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static-route option breaks DHCP server
Needs reporter action, NormalPublicBUG


Currently running 1.5-rolling-202401161743 (and didn't see any new commits addressing this since then), but the DHCP static-route option seems to be broken:

[edit service dhcp-server shared-network-name TRUSTED_WIRED_2 subnet]
user@fw1# set option static-route next-hop
user@fw1# commit

This generates the following config:

        "option-def": [
                "name": "rfc3442-static-route",
                "code": 121,
                "type": "record",
                "array": true,
                "record-types": "uint8,uint8,uint8,uint8,uint8,uint8,uint8,uint8"
                "name": "windows-static-route",
                "code": 249,
                "type": "record",
                "array": true,
                "record-types": "uint8,uint8,uint8,uint8,uint8,uint8,uint8,uint8"
        "name": "TRUSTED_WIRED_2",
        "authoritative": false,
        "subnet4": [
                "subnet": "",
                "id": 132,
                "option-data": [
                        "name": "domain-name-servers",
                        "data": ","
                        "name": "domain-name",
                        "data": ""
                        "name": "routers",
                        "data": ""
                        "name": "rfc3442-static-route",
                        "data": "16,10,42,10,42,132,1, 0,10,42,132,1"
                        "name": "windows-static-route",
                        "data": "16,10,42,10,42,132,1"
                "valid-lifetime": 86400,
                "max-valid-lifetime": 86400,
                "pools": [
                        "pool": " -"

This config is missing info and causes Kea to fail to start:

Feb  9 16:48:49 fw1 kea-dhcp4[351623]: 2024-02-09 16:48:49.217 ERROR [kea-dhcp4.dhcp4/351623.140241652218304] DHCP4_PARSER_FAIL failed to create or run parser for configuration element shared-networks: option data does not match option definition (space: dhcp4, code: 249): number of data fields for the option type '249' is greater than number of values provided. (/run/kea/kea-dhcp4.conf:565:33)
Feb  9 16:48:49 fw1 kea-dhcp4[351623]: 2024-02-09 16:48:49.218 ERROR [kea-dhcp4.dhcp4/351623.140241652218304] DHCP4_CONFIG_LOAD_FAIL configuration error using file: /run/kea/kea-dhcp4.conf, reason: option data does not match option definition (space: dhcp4, code: 249): number of data fields for the option type '249' is greater than number of values provided. (/run/kea/kea-dhcp4.conf:565:33)
Feb  9 16:48:49 fw1 kea-dhcp4[351623]: 2024-02-09 16:48:49.218 ERROR [kea-dhcp4.dhcp4/351623.140241652218304] DHCP4_INIT_FAIL failed to initialize Kea server: configuration error using file '/run/kea/kea-dhcp4.conf': option data does not match option definition (space: dhcp4, code: 249): number of data fields for the option type '249' is greater than number of values provided. (/run/kea/kea-dhcp4.conf:565:33)

Doesn't seem to have changed in the past few weeks, but I'm not 100% sure why it's not generating enough info for the windows-static-route bit. Current branch as of today:


Is it a breaking change?
Perfectly compatible
Issue type
Bug (incorrect behavior)

Event Timeline

Viacheslav triaged this task as Normal priority.Feb 10 2024, 8:18 AM
natali-rs1985 changed the task status from Open to In progress.Nov 4 2024, 11:31 AM
natali-rs1985 claimed this task.
dmbaturin renamed this task from 1.5 Rolling - DHCP Option Failures - windows-static-route to static-route option breaks DHCP server.Nov 7 2024, 5:32 PM
dmbaturin changed Is it a breaking change? from Unspecified (possibly destroys the router) to Perfectly compatible.
Viacheslav changed the task status from In progress to Needs reporter action.Nov 8 2024, 8:31 AM
Viacheslav subscribed.

Needs testing, will be fixed in the next rolling release