In jessie port support for vyatta-keepalived is abandoned in favor of upstream keepalived package. But the corresponding configuration key (--vyatta-workaround) was not removed from templates/scripts, which renders vrrp unusable - keepalived doen't want to start with unexpected arguments.
This key (--vyatta-workaround) looks to be a hook, toggling the following change in keepalived behavior: when administrator sends "restart vrrp " command, vyatta abandoned shared IP addresses untill next election, and original keepalived - does not. (As far as I understood the comments in code).
To make things work as intended, there are at least two options:
- Remove this key from
- Refresh vyatta-keepalived from upstream and port --vyatta-workaround code there again.
As for me - option 1. is better, but I have no idea on why vyatta team even wanted to introduce this key.