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vyos@r14# set qos policy limiter test class video match 1 ip dscp Possible completions: <0-63> Differentiated Services Codepoint (DSCP) value default match DSCP (000000) reliability match DSCP (000001) throughput match DSCP (000010) lowdelay match DSCP (000100) priority match DSCP (001000) immediate match DSCP (010000) flash match DSCP (011000) flash-override match DSCP (100000) critical match DSCP (101000) internet match DSCP (110000) network match DSCP (111000) AF11 High-throughput data AF12 High-throughput data AF13 High-throughput data AF21 Low-latency data AF22 Low-latency data AF23 Low-latency data AF31 Multimedia streaming AF32 Multimedia streaming AF33 Multimedia streaming AF41 Multimedia conferencing AF42 Multimedia conferencing AF43 Multimedia conferencing CS1 Low-priority data CS2 OAM CS3 Broadcast video CS4 Real-time interactive CS5 Signaling CS6 Network control CS7 None EF Expedited Forwarding