I have found problem with starting VyOS router after commiting wrong sequence of configuration set's.
This behavior occurs when we do the example configuration set's in GUI.
set firewall group network-group FW-OUT network ''
set firewall group network-group FW-OUT network ''
next "commit"
VyOS display an error message "set firewall group network-group FW-OUT network ''
set firewall group network-group FW-OUT network '' "
This is correct because network is in a range, but when at this moment I run command "save" this configuration is written in config.boot file. So VyOS apply after commit wrong sets into memory and when I press "save" this configuration is written into config.boot file. Then this VyOS router doesn't start properly because it stops when is parsing configuration file (line by line) after find wrong network definition. In this case is only one problem resolution, after any warnings in commit command we need do command "commit discard" and apply correct set's with GUI then save this configuration. Could you explain this behavior?
Best regards