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Rewrite the wireless interface configuration in the new style (python + XML)
Closed, DuplicatePublicFEATURE REQUEST


Configuration parsing and hostapd config generation is done in three places within vyatta-wireless:

  • Basic input testing for set interface wireless wlanX ...: Bash code in node.def files in /opt/vyatta/share/vyatta-cfg/templates/interfaces/wireless/
  • Validation of hostapd semantics: /opt/vyatta/sbin/
  • VyOS config parsing and hostapd.conf generation: /opt/vyatta/sbin/

The validatior and generator part needs to go to one Python script. Coding rules apply: Python coding guidelines


  • T452 should have been merged as statement of acceptance for syntax and workflow.


Is it a breaking change?
Unspecified (possibly destroys the router)
Issue type
Internal change (not visible to end users)

Event Timeline

I found an example file in vyatta-lldp:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2017 VyOS maintainers and contributors
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import re
import sys

from vyos.config import Config
from vyos.util import ConfigError

def get_options(config):
    options ={}
    config.set_level('service lldp')
    options['listen_vlan'] = config.exists('listen-vlan')

    options["addr"] = config.return_value('management-address')

    snmp = config.exists('snmp enable')
    options["snmp"] = snmp
    if snmp:
        options["sys_snmp"] = config.exists('service snmp')
        config.set_level('service lldp')

    config.set_level('service lldp legacy-protocols')
    options["cdp"] = config.exists("cdp")
    options["edp"] = config.exists("edp")
    options["fdp"] = config.exists("fdp")
    options["sonmp"] = config.exists("sonmp")
    return options

def get_interface_list(config):
    config.set_level('service lldp')
    intfs_names = config.list_nodes('interface')
    if len(intfs_names) < 0:
        return 0
    interface_list = []
    for name in intfs_names:
        config.set_level("service lldp interface {0}".format(name))
        disable = config.exists('disable')
        intf = {
            "name": name,
            "disable": disable
    return interface_list

def get_location_intf(config, name):
    path = "service lldp interface {0}".format(name)
    if config.exists("location"):
        return 0
    config.set_level("{} location".format(path))
    civic_based = {}
    elin = None
    coordinate_based = {}

    if config.exists('civic-based'):
        config.set_level("{} location civic-based".format(path))
        cc = config.return_value("country-code")
        civic_based["country_code"] = cc
        civic_based["ca_type"] = []
        ca_types_names = config.list_nodes('ca-type')
        if ca_types_names:
            for ca_types_name in ca_types_names:
                config.set_level("{0} location civic-based ca-type {1}".format(path, ca_types_name))
                ca_val = config.return_value('ca-value')
                ca_type = {
                    "name": ca_types_name,
                    "ca_val": ca_val

    elif config.exists("elin"):
        elin = config.return_value("elin")

    elif config.exists("coordinate-based"):
        config.set_level("{} location coordinate-based".format(path))
        alt = config.return_value("altitude")
        lat = config.return_value("latitude")
        long = config.return_value("longitude")
        datum = config.return_value("datum")
        coordinate_based["altitude"] = alt
        coordinate_based["latitude"] = lat
        coordinate_based["longitude"] = long
        coordinate_based["datum"] = datum

    intf = {
        "name": name,
        "civic_based": civic_based,
        "elin": elin,
        "coordinate_based": coordinate_based

    return intf

def get_location(config):
    config.set_level('service lldp')
    intfs_names = config.list_nodes('interface')
    if len(intfs_names) < 0:
        return 0
    if config.exists("disable"):
        return 0
    intfs_location = []
    for name in intfs_names:
        intf = get_location_intf(config, name)
    return intfs_location

def get_config():
    conf = Config()
    options = get_options(conf)
    interface_list = get_interface_list(conf)
    location = get_location(conf)
    lldp = {"options": options, "interface_list": interface_list, "location": location}
    return lldp

def verify(lldp):

    # check location
    for location in lldp["location"]:

        # check civic-based
        if len(location["civic_based"]) > 0:
            if len(location["coordinate_based"]) > 0 or location["elin"]:
                raise ConfigError("Can only configure 1 location type for interface {0}".format(location["name"]))

            # check country-code
            if not location["civic_based"]["country_code"]:
                raise ConfigError("Invalid location for interface {0}: must configure the country code".format(location["name"]))

            if not re.match(r"^[a-zA-Z]{2}$", location["civic_based"]["country_code"]):
                raise ConfigError("Invalid location for interface {0}: country-code must be 2 characters".format(location["name"]))
            # check ca-type
            if len(location["civic_based"]["ca_type"]) < 0:
                raise ConfigError("Invalid location for interface {0}: must define at least 1 ca-type".format(location["name"]))

            for ca_type in location["civic_based"]["ca_type"]:
                if not int(ca_type["name"]) in range(0, 129):
                    raise ConfigError("Invalid location for interface {0}: ca-type must between 0-128".format(location["name"]))

                if not ca_type["ca_val"]:
                    raise ConfigError("Invalid location for interface {0}: must configure the ca-value for ca-type {1}".format(location["name"],ca_type["name"]))

        # check coordinate-based
        elif len(location["coordinate_based"]) > 0:
            # check longitude and latitude
            if not location["coordinate_based"]["longitude"]:
                raise ConfigError("Must define longitude for interface {0}".format(location["name"]))

            if not location["coordinate_based"]["latitude"]:
                raise ConfigError("Must define latitude for interface {0}".format(location["name"]))

            if not re.match(r"^(\d+)(\.\d+)?[nNsS]$", location["coordinate_based"]["latitude"]):
                raise ConfigError("Invalid location for interface {0}: latitude should be a number followed by S or N".format(location["name"]))

            if not re.match(r"^(\d+)(\.\d+)?[eEwW]$", location["coordinate_based"]["longitude"]):
                raise ConfigError("Invalid location for interface {0}: longitude should be a number followed by E or W".format(location["name"]))

            # check altitude and datum if exist
            if location["coordinate_based"]["altitude"]:
                if not re.match(r"^[-+0-9\.]+$", location["coordinate_based"]["altitude"]):
                    raise ConfigError("Invalid location for interface {0}: altitude should be a positive or negative number".format(location["name"]))

            if location["coordinate_based"]["datum"]:
                if not re.match(r"^(WGS84|NAD83|MLLW)$", location["coordinate_based"]["datum"]):
                    raise ConfigError("Invalid location for interface {0}: datum should be WGS84, NAD83, or MLLW".format(location["name"]))

        # check elin
        elif len(location["elin"]) > 0:
            if not re.match(r"^[0-9]{10,25}$", location["elin"]):
                raise ConfigError("Invalid location for interface {0}: ELIN number must be between 10-25 numbers".format(location["name"]))

    # check options
    if lldp["options"]["snmp"]:
        if not lldp["options"]["sys_snmp"]:
            raise ConfigError("SNMP must be configured to enable LLDP SNMP")

def generate(config):

def apply(config):

if __name__ == '__main__':
        c = get_config()
    except ConfigError as e:
alainlamar moved this task from Need Triage to Backlog on the VyOS 1.3 Equuleus board.
alainlamar edited a custom field.
dmbaturin renamed this task from Port configuration validator and parser to Python to Rewrite the wireless interface configuration in the new style (python + XML).May 24 2018, 5:36 PM
dmbaturin moved this task from Need Triage to Wishlist on the VyOS 1.2 Crux board.
dmbaturin moved this task from Finished to Wishlist on the VyOS 1.2 Crux board.
dmbaturin set Is it a breaking change? to Unspecified (possibly destroys the router).Sep 3 2021, 7:32 AM
dmbaturin set Issue type to Internal change (not visible to end users).