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Configuration path: ... is not valid
Closed, InvalidPublicBUG


Update: Re-opening, seems a broader issue. Any ideas what it could be / cause?


New 1.2.0 user here. I assume the below error is a bug?

Best regards

vyos@vyos# set system host‐name

  Configuration path: system [host‐name] is not valid

Update: I was now able to set a new host-name. When I logged in from a different machine it miraculously worked and the error message disappeared. Still assuming there is something wrong here, somewhere?



Event Timeline

cpo@LR1:~$ configure
cpo@LR1# set system host-name foo
cpo@LR1# run show version
Version:          VyOS 1.2.0-rolling+201807022212
cpo@LR1# show system host-name
>host-name foo
cpo@LR1# commit

Works like a charm, at least with the version two days ago.

Update: I was now able to set a new host-name. When I logged in from a different machine it miraculously worked and the error message disappeared. Still assuming there is something wrong here, somewhere?

Worked here now as well. Not sure what the problem was/is - this was a fresh install.

Please re-open if issue should occur again

Couldn't reproduce on a fresh VM so this must have been a singular anomaly ;)

binaryanomaly renamed this task from Configuration path: system [host‐name] is not valid to Configuration path: ... is not valid.EditedJul 4 2018, 4:27 PM
binaryanomaly updated the task description. (Show Details)

Just had it here

vyos@er01# set system domain‐name localdomain

  Configuration path: system [domain‐name] is not valid
  Set failed

Retried a few times and then it worked. What could that be?

vyos@er01# set system domain-name localdomain

May these entries in /var/log/vyatta/vyatta-commit.log be related?

[ interfaces ethernet eth0 duplex auto ]
Cannot set new settings: Invalid argument
  not setting autoneg

[ interfaces ethernet eth1 duplex auto ]
Cannot set new settings: Invalid argument
  not setting autoneg

My guess it that something is wrong with your terminal or you have some weird unprintable characters in it.

What hardware/virtualizer are you running on?

The host is Debian9 with KVM. I have a few VMs running there, never had a comparable issue.

I connect either from a Laptop with Debian9 or my Macbook Pro with iTerm via SSH.

I just observed that I had these famous "kernel:[ ] Uhhuh. NMI received for unknown reason xx on CPU y." messages on the VM. Seems to be a common problem with the Q35 chipset in KVM. I suspect that this may have also caused the erratic behavior in VyOS. I'm now back on i440 and will close the bug until it occurs again.