diff --git a/src/conf_mode/system-proxy.py b/src/conf_mode/system-proxy.py
index 02e1a2eda..cf72a1f96 100755
--- a/src/conf_mode/system-proxy.py
+++ b/src/conf_mode/system-proxy.py
@@ -1,91 +1,92 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 # Copyright (C) 2018 VyOS maintainers and contributors
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 import sys
 import os
 import re
-import subprocess
 from vyos import ConfigError
 from vyos.config import Config
+proxy_def = r'/etc/profile.d/vyos-system-proxy.sh'
 def get_config():
-  c = Config()
-  if not c.exists('system proxy'):
-    return None
-  c.set_level('system proxy')
-  cnf = {
-    'url'     : None,
-    'port'    : None,
-    'usr'     : None,
-    'passwd'  : None
-  }
-  if c.exists('url'):
-    cnf['url'] = c.return_value('url')
-  if c.exists('port'):
-    cnf['port'] = c.return_value('port')
-  if c.exists('username'):
-    cnf['usr'] = c.return_value('username')
-  if c.exists('password'):
-    cnf['passwd'] = c.return_value('password')
-  return cnf
+    c = Config()
+    if not c.exists('system proxy'):
+        return None
+    c.set_level('system proxy')
+    cnf = {
+        'url': None,
+      'port': None,
+      'usr': None,
+      'passwd': None
+    }
+    if c.exists('url'):
+        cnf['url'] = c.return_value('url')
+    if c.exists('port'):
+        cnf['port'] = c.return_value('port')
+    if c.exists('username'):
+        cnf['usr'] = c.return_value('username')
+    if c.exists('password'):
+        cnf['passwd'] = c.return_value('password')
+    return cnf
 def verify(c):
-  if not c:
-    return None 
-  if not c['url'] or not c['port']:
-    raise ConfigError("proxy url and port requires a value")
-  elif c['usr'] and not c['passwd']:
-    raise ConfigError("proxy password requires a value")
-  elif not c['usr'] and c['passwd']:
-    raise ConfigError("proxy username requires a value")
+    if not c:
+        return None
+    if not c['url'] or not c['port']:
+        raise ConfigError("proxy url and port requires a value")
+    elif c['usr'] and not c['passwd']:
+        raise ConfigError("proxy password requires a value")
+    elif not c['usr'] and c['passwd']:
+        raise ConfigError("proxy username requires a value")
 def generate(c):
-  if not c:
-    return None
-  if not c['usr']:
-    return str("export http_proxy={url}:{port}\nexport https_proxy=$http_proxy\nexport ftp_proxy=$http_proxy"\
-              .format(url=c['url'], port=c['port']))
-  else:
-    return str("export http_proxy=http://{usr}:{passwd}@{url}:{port}\nexport https_proxy=$http_proxy\nexport ftp_proxy=$http_proxy"\
-              .format(url=re.sub('http://','',c['url']), port=c['port'], usr=c['usr'], passwd=c['passwd']))
+    if not c:
+        return None
+    if not c['usr']:
+        return str("export http_proxy={url}:{port}\nexport https_proxy=$http_proxy\nexport ftp_proxy=$http_proxy"
+                   .format(url=c['url'], port=c['port']))
+    else:
+        return str("export http_proxy=http://{usr}:{passwd}@{url}:{port}\nexport https_proxy=$http_proxy\nexport ftp_proxy=$http_proxy"
+                   .format(url=re.sub('http://', '', c['url']), port=c['port'], usr=c['usr'], passwd=c['passwd']))
 def apply(ln):
-  if not ln and os.path.exists(proxy_def):
-    subprocess.call(['unset http_proxy https_proxy ftp_proxy'], shell=True)
-    os.remove(proxy_def)
-  else:
-    open(proxy_def,'w').write("# generated by system-proxy.py\n{}\n".format(ln))
-    subprocess.call(['. /etc/profile.d/vyos-system-proxy.sh'], shell=True)
+    if not ln and os.path.exists(proxy_def):
+        os.remove(proxy_def)
+    else:
+        open(proxy_def, 'w').write(
+            "# generated by system-proxy.py\n{}\n".format(ln))
 if __name__ == '__main__':
         c = get_config()
         ln = generate(c)
     except ConfigError as e: