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Make a new beta (1.2.0-beta3)
Closed, WontfixPublic


Now that jessie-based VyOS can load its config, even if there are known problems, we should probably make a public beta to get some feedback.

Event Timeline

Happy to test, what are the current known problems?

syncer renamed this task from Make a new beta (1.2.0-beta2) to Make a new beta (1.2.0-beta3).Dec 14 2016, 6:51 PM
syncer claimed this task.
syncer reassigned this task from syncer to dmbaturin.
syncer edited projects, added VyOS 1.2 Crux (VyOS 1.2.0-rc1); removed VyOS 1.1.x.
syncer edited a custom field.
syncer subscribed.

The new task should be to make 1.2.0-rc1. :)