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Enable Google BBR support at kernel compile time
Closed, ResolvedPublicFEATURE REQUEST


Google BBR support comes builtin in kernel > 4.9 but needs to be enabled at compile time.

In VyOS to enable it just modify packages/vyos-kernel/arch/x86/configs/x86_64_vyos_defconfig

around line 940 uncomment


and set it


Then in VyOS you can switch to BBR by simply issuing system sysctl config commands



Event Timeline

Hmm, please enligthen me. Google BBR is a new way to handle congesition instead of the traditional way tcp deals with it. This functionallity needs to be enabled in the end host systems starting the tcp session to have any impact on troughput and congestion control.. as vyos is a router and are not responsible to start tcp sessions on behalf of any end system, what is the benefit of adding this functionallity?

c-po changed the task status from Open to In progress.Nov 24 2018, 3:10 PM
c-po claimed this task.
c-po triaged this task as Low priority.
In T1019#26665, @runar wrote:

Hmm, please enligthen me. Google BBR is a new way to handle congesition instead of the traditional way tcp deals with it. This functionallity needs to be enabled in the end host systems starting the tcp session to have any impact on troughput and congestion control.. as vyos is a router and are not responsible to start tcp sessions on behalf of any end system, what is the benefit of adding this functionallity?

Its is useful if you are starting a TCP session from the vyos for example when doing VPN.