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Replace poptop and xl2tpd with accel-ppp
Closed, ResolvedPublicFEATURE REQUEST


We need PPPoE server and seems that accel-ppp bit better than classic rp-pppoe
it supports radius integration and some other useful features like a shaper.
Also will allow us to add SSTP and PPTP servers
We may want to move L2TP too (requires testing)


Difficulty level
Unknown (require assessment)
Why the issue appeared?
Will be filled on close
Is it a breaking change?
Perfectly compatible
Issue type
Internal change (not visible to end users)

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ResolvedFEATURE REQUESThagbard
ResolvedFEATURE REQUESThagbard
ResolvedFEATURE REQUESTUnknown Object (User)
ResolvedFEATURE REQUESTUnknown Object (User)
ResolvedFEATURE REQUESTUnknown Object (User)
ResolvedFEATURE REQUESThagbard
ResolvedFEATURE REQUESThagbard
ResolvedFEATURE REQUESThagbard
ResolvedFEATURE REQUESThagbard
ResolvedFEATURE REQUESThagbard
ResolvedFEATURE REQUESThagbard
ResolvedFEATURE REQUESThagbard
ResolvedFEATURE REQUESThagbard
ResolvedFEATURE REQUESThagbard

Event Timeline

syncer triaged this task as Normal priority.
syncer edited projects, added VyOS 1.2 Crux (VyOS 1.2.0-rc1); removed VyOS 1.2 Crux.

It will come in 2 parts, the ppp server as a package first and then the rewrite for its config, hard to estimate the time it will need, let me first package accel-ppp.

@syncer I discovered a possible issue, accel-ppp is incompatible with the ip_gre driver, so using accel-ppp means you can't have gre tunnels anymore and vice versa. I'm not sure if accel-ppp is a good idea to integrate into vyos. Shall I continue with the packages or should we check if we can find anything compatible which doesn't interfere with router stuff. Not having gre is in my opinion a very significant issue.

@hagbard not having GRE on PPPoE server not a problem
we still need to see how we handle this and bunch of other issues
but we definitely need BRAS functionality

@hagbard if you want you can do cli part and we can ask do other stuff @dmbaturin and/or @UnicronNL
it's up to you

@syncer It doesn't really matter to me, I was just concerned that if you have pppoe-server running, you can't use gre tunnels (the kernel module can't be loaded anymore).

@hagbard yea, it's more about share work and involves other people in collaboration :)
You also may want to join accel-ppp telegram channel tg://join?invite=DS6swRC3DvEWdNijTqaaeA

@syncer how do you get into your repo?
It builds the accel-ppp package, which I then later will need for the cli stuff.

will add you to github org
move repo there, and for it back to your account

hagbard changed the task status from Open to In progress.Sep 5 2018, 8:12 PM

built a test setup for pptp, which works nicely, so I start with the implementation for the pptp replacement first.

syncer renamed this task from Add accel-ppp as replacement for rp-pppoe to Implement accel-ppp in VyOS.Nov 9 2018, 9:58 PM

I'm going to keep this task still open till the end of the week to catch eventual bugs.

the flag accept-any-service is interest to implement, to accept any service name from client side

Hi @andersonpcazm,

can you please let me know from where you have that flag? It dosn't exist in the accel-ppp documentation.

i found using the command man accel-ppp
you can to find it in this link
when use value 1, in flag accept-any-service, the server will accept any service name in client side, generally is in blank in client side.

That is already the case if you don't configure a SN on the server side. So I'm not sure if this setting is not more of a pain instead of a help.

it's not so important, just a suggestion, is better concentrate in functions of extreme importance, as ipoe

will implement the shaper for bandwidth control? or should I configure manually?

Yes it will be implemented as soon as it turns out that the switch from the old implementation was successful. We have seen kernel crashes every now and then with the shaper enabled, so I would be keen to know if that happens to you as well to investigate the root cause.

I tested the shaper, but it seems to me that the Cisco-AVPair library is missing, it may be missing from my Radius server

Edit: I am a network administrator without programming knowledge, how can I help with the development of vyos?

hagbard changed the status of subtask T989: Add support for IPoE server from In progress to On hold.Dec 6 2018, 7:16 PM
hagbard changed the status of subtask T989: Add support for IPoE server from On hold to In progress.Dec 18 2018, 7:17 PM
hagbard changed the status of subtask T989: Add support for IPoE server from In progress to Needs testing.Jun 27 2019, 6:44 PM
hagbard changed the status of subtask T853: Add SSTP server support from Open to In progress.Jul 23 2019, 6:58 PM
Unknown Object (User) subscribed.Jul 25 2019, 2:36 PM
hagbard changed the status of subtask T853: Add SSTP server support from In progress to Needs testing.Jul 30 2019, 7:24 PM
dmbaturin renamed this task from Implement accel-ppp in VyOS to Replace poptop and xl2tpd with accel-ppp.Sep 3 2021, 12:09 PM
dmbaturin set Is it a breaking change? to Perfectly compatible.
dmbaturin set Issue type to Internal change (not visible to end users).