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Make it possible to set the PADO delay to 0
Closed, ResolvedPublicFEATURE REQUEST


Good day Support / Team

Please can you allow PADO Delay either without session or session with 0
I would like the entire server to be a backup to the main server and with the current configuration 1 client still remains connected because PADO delay 50 and session minimum requirement of 1 allows such

Please allow session to be 0 so that no clients are able to connect with PADO until the main server is down



Is it a breaking change?
Perfectly compatible

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I'm wondering about the syntax
Will it be enough?

set service pppoe-server pado-delay 0

I'm wondering about the syntax
Will it be enough?

set service pppoe-server pado-delay 0

I think we should include the sessions incase there multiple PPPOE services and people want to spread the load across multiple devices?
Or maybe an option to allow without sessions as well as allow with sessions - make the system versatile ?

I'm wondering about the syntax
Will it be enough?

set service pppoe-server pado-delay 0

I think we should include the sessions incase there multiple PPPOE services and people want to spread the load across multiple devices?
Or maybe an option to allow without sessions as well as allow with sessions - make the system versatile ?

Could you provide an example of CLI and an example of the expected accel-ppp configuration?
Or is it PPPoE client configuration? It is not clear

no it's the PPPOE server configuration

set service pppoe-server pado-delay 0

This would be perfect

@troggie Could you confirm that you expect "0"
Regarding documentation, it should be "-1"


    By default is disabled.

    Specifies delays (also in condition of connection count) to send PADO (ms). Last delay in list may be -1 which means don't accept new connections. List have to be sorted by count key.

I would like to see last delay sessions be minimum allowed integer be 0 not 1 to 999999

set service pppoe-server pado-delay 50 sessions
Possible completions:

<1-999999>           Number of sessions

Good day

Any update on this?
I see the delay session is still 1 - 999999

Good day all

I noticed on 1.5 if i set the session to max number 99999 with a delay of > 0 system works as expected

Thank you

@troggie Add please an example of working config accel-pp.conf wit those options
Otherwise, I'll mark it as wontfix.

please mark as won't fix

________________________Drummond Korras


KorCom (Pty) Ltd
+27101100545 | 0835061165
6 Malherbe Street, Rynfield, Benoni, Gauteng
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hi, this is an example of the accel-pp.conf section for PPPoE, using the documentation as reference.

dmbaturin renamed this task from PPPOE - PADO Delay to Make it possible to set the PADO delay to 0.May 10 2024, 7:53 PM
dmbaturin changed Is it a breaking change? from Config syntax change (migratable) to Perfectly compatible.May 10 2024, 8:03 PM