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nhrp not starting due to missing cisco-authentication value
Confirmed, NormalPublicBUG


nhrp process fails to start with the corresponding logs:

systemd[1]: Starting OpenNHRP...
opennhrp[371721]: opennhrp[371721]: OpenNHRP 0.14-20-g613277f starting
opennhrp[371721]: OpenNHRP 0.14-20-g613277f starting
opennhrp[371721]: opennhrp[371721]: Configuration file syntax error in /run/opennhrp/opennhrp.conf:6, near word '300'
opennhrp[371721]: Configuration file syntax error in /run/opennhrp/opennhrp.conf:6, near word '300'
systemd[1]: opennhrp.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=4/NOPERMISSION
systemd[1]: opennhrp.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
systemd[1]: Failed to start OpenNHRP.

Example configuration causing the issue:

protocols {
    nhrp {
        tunnel tun0 {
            cisco-authentication ""
            holding-time "300"
            multicast "dynamic"
            redirect { }

This is caused by the empty value of the cisco-authentication option that keeps the empty value in /run/opennhrp/opennhrp.conf, while the option shouldn't be added in this case:

# Created by VyOS - manual changes will be overwritten

interface tun100 #hub
    holding-time 300
    multicast dynamic

The correct configuration must look like this:

# Created by VyOS - manual changes will be overwritten

interface tun100 #hub
    holding-time 300
    multicast dynamic


Is it a breaking change?
Unspecified (possibly destroys the router)
Issue type
Bug (incorrect behavior)

Event Timeline

From provided log syntax error in config string 6
‘holding-time 300’

But yes “ cisco-authentication” shouldn’t be without values

From provided log syntax error in config string 6
‘holding-time 300’

But yes “ cisco-authentication” shouldn’t be without values

Unfortunately in this case log is not accurate and doesn't indicate the exact issue. I think it's due to incomplete string 5 (cisco-authentication) affecting string 6 (holding-time). After tests, it's confirmed that everything works as expected when there is no option cisco-authentication with a blank value.

Here is the string that is responsible for generating cisco-authentication for nhrp config file. As I could understand, the "vyos_defined" doesn't operate as expected and we need to figure out why this function is ignoring "none" value

e.khudiyev changed Is it a breaking change? from Perfectly compatible to Unspecified (possibly destroys the router).
n.fort changed the task status from Open to Needs testing.Jun 10 2022, 6:13 PM

Since in previous version set protocols nhrp tunnel tun0 cisco-authentication "" was allowed, a migration script is required. Otherwise, when upgrading, configuration fails.

Re opening this task. Migration script needs to be added.

syncer triaged this task as Normal priority.Jul 24 2023, 11:08 PM
syncer moved this task from Open to In Progress on the VyOS 1.4 Sagitta board.

@n.fort Which migration are you expecting here?