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Add option to set custom HTTP headers in reverse-proxy responses
Closed, ResolvedPublicFEATURE REQUEST


Add the option to set custom HTTP headers in reverse-proxy responses.

This would require adding additional configuration options to set custom headers in both frontend and backend nodes.
A key usage of this feature is the ability to set the HSTS header when using VyOS reverse-proxy to terminate SSL.

Example of VyOS configuration:

set load-balancing reverse-proxy backend web-bk-01 http-response-headers Proxy-Backend-ID value web-bk-01
set load-balancing reverse-proxy service https-frontend http-response-headers Strict-Transport-security value 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains;'


Difficulty level
Unknown (require assessment)
Why the issue appeared?
Will be filled on close
Is it a breaking change?
Perfectly compatible
Issue type
Improvement (missing useful functionality)

Event Timeline

Embezzle changed the task status from Open to In progress.
Embezzle claimed this task.
syncer triaged this task as Normal priority.May 19 2024, 7:43 PM
Embezzle changed the task status from In progress to Needs testing.May 23 2024, 7:50 PM

Tested as working in: 1.5-rolling-202405240020