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ISO build fails for squeeze based VyOS
Closed, ResolvedPublic


It seems impossible to build helium or lithium ISO images anymore. Both branches now use a version of vyatta-quagga that depends on eglibc 2.15, which of course is jessie, and not in any way available on squeeze.

From Packages:
Package: vyatta-quagga
Architecture: amd64
Maintainer: VyOS Package Maintainers <>
Installed-Size: 6484
Pre-Depends: adduser
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.15), libcap2 (>= 1:2.10), libpam0g (>=, libreadline6 (>= 6.0), libsnmp30 (>=, libssl1.0.0 (>= 1.0.0), libtinfo5, logrotate (>= 3.2-11), iproute

Excerpt from installation log:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
vyatta-quagga: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.15) but 2.11.3-4+deb6u4 is installed.
               Depends: libsnmp30 (>= which is a virtual package.
               Depends: libssl1.0.0 (>= 1.0.0) which is a virtual package.
               Depends: libtinfo5 which is a virtual package.
The following actions will resolve these dependencies:
    Keep the following packages at their current version:
1)      vyatta-cfg-dhcp-server [Not Installed]             
2)      vyatta-cfg-op-pppoe [Not Installed]                
3)      vyatta-cfg-quagga [Not Installed]                  
4)      vyatta-cluster [Not Installed]                      
5)      vyatta-config-mgmt [Not Installed]                 
6)      vyatta-conntrack [Not Installed]                   
7)      vyatta-cron [Not Installed]                        
8)      vyatta-dhcp3-server [Not Installed]                
9)      vyatta-nat [Not Installed]                         
10)     vyatta-netflow [Not Installed]                     
11)     vyatta-op [Not Installed]                          
12)     vyatta-op-dhcp-server [Not Installed]              
13)     vyatta-op-firewall [Not Installed]                 
14)     vyatta-op-qos [Not Installed]                      
15)     vyatta-op-quagga [Not Installed]                   
16)     vyatta-op-vpn [Not Installed]                      
17)     vyatta-openvpn [Not Installed]                     
18)     vyatta-quagga [Not Installed]                      
19)     vyatta-ravpn [Not Installed]                       
20)     vyatta-vrrp [Not Installed]                        
21)     vyatta-wanloadbalance [Not Installed]              
22)     vyatta-webgui [Not Installed]                      
23)     vyatta-webproxy [Not Installed]                    
24)     vyatta-wireless [Not Installed]                    
25)     vyatta-wirelessmodem [Not Installed]               
26)     vyos-nhrp [Not Installed]                          
27)     vyos-pppoe-server [Not Installed]

Event Timeline

syncer triaged this task as Normal priority.
syncer edited projects, added VyOS 1.1.x (1.1.8); removed VyOS 1.1.x.

Hello @Emma,
thanks for reporting this and welcome aboard!

@EwaldvanGeffen @higebu can you take a look


I am afraid that this is caused by incorrectly built .debs after this:

Yes, just found that one as well. And it coincides with the moment the build started to fail.

@syncer Thanks for welcoming :)

Packages are rebuild, can you please retry?

Yes, both helium and lithium build again. Thanks!

UnicronNL claimed this task.