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ntp: support hardware timestamp offload and other mechanisms to improve accuracy
In progress, LowPublic


Now that we are using Chrony, there are a lot of interesting options and optimizations that can be leveraged to improve the accuracy of time synchronization.

The main focus of this ticket would be the "hwtimestamp" option (see, which enables Chrony to use functionality present in many NICs (particularly Intel), that can record the exact timestamp the NTP packet was received or sent by the NIC. This could especially make a difference on more heavily loaded systems, where there might be some variance in how long packets sit in the kernel queues, etc.

Goal would be to expose this functionality such that two Vyos instances on the local network can synchronize with each other using the higher accuracy afforded by the timestamp offload. Non-Vyos linux systems on the network could also benefit.


Is it a breaking change?
Unspecified (possibly destroys the router)
Issue type
Feature (new functionality)

Event Timeline

lucasec created this object in space S1 VyOS Public.