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iptables error with policy routing
Open, NormalPublicBUG



iptables v1.4.20: Couldn't load target `VYATTA_PBR_2':No such file or directory
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
Use of uninitialized value $rule_strs[1] in join or string at /opt/vyatta/sbin/ line 642.
Use of uninitialized value $rule_strs[2] in join or string at /opt/vyatta/sbin/ line 642.
Use of uninitialized value $rule_strs[3] in join or string at /opt/vyatta/sbin/ line 642.
Use of uninitialized value $rule_strs[4] in join or string at /opt/vyatta/sbin/ line 642.
Use of uninitialized value $rule_strs[5] in join or string at /opt/vyatta/sbin/ line 642.
iptables error: No such file or directory - -m comment --comment "VPNROUTING-12"   -p all   -m set  --match-set GROUP1 src   --destination  -j VYATTA_PBR_2       at /opt/vyatta/sbin/ line 642.

Configuration and steps to reproduce
1 - LAN, 1 - WAN, 2 - OpenVPN Interfaces
2 static interface routes in table 1 and 2 (for each VPN Interface)

table 1 {
    interface-route {
        next-hop-interface vtun0 {
table 2 {
    interface-route {
        next-hop-interface vtun1 {

Route Policy for LAN Interface like this

    rule 1 {
        destination {
            group {
                address-group Real_IP
        protocol all
        set {
            table main
    rule 11 {
        destination {
        protocol all
        set {
            table 1
        source {
            group {
                address-group AGROUP1
    rule 12 {
        destination {
        protocol all
        set {
            table 2
        source {
            group {
                address-group AGROUP2

When changing routing table number in rule 11 or 12, become error.

The second error:
On policy delete command:

iptables: Index of deletion too big.
iptables error: No such file or directory - 12 at /opt/vyatta/sbin/ line 634.


Difficulty level
Hard (possibly days)
Why the issue appeared?
Design mistake
Is it a breaking change?
Unspecified (possibly destroys the router)

Event Timeline

dmbaturin edited projects, added VyOS 1.2 Crux; removed VyOS 1.1.x (1.1.8).
dmbaturin subscribed.

I could reproduce the bug. This doesn't appear to be an easy fix though.

The actual reproducing steps for the reference:

  1. Create a PBR rule, commit
  2. Create a new routing table, or pick an existing table that is not yet used in any rule
  3. Change the table in the rule to the table from the point #2

The root cause is that the chain associated with routing table in the iptables mangle table that is used by PBR rules is only created at the rule creation time, and if you try to reference a routing table that is not used by any rule already, it cannot load because the mangle table chain doesn't get created.

The best fix for this would be to finally switch to using iptables-restore instead of inserting rules one by one.

There's a simple workaround though: delete the rule and re-create it with the new table. To make it easier, copy the commands from 'run show configuration commands'.

dmbaturin lowered the priority of this task from High to Normal.Nov 25 2018, 8:15 PM
dmbaturin changed Difficulty level from Unknown (require assessment) to Hard (possibly days).
dmbaturin changed Why the issue appeared? from Will be filled on close to Design mistake.

Since the fix is far from trivial, a workaround exists, and the entire PBR subsystem is due for a rewrite in the next release, I'm moving this to 1.3.x.

dmbaturin set Is it a breaking change? to Unspecified (possibly destroys the router).

One of my router heavily affected by this issue, so if you will wrote a fix - you may ask me to test the fix.

What version? Can you upgrade to 1.4?

I've just testd 40+ policies (with 40+ dedicated routing tables) on VyOS 1.4 - everything works fine.

@dmbaturin, I think you can close the bug now.