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PKI: changing certificates, keys, crls does not "regenerate" the on-disk certificates
Confirmed, NormalPublicBUG


When changing e.g. the CRL managed by the new PKI subsystem, the certificates and services using these certificates get not "reloaded" notified about the change.

When a cert is changed, the consuming service should be notified and reloaded to read in the new certificates.


Is it a breaking change?
Perfectly compatible
Issue type
Bug (incorrect behavior)

Event Timeline

c-po changed the task status from Open to Confirmed.
c-po triaged this task as Normal priority.

Adding a few notes here:

  • The ideal behavior probably depends on which PKI elements are changed and what services depend on them.
  • E.g. OpenVPN does not require a server restart for a CRL change (see, but changing the CA or server cert/key would require a restart.
  • It seems like there are some swanctrl commands that can conditionally reload parts of the config too without taking all tunnels down
  • The former might be useful if you need to renew server certs or something like that and want to do so with the minimal impact

Those are probably all nice-to-haves, not table stakes. MVP would probably be to restart the daemon in all cases.