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Console access lost after updating from 1.3.8 or 1.4 version to latest 1.5 releases
Open, LowPublicBUG


After updating the device from 1.3.8 to the August 1.5 images, the console access is lost. It got stuck at the below messages and the login prompt is not received.
But I can ping the host ip and access it via ssh.

[   37.789412] vyos-router[1180]: Waiting for NICs to settle down: settled in 0sec..
[   45.202224] vyos-router[1180]: Mounting VyOS Config...done.
[   64.356683] vyos-router[1180]: Starting VyOS router: migrate system configure.
[   64.958671] vyos-config[1186]: Configuration success

This is tested in EVE-NG platform and no issues was found in KVM.

With this workaround, the console is accessible:

set system console device ttyS0 speed '115200'


Is it a breaking change?
Perfectly compatible
Issue type
Bug (incorrect behavior)

Event Timeline

SrividyaA triaged this task as Low priority.
dmbaturin changed Is it a breaking change? from Unspecified (possibly destroys the router) to Perfectly compatible.
dmbaturin changed Issue type from Unspecified (please specify) to Bug (incorrect behavior).

I've just encountered the same issue upgrading from a 1.5 build from May 2024 to the most recent a few days ago. Had very little time to investigate. Next week I'll take some more time and will report back if I find anything interesting.

I've just encountered the same issue upgrading from a 1.5 build from May 2024 to the most recent a few days ago. Had very little time to investigate. Next week I'll take some more time and will report back if I find anything interesting.

It took me a week longer until I was able to have another look. I found nothing hinting to a specific issue. It seems the newer version just requires the console to be explicitly enabled via config. This might be treated as a non issue, but should definitely be explained in the docs.