.vyos |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6897 add codeowners for vyos-nerworks/vyos-1x |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6901 vyos-networks/vyos-1x: move workflows from git-actions to standard branches |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6940 Update vyos-1x owners using usernames |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6954 Update mirror sync to use revised approach (mirror and repo-sync) - vyos-build |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6966 Make mirror and repo sync worksflows as reusable workflows |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6955 Update vyos-build code owners using usernames (current, git-actions branches) |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6967 Make mirror and repo sync worksflows as reusable workflows |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6976 Use reusable mirror and repo-sync workflows to vyos1x |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T6995 Fix mirror pr issue : unknown revision |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T7022 Mirror PR: support rerun for failed mirrors |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T7027 Handle merge commits in mirror PR workflow - vyos-build issue |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T7060 merge commit and last commit issue with mirroring (commit without merge prefix) |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T7064 make current as default for private repo (vyos-1x) |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T7065 Trigger Mirror PR and Repo Sync should not trigger for closed unmerged PRs (vyos-1x) |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T7086 trigger mergify backport as per label in mirror workflow |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T7111 merge policy error |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T7114 vyos-ansible-collection-maintainers code owner update for vyos.vyos |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T7120 support multi PR mirrorring |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T7145 Fix codeowners vyos-1x and vyos-build |
| | Resolved | | Vijayakumar | T7172 make current as default for private repo (vyos-build) |
| | Open | | Vijayakumar | T7228 remove pr number input from mirror workflow |