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Move VyOS configuration syntax from Bash and node.def to XML
Closed, InvalidPublicFEATURE REQUEST


Configuration syntax definition is done in several scattered node.def files within vyatta-wireless. These files are written in Bash and also contain basic input testing and calls to validator and generator scripts.

The VyOS configuration syntax definition needs to go to XML statements which are provable and automatically testable. Coding rules apply: UNKNOWN (see: T513)



Event Timeline

I found an example XML tag config file in vyatta-lldp:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

  <node name="service">
      <node name="lldp" owner="${vyos_sbindir}/">
          <help>LLDP settings</help>
          <tagNode name="interface">
              <help>Location data for interface</help>
                <description>Location data all interfaces</description>
                <description>Location data for a specific interface</description>
                <script> ${vyatta_sbindir}/ --show all </script>
              <leafNode name="disable">
                  <help>Disable lldp on this interface</help>
              <node name="location">
                  <help>LLDP-MED location data [REQUIRED]</help>
                  <node name="civic-based">
                      <help>Civic-based location data</help>
                      <tagNode name="ca-type">
                          <help>LLDP-MED Civic Address type [REQUIRED]</help>
                            <description>National subdivisions</description>
                            <description>County, parish, district</description>
                            <description>City, township</description>
                            <description>City division, borough, ward</description>
                            <description>Neighborhood, block</description>
                            <description>Leading street direction</description>
                            <description>Trailing street suffix</description>
                            <description>Street suffix</description>
                            <description>House number</description>
                            <description>House number suffix</description>
                            <description>Landmark or vanity address</description>
                            <description>Additional location info</description>
                            <description>Postal/ZIP code</description>
                            <description>Room number</description>
                            <description>Place type</description>
                          <constraintErrorMessage>ca-type must between 0-128</constraintErrorMessage>
                            <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-128"/>
                          <leafNode name="ca-value">
                              <help>Civic address value for ca-type [REQUIRED]</help>
                              <constraintErrorMessage>ca-value must be less than 256 characters</constraintErrorMessage>
                                <regex>^[A-Za-z0-9\ \-\_\.\,]{0,255}$</regex>
                      <leafNode name="country-code">
                          <help>Country code [REQUIRED]</help>
                            <description>Two letter ISO 3166 country code</description>
                          <constraintErrorMessage>country-code must be 2 characters</constraintErrorMessage>
                  <node name="coordinate-based">
                      <help>Coordinate based location</help>
                      <leafNode name="altitude">
                          <help>Altitude in meters</help>
                            <description>Altitude in meters</description>
                          <constraintErrorMessage>Altitude should be a positive or negative number</constraintErrorMessage>
                            <validator name="numeric"/>
                      <leafNode name="datum">
                          <help>Coordinate datum type</help>
                            <description>WGS84 (default)</description>
                            <list>WGS84 NAD83 MLLW</list>
                          <constraintErrorMessage>Datum should be WGS84, NAD83, or MLLW</constraintErrorMessage>
                      <leafNode name="latitude">
                          <help>Latitude [REQUIRED]</help>
                            <description>Latitude (example "37.524449N")</description>
                          <constraintErrorMessage>Latitude should be a number followed by S or N</constraintErrorMessage>
                      <leafNode name="longitude">
                          <help>Longitude [REQUIRED]</help>
                            <description>Longitude (example "122.267255W")</description>
                          <constraintErrorMessage>Longiture should be a number followed by E or W</constraintErrorMessage>
          <node name="legacy-protocols">
              <help>Legacy (vendor specific) protocols</help>
              <leafNode name="cdp">
                  <help>Listen for CDP for Cisco routers/switches</help>
              <leafNode name="edp">
                  <help>Listen for EDP for Extreme routers/switches</help>
              <leafNode name="fdp">
                  <help>Listen for FDP for Foundry routers/switches</help>
              <leafNode name="sonmp">
                  <help>Listen for SONMP for Nortel routers/switches</help>
          <leafNode name="management-address">
              <help>IPv4 management address</help>
          <node name="snmp">
              <help>SNMP parameters for LLDP</help>
              <leafNode name="enable">
                  <help>Enable SNMP queries of the LLDP database</help>

@alainlamar nice work digging!

XML interface definitions currently in use can be found here:
Currently only configuration commands are supported. Op mode is lacking an example and I was not able to reverse engineer it from the schema file in


dmbaturin moved this task from Need Triage to Finished on the VyOS 1.2 Crux board.

This is a bit of ubunt's bug #1 by now. ;)

All rewrites of particular components have their own tasks now (e.g. T631). I'm closing it as too broad (I've also renamed the wifi task to better reflect its scope).

Also, op mode is supported now.