Oct 12 2024
Jul 12 2023
Apr 13 2023
Thanks for clarifying. Yes , I also saw the possibility of extending role based IAM to add on-premise image (that could be interesting for VyOS).
- In order to apply SSM auto-configuration of the CloudWatch agent, an SSM agent must be installed that installs the CloudWatch agent with the necessary configuration. Currently, there is no SSM agent inside VyOS AWS images, and I haven't heard anything about willingness to include it.
- The amazon-cloudwatch-agent package has only one dependency, libc6. Therefore, it does not need the aws-cli to be configured or set up at all.
- Granting access to the CloudWatch service from an EC2 instance is done by applying the corresponding IAM role to the instance. While it is possible to do this via manual credential input, it is an unwanted practice inside AWS.
- The possible scenario of sending data to CloudWatch out of AWS is unique and requires another Phorge task, I think.
@unity when you need AWS credential , will they be automatically deployed from SSM or will we have to add those credentials in the virtual machine? ? shouldn't aws-cli be integrated?
Apr 12 2023
I've created the PR https://github.com/vyos/vyos-documentation/pull/987 as a temporary explanation for users on how to preserve CloudWatch Agent configuration in a semi-automated way, using the SSM Parameter Store.
Apr 10 2023
Notice. Initially this task was about monitoring scripts but they were deprecated. Then aws-cloudwatch-agent emerged.
aws-cloudwatch-agent was successfully added to vyos-build:equuleus. But cloudwatch configuration preservation between image updates is not.
This task was closed mistakenly prematurely thus should be reopen.
Requires some additional work
we need to preserve configuration between upgrade
alternatively, we need to investigate if default config can be used with VM role
Apr 5 2023
Mar 31 2023
PR for VyOS 1.3 https://github.com/vyos/vyos-build/pull/330
Building from source always results in:
Mar 30 2023
Aug 29 2022
Nov 6 2021
Sep 10 2021
Sep 4 2021
Sep 3 2021
Aug 31 2021
Jan 27 2021
Apr 30 2020
Nov 12 2019
Oct 19 2019
This works as expected
I'm still having an issue with using build-ami to create an AMI in us-gov-west-1.
Jun 4 2019
All you need for ssh keys to work for AMI is to add cloud-init package in configure step:
May 30 2019
build-ami is working for me if I remove disable-password-authentication from the config template and add in a password into the config template. I have come across another issue though. I was able to get it to work in us-east-1 and us-east-2, but I can't deploy into us-gov-west-1. First problem was it couldn't find a debian-jessie image but that was solved by changing the owner from 379101102735 to 256493402735. Now it's throwing an 401 when attempting to list all subnets. I'm guessing that the python code pulled from ansible is configured for a specific region or the cli command used in GovCloud is slightly different. Either way it's not working.
Apr 20 2019
I wasn't aware that there was an aws target for the vyos-build scripts.
@spectre3500 Now that I think of it, did you build it with build-ami or the AWS target of the vyos-build scripts?
...oh, and remove "disable-password-authentication" from the SSH settings of course.
I wonder if this issue will ever stop re-occuring. Every time it happens, it's for some new reason. I think this time it may be related to ongoing work of @Unicron.
Apr 19 2019
I'm also experiencing the same issue with vyos-1.2.0-rolling-201904190439. I was able to create the ami using the build-ami playbooks, but when launched I could not login using the keypair. Is there a fix for this or a workaround?
Dec 21 2018
Dec 14 2018
added the patch! thanks
Dec 10 2018
I found an AMI I had built from 1.1.8 back on July 7th. I can create functional 1.1.8 instances from that, so it looks to be something unique to 1.2.0, but I can't say for sure because I don't have a working way to build 1.1.8 AMIs currently. The 1.1.8 playbooks rely on modules that have been removed from Ansible, so I would have to rewrite them or downgrade my ansible install.
Dec 8 2018
Also tried 1.2.0-rolling-201812080337. My best guess is that its not copying the SSH key into the system properly to allow the vyos user to login, as the system responds, accepts the username, rejects the key then disconnects with no further auth method.
I tried the build with 1.2.0-rc9 and rc10 with the same results. The instance boots up without issue, but rejects any login attempts with the SSH key the instance was launched with. The error it gets back suggests its not configured for key or password login, or any other method for some reason.
Dec 5 2018
Dec 3 2018
I forgot to fetch commits for the latest build-ami version when submitted report.
Now I confirms that problem exists in the latest version with the last commit:
Dec 1 2018
@UnicronNL can you explain right way to create 1.2 ami
Nov 30 2018
This is great an very important feature for AWS since they introduced very cheap and advanced t3 instances.
Nov 27 2018
Nov 23 2018
Thank you!
@m.tremer added the patch, thanks... was under the impression cloud-init added the user as it is stated as default user, but clearly it does not.
Isn't that how Open Source is supposed to work? :)