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sftp/scp commit-archive error
Resolved (N/A)PublicBUG


When commiting with an scp commit-archive started getting the following error.

Archiving config...
  scp://storage.internal/router/ FAILED!

   > upload() got an unexpected keyword argument 'raise_error'


config-management {
    commit-archive {
        location scp://rconfig:####@storage.internal/router/

Doing remote save works fine. i.e.

save scp://rconfig:####@storage.internal/router/config

Same error if specify sftp instead of scp.


Difficulty level
Unknown (require assessment)
Why the issue appeared?
Will be filled on close
Is it a breaking change?
Unspecified (possibly destroys the router)
Issue type
Bug (incorrect behavior)

Event Timeline

Yeah I'm having this issue as well:

trae@cr01a-vyos# commit
Archiving config...

   > upload() got an unexpected keyword argument 'raise_error'

trae@cr01a-vyos# show system config-manage commit-arch
 location sftp://USER:[email protected]/int/cr01a-vyos
 source-address fd52:d62e:8011:fffe::2

It looks like on the surface, the upload() method was not designed for the raise_error kwarg, but when I remove it, there is still an (albeit different) error:

trae@cr01a-vyos# commit
Archiving config...
  s Unable to upload "sftp://USER:[email protected]/int/cr01a-vyos/config.boot-cr01a-vyos.20231227_212342": str, bytes or bytearray expected, not int

I'll try and poke around some more, but I'm not confident I can fix this one, so any help would be appreciated. I also confirmed on the backup server that the file did not get put there.

@trae32566 Are you experiencing this with the latest rolling version? 1.5-rolling-202312130023 was released mere hours before the fix was pushed. See also: T5774

I haven't been able to test beyond 1.5-rolling-202312130023 due to T5863. I'll test it again once I'm able to update to the latest rolling. Thanks!

Viacheslav changed the task status from Open to Needs testing.Jan 20 2024, 2:15 AM
Viacheslav triaged this task as Normal priority.
Viacheslav added a subscriber: Viacheslav.

@trae32566 Thanks for confirming