current lldp implementation on vyos does not provide very much information; you can only see the remote device platform and port description, but there is no way to view management IP, remote port, PVID, etc.
i remember vyos used to do this, but it appears to have been removed at some point in the 1.5 (or 1.4?) rolling release.
can vyos re-implement the following commands?
show lldp neighbors details - analogous to lldpctl
show lldp neighbors interface eth0 detail - analogous to lldpctl eth0
additionally the "remote port" column prints out the PortDescr element instead of interface name, which can be confusing. is it more logical to use the PortID element which corresponds to the neighbor/remote physical port?
in my example the remote port Gi0/2 has the description "lab-rt1"
asw1#show running-config interface gigabitEthernet 0/2 Building configuration... Current configuration : 166 bytes ! interface GigabitEthernet0/2 description lab-rt1 [...]
which vyos uses as the remote port
testuser@testlab1:~$ show lldp neighbors Capability Codes: R - Router, B - Bridge, W - Wlan r - Repeater, S - Station D - Docsis, T - Telephone, O - Other Device Local Port Protocol Capability Platform Remote Port ------------- ------------ ---------- ------------ ------------------------------------- ------------- asw1.testlab eth5 LLDP BR Cisco IOS Software, C2960L Software ( lab-rt1
raw output of lldpctl on that interface:
testuser@testlab1:~$ lldpctl eth5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLDP neighbors: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interface: eth5, via: LLDP, RID: 1, Time: 0 day, 00:30:21 Chassis: ChassisID: mac c4:c6:03:d4:ca:80 SysName: asw1.testlab SysDescr: Cisco IOS Software, C2960L Software (C2960L-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.2(7)E8, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Technical Support: Copyright (c) 1986-2023 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Thu 09-Mar-23 02:15 by mcpre MgmtIP: Capability: Bridge, on Capability: Router, on Port: PortID: ifname Gi0/2 PortDescr: lab-rt1 [...]