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[1.3.5 -> 1.4.0-RC1 Migration] commit-archive Fails to Migrate
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG


The commit-archive functionality fails to be loaded after migrating to 1.4-RC1. Here's the (sanitized) config on 1.3.5:

image.png (174×1 px, 56 KB)

Here's what happens when I try to load it on 1.4 after booting:
image.png (275×1 px, 115 KB)

Also, you may want to consider some censoring of username / password for output on errors like this (but I get it if not, it's a pain).


Difficulty level
Unknown (require assessment)
Why the issue appeared?
Will be filled on close
Is it a breaking change?
Perfectly compatible
Issue type
Bug (incorrect behavior)

Event Timeline

I think I see part of what's happening here; it looks like the format for configuration-sync URIs removed the colon (:) between the host and path:
is now:

The migration scripts probably just need to account for this.

Additionally, it looks like special characters, specifically !, which worked prior (and still works with the save op-mode command), cause a failure in 1.4+:

trae@cr01b-vyos# set system config-management commit-archive location sftp://MYUSER:[email protected]/wdc07/cr01b-vyos
trae@cr01b-vyos# set system config-management commit-archive location sftp://MYUSER:[email protected]/wdc07/cr01b-vyos

  "//MYUSER:[email protected]/wdc07/cr01b-vyos" is not a valid URI for the sftp URL scheme
  Invalid value
  Value validation failed
  Set failed

trae@cr01b-vyos# set system config-management commit-archive location 'sftp://MYUSER:[email protected]/wdc07/cr01b-vyos'

  "//MYUSER:[email protected]/wdc07/cr01b-vyos" is not a valid URI for the sftp URL scheme
  Invalid value
  Value validation failed
  Set failed

trae@cr01b-vyos# set system config-management commit-archive location "sftp://MYUSER:[email protected]/wdc07/cr01b-vyos"

  "//MYUSER:[email protected]/wdc07/cr01b-vyos" is not a valid URI for the sftp URL scheme
  Invalid value
  Value validation failed
  Set failed


It also doesn't appear to accept %, *, or ^ in the password. Perhaps we should consider splitting this up into something like:

set system config-management commit-archive location SERVER1 protocol sftp
set system config-management commit-archive location SERVER1 path '/wdc07/cr01b-vyos'
set system config-management commit-archive location SERVER1 host ''
set system config-management commit-archive location SERVER1 user 'myuser'
set system config-management commit-archive location SERVER1 password '$P4SsW0RD!'

I realize this would be a significant departure from the way it is currently done, but I think it's worth it given that it:

  • Clearly delineates each part of the configuration, preventing having to find identifiers (ex: : or /) to split up a single long string
  • Allows for easy encryption of the password in the configuration in the future
  • Removes the concern of special characters in any field other than the password
  • Obfuscates away the formatting of the underlying protocol URI

Another good thing is that any logging can be done without spoling the user/pass which otherwise is the case with todays oneliner approach.

That is that the log of failed connection could include just protocol + host (and path).

@jestabro could it be that the validator needs an update to allow special characters in the user/password field?

The argument would be to relax the url validator regex for compatibility with 1.3: since the plan is to replace this mechanism in 1.5 with something similar to @trae32566 suggestion above (brought up for discussion by @Viacheslav recently), and since it is deprecated/not advised anyway (RFC 3986). The simple change will be made to the validator.

PR merged into vyos-utils:
and backported. The fix has been tested with migration from 1.3.x with settings as suggested by @trae32566