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Remove all unused container images that has been downloaded
Open, WishlistPublic


I have been trying different containers here and there, and updating existing ones. one thing I noticed that VyOS retains the old container images even after deleting the container config. Further to that, when updating an image, the old one also remains on the system which can take quiet a lot of storage space. Currently, there is a command to remove all images, so logically it would be nice to have an additional command to remove specifically all unused container images.


Difficulty level
Unknown (require assessment)
Why the issue appeared?
Will be filled on close
Is it a breaking change?
Perfectly compatible
Issue type
Feature (new functionality)

Event Timeline

HappyShr00m triaged this task as Wishlist priority.
HappyShr00m created this object in space S1 VyOS Public.

It will delete all unused images
Did you try this command, as the command does not work?

Which original podman command are you expecting?

It will delete all unused images
Did you try this command, as the command does not work?

Which original podman command are you expecting?

you mean the command
'delete container image all' ?

I have not used it since I thought it would delete even running instances or stop them. if it doesn't, then may I suggest adding a description to the command to indicate that it will not impact the running containers. thanks

I have not used it since I thought it would delete even running instances or stop them. if it doesn't, then may I suggest adding a description to the command to indicate that it will not impact the running containers. thanks

It should not affect running container images.
Try it on some test instance.

I have not used it since I thought it would delete even running instances or stop them. if it doesn't, then may I suggest adding a description to the command to indicate that it will not impact the running containers. thanks

It should not affect running container images.
Try it on some test instance.

alright yes, it works as needed. thanks