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nat64 config mode script configures state outside of canonical functions, preventing running under configd
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG


Discovered during investigation of T6608: current behavior will return the config mode script to run under the CLI context on uncaught error. This occurs for due to the following construction:

if __name__ == "__main__":
        c = get_config()

The current solution will be to move the modprobe action, and resulting pruning of the config_dict into the verify function: (1) actions which may raise ConfigError (check_kmod) properly belong in verify (or later) stages, so move the required logic out of get_config (2) note that this will be an interesting case for the implementation of commit dry-run, as in the current (and first corrected) implementation, a state query precedes syntax verification.

Symptom of issue on 1.5-rolling-202407282354:

vyos@vyos:/usr/libexec/vyos/tests/smoke/cli$ ./
test_snat64 (__main__.TestNAT64.test_snat64) ... ok

Ran 1 test in 4.205s

vyos@vyos:/usr/libexec/vyos/tests/smoke/cli$ journalctl -u vyos-configd --no-pager

Aug 01 15:15:29 vyos vyos-configd[740]: [Errno 253] failed to run command: jool instance display --csv
Aug 01 15:15:29 vyos vyos-configd[740]: returned:
Aug 01 15:15:29 vyos vyos-configd[740]: exit code: 253
Aug 01 15:15:29 vyos vyos-configd[740]: Sending response 4

Response 4 is sent on an error uncaught by the config script, triggering that the script should be re-run within the CLI context, resulting in a passing smoketest but unreported issue. That behavior will be changed in T6608 after any obscured bugs are resolved.


Difficulty level
Easy (less than an hour)
Why the issue appeared?
Will be filled on close
Is it a breaking change?
Perfectly compatible
Issue type
Bug (incorrect behavior)

Event Timeline

jestabro changed the task status from Open to Confirmed.
jestabro triaged this task as Normal priority.
jestabro created this object in space S1 VyOS Public.
jestabro updated the task description. (Show Details)
jestabro renamed this task from nat64 config mode script verfiies state outside of canonical functions, preventing running under configd to nat64 config mode script configures state outside of canonical functions, preventing running under configd.Aug 1 2024, 3:25 PM