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Import route-map configuration not applied for IPv4 peer-groups
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG


When defining BGP peer-groups, I've noticed that the current config CLI is failing to set the import route map when address-family is ipv4-unicast. The export route map is defined correctly, and both import and export route-maps are defined correctly when working on an ipv6-unicast peer group.

I am able to consistently reproduce this error using the below config:

set protocols bgp ASN peer-group INTERNAL_V4 address-family ipv4-unicast nexthop-self
set protocols bgp ASN peer-group INTERNAL_V4 address-family ipv4-unicast route-map export 'RR-INTERNAL-EXPORT-V4'
set protocols bgp ASN peer-group INTERNAL_V4 address-family ipv4-unicast route-map import 'RR-INTERNAL-IMPORT-V4'
set protocols bgp ASN peer-group INTERNAL_V4 address-family ipv4-unicast soft-reconfiguration inbound
set protocols bgp ASN peer-group INTERNAL_V4 disable-connected-check
set protocols bgp ASN peer-group INTERNAL_V4 remote-as 'ASN'
set protocols bgp ASN peer-group INTERNAL_V4 update-source 'x.x.x.x'

set protocols bgp ASN peer-group INTERNAL_V6 address-family ipv6-unicast nexthop-self
set protocols bgp ASN peer-group INTERNAL_V6 address-family ipv6-unicast route-map export 'RR-INTERNAL-EXPORT-V6'
set protocols bgp ASN peer-group INTERNAL_V6 address-family ipv6-unicast route-map import 'RR-INTERNAL-IMPORT-V6'
set protocols bgp ASN peer-group INTERNAL_V6 address-family ipv6-unicast soft-reconfiguration inbound
set protocols bgp ASN peer-group INTERNAL_V6 disable-connected-check
set protocols bgp ASN peer-group INTERNAL_V6 remote-as 'ASN'
set protocols bgp ASN peer-group INTERNAL_V6 update-source 'x:x::x'

set protocols bgp ASN neighbor y.y.y.y peer-group 'INTERNAL_V4'

set protocols bgp ASN neighbor y:y::y peer-group 'INTERNAL_V6'

The CLI shows the following after commiting the above:

peer-group INTERNAL_V4 {
    address-family {
        ipv4-unicast {
            route-map {
                export RR-INTERNAL-EXPORT-V4
            soft-reconfiguration {
    capability {
    remote-as ASN
    update-source x.x.x.x
peer-group INTERNAL_V6 {
    address-family {
        ipv6-unicast {
            route-map {
                export RR-INTERNAL-EXPORT-V6
                import RR-INTERNAL-IMPORT-V6
            soft-reconfiguration {
    remote-as ASN
    update-source x:x::x

If I then attempt to add the missing import route-map, I see the following error:

Configuration path: [protocols bgp ASN peer-group INTERNAL_V4 address-family ipv4-unicast route-map import RR-INTERNAL-IMPORT-V4] already exists

To fix, I then have to:

delete protocols bgp ASN peer-group INTERNAL_V4 address-family ipv4-unicast route-map import RR-INTERNAL-IMPORT-V4
set protocols bgp ASN peer-group INTERNAL_V4 address-family ipv4-unicast route-map import RR-INTERNAL-IMPORT-V4



Event Timeline

syncer triaged this task as Normal priority.Oct 20 2018, 10:00 PM
syncer edited projects, added VyOS 1.2 Crux (VyOS 1.2.0-rc5); removed VyOS 1.2 Crux.

Indeed, I missed one command when adjusting the script for the new syntax!

Should be fine now:

dmbaturin@vyos# set protocols bgp 64793 peer-group TEST5 address-family ipv4-unicast route-map import Test
dmbaturin@vyos# set protocols bgp 64793 peer-group TEST5 address-family ipv4-unicast route-map export Foo
dmbaturin@vyos# commit
dmbaturin@vyos# vtysh -c 'sh run'|grep TEST5
 neighbor TEST5 peer-group
  neighbor TEST5 activate
  neighbor TEST5 route-map Test in
  neighbor TEST5 route-map Foo out
dmbaturin claimed this task.