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Support for custom firewall-services/ports
Open, WishlistPublicFEATURE REQUEST


I'm sorry if this has been asked already or is already implemented, as I have found it nowhere..

Imo it would make firewall rules much easier as a whole, being able to define firewall port-groups, but also single firewall-ports/-services aswell (equally to the ones stored in /etc/services).

They could be stored at the end of /etc/services or in a separate file similiar to it (the latter would probably be preferred).

To not mess up the firewall-rule syntax, the name should probably only allow for a-Z,0-9 and perhaps '_' , no '-' and spaces.

Example CLI-Usages:

set firewall ipv4 forward filter rule 20 destination port '8443_MGMT,ssh,http,https,20-21'
set firewall group port-group MGMT-Ports port 8443_MGMT
set firewall group port-group MGMT-Ports port 443
set nat destination rule 20 destination port 8443_MGMT
set nat destination rule 20 translation port 443

Possible commands for defining new service-definitions:

set firewall service name 8443_MGMT port 8443 protocol [tcp/udp/tcp_udp/etc.]

or a new subtree for greater expansion in the future:

set firewall definitions service name 8443_MGMT port 8443 protocol [tcp/udp/tcp_udp/etc.]
set firewall definitions groups [address-group, domain-group, network-group etc.]
set firewall definitions fqdn-host name WEB01 fqdn
set firewall definitions ip-host name WEB01 ipv[4/6] -> eg. set firewall ipv4 forward filter rule 20 destination ip-host WEB01

Thanks in advance and also for the fantastic work over the years!!


Is it a breaking change?
Unspecified (possibly destroys the router)
Issue type
Feature (new functionality)