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Syntax error in "monitor traffic interface filter"
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG


In VyOS 1.2.0 RC3 the following error occures:

vyos@vyos-test01:~$ monitor traffic interface eth1 filter "host"
tcpdump: syntax error

But not all filters are affected. The following works:

vyos@vyos-test01:~$ monitor traffic interface eth1 filter "icmp"

The same filter in tcpdump works:

sudo tcpdump -i eth1 "host"


Difficulty level
Unknown (require assessment)
Why the issue appeared?
Will be filled on close

Event Timeline

syncer triaged this task as Normal priority.Oct 24 2018, 4:38 PM
syncer edited projects, added VyOS 1.2 Crux (VyOS 1.2.0-rc5); removed VyOS 1.2 Crux.
dmbaturin claimed this task.
dmbaturin moved this task from Needs Triage to Finished on the VyOS 1.2 Crux (VyOS 1.2.0-rc5) board.
dmbaturin subscribed.

Indeed, the original script only took the first word, rather than all words after "filter".