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vyatta-wireless: Increase version number
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Version number seems to be increased manually in debian/vyatta-wireless/DEBIAN/control. Update: Where at?
Reflecting the changes done in T452 and T529, the version number needs to increase...

At this time, an old package named vyatta-wireless_0.3.41+vyos2+current1_all.deb dated to 2017-08-27 17:02 lives here:

Possibly related to: T549



Event Timeline

alainlamar changed the task status from Open to In progress.
alainlamar triaged this task as Normal priority.
alainlamar created this object in space S1 VyOS Public.
alainlamar created this object with visibility "Maintainers (Project)".

I seem to be wrong with my initial statement where to set the version. The file debian/vyatta-wireless/DEBIAN/control is not even in version control and I can't seem to find a hint on where this version string 0.3.41+vyos2+current1 really comes from.

Seems I could need a primer here. Would you please advise?

Thank you!


the file used for the package "version" is the changelog file.

(12:26) cpo lnx01:~/vyos-build/packages/vyatta-wireless/debian [current] # head changelog
vyatta-wireless (0.3.41+vyos2+current1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Thomas Jepp ]
  * Fixed build dependencies.

  [ Kim Hagen ]

 -- Kim Hagen <>  Sun, 24 Jan 2016 15:38:34 -0500

To increase the package version please use the command dch -i in folder vyos-build/packages/vyatta-wireless.

To automatically supply your personal information like Name/EMail you can

export EMAIL=""
export NAME="Christian Poessinger"
syncer changed the visibility from "Maintainers (Project)" to "Public (No Login Required)".

what is the state of this?
can i close it?

syncer edited projects, added Rejected; removed VyOS 1.3 Equuleus.

no update