I have a configuration that is ppp over vlan over bond over a physical ethernet device:
eth2 -> bond0 -> bond0.10 -> pppoe0
As I discovered, sflow only works when you attach it to the physical interfaces (not sure I understand/want to know why, but that's the only way I can get it to find any packets).
In doing so though, the collector I'm using complains that either the input or output interface is `0` in the sflow data, which I confirmed with `tcpdump` (they actually show as 0x3fffffff which is equivalent to 0 https://github.com/akvorado/akvorado/blob/7285c115b1a73c80c6cce6e0cdb718cc3a4e28f9/inlet/flow/decoder/sflow/root.go#L21)
Running hsflowd with `-ddd` also tells me the same thing:
mod_pcap:macsrc=1E43BED99C90, macdst=FEAA9ADDF555
takeSample: hook=0 tap=eth2 in=bond0.40 out=<not found> pkt_len=76 cap_len=76 mac_len=14 (1E43BED99C90 -> FEAA9ADDF555 et=0x8100)
dbg2:selected sampler eth2 ifIndex=4
mod_pcap:macsrc=FEAA9ADDF555, macdst=1E43BED99C90
takeSample: hook=0 tap=eth2 in=<not found> out=bond0.40 pkt_len=163 cap_len=114 mac_len=14 (FEAA9ADDF555 -> 1E43BED99C90 et=0x8100)
In case it's relevant, the configuration is very simple
frebib@zeus# show system sflow
agent-address $localip
agent-interface lo
interface eth2
polling 5
sampling-rate 100
server $sflowserverip {
port 6343
Not sure what is wrong or why this is not working. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding. Maybe this is an hsflowd bug. Any help/guidance is welcome