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- User Since
- Jul 7 2017, 11:29 AM (401 w, 6 d)
Jul 18 2019
These are default VyOS installations without any modifications other than to the running configuration. During these recordings I set IP address, duplex, and speed on eth0, set a static route, hostname, and ntp, time, and dhcp server configurations. While doing so, I used ? to enumerate possible configuration paths and [tab] for CLI completion to hopefully illuminate the latency in these operations.
Jul 15 2019
Thanks! Here you go!
Jul 11 2019
Neither have configurations on them. However, CLI response time when a configuration is loaded is even slower on 1.2.1-s2. Of course, no perceptible impact on 1.1.8.
Jul 8 2019
Neither the CPU or memory load ever exceeds 0.5% utilization while idling. I haven't tested whether throughput or control plane timings have been impacted.
Jul 2 2019
Jun 21 2019
Jun 20 2019
May 22 2019
There are many complexities with our deployments that force our hand for acceptable configuration paradigms. It might make more sense to discuss this directly via email like we did for the DHCP VTI/VPN features/bug fixes that are included in 1.2.1.
Our use case requires that the SSH listener be a public IP address (no NAT), of which we only get the one on the DHCP interface. As such, your suggestion will not work for us.
Feb 7 2019
Received the following commit error:
Ah, I misread, my apologies. Let me try.
Feb 5 2019
No. The configuration 'dhcp-interface' and 'local-address' are mutually exclusive , so attempting to commit a configuration with both results in a commit error.
Jan 19 2019
Absolutely -- I'll test it next week!
Jan 16 2019
That’s correct, when deleting disable from the interface config. Additionally, It doesn’t seem like dhclient gets triggered when a physical interface is unplugged then plugged back into that same port, but should receive a new address as a different dhcp serving a different dinner is available
Jan 15 2019
Yes, no issues on either DHCP server. All other clients on the network perform as expected.
Jan 14 2019
Jan 9 2019
Jan 7 2019
Jul 20 2017
1 hour is incredibly short, I agree. However, in some cases we are unable to change this parameter as I don't control the device.
DHCP lease is 1 hour. Is there a lower/upper bounds that DHCP leases should stay inside of?