Today i noticed repeated messages from rsyslog using journalctl:
Mar 16 19:36:11 router rsyslogd[13285]: file size limit cmd for file '/var/log/messages' did no resolve situation [v8.2102.0]
Wondering what this meant, i went looking.
What is happening is the default size limit for /var/log/messages is 262144 bytes (which matches the docs)
$outchannel global,/var/log/messages,262144,/usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/vyos-rsyslog
However, the default logrotate for this file is 1M:
vyos@router:/etc/logrotate.d$ cat vyos-rsyslog /var/log/messages { create missingok nomail notifempty rotate 10 size 1M postrotate # inform rsyslog service about rotation /usr/lib/rsyslog/rsyslog-rotate endscript }
The vyos-rsyslog.tmpl file that is rendered for logrotate isn't even actually written to support file size in kilobytes, it assumes it is in megabytes.
I went down the rabbit hole to see why this happened.
You can see the 'global' facility defaults get set in src/conf_mode/, but modifying the 'global' facility only affects the rsyslog setting. Nothing you do to the archive settings on the global facility will change the logrotate config for vyos-rsyslog (it works for everything else). This is because the logrotate config for vyos-rsyslog is controlled/rendered only by, and controlled (apparently) by nodes in "system logs" rather than the archive settings for the global facility. This is *only* true for /var/log/messages and atop. Nothing else.
I'm not sure what the right fix is. Should system-syslog re-render the vyos-rsyslog logrotate config if 'global' has archive settings modified?
If so, should system-logs no longer control this node?
These settings have to be consistent and right now they aren't even controlled by the same overall nodes.
I assume they should also have consistent defaults, which means the tmpl file probably needs changing.
I'm happy to make a fix if someone gives me guidance on what they think should happen.