Dec 3 2018
Nov 6 2018
Oct 27 2018
You can download it to your route and the just do a dpkg -i wireguard....deb.
Thanks hagbard!
I was litterally pulling my hair out over the error cause i have seen wireguard work in all its glory.
If i want to apply the patch on my own are there any resources i should use or is it simply a dpkg install ?
Oct 26 2018
I'll remove the ip-host validator from the wireguard tree, it causes a few issues if the network name is picked as address. e.g.
This is still not added to rc3 and rc4 same error
Oct 16 2018
should be in rc3
Was this by any chance merged to RC3 or will it first arrive in RC4 ?
Oct 15 2018
Oct 13 2018
Oct 12 2018
I had already created a task for a new syntax and linked it as a related task, would you like me to create a new separate one?
@hagbard from description i'm not sure if we ever may need it so i propose to do it globally,
we can enable it later if we need to
Should it be disabled globally, or just not loaded vi config?
do you mean like:
set protocols static table 10 route next-hop interface ethx
If so could you please create a new task for creating new syntax?
The root cause was in the script trying to call "brctl setpathcost $bridge $port 0", but newer bridge-utils version removed that (there's no cost of zero in STP really, so it would be a rather bad way to set the default anyway).
Oct 11 2018
Okay, the problem is not DMVPN relevant. I have a weird OSPF routing problem. When disabling OSPF between both routers everything is ok.