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syslog systemd and race condition
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG


May 21 22:40:23 pppoe-server systemd[1]: rsyslog.service start request repeated too quickly, refusing to start.
May 21 22:40:23 pppoe-server systemd[1]: Failed to start System Logging Service.
May 21 22:40:23 pppoe-server systemd[1]: Unit rsyslog.service entered failed state.

It is started via vyos-router config since the config prepares the rsyslog config file.


Is it a breaking change?
Unspecified (possibly destroys the router)

Event Timeline

start via systemd is required, otherwise if disabled systemd dependency craps out.

Jun 17 16:57:53 vyos sudo[1417]: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/libexec/vyos/conf_mode/
Jun 17 16:57:53 vyos sudo[1417]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
Jun 17 16:57:53 vyos systemd[1]: Stopping System Logging Service...

Jun 17 16:57:53 vyos systemd[1]: Starting System Logging Service...

Jun 17 16:57:53 vyos systemd[1]: rsyslog.service start request repeated too quickly, refusing to start.
Jun 17 16:57:53 vyos systemd[1]: Failed to start System Logging Service.

Jun 17 16:57:53 vyos systemd[1]: Unit syslog.socket entered failed state.
Jun 17 16:57:53 vyos systemd[1]: Unit rsyslog.service entered failed state.

Looks like an issue with calling the script. has "os.system("systemctl restart rsyslog.service")" which causes the race condition at boot time.

hagbard renamed this task from syslog is being started via systemd and should not to syslog systemd and race condition.Jun 17 2019, 6:06 PM
dmbaturin set Is it a breaking change? to Unspecified (possibly destroys the router).