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- Nov 11 2019, 2:06 PM (278 w, 3 d)
Jun 27 2020
i think, the squid access log doesnt go to the log/messages.
And sorry, i wasnt accurate. this is the issue: access log is in var/log/squid3/ directory not in var/log/squid/.
two file is affected: and
May 10 2020
For _stable_ release build, you need a fixed point in every vyos/vyatta package (vyos-1x=1.3.1, vyos-netplug=, vyos-opennhrp=0.14.1-1, etc), so you have to release every package, something like 'Oh, this package is in this point stable enought for a stable release', and the stable iso contains this stable packages. But the development doesnt stop, some packages receive new fetaures. Until stable packages are waiting for each other, need a versioning for daily snapshot. for that, the commit count based versioning is good.
VER=$(dpkg-parsechangelog --show-field Version) COMMIT_COUNTS=$(git rev-list $VER.. --count) LAST_ID=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) git config "Vyos CI" git config gbp dch --full -s $VER -D unstable -U low -N $VER+dev$COMMIT_COUNTS-git$LAST_ID --ignore-branch --git-author
i would leave the items in changelog, just every changelog items have git tag. if there is a new release (=new _stable_ release iso), make a new changelog item + git tag.
and for the development packages use your versioning: 1.3.0-17+dev<commitcountfromtag>-git<commit-id>
anyway, there is a "gbp dch" command can generate entries from Git commit messages. you you can fill the "dev" changelog entries with real commit messages. you can set the versionstring too.
May 9 2020
you can use '+' and '~' chars in versions. plus gives newer version (1.2.3-4-5+foo32 > 1.2.3-4-5 ) but less than the new upstream (1.2.3-4-6 > 1.2.3-4-5+foo32), tilde gives older version (1.2.3-4-5~foo-2 < 1.2.3-4-5 )
i always use + for my own builds, thats gives me newer package version than ubuntu/debian version.
Apr 29 2020
Apr 26 2020
Just call the multiple options other name (like 'option'), and admin can modify they config if they want. no need a IM migrate script.
And leave the openvpn-option for raw option, if someone want to make a magic things in openvpn.
(like, in dhcp server, static mapping has option tagnode for "Host-specific settings" and static-mapping-parameters for raw hacking :)
sould rewrite to multioption:
Apr 23 2020
sorry, i'm not a hacker, so i dont know any attach vector. :( But it does not mean that it does not exist.
@jjakob detect_if_systemipv6_is_disabled just an idea, but looking to, it's easy:
This code doesnt break if ipv6 is disabled by system wide:
Apr 10 2020
The new conntract package depend in newer libnetfilter. but you dont need to rebuild the package, just download the debs.
Mar 28 2020
it's enabled by default.
Mar 25 2020
Mar 24 2020
Mar 20 2020
just note. our fw is using own dns forwarder for resolv, because the internal ip reverse addresses are redirected to local dns server.
so plase handle this situation too.
Mar 17 2020
if he merge the PR, we can use it!
Mar 5 2020
Mar 3 2020
Here is a solution (based from
Mar 2 2020
For 1.3, i use this:
Feb 28 2020
That's bad, because debian stable (=buster) is fixing security bugs only. They will not fix/add this patches to conntrack package, they leave conntrack buggy. So you sould build an own conntrack-tools package for 1.3 too :( If not, vyos will be less good software.
Feb 27 2020
i think, you sould use crux branch for 1.2 build, current branch is 1.3
Feb 22 2020
Feb 20 2020
It's an upstream bug as @xrobau said. vyos dev sould upgrade repo, and apply this patch:
Dec 13 2019
Yepp, the issue is the quotes in dhcp server config (like the sample line i wrote).
i think, duplicates functionality doesnt matter, there are already such duplications: global-parameters, subnet-parameters, etc. That are for raw settings, if someone want a magic things in dhcp. But adding normal options to static-mapping-parameters are just a workaround.