Add openconfig RESTCONF compatible API based on the YANG model.
Example of endpoints by YANG module openconfig-interfaces
http://localhost:5000/restconf/data/openconfig-interfaces:interfaces http://localhost:5000/restconf/data/openconfig-interfaces:interfaces/interface=eth0 http://localhost:5000/restconf/data/openconfig-interfaces:interfaces/interface=eth0/state/counters http://localhost:5000/restconf/data/openconfig-interfaces:interfaces/interface=eth0/state/mtu
YANG model interfaces
/opt/openconfig/yang_modules # pyang openconfig-interfaces.yang -f tree --tree-depth=5 module: openconfig-interfaces +--rw interfaces +--rw interface* [name] +--rw name -> ../config/name +--rw config | +--rw name? string | +--rw type identityref | +--rw mtu? uint16 | +--rw loopback-mode? oc-opt-types:loopback-mode-type | +--rw description? string | +--rw enabled? boolean +--ro state | +--ro name? string | +--ro type identityref | +--ro mtu? uint16 | +--ro loopback-mode? oc-opt-types:loopback-mode-type | +--ro description? string | +--ro enabled? boolean | +--ro ifindex? uint32 | +--ro admin-status enumeration | +--ro oper-status enumeration | +--ro last-change? oc-types:timeticks64 | +--ro logical? boolean | +--ro management? boolean | +--ro cpu? boolean | +--ro counters | +--ro in-octets? oc-yang:counter64 | +--ro in-pkts? oc-yang:counter64 | +--ro in-unicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64 | +--ro in-broadcast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64 | +--ro in-multicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64 | +--ro in-errors? oc-yang:counter64 | +--ro in-discards? oc-yang:counter64 | +--ro out-octets? oc-yang:counter64 | +--ro out-pkts? oc-yang:counter64 | +--ro out-unicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64 | +--ro out-broadcast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64 | +--ro out-multicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64 | +--ro out-discards? oc-yang:counter64 | +--ro out-errors? oc-yang:counter64 | +--ro last-clear? oc-types:timeticks64 | +--ro in-unknown-protos? oc-yang:counter64 | +--ro in-fcs-errors? oc-yang:counter64 | +--ro carrier-transitions? oc-yang:counter64 | +--ro resets? oc-yang:counter64 +--rw hold-time | +--rw config | | +--rw up? uint32 | | +--rw down? uint32 | +--ro state | +--ro up? uint32 | +--ro down? uint32 +--rw subinterfaces +--rw subinterface* [index] +--rw index -> ../config/index +--rw config | ... +--ro state ... /opt/openconfig/yang_modules #
Expected example of response
sever@sever:~$ curl http://localhost:5000/restconf/data/openconfig-interfaces:interfaces { "openconfig-interfaces:interfaces": { "interface": [ { "name": "eth0", "config": { "name": "eth0", "mtu": 1504, "description": "WAN interface", "enabled": true } }, ... ] } }
The API MUST be written with the RFC 8040 specification.
The PoC