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Allow configuration of XAuth on IPsec Tunnels
Closed, InvalidPublicFEATURE REQUEST


I've been looking at perhaps connecting my VyOS router to work resources, without the requirement for work to implement any changes their end.
They used to use Sophos SSL VPN client as they have a Sophos XG unit which worked fine by configuring an OpenVPN Client interface on my VyOS router.

They've since switches to Sophos Connect client, which - as far as I can see - implements basic IPsec tunnels and authenticates an end user using XAuth.

Due to this, I'd like to ask for a possible feature request of allowing XAuth to be configured on the VyOS router when creating IPsec tunnels as an additional authentication method.

I've found the following post from back in 2017, however - I don't seem to see XAuth yet implemented so thought I'd add a feature request myself.



Is it a breaking change?
Unspecified (possibly destroys the router)

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