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vif comments was crashing SNMPD
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VIF comments were crashing SNMPD....


Difficulty level
Easy (less than an hour)

Event Timeline

This is the what was causing Vyos 1.1.16 to crash... those comments....

vif 200 {
     description "Alex Kargin - vlan 200"
 vif 201 {
     description "ABC Routing - vlan 201"
 vif 202 {
     description "anton - vlan 202"
 vif 203 {
     description "Yaro - vlan 203"
 vif 206 {
     description "Dima - Fishing"
 vif 222 {
     description "Car wash"
 vif 223 {
     description "Alik/Dima - India 8U"
 vif 225 {
     description "Alik Temporary - 16IP"
 vif 230 {
     description "Suraj Client - VLAN 230"
     firewall {
         out {
             name vlan230-block-ssh
 vif 240 {
     description "Yaro - .15"

This is actually fixed the crash of snmpd

set interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 230 description "Suraj VLAN 230"
set interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 225 description "Alik VLAN 225"
set interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 223 description "Aman VLAN 223"
set interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 222 description "Pond VLAN 222"

I am also getting a lot of errors like this:
snmpd[4397]: truncating integer value > 32 bits

right before the crash....

may be this is related:

this is my interface counters:

$ show interface counters
Interface Rx Packets Rx Bytes Tx Packets Tx Bytes
eth0 8044079707659 1000142816026174 8330870754486 1265600619373869
eth0.2 0 0 69487 2918898
eth0.10 3327261351333 297727921925767 3936084293829 460037100377735
eth0.20 349421189367 23908318881084 523264349913 56842815761642
eth0.30 1543205822028 254336540916229 1319340986626 339187323237016
eth0.40 2629668479111 254047067361169 2350588101895 374023187517890
eth0.50 192990593146 57436761490230 176907934138 34033698146574
eth1 8620950369470 1300221189278948 8332115085974 1029153550482836
eth1.200 60412544087 102745395855326 51609989034 4321311154916
eth1.201 2035488675192 182152516046378 2029621511685 208810482057724
eth1.202 12815426070 12746180023052 11270400561 1772422693611
eth1.203 14445947250 4151708467911 16671623894 10698505645293
eth1.206 824153954045 122035523417852 617953921995 53016698644725
eth1.222 163412444 11976523008 181495945 15143294018
eth1.223 2299349078637 515230880948364 2247924655994 469063527711127
eth1.225 76703628 46082711057 66277538 9374542834
eth1.230 2931641264517 204994519437578 2935651751995 244329035632378
eth1.240 415114075685 34173009458359 416675454103 36866142849681
lo 9700012 609923595 9700012 609923595

You can send me a debug build of snmpd and I am willing to run it

syncer subscribed.

try on latest nightlies from

It is running on 1.1.7

Version: VyOS 1.1.7
Description: VyOS 1.1.7 (helium)
Uptime: 11:56:51 up 64 days, 22:36

Last time problems have started about 350 days after restart. We have to wait 300 more days to see if it is fixed.


This bug costed me about $10k in overage charges, because of down SNMPD. So no smiley faces please..... it hurts.....

syncer lowered the priority of this task from Urgent! to Low.Aug 1 2017, 2:40 AM

Lowering priority and removing it from backlog
this require more testing and more info