NAT checking translation address is an expensive operation
For hundred rules the commit time ~8min
time commit real 8m17.280s user 0m5.896s sys 0m6.912s
but without this check only 33 sec
# time commit real 0m33.802s user 0m5.816s sys 0m6.842s
Check was commented:
addr = dict_search('translation.address', config) # if addr != None and addr != 'masquerade' and not is_ip_network(addr): # for ip in addr.split('-'): # if not is_addr_assigned(ip): # Warning(f'IP address {ip} does not exist on the system!')
Affects only NAT changes (source NAT)
If change other options commit seems good
The NAT rules a mix of unassigned IP/ranges
set nat source rule 1 source address set nat source rule 1 translation address '' set nat source rule 2 source address set nat source rule 2 translation address '' set nat source rule 3 source address set nat source rule 3 translation address '' set nat source rule 4 source address set nat source rule 4 translation address '' ...