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`show snmp mib ifmib` crashes with IndexError
Closed, ResolvedPublic


After run command show snmp mib ifmib and lspci not returned values script crashed

lo:     ifIndex = 1
        ifAlias = lo
        ifDescr = lo
eth0:   ifIndex = 2
        ifAlias = OUTSIDE
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/libexec/vyos/op_mode/", line 126, in <module>
  File "/usr/libexec/vyos/op_mode/", line 82, in show_ifdescr
    vendor = string[3]
IndexError: list index out of range

Returned values

sudo cat /sys/class/net/eth0/device/vendor
sudo cat /sys/class/net/eth0/device/device
/usr/bin/lspci -mm -d 0x1af4:0x0001

needs add additional check


Is it a breaking change?
Unspecified (possibly destroys the router)

Event Timeline

Unknown Object (User) created this task.Aug 10 2019, 7:42 PM
Unknown Object (User) created this object in space S1 VyOS Public.
Unknown Object (User) updated the task description. (Show Details)
Unknown Object (User) changed the task status from Open to Needs testing.Nov 28 2019, 12:27 PM
Unknown Object (User) claimed this task.
Unknown Object (User) added a project: VyOS 1.2 Crux (VyOS 1.2.4).
Unknown Object (User) set Is it a breaking change? to Unspecified (possibly destroys the router).
Unknown Object (User) added a comment.Nov 28 2019, 12:32 PM

This patch successfully tested on VyOS 1.2.3

vyos@vyos# run show snmp mib ifmib 
lo:     ifIndex = 1
        ifAlias = lo
        ifDescr = lo
eth0:   ifIndex = 2
        ifAlias = eth0
        ifDescr =  
eth1:   ifIndex = 3
        ifAlias = eth1
        ifDescr =  
eth2:   ifIndex = 4
        ifAlias = eth2
        ifDescr =  
eth3:   ifIndex = 5
        ifAlias = eth3
        ifDescr =
syncer closed this task as Unknown Status.Jan 1 2020, 1:02 PM
syncer reassigned this task from Unknown Object (User) to jestabro.
syncer triaged this task as Normal priority.
syncer moved this task from Need Triage to Finished on the VyOS 1.3 Equuleus board.
jestabro changed the task status from Unknown Status to Resolved.Jul 12 2020, 2:52 PM
jestabro moved this task from Needs Triage to Finished on the VyOS 1.2 Crux (VyOS 1.2.6) board.
erkin renamed this task from `show snmp mib ifmib` crashed to `show snmp mib ifmib` crashes with IndexError.Sep 9 2020, 1:00 PM