It seems that show configuration json in operational mode and show | json in configuration mode do not represent multi-value configuration nodes in the same way. For example, given the config:
interfaces { ethernet eth0 { address dhcp address dhcpv6 } ethernet eth1 { address dhcp } }
show configuration json (op mode) returns:
{ "interfaces": { "ethernet": { "eth0": { "address": [ "dhcp", "dhcpv6" ] }, "eth1": { "address": [ "dhcp" ] } } } }
while show | json (config mode) returns:
{ "interfaces": { "ethernet": { "eth0": { "address": [ "dhcp", "dhcpv6" ] }, "eth1": { "address": "dhcp" } } } }
The config mode is representing single values as just a string instead of a 1-element array. It seems to me that operational mode's output is more consistent (always an array).
Is this difference in behavior expected? Is it possible to fix without breaking compatibility?