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Help values do not work for RADIUS authentication users
Needs testing, NormalPublicBUG


Radius users, /etc/raddb/users

vyosuser	Cleartext-Password := "vyosuser"
		Service-Type = NAS-Prompt-User,
		cisco-avpair = "shell:priv-lvl=15"

VyOS configuration:

set system login radius server key 'fookey'

Login to the system as radiususer

vyosuser@r1-roll:~$ show ?

  Incomplete command: show 

vyosuser@r1-roll# set ?

  Configuration path: [?] is not valid
  Set failed

But "tab" works fine:

vyosuser@r1-roll# set 
Possible completions:
 > cluster      Clustering
 > container    Container applications
 > firewall     Firewall
 > high-availability


VyOS 1.4-rolling-202109300217
Is it a breaking change?
Unspecified (possibly destroys the router)
Issue type
Bug (incorrect behavior)

Event Timeline

It is different shells in 1.4 and 1.3 for this user config
In 1.3 it seems correct:

vyosuser@r1# echo $SHELL

In 1.4:

vyosuser@r14# echo $SHELL
Viacheslav renamed this task from Help values doesn't work for radius users to Help values do not work for RADIUS authentication users.Jan 20 2024, 2:26 AM
Viacheslav changed the task status from Open to Needs testing.
Viacheslav triaged this task as Normal priority.