iptables v1.4.20: Couldn't load target `VYATTA_PBR_2':No such file or directory Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information. Use of uninitialized value $rule_strs[1] in join or string at /opt/vyatta/sbin/ line 642. Use of uninitialized value $rule_strs[2] in join or string at /opt/vyatta/sbin/ line 642. Use of uninitialized value $rule_strs[3] in join or string at /opt/vyatta/sbin/ line 642. Use of uninitialized value $rule_strs[4] in join or string at /opt/vyatta/sbin/ line 642. Use of uninitialized value $rule_strs[5] in join or string at /opt/vyatta/sbin/ line 642. iptables error: No such file or directory - -m comment --comment "VPNROUTING-12" -p all -m set --match-set GROUP1 src --destination -j VYATTA_PBR_2 at /opt/vyatta/sbin/ line 642.
Configuration and steps to reproduce
1 - LAN, 1 - WAN, 2 - OpenVPN Interfaces
2 static interface routes in table 1 and 2 (for each VPN Interface)
table 1 { interface-route { next-hop-interface vtun0 { } } } table 2 { interface-route { next-hop-interface vtun1 { } }
Route Policy for LAN Interface like this
route VPNROUTING { rule 1 { destination { group { address-group Real_IP } } protocol all set { table main } } rule 11 { destination { address } protocol all set { table 1 } source { group { address-group AGROUP1 } } } rule 12 { destination { address } protocol all set { table 2 } source { group { address-group AGROUP2 } } } }
When changing routing table number in rule 11 or 12, become error.
The second error:
On policy delete command:
iptables: Index of deletion too big. iptables error: No such file or directory - 12 at /opt/vyatta/sbin/ line 634.