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Drop unused Python imports
Closed, ResolvedPublicFEATURE REQUEST


~/vyos-1x [current] # git ls-files *.py | xargs pylint | grep W0611 | wc -l

The current codebase has 231 unused python module imports - clean them up.

In addition add a GitHub action running this command for every pull request, as it's to slow for every make run.


Is it a breaking change?
Perfectly compatible
Issue type
Performance optimization

Related Objects

Mentioned In
rVYOSONEX6954288ea6b1: smoketest: T6199: remove redundant code when unpacking Kernel GZ config
rVYOSONEXc30c8cf63f59: Merge pull request #3437 from vyos/mergify/bp/sagitta/pr-3435
rVYOSONEXc028c02330ce: T6199: remove unused Python pip files
rVYOSONEXa1aa0a8a663e: T6199: remove unused Python pip files
rVYOSONEX7d035fe85624: Merge pull request #3435 from c-po/cleanup-pipfile
rVYOSONEXc37bbccf18b8: Merge pull request #3391 from vyos/mergify/bp/sagitta/pr-3390
rVYOSONEX387e23e2806a: smoketest: T6199: remove redundant code when unpacking Kernel GZ config
rVYOSONEX50eb645be7a5: smoketest: T6199: remove redundant code when unpacking Kernel GZ config
rVYOSONEX6bcb201a0e7e: smoketest: T6199: remove redundant code when unpacking Kernel GZ config
rVYOSONEX986743cd67f5: Merge pull request #3390 from c-po/kernel-smoketest
rVYOSONEX98d6fdffeae4: Merge pull request #3284 from vyos/mergify/bp/sagitta/pr-3283
rVYOSONEXde1afd1cfe39: T6199: add missing build dependency
rVYOSONEX8e2330fed648: T6199: add missing build dependency
rVYOSONEXb136fa67c493: Merge pull request #3267 from vyos/mergify/bp/sagitta/pr-3266
rVYOSONEXf0721260fd6b: Merge pull request #3261 from vyos/mergify/bp/sagitta/pr-3260
rVYOSONEXb9ee31f23b72: T6199: start validating smoketests against real CLI defaultValues
rVYOSONEXd9d2e9c8ead2: T6199: start validating smoketests against real CLI defaultValues
rVYOSONEX4f8eeee98e49: Merge pull request #3266 from c-po/spring-cleaning-4
rVYOSONEX98a25837ff39: Debian: T6199: add pylint do list of build dependencies
rVYOSONEX289c5ea60c80: T6199: remove unused Python imports from migration scripts
rVYOSONEX42bf9e62ad05: Debian: T6199: add pylint do list of build dependencies
rVYOSONEX71786307eed6: Debian: T6199: add pylint do list of build dependencies
rVYOSONEX0a129c32a2fb: T6199: remove unused Python imports from migration scripts
rVYOSONEX489e6fababa6: T6199: remove unused Python imports from migration scripts
rVYOSONEXe60e2ea6d951: Merge pull request #3260 from c-po/spring-cleaning-3
rVYOSONEXebf587c482c5: Merge pull request #3247 from vyos/mergify/bp/sagitta/pr-3246
rVYOSONEX7589e1da8ca6: T6199: drop unused Python imports from graphql source
rVYOSONEX9b4a3bc54ec6: T6199: drop unused Python imports from graphql source
rVYOSONEX3099c96ab7db: Merge pull request #3246 from c-po/spring-cleaning-2
rVYOSONEX86f793fcb2c6: T6199: replace netifaces.interfaces() with common custom helpers
rVYOSONEX9305f615e55c: T6199: drop unused sphinx documentation folder
rVYOSONEX3ea68d648581: T6199: drop unused Python imports
rVYOSONEX7f077a0dfc41: Merge pull request #3241 from c-po/spring-cleaning-sagitta
rVYOSONEX86b632874288: T6199: drop unused sphinx documentation folder
rVYOSONEX4c7c168fe970: T6199: replace netifaces.interfaces() with common custom helpers
rVYOSONEX274b2da242ac: T6199: drop unused Python imports
rVYOSONEXd4b53a38359d: Merge pull request #3240 from c-po/spring-cleaning

Event Timeline

c-po changed the task status from Open to In progress.
c-po claimed this task.
c-po edited a custom field.
c-po changed Is it a breaking change? from Unspecified (possibly destroys the router) to Perfectly compatible.
c-po changed Issue type from Unspecified (please specify) to Performance optimization.
c-po triaged this task as Low priority.
c-po moved this task from Need Triage to Finished on the VyOS 1.4 Sagitta (1.4.0-epa3) board.
c-po moved this task from In Progress to Finished on the VyOS 1.5 Circinus board.
dmbaturin renamed this task from spring cleaning - drop unused Python imports to Drop unused Python imports.May 11 2024, 5:51 PM
dmbaturin removed a project: VyOS 1.5 Circinus.