diff --git a/data/templates/ipsec/swanctl/peer.j2 b/data/templates/ipsec/swanctl/peer.j2 index 58f0199fa..3a9af2c94 100644 --- a/data/templates/ipsec/swanctl/peer.j2 +++ b/data/templates/ipsec/swanctl/peer.j2 @@ -1,166 +1,176 @@ {% macro conn(peer, peer_conf, ike_group, esp_group) %} {% set name = peer.replace("@", "") | dot_colon_to_dash %} {# peer needs to reference the global IKE configuration for certain values #} {% set ike = ike_group[peer_conf.ike_group] %} {{ name }} { proposals = {{ ike | get_esp_ike_cipher | join(',') }} version = {{ ike.key_exchange[4:] if ike.key_exchange is vyos_defined else "0" }} {% if peer_conf.virtual_address is vyos_defined %} vips = {{ peer_conf.virtual_address | join(', ') }} {% endif %} local_addrs = {{ peer_conf.local_address if peer_conf.local_address != 'any' else '%any' }} # dhcp:{{ peer_conf.dhcp_interface if 'dhcp_interface' in peer_conf else 'no' }} remote_addrs = {{ peer_conf.remote_address | join(",") if peer_conf.remote_address is vyos_defined and 'any' not in peer_conf.remote_address else '%any' }} {% if peer_conf.authentication.mode is vyos_defined('x509') %} send_cert = always {% endif %} {% if ike.dead_peer_detection is vyos_defined %} dpd_timeout = {{ ike.dead_peer_detection.timeout }} dpd_delay = {{ ike.dead_peer_detection.interval }} {% endif %} {% if ike.key_exchange is vyos_defined('ikev1') and ike.mode is vyos_defined('aggressive') %} aggressive = yes {% endif %} rekey_time = {{ ike.lifetime }}s mobike = {{ "no" if ike.disable_mobike is defined else "yes" }} {% if peer[0:1] == '@' %} keyingtries = 0 reauth_time = 0 {% elif peer_conf.connection_type is not vyos_defined or peer_conf.connection_type is vyos_defined('initiate') %} keyingtries = 0 {% elif peer_conf.connection_type is vyos_defined('respond') %} keyingtries = 1 {% endif %} {% if peer_conf.force_udp_encapsulation is vyos_defined %} encap = yes {% endif %} local { {% if peer_conf.authentication.local_id is vyos_defined %} id = "{{ peer_conf.authentication.local_id }}" {% endif %} auth = {{ 'psk' if peer_conf.authentication.mode == 'pre-shared-secret' else 'pubkey' }} {% if peer_conf.authentication.mode == 'x509' %} certs = {{ peer_conf.authentication.x509.certificate }}.pem {% elif peer_conf.authentication.mode == 'rsa' %} pubkeys = {{ peer_conf.authentication.rsa.local_key }}.pem {% endif %} } remote { id = "{{ peer_conf.authentication.remote_id }}" auth = {{ 'psk' if peer_conf.authentication.mode == 'pre-shared-secret' else 'pubkey' }} {% if peer_conf.authentication.mode == 'rsa' %} pubkeys = {{ peer_conf.authentication.rsa.remote_key }}.pem {% endif %} } children { {% if peer_conf.vti.bind is vyos_defined and peer_conf.tunnel is not vyos_defined %} {% set vti_esp = esp_group[ peer_conf.vti.esp_group ] if peer_conf.vti.esp_group is vyos_defined else esp_group[ peer_conf.default_esp_group ] %} {{ name }}-vti { esp_proposals = {{ vti_esp | get_esp_ike_cipher(ike) | join(',') }} {% if vti_esp.life_bytes is vyos_defined %} life_bytes = {{ vti_esp.life_bytes }} {% endif %} {% if vti_esp.life_packets is vyos_defined %} life_packets = {{ vti_esp.life_packets }} {% endif %} life_time = {{ vti_esp.lifetime }}s +{% if vti_esp.disable_rekey is vyos_defined %} + rekey_bytes = 0 + rekey_packets = 0 + rekey_time = 0s +{% endif %} local_ts =,::/0 remote_ts =,::/0 updown = "/etc/ipsec.d/vti-up-down {{ peer_conf.vti.bind }}" {# The key defaults to 0 and will match any policies which similarly do not have a lookup key configuration. #} {# Thus we simply shift the key by one to also support a vti0 interface #} {% set if_id = peer_conf.vti.bind | replace('vti', '') | int + 1 %} if_id_in = {{ if_id }} if_id_out = {{ if_id }} ipcomp = {{ 'yes' if vti_esp.compression is vyos_defined else 'no' }} mode = {{ vti_esp.mode }} {% if peer[0:1] == '@' %} start_action = none {% elif peer_conf.connection_type is not vyos_defined or peer_conf.connection_type is vyos_defined('initiate') %} start_action = start {% elif peer_conf.connection_type is vyos_defined('respond') %} start_action = trap {% elif peer_conf.connection_type is vyos_defined('none') %} start_action = none {% endif %} {% if ike.dead_peer_detection is vyos_defined %} dpd_action = {{ ike.dead_peer_detection.action }} {% endif %} close_action = {{ ike.close_action }} {% if peer_conf.replay_window is vyos_defined %} replay_window = {{ peer_conf.replay_window }} {% endif %} } {% elif peer_conf.tunnel is vyos_defined %} {% for tunnel_id, tunnel_conf in peer_conf.tunnel.items() if tunnel_conf.disable is not defined %} {% set tunnel_esp_name = tunnel_conf.esp_group if tunnel_conf.esp_group is vyos_defined else peer_conf.default_esp_group %} {% set tunnel_esp = esp_group[tunnel_esp_name] %} {% set proto = tunnel_conf.protocol if tunnel_conf.protocol is vyos_defined else '' %} {% set local_port = tunnel_conf.local.port if tunnel_conf.local.port is vyos_defined else '' %} {% set local_suffix = '[{0}/{1}]'.format(proto, local_port) if proto or local_port else '' %} {% set remote_port = tunnel_conf.remote.port if tunnel_conf.remote.port is vyos_defined else '' %} {% set remote_suffix = '[{0}/{1}]'.format(proto, remote_port) if proto or remote_port else '' %} {{ name }}-tunnel-{{ tunnel_id }} { esp_proposals = {{ tunnel_esp | get_esp_ike_cipher(ike) | join(',') }} {% if tunnel_esp.life_bytes is vyos_defined %} life_bytes = {{ tunnel_esp.life_bytes }} {% endif %} {% if tunnel_esp.life_packets is vyos_defined %} life_packets = {{ tunnel_esp.life_packets }} {% endif %} life_time = {{ tunnel_esp.lifetime }}s +{% if tunnel_esp.disable_rekey is vyos_defined %} + rekey_bytes = 0 + rekey_packets = 0 + rekey_time = 0s +{% endif %} {% if tunnel_esp.mode is not defined or tunnel_esp.mode == 'tunnel' %} {% if tunnel_conf.local.prefix is vyos_defined %} {% set local_prefix = tunnel_conf.local.prefix if 'any' not in tunnel_conf.local.prefix else ['', '::/0'] %} local_ts = {{ local_prefix | join(local_suffix + ",") }}{{ local_suffix }} {% endif %} {% if tunnel_conf.remote.prefix is vyos_defined %} {% set remote_prefix = tunnel_conf.remote.prefix if 'any' not in tunnel_conf.remote.prefix else ['', '::/0'] %} remote_ts = {{ remote_prefix | join(remote_suffix + ",") }}{{ remote_suffix }} {% endif %} {% if tunnel_conf.priority is vyos_defined %} priority = {{ tunnel_conf.priority }} {% endif %} {% elif tunnel_esp.mode == 'transport' %} local_ts = {{ peer_conf.local_address }}{{ local_suffix }} remote_ts = {{ peer_conf.remote_address | join(",") }}{{ remote_suffix }} {% endif %} ipcomp = {{ 'yes' if tunnel_esp.compression is vyos_defined else 'no' }} mode = {{ tunnel_esp.mode }} {% if peer[0:1] == '@' %} start_action = none {% elif peer_conf.connection_type is not vyos_defined or peer_conf.connection_type is vyos_defined('initiate') %} start_action = start {% elif peer_conf.connection_type is vyos_defined('respond') %} start_action = trap {% elif peer_conf.connection_type is vyos_defined('none') %} start_action = none {% endif %} {% if ike.dead_peer_detection is vyos_defined %} dpd_action = {{ ike.dead_peer_detection.action }} {% endif %} close_action = {{ ike.close_action }} {% if peer_conf.replay_window is vyos_defined %} replay_window = {{ peer_conf.replay_window }} {% endif %} {% if peer_conf.vti.bind is vyos_defined %} {# The key defaults to 0 and will match any policies which similarly do not have a lookup key configuration. #} {# Thus we simply shift the key by one to also support a vti0 interface #} {% set if_id = peer_conf.vti.bind | replace('vti', '') | int + 1 %} updown = "/etc/ipsec.d/vti-up-down {{ peer_conf.vti.bind }}" if_id_in = {{ if_id }} if_id_out = {{ if_id }} {% endif %} } {% if tunnel_conf.passthrough is vyos_defined %} {{ name }}-tunnel-{{ tunnel_id }}-passthrough { local_ts = {{ tunnel_conf.passthrough | join(",") }} remote_ts = {{ tunnel_conf.passthrough | join(",") }} start_action = trap mode = pass } {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} } } {% endmacro %} diff --git a/data/templates/ipsec/swanctl/remote_access.j2 b/data/templates/ipsec/swanctl/remote_access.j2 index 6bced88c7..e384ae972 100644 --- a/data/templates/ipsec/swanctl/remote_access.j2 +++ b/data/templates/ipsec/swanctl/remote_access.j2 @@ -1,61 +1,75 @@ {% macro conn(name, rw_conf, ike_group, esp_group) %} {# peer needs to reference the global IKE configuration for certain values #} {% set ike = ike_group[rw_conf.ike_group] %} {% set esp = esp_group[rw_conf.esp_group] %} ra-{{ name }} { remote_addrs = %any local_addrs = {{ rw_conf.local_address if rw_conf.local_address is not vyos_defined('any') else '%any' }} # dhcp:{{ rw_conf.dhcp_interface if rw_conf.dhcp_interface is vyos_defined else 'no' }} proposals = {{ ike_group[rw_conf.ike_group] | get_esp_ike_cipher | join(',') }} version = {{ ike.key_exchange[4:] if ike.key_exchange is vyos_defined else "0" }} send_certreq = no +{% if ike.dead_peer_detection is vyos_defined %} + dpd_timeout = {{ ike.dead_peer_detection.timeout }} + dpd_delay = {{ ike.dead_peer_detection.interval }} +{% endif %} rekey_time = {{ ike.lifetime }}s keyingtries = 0 {% if rw_conf.unique is vyos_defined %} unique = {{ rw_conf.unique }} {% endif %} {% if rw_conf.pool is vyos_defined %} pools = {{ rw_conf.pool | join(',') }} {% endif %} local { {% if rw_conf.authentication.local_id is vyos_defined and rw_conf.authentication.use_x509_id is not vyos_defined %} {# please use " quotes - else Apple iOS goes crazy #} id = "{{ rw_conf.authentication.local_id }}" {% endif %} {% if rw_conf.authentication.server_mode == 'x509' %} auth = pubkey certs = {{ rw_conf.authentication.x509.certificate }}.pem {% elif rw_conf.authentication.server_mode == 'pre-shared-secret' %} auth = psk {% endif %} } remote { {% if rw_conf.authentication.client_mode == 'x509' %} auth = pubkey {% elif rw_conf.authentication.client_mode.startswith("eap") %} auth = {{ rw_conf.authentication.client_mode }} eap_id = {{ '%any' if rw_conf.authentication.eap_id == 'any' else rw_conf.authentication.eap_id }} {% endif %} {% if rw_conf.authentication.client_mode is vyos_defined('eap-tls') or rw_conf.authentication.client_mode is vyos_defined('x509') %} {# pass all configured CAs as filenames, separated by commas #} {# this will produce a string like "MyCA1.pem,MyCA2.pem" #} cacerts = {{ '.pem,'.join(rw_conf.authentication.x509.ca_certificate) ~ '.pem' }} {% endif %} } children { ikev2-vpn { esp_proposals = {{ esp | get_esp_ike_cipher(ike) | join(',') }} - rekey_time = {{ esp.lifetime }}s - rand_time = 540s +{% if esp.life_bytes is vyos_defined %} + life_bytes = {{ esp.life_bytes }} +{% endif %} +{% if esp.life_packets is vyos_defined %} + life_packets = {{ esp.life_packets }} +{% endif %} + life_time = {{ esp.lifetime }}s +{% if esp.disable_rekey is vyos_defined %} + rekey_bytes = 0 + rekey_packets = 0 + rekey_time = 0s +{% endif %} dpd_action = clear inactivity = {{ rw_conf.timeout }} {% if rw_conf.replay_window is vyos_defined %} replay_window = {{ rw_conf.replay_window }} {% endif %} {% set local_prefix = rw_conf.local.prefix if rw_conf.local.prefix is vyos_defined else ['', '::/0'] %} {% set local_port = rw_conf.local.port if rw_conf.local.port is vyos_defined else '' %} {% set local_suffix = '[%any/{1}]'.format(local_port) if local_port else '' %} local_ts = {{ local_prefix | join(local_suffix + ",") }}{{ local_suffix }} } } } {% endmacro %} diff --git a/interface-definitions/vpn_ipsec.xml.in b/interface-definitions/vpn_ipsec.xml.in index 7f425d982..4a7fde75b 100644 --- a/interface-definitions/vpn_ipsec.xml.in +++ b/interface-definitions/vpn_ipsec.xml.in @@ -1,1217 +1,1223 @@ <?xml version="1.0"?> <interfaceDefinition> <node name="vpn"> <properties> <help>Virtual Private Network (VPN)</help> </properties> <children> <node name="ipsec" owner="${vyos_conf_scripts_dir}/vpn_ipsec.py"> <properties> <help>VPN IP security (IPsec) parameters</help> <priority>901</priority> </properties> <children> <node name="authentication"> <properties> <help>Authentication</help> </properties> <children> <tagNode name="psk"> <properties> <help>Pre-shared key name</help> </properties> <children> #include <include/dhcp-interface-multi.xml.i> <leafNode name="id"> <properties> <help>ID for authentication</help> <valueHelp> <format>txt</format> <description>ID used for authentication</description> </valueHelp> <multi/> </properties> </leafNode> <leafNode name="secret"> <properties> <help>IKE pre-shared secret key</help> <valueHelp> <format>txt</format> <description>IKE pre-shared secret key</description> </valueHelp> </properties> </leafNode> </children> </tagNode> </children> </node> <leafNode name="disable-uniqreqids"> <properties> <help>Disable requirement for unique IDs in the Security Database</help> <valueless/> </properties> </leafNode> <tagNode name="esp-group"> <properties> <help>Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) group name</help> </properties> <children> <leafNode name="compression"> <properties> <help>Enable ESP compression</help> <valueless/> </properties> </leafNode> <leafNode name="lifetime"> <properties> <help>Security Association time to expire</help> <valueHelp> <format>u32:30-86400</format> <description>SA lifetime in seconds</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 30-86400"/> </constraint> </properties> <defaultValue>3600</defaultValue> </leafNode> <leafNode name="life-bytes"> <properties> <help>Security Association byte count to expire</help> <valueHelp> <format>u32:1024-26843545600000</format> <description>SA life in bytes</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1024-26843545600000"/> </constraint> </properties> </leafNode> <leafNode name="life-packets"> <properties> <help>Security Association packet count to expire</help> <valueHelp> <format>u32:1000-26843545600000</format> <description>SA life in packets</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1000-26843545600000"/> </constraint> </properties> </leafNode> + <leafNode name="disable-rekey"> + <properties> + <help>Do not locally initiate a re-key of the SA, remote peer must re-key before expiration</help> + <valueless/> + </properties> + </leafNode> <leafNode name="mode"> <properties> <help>ESP mode</help> <completionHelp> <list>tunnel transport</list> </completionHelp> <valueHelp> <format>tunnel</format> <description>Tunnel mode</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>transport</format> <description>Transport mode</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <regex>(tunnel|transport)</regex> </constraint> </properties> <defaultValue>tunnel</defaultValue> </leafNode> <leafNode name="pfs"> <properties> <help>ESP Perfect Forward Secrecy</help> <completionHelp> <list>enable dh-group1 dh-group2 dh-group5 dh-group14 dh-group15 dh-group16 dh-group17 dh-group18 dh-group19 dh-group20 dh-group21 dh-group22 dh-group23 dh-group24 dh-group25 dh-group26 dh-group27 dh-group28 dh-group29 dh-group30 dh-group31 dh-group32 disable</list> </completionHelp> <valueHelp> <format>enable</format> <description>Inherit Diffie-Hellman group from the IKE group</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>dh-group1</format> <description>Use Diffie-Hellman group 1 (modp768)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>dh-group2</format> <description>Use Diffie-Hellman group 2 (modp1024)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>dh-group5</format> <description>Use Diffie-Hellman group 5 (modp1536)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>dh-group14</format> <description>Use Diffie-Hellman group 14 (modp2048)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>dh-group15</format> <description>Use Diffie-Hellman group 15 (modp3072)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>dh-group16</format> <description>Use Diffie-Hellman group 16 (modp4096)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>dh-group17</format> <description>Use Diffie-Hellman group 17 (modp6144)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>dh-group18</format> <description>Use Diffie-Hellman group 18 (modp8192)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>dh-group19</format> <description>Use Diffie-Hellman group 19 (ecp256)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>dh-group20</format> <description>Use Diffie-Hellman group 20 (ecp384)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>dh-group21</format> <description>Use Diffie-Hellman group 21 (ecp521)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>dh-group22</format> <description>Use Diffie-Hellman group 22 (modp1024s160)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>dh-group23</format> <description>Use Diffie-Hellman group 23 (modp2048s224)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>dh-group24</format> <description>Use Diffie-Hellman group 24 (modp2048s256)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>dh-group25</format> <description>Use Diffie-Hellman group 25 (ecp192)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>dh-group26</format> <description>Use Diffie-Hellman group 26 (ecp224)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>dh-group27</format> <description>Use Diffie-Hellman group 27 (ecp224bp)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>dh-group28</format> <description>Use Diffie-Hellman group 28 (ecp256bp)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>dh-group29</format> <description>Use Diffie-Hellman group 29 (ecp384bp)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>dh-group30</format> <description>Use Diffie-Hellman group 30 (ecp512bp)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>dh-group31</format> <description>Use Diffie-Hellman group 31 (curve25519)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>dh-group32</format> <description>Use Diffie-Hellman group 32 (curve448)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>disable</format> <description>Disable PFS</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <regex>(enable|dh-group1|dh-group2|dh-group5|dh-group14|dh-group15|dh-group16|dh-group17|dh-group18|dh-group19|dh-group20|dh-group21|dh-group22|dh-group23|dh-group24|dh-group25|dh-group26|dh-group27|dh-group28|dh-group29|dh-group30|dh-group31|dh-group32|disable)</regex> </constraint> </properties> <defaultValue>enable</defaultValue> </leafNode> <tagNode name="proposal"> <properties> <help>ESP group proposal</help> <valueHelp> <format>u32:1-65535</format> <description>ESP group proposal number</description> </valueHelp> </properties> <children> #include <include/vpn-ipsec-encryption.xml.i> #include <include/vpn-ipsec-hash.xml.i> </children> </tagNode> </children> </tagNode> <tagNode name="ike-group"> <properties> <help>Internet Key Exchange (IKE) group name</help> </properties> <children> <leafNode name="close-action"> <properties> <help>Action to take if a child SA is unexpectedly closed</help> <completionHelp> <list>none trap start</list> </completionHelp> <valueHelp> <format>none</format> <description>Do nothing</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>trap</format> <description>Attempt to re-negotiate when matching traffic is seen</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>start</format> <description>Attempt to re-negotiate the connection immediately</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <regex>(none|trap|start)</regex> </constraint> </properties> <defaultValue>none</defaultValue> </leafNode> <node name="dead-peer-detection"> <properties> <help>Dead Peer Detection (DPD)</help> </properties> <children> <leafNode name="action"> <properties> <help>Keep-alive failure action</help> <completionHelp> <list>trap clear restart</list> </completionHelp> <valueHelp> <format>trap</format> <description>Attempt to re-negotiate the connection when matching traffic is seen</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>clear</format> <description>Remove the connection immediately</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>restart</format> <description>Attempt to re-negotiate the connection immediately</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <regex>(trap|clear|restart)</regex> </constraint> </properties> <defaultValue>clear</defaultValue> </leafNode> <leafNode name="interval"> <properties> <help>Keep-alive interval</help> <valueHelp> <format>u32:2-86400</format> <description>Keep-alive interval in seconds</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 2-86400"/> </constraint> </properties> <defaultValue>30</defaultValue> </leafNode> <leafNode name="timeout"> <properties> <help>Dead Peer Detection keep-alive timeout (IKEv1 only)</help> <valueHelp> <format>u32:2-86400</format> <description>Keep-alive timeout in seconds</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 2-86400"/> </constraint> </properties> <defaultValue>120</defaultValue> </leafNode> </children> </node> <leafNode name="ikev2-reauth"> <properties> <help>Re-authentication of the remote peer during an IKE re-key (IKEv2 only)</help> <valueless/> </properties> </leafNode> <leafNode name="key-exchange"> <properties> <help>IKE version</help> <completionHelp> <list>ikev1 ikev2</list> </completionHelp> <valueHelp> <format>ikev1</format> <description>Use IKEv1 for key exchange</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>ikev2</format> <description>Use IKEv2 for key exchange</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <regex>(ikev1|ikev2)</regex> </constraint> </properties> </leafNode> <leafNode name="lifetime"> <properties> <help>IKE lifetime</help> <valueHelp> <format>u32:0-86400</format> <description>IKE lifetime in seconds</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-86400"/> </constraint> </properties> <defaultValue>28800</defaultValue> </leafNode> <leafNode name="disable-mobike"> <properties> <help>Disable MOBIKE Support (IKEv2 only)</help> <valueless/> </properties> </leafNode> <leafNode name="mode"> <properties> <help>IKEv1 phase 1 mode</help> <completionHelp> <list>main aggressive</list> </completionHelp> <valueHelp> <format>main</format> <description>Use the main mode (recommended)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>aggressive</format> <description>Use the aggressive mode (insecure, not recommended)</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <regex>(main|aggressive)</regex> </constraint> </properties> <defaultValue>main</defaultValue> </leafNode> <tagNode name="proposal"> <properties> <help>IKE proposal</help> <valueHelp> <format>u32:1-65535</format> <description>IKE group proposal</description> </valueHelp> </properties> <children> <leafNode name="dh-group"> <properties> <help>dh-grouphelp</help> <completionHelp> <list>1 2 5 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32</list> </completionHelp> <valueHelp> <format>1</format> <description>Diffie-Hellman group 1 (modp768)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>2</format> <description>Diffie-Hellman group 2 (modp1024)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>5</format> <description>Diffie-Hellman group 5 (modp1536)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>14</format> <description>Diffie-Hellman group 14 (modp2048)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>15</format> <description>Diffie-Hellman group 15 (modp3072)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>16</format> <description>Diffie-Hellman group 16 (modp4096)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>17</format> <description>Diffie-Hellman group 17 (modp6144)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>18</format> <description>Diffie-Hellman group 18 (modp8192)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>19</format> <description>Diffie-Hellman group 19 (ecp256)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>20</format> <description>Diffie-Hellman group 20 (ecp384)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>21</format> <description>Diffie-Hellman group 21 (ecp521)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>22</format> <description>Diffie-Hellman group 22 (modp1024s160)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>23</format> <description>Diffie-Hellman group 23 (modp2048s224)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>24</format> <description>Diffie-Hellman group 24 (modp2048s256)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>25</format> <description>Diffie-Hellman group 25 (ecp192)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>26</format> <description>Diffie-Hellman group 26 (ecp224)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>27</format> <description>Diffie-Hellman group 27 (ecp224bp)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>28</format> <description>Diffie-Hellman group 28 (ecp256bp)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>29</format> <description>Diffie-Hellman group 29 (ecp384bp)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>30</format> <description>Diffie-Hellman group 30 (ecp512bp)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>31</format> <description>Diffie-Hellman group 31 (curve25519)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>32</format> <description>Diffie-Hellman group 32 (curve448)</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <regex>(1|2|5|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31|32)</regex> </constraint> </properties> <defaultValue>2</defaultValue> </leafNode> <leafNode name="prf"> <properties> <help>Pseudo-Random Functions</help> <completionHelp> <list>prfmd5 prfsha1 prfaesxcbc prfaescmac prfsha256 prfsha384 prfsha512</list> </completionHelp> <valueHelp> <format>prfmd5</format> <description>MD5 PRF</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>prfsha1</format> <description>SHA1 PRF</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>prfaesxcbc</format> <description>AES XCBC PRF</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>prfaescmac</format> <description>AES CMAC PRF</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>prfsha256</format> <description>SHA2_256 PRF</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>prfsha384</format> <description>SHA2_384 PRF</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>prfsha512</format> <description>SHA2_512 PRF</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <regex>(prfmd5|prfsha1|prfaesxcbc|prfaescmac|prfsha256|prfsha384|prfsha512)</regex> </constraint> </properties> </leafNode> #include <include/vpn-ipsec-encryption.xml.i> #include <include/vpn-ipsec-hash.xml.i> </children> </tagNode> </children> </tagNode> #include <include/generic-interface-multi.xml.i> <node name="log"> <properties> <help>IPsec logging</help> </properties> <children> <leafNode name="level"> <properties> <help>Global IPsec logging Level</help> <valueHelp> <format>0</format> <description>Very basic auditing logs (e.g., SA up/SA down)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>1</format> <description>Generic control flow with errors, a good default to see whats going on</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>2</format> <description>More detailed debugging control flow</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-2"/> </constraint> </properties> <defaultValue>0</defaultValue> </leafNode> <leafNode name="subsystem"> <properties> <help>Subsystem logging levels</help> <completionHelp> <list>dmn mgr ike chd job cfg knl net asn enc lib esp tls tnc imc imv pts any</list> </completionHelp> <valueHelp> <format>dmn</format> <description>Main daemon setup/cleanup/signal handling</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>mgr</format> <description>IKE_SA manager, handling synchronization for IKE_SA access</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>ike</format> <description>IKE_SA/ISAKMP SA</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>chd</format> <description>CHILD_SA/IPsec SA</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>job</format> <description>Jobs queuing/processing and thread pool management</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>cfg</format> <description>Configuration management and plugins</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>knl</format> <description>IPsec/Networking kernel interface</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>net</format> <description>IKE network communication</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>asn</format> <description>Low-level encoding/decoding (ASN.1, X.509 etc.)</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>enc</format> <description>Packet encoding/decoding encryption/decryption operations</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>lib</format> <description>libstrongswan library messages</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>esp</format> <description>libipsec library messages</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>tls</format> <description> libtls library messages</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>tnc</format> <description>Trusted Network Connect</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>imc</format> <description>Integrity Measurement Collector</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>imv</format> <description>Integrity Measurement Verifier</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>pts</format> <description> Platform Trust Service</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>any</format> <description>Any subsystem</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <regex>(dmn|mgr|ike|chd|job|cfg|knl|net|asn|enc|lib|esp|tls|tnc|imc|imv|pts|any)</regex> </constraint> <multi/> </properties> </leafNode> </children> </node> <node name="options"> <properties> <help>Global IPsec settings</help> </properties> <children> <leafNode name="disable-route-autoinstall"> <properties> <help>Do not automatically install routes to remote networks</help> <valueless/> </properties> </leafNode> <leafNode name="flexvpn"> <properties> <help>Allow FlexVPN vendor ID payload (IKEv2 only)</help> <valueless/> </properties> </leafNode> #include <include/generic-interface.xml.i> <leafNode name="virtual-ip"> <properties> <help>Allow install virtual-ip addresses</help> <valueless/> </properties> </leafNode> </children> </node> <tagNode name="profile"> <properties> <help>VPN IPsec profile</help> <valueHelp> <format>txt</format> <description>Profile name</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <regex>[a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z_-]+</regex> </constraint> <constraintErrorMessage>Profile name must be alphanumeric and can contain hyphen(s) and underscore(s)</constraintErrorMessage> </properties> <children> #include <include/generic-disable-node.xml.i> <node name="authentication"> <properties> <help>Authentication</help> </properties> <children> <leafNode name="mode"> <properties> <help>Authentication mode</help> <completionHelp> <list>pre-shared-secret</list> </completionHelp> <valueHelp> <format>pre-shared-secret</format> <description>Use a pre-shared secret key</description> </valueHelp> </properties> </leafNode> #include <include/ipsec/authentication-pre-shared-secret.xml.i> </children> </node> <node name="bind"> <properties> <help>DMVPN tunnel configuration</help> </properties> <children> <leafNode name="tunnel"> <properties> <help>Tunnel interface associated with this profile</help> <completionHelp> <path>interfaces tunnel</path> </completionHelp> <valueHelp> <format>txt</format> <description>Associated interface to this profile</description> </valueHelp> <multi/> </properties> </leafNode> </children> </node> #include <include/ipsec/esp-group.xml.i> #include <include/ipsec/ike-group.xml.i> </children> </tagNode> <node name="remote-access"> <properties> <help>IKEv2 remote access VPN</help> </properties> <children> <tagNode name="connection"> <properties> <help>IKEv2 VPN connection name</help> <valueHelp> <format>txt</format> <description>Connection name</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <regex>[a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z_-]+</regex> </constraint> <constraintErrorMessage>Profile name must be alphanumeric and can contain hyphen(s) and underscore(s)</constraintErrorMessage> </properties> <children> <node name="authentication"> <properties> <help>Authentication for remote access</help> </properties> <children> #include <include/ipsec/authentication-id.xml.i> #include <include/ipsec/authentication-x509.xml.i> <leafNode name="eap-id"> <properties> <help>Remote EAP ID for client authentication</help> <valueHelp> <format>txt</format> <description>Remote EAP ID for client authentication</description> </valueHelp> <completionHelp> <list>any</list> </completionHelp> <valueHelp> <format>any</format> <description>Allow any EAP ID</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <regex>[[:ascii:]]{1,64}</regex> </constraint> </properties> <defaultValue>any</defaultValue> </leafNode> <leafNode name="client-mode"> <properties> <help>Client authentication mode</help> <completionHelp> <list>x509 eap-tls eap-mschapv2 eap-radius</list> </completionHelp> <valueHelp> <format>x509</format> <description>Use IPsec x.509 certificate authentication</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>eap-tls</format> <description>Use EAP-TLS authentication</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>eap-mschapv2</format> <description>Use EAP-MSCHAPv2 authentication</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>eap-radius</format> <description>Use EAP-RADIUS authentication</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <regex>(x509|eap-tls|eap-mschapv2|eap-radius)</regex> </constraint> </properties> <defaultValue>eap-mschapv2</defaultValue> </leafNode> #include <include/auth-local-users.xml.i> <leafNode name="server-mode"> <properties> <help>Server authentication mode</help> <completionHelp> <list>pre-shared-secret x509</list> </completionHelp> <valueHelp> <format>pre-shared-secret</format> <description>Use a pre-shared secret key</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>x509</format> <description>Use x.509 certificate</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <regex>(pre-shared-secret|x509)</regex> </constraint> </properties> <defaultValue>x509</defaultValue> </leafNode> #include <include/ipsec/authentication-pre-shared-secret.xml.i> </children> </node> #include <include/generic-description.xml.i> #include <include/generic-disable-node.xml.i> #include <include/ipsec/esp-group.xml.i> #include <include/ipsec/ike-group.xml.i> #include <include/ipsec/local-address.xml.i> #include <include/dhcp-interface.xml.i> #include <include/ipsec/local-traffic-selector.xml.i> #include <include/ipsec/replay-window.xml.i> <leafNode name="timeout"> <properties> <help>Timeout to close connection if no data is transmitted</help> <valueHelp> <format>u32:0</format> <description>Disable inactivity checks</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>u32:1-86400</format> <description>Timeout in seconds</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-86400"/> </constraint> </properties> <defaultValue>28800</defaultValue> </leafNode> <leafNode name="pool"> <properties> <help>IP address pool</help> <completionHelp> <path>vpn ipsec remote-access pool</path> <list>dhcp radius</list> </completionHelp> <valueHelp> <format>txt</format> <description>Predefined IP pool name</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>dhcp</format> <description>Forward requests for virtual IP addresses to a DHCP server</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>radius</format> <description>Forward requests for virtual IP addresses to a RADIUS server</description> </valueHelp> <multi/> </properties> </leafNode> <leafNode name="unique"> <properties> <help>Connection uniqueness enforcement policy</help> <completionHelp> <list>never keep replace</list> </completionHelp> <valueHelp> <format>never</format> <description>Never enforce connection uniqueness</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>keep</format> <description>Reject new connection attempts if the same user already has an active connection</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>replace</format> <description>Delete any existing connection if a new one for the same user gets established</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <regex>(never|keep|replace)</regex> </constraint> </properties> </leafNode> </children> </tagNode> <node name="dhcp"> <properties> <help>DHCP pool options for remote access</help> </properties> <children> #include <include/generic-interface.xml.i> <leafNode name="server"> <properties> <help>DHCP server address</help> <valueHelp> <format>ipv4</format> <description>DHCP server IPv4 address</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <validator name="ipv4-address"/> </constraint> </properties> </leafNode> </children> </node> <tagNode name="pool"> <properties> <help>IP address pool for remote access users</help> </properties> <children> <leafNode name="exclude"> <properties> <help>Local IPv4 or IPv6 pool prefix exclusions</help> <valueHelp> <format>ipv4net</format> <description>Local IPv4 pool prefix exclusion</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>ipv6net</format> <description>Local IPv6 pool prefix exclusion</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <validator name="ipv4-prefix"/> <validator name="ipv6-prefix"/> </constraint> <multi/> </properties> </leafNode> <leafNode name="prefix"> <properties> <help>Local IPv4 or IPv6 pool prefix</help> <valueHelp> <format>ipv4net</format> <description>Local IPv4 pool prefix</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>ipv6net</format> <description>Local IPv6 pool prefix</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <validator name="ipv4-prefix"/> <validator name="ipv6-prefix"/> </constraint> </properties> </leafNode> #include <include/name-server-ipv4-ipv6.xml.i> </children> </tagNode> #include <include/radius-auth-server-ipv4.xml.i> <node name="radius"> <children> #include <include/radius-nas-identifier.xml.i> #include <include/radius-timeout.xml.i> <tagNode name="server"> <children> #include <include/accel-ppp/radius-additions-disable-accounting.xml.i> </children> </tagNode> </children> </node> </children> </node> <node name="site-to-site"> <properties> <help>Site-to-site VPN</help> </properties> <children> <tagNode name="peer"> <properties> <help>Connection name of the peer</help> <valueHelp> <format>txt</format> <description>Connection name of the peer</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <regex>[-_a-zA-Z0-9|@]+</regex> </constraint> <constraintErrorMessage>Peer connection name must be alphanumeric and can contain hyphen and underscores</constraintErrorMessage> </properties> <children> #include <include/generic-disable-node.xml.i> <node name="authentication"> <properties> <help>Peer authentication</help> </properties> <children> #include <include/ipsec/authentication-id.xml.i> #include <include/ipsec/authentication-rsa.xml.i> #include <include/ipsec/authentication-x509.xml.i> <leafNode name="mode"> <properties> <help>Authentication mode</help> <completionHelp> <list>pre-shared-secret rsa x509</list> </completionHelp> <valueHelp> <format>pre-shared-secret</format> <description>Use pre-shared secret key</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>rsa</format> <description>Use RSA key</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>x509</format> <description>Use x.509 certificate</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <regex>(pre-shared-secret|rsa|x509)</regex> </constraint> </properties> </leafNode> <leafNode name="remote-id"> <properties> <help>ID for remote authentication</help> <valueHelp> <format>txt</format> <description>ID used for peer authentication</description> </valueHelp> </properties> <defaultValue>%any</defaultValue> </leafNode> <leafNode name="use-x509-id"> <properties> <help>Use certificate common name as ID</help> <valueless/> </properties> </leafNode> </children> </node> <leafNode name="connection-type"> <properties> <help>Connection type</help> <completionHelp> <list>initiate respond none</list> </completionHelp> <valueHelp> <format>initiate</format> <description>Bring the connection up immediately</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>respond</format> <description>Wait for the peer to initiate the connection</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>none</format> <description>Load the connection only</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <regex>(initiate|respond|none)</regex> </constraint> </properties> </leafNode> <leafNode name="default-esp-group"> <properties> <help>Defult ESP group name</help> <completionHelp> <path>vpn ipsec esp-group</path> </completionHelp> </properties> </leafNode> #include <include/generic-description.xml.i> #include <include/dhcp-interface.xml.i> <leafNode name="force-udp-encapsulation"> <properties> <help>Force UDP encapsulation</help> <valueless/> </properties> </leafNode> #include <include/ipsec/ike-group.xml.i> <leafNode name="ikev2-reauth"> <properties> <help>Re-authentication of the remote peer during an IKE re-key (IKEv2 only)</help> <completionHelp> <list>yes no inherit</list> </completionHelp> <valueHelp> <format>yes</format> <description>Enable remote host re-autentication during an IKE re-key. Currently broken due to a strong swan bug</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>no</format> <description>Disable remote host re-authenticaton during an IKE re-key.</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>inherit</format> <description>Inherit the reauth configuration form your IKE-group</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <regex>(yes|no|inherit)</regex> </constraint> </properties> </leafNode> #include <include/ipsec/local-address.xml.i> #include <include/ipsec/remote-address.xml.i> #include <include/ipsec/replay-window.xml.i> <tagNode name="tunnel"> <properties> <help>Peer tunnel</help> <valueHelp> <format>u32</format> <description>Peer tunnel</description> </valueHelp> </properties> <children> #include <include/generic-disable-node.xml.i> #include <include/ipsec/esp-group.xml.i> #include <include/ipsec/local-traffic-selector.xml.i> #include <include/ip-protocol.xml.i> <leafNode name="priority"> <properties> <help>Priority for IPsec policy (lowest value more preferable)</help> <valueHelp> <format>u32:1-100</format> <description>Priority for IPsec policy (lowest value more preferable)</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-100"/> </constraint> </properties> </leafNode> <node name="remote"> <properties> <help>Match remote addresses</help> </properties> <children> #include <include/port-number.xml.i> <leafNode name="prefix"> <properties> <help>Remote IPv4 or IPv6 prefix</help> <valueHelp> <format>ipv4net</format> <description>Remote IPv4 prefix</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>ipv6net</format> <description>Remote IPv6 prefix</description> </valueHelp> <constraint> <validator name="ipv4-prefix"/> <validator name="ipv6-prefix"/> </constraint> <multi/> </properties> </leafNode> </children> </node> </children> </tagNode> <leafNode name="virtual-address"> <properties> <help>Initiator request virtual-address from peer</help> <valueHelp> <format>ipv4</format> <description>Request IPv4 address from peer</description> </valueHelp> <valueHelp> <format>ipv6</format> <description>Request IPv6 address from peer</description> </valueHelp> <multi/> </properties> </leafNode> <node name="vti"> <properties> <help>Virtual tunnel interface</help> </properties> <children> <leafNode name="bind"> <properties> <help>VTI tunnel interface associated with this configuration</help> <completionHelp> <path>interfaces vti</path> </completionHelp> </properties> </leafNode> #include <include/ipsec/esp-group.xml.i> </children> </node> </children> </tagNode> </children> </node> </children> </node> </children> </node> </interfaceDefinition> diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/test_vpn_ipsec.py b/smoketest/scripts/cli/test_vpn_ipsec.py index 27356d70e..2dc66485b 100755 --- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/test_vpn_ipsec.py +++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/test_vpn_ipsec.py @@ -1,972 +1,1090 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2021-2024 VyOS maintainers and contributors # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import os import unittest from base_vyostest_shim import VyOSUnitTestSHIM from vyos.configsession import ConfigSessionError from vyos.utils.process import process_named_running from vyos.utils.file import read_file ethernet_path = ['interfaces', 'ethernet'] tunnel_path = ['interfaces', 'tunnel'] vti_path = ['interfaces', 'vti'] nhrp_path = ['protocols', 'nhrp'] base_path = ['vpn', 'ipsec'] charon_file = '/etc/strongswan.d/charon.conf' dhcp_interfaces_file = '/tmp/ipsec_dhcp_interfaces' swanctl_file = '/etc/swanctl/swanctl.conf' peer_ip = '' connection_name = 'main-branch' local_id = 'left' remote_id = 'right' interface = 'eth1' vif = '100' esp_group = 'MyESPGroup' ike_group = 'MyIKEGroup' secret = 'MYSECRETKEY' PROCESS_NAME = 'charon-systemd' regex_uuid4 = '[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}' ca_name = 'MyVyOS-CA' ca_pem = """ MIICMDCCAdegAwIBAgIUBCzIjYvD7SPbx5oU18IYg7NVxQ0wCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIw ZzELMAkGA1UEBhMCR0IxEzARBgNVBAgMClNvbWUtU3RhdGUxEjAQBgNVBAcMCVNv bWUtQ2l0eTENMAsGA1UECgwEVnlPUzEgMB4GA1UEAwwXSVBTZWMgU21va2V0ZXN0 IFJvb3QgQ0EwHhcNMjMwOTI0MTIwMzQxWhcNMzMwOTIxMTIwMzQxWjBnMQswCQYD VQQGEwJHQjETMBEGA1UECAwKU29tZS1TdGF0ZTESMBAGA1UEBwwJU29tZS1DaXR5 MQ0wCwYDVQQKDARWeU9TMSAwHgYDVQQDDBdJUFNlYyBTbW9rZXRlc3QgUm9vdCBD QTBZMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHA0IABEh8/yU572B3zmFxrGgHk+H7grYt EHUJodY3gXNWMHz0gySrbGhsGtECDfP/G+T4Suk7cuVzB1wnLocSafD8TcqjYTBf MA8GA1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8wDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgGGMB0GA1UdJQQWMBQGCCsG AQUFBwMCBggrBgEFBQcDATAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUTYoQJNlk7X87/gRegHnCnPef39Aw CgYIKoZIzj0EAwIDRwAwRAIgX1spXjrUc10r3g/Zm4O31LU5O08J2vVqFo94zHE5 0VgCIG4JK9Zg5O/yn4mYksZux7efiHRUzL2y2TXQ9IqrqM8W """ int_ca_name = 'MyVyOS-IntCA' int_ca_pem = """ MIICYDCCAgWgAwIBAgIUcFx2BVYErHI+SneyPYHijxXt1cgwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIw ZzELMAkGA1UEBhMCR0IxEzARBgNVBAgMClNvbWUtU3RhdGUxEjAQBgNVBAcMCVNv bWUtQ2l0eTENMAsGA1UECgwEVnlPUzEgMB4GA1UEAwwXSVBTZWMgU21va2V0ZXN0 IFJvb3QgQ0EwHhcNMjMwOTI0MTIwNTE5WhcNMzMwOTIwMTIwNTE5WjBvMQswCQYD VQQGEwJHQjETMBEGA1UECAwKU29tZS1TdGF0ZTESMBAGA1UEBwwJU29tZS1DaXR5 MQ0wCwYDVQQKDARWeU9TMSgwJgYDVQQDDB9JUFNlYyBTbW9rZXRlc3QgSW50ZXJt ZWRpYXRlIENBMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEIHw2G5dq3c715AcA tzR++dYu1fLRFmHzRGTZOT7hLrh2Fg4hnKFPLOeUA5Qi50xCvjJ9JnonTyy2RfRH axYizKOBhjCBgzASBgNVHRMBAf8ECDAGAQH/AgEAMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBhjAd BgNVHSUEFjAUBggrBgEFBQcDAgYIKwYBBQUHAwEwHQYDVR0OBBYEFC9KrFYtA+hO l7vdMbWxTMAyLB7BMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFE2KECTZZO1/O/4EXoB5wpz3n9/QMAoG CCqGSM49BAMCA0kAMEYCIQCnqWbElgOL9dGO3iLxasFNq/hM7vM/DzaiHi4BowxW 0gIhAMohefNj+QgLfPhvyODHIPE9LMyfp7lJEaCC2K8PCSFD """ peer_name = 'peer1' peer_cert = """ MIICSTCCAfCgAwIBAgIUPxYleUgCo/glVVePze3QmAFgi6MwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIw bzELMAkGA1UEBhMCR0IxEzARBgNVBAgMClNvbWUtU3RhdGUxEjAQBgNVBAcMCVNv bWUtQ2l0eTENMAsGA1UECgwEVnlPUzEoMCYGA1UEAwwfSVBTZWMgU21va2V0ZXN0 IEludGVybWVkaWF0ZSBDQTAeFw0yMzA5MjQxMjA2NDJaFw0yODA5MjIxMjA2NDJa MGQxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkdCMRMwEQYDVQQIDApTb21lLVN0YXRlMRIwEAYDVQQHDAlT b21lLUNpdHkxDTALBgNVBAoMBFZ5T1MxHTAbBgNVBAMMFElQU2VjIFNtb2tldGVz dCBQZWVyMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEZJtuTDu84uy++GMwRNLl 10JAXZxXQSDl+CdTWwjbQZURcdY+ia7BoaoYX/0VKPel3Se64rIUQQLQoY/9MJb9 UKN1MHMwDAYDVR0TAQH/BAIwADAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCB4AwEwYDVR0lBAwwCgYI KwYBBQUHAwEwHQYDVR0OBBYEFNJCdnkm3cAmf04UwOKL7IqMJ6OXMB8GA1UdIwQY MBaAFC9KrFYtA+hOl7vdMbWxTMAyLB7BMAoGCCqGSM49BAMCA0cAMEQCIGVnDRUy UJ0U/deDvrBo1+AakZndkNAMN/XNo5a5GzhEAiBCY7E/3b0BIO8FiIbVB3iDcaxg g7ET2RgWxvhEoN3ZRw== """ peer_key = """ MIGHAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHBG0wawIBAQQgVDEZDK7q/T+tiJUV WLKS3ZYDfZ4lZv0C1gJpYq0gWP2hRANCAARkm25MO7zi7L74YzBE0uXXQkBdnFdB IOX4J1NbCNtBlRFx1j6JrsGhqhhf/RUo96XdJ7rishRBAtChj/0wlv1Q """ swanctl_dir = '/etc/swanctl' CERT_PATH = f'{swanctl_dir}/x509/' CA_PATH = f'{swanctl_dir}/x509ca/' class TestVPNIPsec(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase): skip_process_check = False @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestVPNIPsec, cls).setUpClass() # ensure we can also run this test on a live system - so lets clean # out the current configuration :) cls.cli_delete(cls, base_path) cls.cli_delete(cls, ['pki']) cls.cli_set(cls, base_path + ['interface', f'{interface}.{vif}']) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(TestVPNIPsec, cls).tearDownClass() cls.cli_delete(cls, base_path + ['interface', f'{interface}.{vif}']) def setUp(self): # Set IKE/ESP Groups self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '1', 'encryption', 'aes128']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '1', 'hash', 'sha1']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '1', 'dh-group', '2']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '1', 'encryption', 'aes128']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '1', 'hash', 'sha1']) def tearDown(self): # Check for running process if not self.skip_process_check: self.assertTrue(process_named_running(PROCESS_NAME)) else: self.skip_process_check = False # Reset self.cli_delete(base_path) self.cli_delete(tunnel_path) self.cli_commit() # Check for no longer running process self.assertFalse(process_named_running(PROCESS_NAME)) def setupPKI(self): self.cli_set(['pki', 'ca', ca_name, 'certificate', ca_pem.replace('\n','')]) self.cli_set(['pki', 'ca', int_ca_name, 'certificate', int_ca_pem.replace('\n','')]) self.cli_set(['pki', 'certificate', peer_name, 'certificate', peer_cert.replace('\n','')]) self.cli_set(['pki', 'certificate', peer_name, 'private', 'key', peer_key.replace('\n','')]) def tearDownPKI(self): self.cli_delete(['pki']) def test_dhcp_fail_handling(self): # Skip process check - connection is not created for this test self.skip_process_check = True # Interface for dhcp-interface self.cli_set(ethernet_path + [interface, 'vif', vif, 'address', 'dhcp']) # Use VLAN to avoid getting IP from qemu dhcp server # vpn ipsec auth psk <tag> id <x.x.x.x> self.cli_set(base_path + ['authentication', 'psk', connection_name, 'id', local_id]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['authentication', 'psk', connection_name, 'id', remote_id]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['authentication', 'psk', connection_name, 'id', peer_ip]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['authentication', 'psk', connection_name, 'secret', secret]) # Site to site peer_base_path = base_path + ['site-to-site', 'peer', connection_name] self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['authentication', 'mode', 'pre-shared-secret']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['default-esp-group', esp_group]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['dhcp-interface', f'{interface}.{vif}']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['tunnel', '1', 'protocol', 'gre']) self.cli_commit() self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(dhcp_interfaces_file)) dhcp_interfaces = read_file(dhcp_interfaces_file) self.assertIn(f'{interface}.{vif}', dhcp_interfaces) # Ensure dhcp interface was added for dhclient hook self.cli_delete(ethernet_path + [interface, 'vif', vif, 'address']) def test_site_to_site(self): self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'key-exchange', 'ikev2']) local_address = '' priority = '20' life_bytes = '100000' life_packets = '2000000' # vpn ipsec auth psk <tag> id <x.x.x.x> self.cli_set(base_path + ['authentication', 'psk', connection_name, 'id', local_id]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['authentication', 'psk', connection_name, 'id', remote_id]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['authentication', 'psk', connection_name, 'id', local_address]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['authentication', 'psk', connection_name, 'id', peer_ip]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['authentication', 'psk', connection_name, 'secret', secret]) # Site to site peer_base_path = base_path + ['site-to-site', 'peer', connection_name] self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'life-bytes', life_bytes]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'life-packets', life_packets]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['authentication', 'mode', 'pre-shared-secret']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['default-esp-group', esp_group]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['local-address', local_address]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['remote-address', peer_ip]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['tunnel', '1', 'protocol', 'tcp']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['tunnel', '1', 'local', 'prefix', '']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['tunnel', '1', 'local', 'prefix', '']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['tunnel', '1', 'local', 'port', '443']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['tunnel', '1', 'remote', 'prefix', '']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['tunnel', '1', 'remote', 'prefix', '']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['tunnel', '1', 'remote', 'port', '443']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['tunnel', '2', 'local', 'prefix', '']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['tunnel', '2', 'remote', 'prefix', '']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['tunnel', '2', 'priority', priority]) self.cli_commit() # Verify strongSwan configuration swanctl_conf = read_file(swanctl_file) swanctl_conf_lines = [ f'version = 2', f'auth = psk', f'life_bytes = {life_bytes}', f'life_packets = {life_packets}', f'rekey_time = 28800s', # default value f'proposals = aes128-sha1-modp1024', f'esp_proposals = aes128-sha1-modp1024', f'life_time = 3600s', # default value f'local_addrs = {local_address} # dhcp:no', f'remote_addrs = {peer_ip}', f'mode = tunnel', f'{connection_name}-tunnel-1', f'local_ts =[tcp/443],[tcp/443]', f'remote_ts =[tcp/443],[tcp/443]', f'mode = tunnel', f'{connection_name}-tunnel-2', f'local_ts =', f'remote_ts =', f'priority = {priority}', f'mode = tunnel', f'replay_window = 32', ] for line in swanctl_conf_lines: self.assertIn(line, swanctl_conf) + # if dpd is not specified it should not be enabled (see T6599) + swanctl_unexpected_lines = [ + f'dpd_timeout' + f'dpd_delay' + ] + + for unexpected_line in swanctl_unexpected_lines: + self.assertNotIn(unexpected_line, swanctl_conf) + swanctl_secrets_lines = [ f'id-{regex_uuid4} = "{local_id}"', f'id-{regex_uuid4} = "{remote_id}"', f'id-{regex_uuid4} = "{local_address}"', f'id-{regex_uuid4} = "{peer_ip}"', f'secret = "{secret}"' ] for line in swanctl_secrets_lines: self.assertRegex(swanctl_conf, fr'{line}') def test_site_to_site_vti(self): local_address = '' vti = 'vti10' # IKE self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'key-exchange', 'ikev2']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'disable-mobike']) # ESP self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'compression']) # VTI interface self.cli_set(vti_path + [vti, 'address', '']) # vpn ipsec auth psk <tag> id <x.x.x.x> self.cli_set(base_path + ['authentication', 'psk', connection_name, 'id', local_id]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['authentication', 'psk', connection_name, 'id', remote_id]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['authentication', 'psk', connection_name, 'id', peer_ip]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['authentication', 'psk', connection_name, 'secret', secret]) # Site to site peer_base_path = base_path + ['site-to-site', 'peer', connection_name] self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['authentication', 'mode', 'pre-shared-secret']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['connection-type', 'none']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['force-udp-encapsulation']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['default-esp-group', esp_group]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['local-address', local_address]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['remote-address', peer_ip]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['tunnel', '1', 'local', 'prefix', '']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['tunnel', '1', 'local', 'prefix', '']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['tunnel', '1', 'remote', 'prefix', '']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['tunnel', '1', 'remote', 'prefix', '']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['vti', 'bind', vti]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['vti', 'esp-group', esp_group]) self.cli_commit() swanctl_conf = read_file(swanctl_file) if_id = vti.lstrip('vti') # The key defaults to 0 and will match any policies which similarly do # not have a lookup key configuration - thus we shift the key by one # to also support a vti0 interface if_id = str(int(if_id) +1) swanctl_conf_lines = [ f'version = 2', f'auth = psk', f'proposals = aes128-sha1-modp1024', f'esp_proposals = aes128-sha1-modp1024', f'local_addrs = {local_address} # dhcp:no', f'mobike = no', f'remote_addrs = {peer_ip}', f'mode = tunnel', f'local_ts =,', f'remote_ts =,', f'ipcomp = yes', f'start_action = none', f'replay_window = 32', f'if_id_in = {if_id}', # will be 11 for vti10 - shifted by one f'if_id_out = {if_id}', f'updown = "/etc/ipsec.d/vti-up-down {vti}"' ] for line in swanctl_conf_lines: self.assertIn(line, swanctl_conf) swanctl_secrets_lines = [ f'id-{regex_uuid4} = "{local_id}"', f'id-{regex_uuid4} = "{remote_id}"', f'secret = "{secret}"' ] for line in swanctl_secrets_lines: self.assertRegex(swanctl_conf, fr'{line}') def test_dmvpn(self): tunnel_if = 'tun100' nhrp_secret = 'secret' ike_lifetime = '3600' esp_lifetime = '1800' # Tunnel self.cli_set(tunnel_path + [tunnel_if, 'address', '']) self.cli_set(tunnel_path + [tunnel_if, 'encapsulation', 'gre']) self.cli_set(tunnel_path + [tunnel_if, 'source-address', '']) self.cli_set(tunnel_path + [tunnel_if, 'enable-multicast']) self.cli_set(tunnel_path + [tunnel_if, 'parameters', 'ip', 'key', '1']) # NHRP self.cli_set(nhrp_path + ['tunnel', tunnel_if, 'cisco-authentication', nhrp_secret]) self.cli_set(nhrp_path + ['tunnel', tunnel_if, 'holding-time', '300']) self.cli_set(nhrp_path + ['tunnel', tunnel_if, 'multicast', 'dynamic']) self.cli_set(nhrp_path + ['tunnel', tunnel_if, 'redirect']) self.cli_set(nhrp_path + ['tunnel', tunnel_if, 'shortcut']) # IKE/ESP Groups self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'lifetime', esp_lifetime]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'mode', 'transport']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'pfs', 'dh-group2']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '2', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '2', 'hash', 'sha1']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '3', 'encryption', '3des']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '3', 'hash', 'md5']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'key-exchange', 'ikev1']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'lifetime', ike_lifetime]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '2', 'dh-group', '2']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '2', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '2', 'hash', 'sha1']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '2', 'prf', 'prfsha1']) # Profile self.cli_set(base_path + ['profile', 'NHRPVPN', 'authentication', 'mode', 'pre-shared-secret']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['profile', 'NHRPVPN', 'authentication', 'pre-shared-secret', nhrp_secret]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['profile', 'NHRPVPN', 'bind', 'tunnel', tunnel_if]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['profile', 'NHRPVPN', 'esp-group', esp_group]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['profile', 'NHRPVPN', 'ike-group', ike_group]) self.cli_commit() swanctl_conf = read_file(swanctl_file) swanctl_lines = [ f'proposals = aes128-sha1-modp1024,aes256-sha1-prfsha1-modp1024', f'version = 1', f'rekey_time = {ike_lifetime}s', f'rekey_time = {esp_lifetime}s', f'esp_proposals = aes128-sha1-modp1024,aes256-sha1-modp1024,3des-md5-modp1024', f'local_ts = dynamic[gre]', f'remote_ts = dynamic[gre]', f'mode = transport', f'secret = {nhrp_secret}' ] for line in swanctl_lines: self.assertIn(line, swanctl_conf) # There is only one NHRP test so no need to delete this globally in tearDown() self.cli_delete(nhrp_path) def test_site_to_site_x509(self): # Enable PKI self.setupPKI() vti = 'vti20' self.cli_set(vti_path + [vti, 'address', '']) peer_ip = '' connection_name = 'office' local_address = '' peer_base_path = base_path + ['site-to-site', 'peer', connection_name] self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['authentication', 'local-id', peer_name]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['authentication', 'mode', 'x509']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['authentication', 'remote-id', 'peer2']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['authentication', 'x509', 'ca-certificate', ca_name]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['authentication', 'x509', 'ca-certificate', int_ca_name]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['authentication', 'x509', 'certificate', peer_name]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['connection-type', 'initiate']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['ikev2-reauth', 'inherit']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['local-address', local_address]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['remote-address', peer_ip]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['vti', 'bind', vti]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['vti', 'esp-group', esp_group]) self.cli_commit() swanctl_conf = read_file(swanctl_file) tmp = peer_ip.replace('.', '-') if_id = vti.lstrip('vti') # The key defaults to 0 and will match any policies which similarly do # not have a lookup key configuration - thus we shift the key by one # to also support a vti0 interface if_id = str(int(if_id) +1) swanctl_lines = [ f'{connection_name}', f'version = 0', # key-exchange not set - defaulting to 0 for ikev1 and ikev2 f'send_cert = always', f'mobike = yes', f'keyingtries = 0', f'id = "{peer_name}"', f'auth = pubkey', f'certs = {peer_name}.pem', f'proposals = aes128-sha1-modp1024', f'esp_proposals = aes128-sha1-modp1024', f'local_addrs = {local_address} # dhcp:no', f'remote_addrs = {peer_ip}', f'local_ts =,::/0', f'remote_ts =,::/0', f'updown = "/etc/ipsec.d/vti-up-down {vti}"', f'if_id_in = {if_id}', # will be 11 for vti10 f'if_id_out = {if_id}', f'ipcomp = no', f'mode = tunnel', f'start_action = start', ] for line in swanctl_lines: self.assertIn(line, swanctl_conf) swanctl_secrets_lines = [ f'{connection_name}', f'file = {peer_name}.pem', ] for line in swanctl_secrets_lines: self.assertIn(line, swanctl_conf) # Check Root CA, Intermediate CA and Peer cert/key pair is present self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(CA_PATH, f'{ca_name}.pem'))) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(CA_PATH, f'{int_ca_name}.pem'))) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(CERT_PATH, f'{peer_name}.pem'))) # There is only one VTI test so no need to delete this globally in tearDown() self.cli_delete(vti_path) # Disable PKI self.tearDownPKI() def test_flex_vpn_vips(self): local_address = '' local_id = 'vyos-r1' remote_id = 'vyos-r2' peer_base_path = base_path + ['site-to-site', 'peer', connection_name] self.cli_set(tunnel_path + ['tun1', 'encapsulation', 'gre']) self.cli_set(tunnel_path + ['tun1', 'source-address', local_address]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['interface', interface]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['options', 'flexvpn']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['options', 'interface', 'tun1']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'key-exchange', 'ikev2']) # vpn ipsec auth psk <tag> id <x.x.x.x> self.cli_set(base_path + ['authentication', 'psk', connection_name, 'id', local_id]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['authentication', 'psk', connection_name, 'id', remote_id]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['authentication', 'psk', connection_name, 'id', local_address]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['authentication', 'psk', connection_name, 'id', peer_ip]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['authentication', 'psk', connection_name, 'secret', secret]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['authentication', 'local-id', local_id]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['authentication', 'mode', 'pre-shared-secret']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['authentication', 'remote-id', remote_id]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['connection-type', 'initiate']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['default-esp-group', esp_group]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['local-address', local_address]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['remote-address', peer_ip]) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['tunnel', '1', 'protocol', 'gre']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['virtual-address', '']) self.cli_set(peer_base_path + ['virtual-address', '']) self.cli_commit() # Verify strongSwan configuration swanctl_conf = read_file(swanctl_file) swanctl_conf_lines = [ f'version = 2', f'vips =,', f'life_time = 3600s', # default value f'local_addrs = {local_address} # dhcp:no', f'remote_addrs = {peer_ip}', f'{connection_name}-tunnel-1', f'mode = tunnel', ] for line in swanctl_conf_lines: self.assertIn(line, swanctl_conf) swanctl_secrets_lines = [ f'id-{regex_uuid4} = "{local_id}"', f'id-{regex_uuid4} = "{remote_id}"', f'id-{regex_uuid4} = "{peer_ip}"', f'id-{regex_uuid4} = "{local_address}"', f'secret = "{secret}"', ] for line in swanctl_secrets_lines: self.assertRegex(swanctl_conf, fr'{line}') # Verify charon configuration charon_conf = read_file(charon_file) charon_conf_lines = [ f'# Cisco FlexVPN', f'cisco_flexvpn = yes', f'install_virtual_ip = yes', f'install_virtual_ip_on = tun1', ] for line in charon_conf_lines: self.assertIn(line, charon_conf) def test_remote_access(self): # This is a known to be good configuration for Microsoft Windows 10 and Apple iOS 17 self.setupPKI() ike_group = 'IKE-RW' esp_group = 'ESP-RW' conn_name = 'vyos-rw' local_address = '' ip_pool_name = 'ra-rw-ipv4' username = 'vyos' password = 'secret' ike_lifetime = '7200' eap_lifetime = '3600' local_id = 'ipsec.vyos.net' name_servers = ['', ''] prefix = '' # IKE self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'key-exchange', 'ikev2']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'lifetime', ike_lifetime]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '1', 'dh-group', '14']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '1', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '1', 'hash', 'sha512']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '2', 'dh-group', '14']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '2', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '2', 'hash', 'sha256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '3', 'dh-group', '2']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '3', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '3', 'hash', 'sha256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '10', 'dh-group', '14']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '10', 'encryption', 'aes128gcm128']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '10', 'hash', 'sha256']) # ESP self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'lifetime', eap_lifetime]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'pfs', 'disable']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '1', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '1', 'hash', 'sha512']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '2', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '2', 'hash', 'sha384']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '3', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '3', 'hash', 'sha256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '4', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '4', 'hash', 'sha1']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '10', 'encryption', 'aes128gcm128']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '10', 'hash', 'sha256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'local-id', local_id]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'local-users', 'username', username, 'password', password]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'server-mode', 'x509']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'x509', 'certificate', peer_name]) # verify() - CA cert required for x509 auth with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'x509', 'ca-certificate', ca_name]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'esp-group', esp_group]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'ike-group', ike_group]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'local-address', local_address]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'pool', ip_pool_name]) for ns in name_servers: self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'pool', ip_pool_name, 'name-server', ns]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'pool', ip_pool_name, 'prefix', prefix]) self.cli_commit() # verify applied configuration swanctl_conf = read_file(swanctl_file) swanctl_lines = [ f'{conn_name}', f'remote_addrs = %any', f'local_addrs = {local_address}', f'proposals = aes256-sha512-modp2048,aes256-sha256-modp2048,aes256-sha256-modp1024,aes128gcm128-sha256-modp2048', f'version = 2', f'send_certreq = no', f'rekey_time = {ike_lifetime}s', f'keyingtries = 0', f'pools = {ip_pool_name}', f'id = "{local_id}"', f'auth = pubkey', f'certs = peer1.pem', f'auth = eap-mschapv2', f'eap_id = %any', f'esp_proposals = aes256-sha512,aes256-sha384,aes256-sha256,aes256-sha1,aes128gcm128-sha256', - f'rekey_time = {eap_lifetime}s', - f'rand_time = 540s', + f'life_time = {eap_lifetime}s', f'dpd_action = clear', f'replay_window = 32', f'inactivity = 28800', f'local_ts =,::/0', ] for line in swanctl_lines: self.assertIn(line, swanctl_conf) swanctl_secrets_lines = [ f'eap-{conn_name}-{username}', f'secret = "{password}"', f'id-{conn_name}-{username} = "{username}"', ] for line in swanctl_secrets_lines: self.assertIn(line, swanctl_conf) swanctl_pool_lines = [ f'{ip_pool_name}', f'addrs = {prefix}', f'dns = {",".join(name_servers)}', ] for line in swanctl_pool_lines: self.assertIn(line, swanctl_conf) # Check Root CA, Intermediate CA and Peer cert/key pair is present self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(CA_PATH, f'{ca_name}.pem'))) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(CERT_PATH, f'{peer_name}.pem'))) self.tearDownPKI() def test_remote_access_eap_tls(self): # This is a known to be good configuration for Microsoft Windows 10 and Apple iOS 17 self.setupPKI() ike_group = 'IKE-RW' esp_group = 'ESP-RW' conn_name = 'vyos-rw' local_address = '' ip_pool_name = 'ra-rw-ipv4' username = 'vyos' password = 'secret' ike_lifetime = '7200' eap_lifetime = '3600' local_id = 'ipsec.vyos.net' name_servers = ['', ''] prefix = '' # IKE self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'key-exchange', 'ikev2']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'lifetime', ike_lifetime]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '1', 'dh-group', '14']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '1', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '1', 'hash', 'sha512']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '2', 'dh-group', '14']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '2', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '2', 'hash', 'sha256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '3', 'dh-group', '2']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '3', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '3', 'hash', 'sha256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '10', 'dh-group', '14']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '10', 'encryption', 'aes128gcm128']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '10', 'hash', 'sha256']) # ESP self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'lifetime', eap_lifetime]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'pfs', 'disable']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '1', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '1', 'hash', 'sha512']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '2', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '2', 'hash', 'sha384']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '3', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '3', 'hash', 'sha256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '4', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '4', 'hash', 'sha1']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '10', 'encryption', 'aes128gcm128']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '10', 'hash', 'sha256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'local-id', local_id]) # Use EAP-TLS auth instead of default EAP-MSCHAPv2 self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'client-mode', 'eap-tls']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'server-mode', 'x509']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'x509', 'certificate', peer_name]) # verify() - CA cert required for x509 auth with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'x509', 'ca-certificate', ca_name]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'esp-group', esp_group]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'ike-group', ike_group]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'local-address', local_address]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'pool', ip_pool_name]) for ns in name_servers: self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'pool', ip_pool_name, 'name-server', ns]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'pool', ip_pool_name, 'prefix', prefix]) self.cli_commit() # verify applied configuration swanctl_conf = read_file(swanctl_file) swanctl_lines = [ f'{conn_name}', f'remote_addrs = %any', f'local_addrs = {local_address}', f'proposals = aes256-sha512-modp2048,aes256-sha256-modp2048,aes256-sha256-modp1024,aes128gcm128-sha256-modp2048', f'version = 2', f'send_certreq = no', f'rekey_time = {ike_lifetime}s', f'keyingtries = 0', f'pools = {ip_pool_name}', f'id = "{local_id}"', f'auth = pubkey', f'certs = peer1.pem', f'cacerts = MyVyOS-CA.pem', f'auth = eap-tls', f'eap_id = %any', f'esp_proposals = aes256-sha512,aes256-sha384,aes256-sha256,aes256-sha1,aes128gcm128-sha256', - f'rekey_time = {eap_lifetime}s', - f'rand_time = 540s', + f'life_time = {eap_lifetime}s', f'dpd_action = clear', f'inactivity = 28800', f'local_ts =,::/0', ] for line in swanctl_lines: self.assertIn(line, swanctl_conf) swanctl_pool_lines = [ f'{ip_pool_name}', f'addrs = {prefix}', f'dns = {",".join(name_servers)}', ] for line in swanctl_pool_lines: self.assertIn(line, swanctl_conf) # Check Root CA, Intermediate CA and Peer cert/key pair is present self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(CA_PATH, f'{ca_name}.pem'))) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(CERT_PATH, f'{peer_name}.pem'))) # Test setting of custom EAP ID self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'eap-id', 'eap-user@vyos.net']) self.cli_commit() self.assertIn(r'eap_id = eap-user@vyos.net', read_file(swanctl_file)) self.tearDownPKI() def test_remote_access_x509(self): # This is a known to be good configuration for Microsoft Windows 10 and Apple iOS 17 self.setupPKI() ike_group = 'IKE-RW' esp_group = 'ESP-RW' conn_name = 'vyos-rw' local_address = '' ip_pool_name = 'ra-rw-ipv4' ike_lifetime = '7200' eap_lifetime = '3600' local_id = 'ipsec.vyos.net' name_servers = ['', ''] prefix = '' # IKE self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'key-exchange', 'ikev2']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'lifetime', ike_lifetime]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '1', 'dh-group', '14']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '1', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '1', 'hash', 'sha512']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '2', 'dh-group', '14']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '2', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '2', 'hash', 'sha256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '3', 'dh-group', '2']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '3', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '3', 'hash', 'sha256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '10', 'dh-group', '14']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '10', 'encryption', 'aes128gcm128']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '10', 'hash', 'sha256']) # ESP self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'lifetime', eap_lifetime]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'pfs', 'disable']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '1', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '1', 'hash', 'sha512']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '2', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '2', 'hash', 'sha384']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '3', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '3', 'hash', 'sha256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '4', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '4', 'hash', 'sha1']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '10', 'encryption', 'aes128gcm128']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '10', 'hash', 'sha256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'local-id', local_id]) # Use client-mode x509 instead of default EAP-MSCHAPv2 self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'client-mode', 'x509']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'server-mode', 'x509']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'x509', 'certificate', peer_name]) # verify() - CA cert required for x509 auth with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.cli_commit() self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'x509', 'ca-certificate', ca_name]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'x509', 'ca-certificate', int_ca_name]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'esp-group', esp_group]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'ike-group', ike_group]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'local-address', local_address]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'pool', ip_pool_name]) for ns in name_servers: self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'pool', ip_pool_name, 'name-server', ns]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'pool', ip_pool_name, 'prefix', prefix]) self.cli_commit() # verify applied configuration swanctl_conf = read_file(swanctl_file) swanctl_lines = [ f'{conn_name}', f'remote_addrs = %any', f'local_addrs = {local_address}', f'proposals = aes256-sha512-modp2048,aes256-sha256-modp2048,aes256-sha256-modp1024,aes128gcm128-sha256-modp2048', f'version = 2', f'send_certreq = no', f'rekey_time = {ike_lifetime}s', f'keyingtries = 0', f'pools = {ip_pool_name}', f'id = "{local_id}"', f'auth = pubkey', f'certs = peer1.pem', f'cacerts = MyVyOS-CA.pem,MyVyOS-IntCA.pem', f'esp_proposals = aes256-sha512,aes256-sha384,aes256-sha256,aes256-sha1,aes128gcm128-sha256', - f'rekey_time = {eap_lifetime}s', - f'rand_time = 540s', + f'life_time = {eap_lifetime}s', f'dpd_action = clear', f'inactivity = 28800', f'local_ts =,::/0', ] for line in swanctl_lines: self.assertIn(line, swanctl_conf) swanctl_unexpected_lines = [ f'auth = eap-', f'eap_id' ] for unexpected_line in swanctl_unexpected_lines: self.assertNotIn(unexpected_line, swanctl_conf) swanctl_pool_lines = [ f'{ip_pool_name}', f'addrs = {prefix}', f'dns = {",".join(name_servers)}', ] for line in swanctl_pool_lines: self.assertIn(line, swanctl_conf) # Check Root CA, Intermediate CA and Peer cert/key pair is present self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(CA_PATH, f'{ca_name}.pem'))) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(CA_PATH, f'{int_ca_name}.pem'))) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(CERT_PATH, f'{peer_name}.pem'))) self.tearDownPKI() def test_remote_access_dhcp_fail_handling(self): # Skip process check - connection is not created for this test self.skip_process_check = True # Interface for dhcp-interface self.cli_set(ethernet_path + [interface, 'vif', vif, 'address', 'dhcp']) # Use VLAN to avoid getting IP from qemu dhcp server # This is a known to be good configuration for Microsoft Windows 10 and Apple iOS 17 self.setupPKI() ike_group = 'IKE-RW' esp_group = 'ESP-RW' conn_name = 'vyos-rw' ip_pool_name = 'ra-rw-ipv4' username = 'vyos' password = 'secret' ike_lifetime = '7200' eap_lifetime = '3600' local_id = 'ipsec.vyos.net' name_server = '' prefix = '' # IKE self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'key-exchange', 'ikev2']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'lifetime', ike_lifetime]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '1', 'dh-group', '14']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '1', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '1', 'hash', 'sha512']) # ESP self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'lifetime', eap_lifetime]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '1', 'encryption', 'aes256']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '1', 'hash', 'sha512']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'local-id', local_id]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'local-users', 'username', username, 'password', password]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'server-mode', 'x509']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'x509', 'certificate', peer_name]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'x509', 'ca-certificate', ca_name]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'esp-group', esp_group]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'ike-group', ike_group]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'dhcp-interface', f'{interface}.{vif}']) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'pool', ip_pool_name]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'pool', ip_pool_name, 'name-server', name_server]) self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'pool', ip_pool_name, 'prefix', prefix]) self.cli_commit() self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(dhcp_interfaces_file)) dhcp_interfaces = read_file(dhcp_interfaces_file) self.assertIn(f'{interface}.{vif}', dhcp_interfaces) # Ensure dhcp interface was added for dhclient hook self.cli_delete(ethernet_path + [interface, 'vif', vif, 'address']) self.tearDownPKI() + def test_remote_access_no_rekey(self): + # In some RA secnarios, disabling server-initiated rekey of IKE and CHILD SA is desired + self.setupPKI() + + ike_group = 'IKE-RW' + esp_group = 'ESP-RW' + + conn_name = 'vyos-rw' + local_address = '' + ip_pool_name = 'ra-rw-ipv4' + ike_lifetime = '7200' + eap_lifetime = '3600' + local_id = 'ipsec.vyos.net' + + name_servers = ['', ''] + prefix = '' + + # IKE + self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'key-exchange', 'ikev2']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'lifetime', '0']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '1', 'dh-group', '14']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '1', 'encryption', 'aes256']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '1', 'hash', 'sha512']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '2', 'dh-group', '14']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '2', 'encryption', 'aes256']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '2', 'hash', 'sha256']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '3', 'dh-group', '2']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '3', 'encryption', 'aes256']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '3', 'hash', 'sha256']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '10', 'dh-group', '14']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '10', 'encryption', 'aes128gcm128']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['ike-group', ike_group, 'proposal', '10', 'hash', 'sha256']) + + # ESP + self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'lifetime', eap_lifetime]) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'pfs', 'disable']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'disable-rekey']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '1', 'encryption', 'aes256']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '1', 'hash', 'sha512']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '2', 'encryption', 'aes256']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '2', 'hash', 'sha384']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '3', 'encryption', 'aes256']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '3', 'hash', 'sha256']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '4', 'encryption', 'aes256']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '4', 'hash', 'sha1']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '10', 'encryption', 'aes128gcm128']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['esp-group', esp_group, 'proposal', '10', 'hash', 'sha256']) + + self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'local-id', local_id]) + # Use client-mode x509 instead of default EAP-MSCHAPv2 + self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'client-mode', 'x509']) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'server-mode', 'x509']) + + self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'x509', 'certificate', peer_name]) + # verify() - CA cert required for x509 auth + with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): + self.cli_commit() + self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'x509', 'ca-certificate', ca_name]) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'authentication', 'x509', 'ca-certificate', int_ca_name]) + + self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'esp-group', esp_group]) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'ike-group', ike_group]) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'local-address', local_address]) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'connection', conn_name, 'pool', ip_pool_name]) + + for ns in name_servers: + self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'pool', ip_pool_name, 'name-server', ns]) + self.cli_set(base_path + ['remote-access', 'pool', ip_pool_name, 'prefix', prefix]) + + self.cli_commit() + + # verify applied configuration + swanctl_conf = read_file(swanctl_file) + swanctl_lines = [ + f'{conn_name}', + f'remote_addrs = %any', + f'local_addrs = {local_address}', + f'proposals = aes256-sha512-modp2048,aes256-sha256-modp2048,aes256-sha256-modp1024,aes128gcm128-sha256-modp2048', + f'version = 2', + f'send_certreq = no', + f'rekey_time = 0s', + f'keyingtries = 0', + f'pools = {ip_pool_name}', + f'id = "{local_id}"', + f'auth = pubkey', + f'certs = peer1.pem', + f'cacerts = MyVyOS-CA.pem,MyVyOS-IntCA.pem', + f'esp_proposals = aes256-sha512,aes256-sha384,aes256-sha256,aes256-sha1,aes128gcm128-sha256', + f'life_time = {eap_lifetime}s', + f'rekey_time = 0s', + f'dpd_action = clear', + f'inactivity = 28800', + f'local_ts =,::/0', + ] + for line in swanctl_lines: + self.assertIn(line, swanctl_conf) + + swanctl_pool_lines = [ + f'{ip_pool_name}', + f'addrs = {prefix}', + f'dns = {",".join(name_servers)}', + ] + for line in swanctl_pool_lines: + self.assertIn(line, swanctl_conf) + + # Check Root CA, Intermediate CA and Peer cert/key pair is present + self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(CA_PATH, f'{ca_name}.pem'))) + self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(CA_PATH, f'{int_ca_name}.pem'))) + self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(CERT_PATH, f'{peer_name}.pem'))) + + self.tearDownPKI() + if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(verbosity=2) diff --git a/src/conf_mode/vpn_ipsec.py b/src/conf_mode/vpn_ipsec.py index dc78c755e..cf82b767f 100755 --- a/src/conf_mode/vpn_ipsec.py +++ b/src/conf_mode/vpn_ipsec.py @@ -1,632 +1,646 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2021-2024 VyOS maintainers and contributors # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import ipaddress import os import re import jmespath from sys import exit from time import sleep from vyos.base import Warning from vyos.config import Config +from vyos.config import config_dict_merge from vyos.configdep import set_dependents from vyos.configdep import call_dependents from vyos.configdict import leaf_node_changed from vyos.configverify import verify_interface_exists from vyos.configverify import dynamic_interface_pattern from vyos.defaults import directories from vyos.ifconfig import Interface from vyos.pki import encode_public_key from vyos.pki import load_private_key from vyos.pki import wrap_certificate from vyos.pki import wrap_crl from vyos.pki import wrap_public_key from vyos.pki import wrap_private_key from vyos.template import ip_from_cidr from vyos.template import is_ipv4 from vyos.template import is_ipv6 from vyos.template import render from vyos.utils.network import is_ipv6_link_local from vyos.utils.network import interface_exists from vyos.utils.dict import dict_search from vyos.utils.dict import dict_search_args from vyos.utils.process import call from vyos import ConfigError from vyos import airbag airbag.enable() dhcp_wait_attempts = 2 dhcp_wait_sleep = 1 swanctl_dir = '/etc/swanctl' charon_conf = '/etc/strongswan.d/charon.conf' charon_dhcp_conf = '/etc/strongswan.d/charon/dhcp.conf' charon_radius_conf = '/etc/strongswan.d/charon/eap-radius.conf' interface_conf = '/etc/strongswan.d/interfaces_use.conf' swanctl_conf = f'{swanctl_dir}/swanctl.conf' default_install_routes = 'yes' vici_socket = '/var/run/charon.vici' CERT_PATH = f'{swanctl_dir}/x509/' PUBKEY_PATH = f'{swanctl_dir}/pubkey/' KEY_PATH = f'{swanctl_dir}/private/' CA_PATH = f'{swanctl_dir}/x509ca/' CRL_PATH = f'{swanctl_dir}/x509crl/' DHCP_HOOK_IFLIST = '/tmp/ipsec_dhcp_interfaces' def get_config(config=None): if config: conf = config else: conf = Config() base = ['vpn', 'ipsec'] l2tp_base = ['vpn', 'l2tp', 'remote-access', 'ipsec-settings'] if not conf.exists(base): return None # retrieve common dictionary keys ipsec = conf.get_config_dict(base, key_mangling=('-', '_'), no_tag_node_value_mangle=True, get_first_key=True, - with_recursive_defaults=True, with_pki=True) + # We have to cleanup the default dict, as default values could + # enable features which are not explicitly enabled on the + # CLI. E.g. dead-peer-detection defaults should not be injected + # unless the feature is explicitly opted in to by setting the + # top-level node + default_values = conf.get_config_defaults(**ipsec.kwargs, recursive=True) + + if 'ike_group' in ipsec: + for name, ike in ipsec['ike_group'].items(): + if 'dead_peer_detection' not in ike: + del default_values['ike_group'][name]['dead_peer_detection'] + + ipsec = config_dict_merge(default_values, ipsec) + ipsec['dhcp_interfaces'] = set() ipsec['dhcp_no_address'] = {} ipsec['install_routes'] = 'no' if conf.exists(base + ["options", "disable-route-autoinstall"]) else default_install_routes ipsec['interface_change'] = leaf_node_changed(conf, base + ['interface']) ipsec['nhrp_exists'] = conf.exists(['protocols', 'nhrp', 'tunnel']) if ipsec['nhrp_exists']: set_dependents('nhrp', conf) tmp = conf.get_config_dict(l2tp_base, key_mangling=('-', '_'), no_tag_node_value_mangle=True, get_first_key=True) if tmp: ipsec['l2tp'] = conf.merge_defaults(tmp, recursive=True) ipsec['l2tp_outside_address'] = conf.return_value(['vpn', 'l2tp', 'remote-access', 'outside-address']) ipsec['l2tp_ike_default'] = 'aes256-sha1-modp1024,3des-sha1-modp1024' ipsec['l2tp_esp_default'] = 'aes256-sha1,3des-sha1' return ipsec def get_dhcp_address(iface): addresses = Interface(iface).get_addr() if not addresses: return None for address in addresses: if not is_ipv6_link_local(address): return ip_from_cidr(address) return None def verify_pki_x509(pki, x509_conf): if not pki or 'ca' not in pki or 'certificate' not in pki: raise ConfigError(f'PKI is not configured') cert_name = x509_conf['certificate'] for ca_cert_name in x509_conf['ca_certificate']: if not dict_search_args(pki, 'ca', ca_cert_name, 'certificate'): raise ConfigError(f'Missing CA certificate on specified PKI CA certificate "{ca_cert_name}"') if not dict_search_args(pki, 'certificate', cert_name, 'certificate'): raise ConfigError(f'Missing certificate on specified PKI certificate "{cert_name}"') if not dict_search_args(pki, 'certificate', cert_name, 'private', 'key'): raise ConfigError(f'Missing private key on specified PKI certificate "{cert_name}"') return True def verify_pki_rsa(pki, rsa_conf): if not pki or 'key_pair' not in pki: raise ConfigError(f'PKI is not configured') local_key = rsa_conf['local_key'] remote_key = rsa_conf['remote_key'] if not dict_search_args(pki, 'key_pair', local_key, 'private', 'key'): raise ConfigError(f'Missing private key on specified local-key "{local_key}"') if not dict_search_args(pki, 'key_pair', remote_key, 'public', 'key'): raise ConfigError(f'Missing public key on specified remote-key "{remote_key}"') return True def verify(ipsec): if not ipsec: return None if 'authentication' in ipsec: if 'psk' in ipsec['authentication']: for psk, psk_config in ipsec['authentication']['psk'].items(): if 'id' not in psk_config or 'secret' not in psk_config: raise ConfigError(f'Authentication psk "{psk}" missing "id" or "secret"') if 'interface' in ipsec: tmp = re.compile(dynamic_interface_pattern) for interface in ipsec['interface']: # exclude check interface for dynamic interfaces if tmp.match(interface): verify_interface_exists(interface, warning_only=True) else: verify_interface_exists(interface) if 'l2tp' in ipsec: if 'esp_group' in ipsec['l2tp']: if 'esp_group' not in ipsec or ipsec['l2tp']['esp_group'] not in ipsec['esp_group']: raise ConfigError(f"Invalid esp-group on L2TP remote-access config") if 'ike_group' in ipsec['l2tp']: if 'ike_group' not in ipsec or ipsec['l2tp']['ike_group'] not in ipsec['ike_group']: raise ConfigError(f"Invalid ike-group on L2TP remote-access config") if 'authentication' not in ipsec['l2tp']: raise ConfigError(f'Missing authentication settings on L2TP remote-access config') if 'mode' not in ipsec['l2tp']['authentication']: raise ConfigError(f'Missing authentication mode on L2TP remote-access config') if not ipsec['l2tp_outside_address']: raise ConfigError(f'Missing outside-address on L2TP remote-access config') if ipsec['l2tp']['authentication']['mode'] == 'pre-shared-secret': if 'pre_shared_secret' not in ipsec['l2tp']['authentication']: raise ConfigError(f'Missing pre shared secret on L2TP remote-access config') if ipsec['l2tp']['authentication']['mode'] == 'x509': if 'x509' not in ipsec['l2tp']['authentication']: raise ConfigError(f'Missing x509 settings on L2TP remote-access config') x509 = ipsec['l2tp']['authentication']['x509'] if 'ca_certificate' not in x509 or 'certificate' not in x509: raise ConfigError(f'Missing x509 certificates on L2TP remote-access config') verify_pki_x509(ipsec['pki'], x509) if 'profile' in ipsec: for profile, profile_conf in ipsec['profile'].items(): if 'esp_group' in profile_conf: if 'esp_group' not in ipsec or profile_conf['esp_group'] not in ipsec['esp_group']: raise ConfigError(f"Invalid esp-group on {profile} profile") else: raise ConfigError(f"Missing esp-group on {profile} profile") if 'ike_group' in profile_conf: if 'ike_group' not in ipsec or profile_conf['ike_group'] not in ipsec['ike_group']: raise ConfigError(f"Invalid ike-group on {profile} profile") else: raise ConfigError(f"Missing ike-group on {profile} profile") if 'authentication' not in profile_conf: raise ConfigError(f"Missing authentication on {profile} profile") if 'remote_access' in ipsec: if 'connection' in ipsec['remote_access']: for name, ra_conf in ipsec['remote_access']['connection'].items(): if 'local_address' not in ra_conf and 'dhcp_interface' not in ra_conf: raise ConfigError(f"Missing local-address or dhcp-interface on remote-access connection {name}") if 'dhcp_interface' in ra_conf: dhcp_interface = ra_conf['dhcp_interface'] verify_interface_exists(dhcp_interface) dhcp_base = directories['isc_dhclient_dir'] if not os.path.exists(f'{dhcp_base}/dhclient_{dhcp_interface}.conf'): raise ConfigError(f"Invalid dhcp-interface on remote-access connection {name}") ipsec['dhcp_interfaces'].add(dhcp_interface) address = get_dhcp_address(dhcp_interface) count = 0 while not address and count < dhcp_wait_attempts: address = get_dhcp_address(dhcp_interface) count += 1 sleep(dhcp_wait_sleep) if not address: ipsec['dhcp_no_address'][f'ra_{name}'] = dhcp_interface print(f"Failed to get address from dhcp-interface on remote-access connection {name} -- skipped") continue if 'esp_group' in ra_conf: if 'esp_group' not in ipsec or ra_conf['esp_group'] not in ipsec['esp_group']: raise ConfigError(f"Invalid esp-group on {name} remote-access config") else: raise ConfigError(f"Missing esp-group on {name} remote-access config") if 'ike_group' in ra_conf: if 'ike_group' not in ipsec or ra_conf['ike_group'] not in ipsec['ike_group']: raise ConfigError(f"Invalid ike-group on {name} remote-access config") ike = ra_conf['ike_group'] if dict_search(f'ike_group.{ike}.key_exchange', ipsec) != 'ikev2': raise ConfigError('IPsec remote-access connections requires IKEv2!') else: raise ConfigError(f"Missing ike-group on {name} remote-access config") if 'authentication' not in ra_conf: raise ConfigError(f"Missing authentication on {name} remote-access config") if ra_conf['authentication']['server_mode'] == 'x509': if 'x509' not in ra_conf['authentication']: raise ConfigError(f"Missing x509 settings on {name} remote-access config") x509 = ra_conf['authentication']['x509'] if 'ca_certificate' not in x509 or 'certificate' not in x509: raise ConfigError(f"Missing x509 certificates on {name} remote-access config") verify_pki_x509(ipsec['pki'], x509) elif ra_conf['authentication']['server_mode'] == 'pre-shared-secret': if 'pre_shared_secret' not in ra_conf['authentication']: raise ConfigError(f"Missing pre-shared-key on {name} remote-access config") if 'client_mode' not in ra_conf['authentication']: raise ConfigError('Client authentication method is required!') if dict_search('authentication.client_mode', ra_conf) == 'eap-radius': if dict_search('remote_access.radius.server', ipsec) == None: raise ConfigError('RADIUS authentication requires at least one server') if 'pool' in ra_conf: if {'dhcp', 'radius'} <= set(ra_conf['pool']): raise ConfigError(f'Can not use both DHCP and RADIUS for address allocation '\ f'at the same time for "{name}"!') if 'dhcp' in ra_conf['pool'] and len(ra_conf['pool']) > 1: raise ConfigError(f'Can not use DHCP and a predefined address pool for "{name}"!') if 'radius' in ra_conf['pool'] and len(ra_conf['pool']) > 1: raise ConfigError(f'Can not use RADIUS and a predefined address pool for "{name}"!') for pool in ra_conf['pool']: if pool == 'dhcp': if dict_search('remote_access.dhcp.server', ipsec) == None: raise ConfigError('IPsec DHCP server is not configured!') elif pool == 'radius': if dict_search('remote_access.radius.server', ipsec) == None: raise ConfigError('IPsec RADIUS server is not configured!') if dict_search('authentication.client_mode', ra_conf) != 'eap-radius': raise ConfigError('RADIUS IP pool requires eap-radius client authentication!') elif 'pool' not in ipsec['remote_access'] or pool not in ipsec['remote_access']['pool']: raise ConfigError(f'Requested pool "{pool}" does not exist!') if 'pool' in ipsec['remote_access']: for pool, pool_config in ipsec['remote_access']['pool'].items(): if 'prefix' not in pool_config: raise ConfigError(f'Missing madatory prefix option for pool "{pool}"!') if 'name_server' in pool_config: if len(pool_config['name_server']) > 2: raise ConfigError(f'Only two name-servers are supported for remote-access pool "{pool}"!') for ns in pool_config['name_server']: v4_addr_and_ns = is_ipv4(ns) and not is_ipv4(pool_config['prefix']) v6_addr_and_ns = is_ipv6(ns) and not is_ipv6(pool_config['prefix']) if v4_addr_and_ns or v6_addr_and_ns: raise ConfigError('Must use both IPv4 or IPv6 addresses for pool prefix and name-server adresses!') if 'exclude' in pool_config: for exclude in pool_config['exclude']: v4_addr_and_exclude = is_ipv4(exclude) and not is_ipv4(pool_config['prefix']) v6_addr_and_exclude = is_ipv6(exclude) and not is_ipv6(pool_config['prefix']) if v4_addr_and_exclude or v6_addr_and_exclude: raise ConfigError('Must use both IPv4 or IPv6 addresses for pool prefix and exclude prefixes!') if 'radius' in ipsec['remote_access'] and 'server' in ipsec['remote_access']['radius']: for server, server_config in ipsec['remote_access']['radius']['server'].items(): if 'key' not in server_config: raise ConfigError(f'Missing RADIUS secret key for server "{server}"') if 'site_to_site' in ipsec and 'peer' in ipsec['site_to_site']: for peer, peer_conf in ipsec['site_to_site']['peer'].items(): has_default_esp = False # Peer name it is swanctl connection name and shouldn't contain dots or colons, T4118 if bool(re.search(':|\.', peer)): raise ConfigError(f'Incorrect peer name "{peer}" ' f'Peer name can contain alpha-numeric letters, hyphen and underscore') if 'remote_address' not in peer_conf: print(f'You should set correct remote-address "peer {peer} remote-address x.x.x.x"\n') if 'default_esp_group' in peer_conf: has_default_esp = True if 'esp_group' not in ipsec or peer_conf['default_esp_group'] not in ipsec['esp_group']: raise ConfigError(f"Invalid esp-group on site-to-site peer {peer}") if 'ike_group' in peer_conf: if 'ike_group' not in ipsec or peer_conf['ike_group'] not in ipsec['ike_group']: raise ConfigError(f"Invalid ike-group on site-to-site peer {peer}") else: raise ConfigError(f"Missing ike-group on site-to-site peer {peer}") if 'authentication' not in peer_conf or 'mode' not in peer_conf['authentication']: raise ConfigError(f"Missing authentication on site-to-site peer {peer}") if {'id', 'use_x509_id'} <= set(peer_conf['authentication']): raise ConfigError(f"Manually set peer id and use-x509-id are mutually exclusive!") if peer_conf['authentication']['mode'] == 'x509': if 'x509' not in peer_conf['authentication']: raise ConfigError(f"Missing x509 settings on site-to-site peer {peer}") x509 = peer_conf['authentication']['x509'] if 'ca_certificate' not in x509 or 'certificate' not in x509: raise ConfigError(f"Missing x509 certificates on site-to-site peer {peer}") verify_pki_x509(ipsec['pki'], x509) elif peer_conf['authentication']['mode'] == 'rsa': if 'rsa' not in peer_conf['authentication']: raise ConfigError(f"Missing RSA settings on site-to-site peer {peer}") rsa = peer_conf['authentication']['rsa'] if 'local_key' not in rsa: raise ConfigError(f"Missing RSA local-key on site-to-site peer {peer}") if 'remote_key' not in rsa: raise ConfigError(f"Missing RSA remote-key on site-to-site peer {peer}") verify_pki_rsa(ipsec['pki'], rsa) if 'local_address' not in peer_conf and 'dhcp_interface' not in peer_conf: raise ConfigError(f"Missing local-address or dhcp-interface on site-to-site peer {peer}") if 'dhcp_interface' in peer_conf: dhcp_interface = peer_conf['dhcp_interface'] verify_interface_exists(dhcp_interface) dhcp_base = directories['isc_dhclient_dir'] if not os.path.exists(f'{dhcp_base}/dhclient_{dhcp_interface}.conf'): raise ConfigError(f"Invalid dhcp-interface on site-to-site peer {peer}") ipsec['dhcp_interfaces'].add(dhcp_interface) address = get_dhcp_address(dhcp_interface) count = 0 while not address and count < dhcp_wait_attempts: address = get_dhcp_address(dhcp_interface) count += 1 sleep(dhcp_wait_sleep) if not address: ipsec['dhcp_no_address'][f'peer_{peer}'] = dhcp_interface print(f"Failed to get address from dhcp-interface on site-to-site peer {peer} -- skipped") continue if 'vti' in peer_conf: if 'local_address' in peer_conf and 'dhcp_interface' in peer_conf: raise ConfigError(f"A single local-address or dhcp-interface is required when using VTI on site-to-site peer {peer}") if dict_search('options.disable_route_autoinstall', ipsec) == None: Warning('It\'s recommended to use ipsec vti with the next command\n[set vpn ipsec option disable-route-autoinstall]') if 'bind' in peer_conf['vti']: vti_interface = peer_conf['vti']['bind'] if not interface_exists(vti_interface): raise ConfigError(f'VTI interface {vti_interface} for site-to-site peer {peer} does not exist!') if 'vti' not in peer_conf and 'tunnel' not in peer_conf: raise ConfigError(f"No VTI or tunnel specified on site-to-site peer {peer}") if 'tunnel' in peer_conf: for tunnel, tunnel_conf in peer_conf['tunnel'].items(): if 'esp_group' not in tunnel_conf and not has_default_esp: raise ConfigError(f"Missing esp-group on tunnel {tunnel} for site-to-site peer {peer}") esp_group_name = tunnel_conf['esp_group'] if 'esp_group' in tunnel_conf else peer_conf['default_esp_group'] if esp_group_name not in ipsec['esp_group']: raise ConfigError(f"Invalid esp-group on tunnel {tunnel} for site-to-site peer {peer}") esp_group = ipsec['esp_group'][esp_group_name] if 'mode' in esp_group and esp_group['mode'] == 'transport': if 'protocol' in tunnel_conf and ((peer in ['any', '']) or ('local_address' not in peer_conf or peer_conf['local_address'] in ['any', ''])): raise ConfigError(f"Fixed local-address or peer required when a protocol is defined with ESP transport mode on tunnel {tunnel} for site-to-site peer {peer}") if ('local' in tunnel_conf and 'prefix' in tunnel_conf['local']) or ('remote' in tunnel_conf and 'prefix' in tunnel_conf['remote']): raise ConfigError(f"Local/remote prefix cannot be used with ESP transport mode on tunnel {tunnel} for site-to-site peer {peer}") def cleanup_pki_files(): for path in [CERT_PATH, CA_PATH, CRL_PATH, KEY_PATH, PUBKEY_PATH]: if not os.path.exists(path): continue for file in os.listdir(path): file_path = os.path.join(path, file) if os.path.isfile(file_path): os.unlink(file_path) def generate_pki_files_x509(pki, x509_conf): for ca_cert_name in x509_conf['ca_certificate']: ca_cert_data = dict_search_args(pki, 'ca', ca_cert_name, 'certificate') ca_cert_crls = dict_search_args(pki, 'ca', ca_cert_name, 'crl') or [] crl_index = 1 with open(os.path.join(CA_PATH, f'{ca_cert_name}.pem'), 'w') as f: f.write(wrap_certificate(ca_cert_data)) for crl in ca_cert_crls: with open(os.path.join(CRL_PATH, f'{ca_cert_name}_{crl_index}.pem'), 'w') as f: f.write(wrap_crl(crl)) crl_index += 1 cert_name = x509_conf['certificate'] cert_data = dict_search_args(pki, 'certificate', cert_name, 'certificate') key_data = dict_search_args(pki, 'certificate', cert_name, 'private', 'key') protected = 'passphrase' in x509_conf with open(os.path.join(CERT_PATH, f'{cert_name}.pem'), 'w') as f: f.write(wrap_certificate(cert_data)) with open(os.path.join(KEY_PATH, f'x509_{cert_name}.pem'), 'w') as f: f.write(wrap_private_key(key_data, protected)) def generate_pki_files_rsa(pki, rsa_conf): local_key_name = rsa_conf['local_key'] local_key_data = dict_search_args(pki, 'key_pair', local_key_name, 'private', 'key') protected = 'passphrase' in rsa_conf remote_key_name = rsa_conf['remote_key'] remote_key_data = dict_search_args(pki, 'key_pair', remote_key_name, 'public', 'key') local_key = load_private_key(local_key_data, rsa_conf['passphrase'] if protected else None) with open(os.path.join(KEY_PATH, f'rsa_{local_key_name}.pem'), 'w') as f: f.write(wrap_private_key(local_key_data, protected)) with open(os.path.join(PUBKEY_PATH, f'{local_key_name}.pem'), 'w') as f: f.write(encode_public_key(local_key.public_key())) with open(os.path.join(PUBKEY_PATH, f'{remote_key_name}.pem'), 'w') as f: f.write(wrap_public_key(remote_key_data)) def generate(ipsec): cleanup_pki_files() if not ipsec: for config_file in [charon_dhcp_conf, charon_radius_conf, interface_conf, swanctl_conf]: if os.path.isfile(config_file): os.unlink(config_file) render(charon_conf, 'ipsec/charon.j2', {'install_routes': default_install_routes}) return if ipsec['dhcp_interfaces']: with open(DHCP_HOOK_IFLIST, 'w') as f: f.write(" ".join(ipsec['dhcp_interfaces'])) elif os.path.exists(DHCP_HOOK_IFLIST): os.unlink(DHCP_HOOK_IFLIST) for path in [swanctl_dir, CERT_PATH, CA_PATH, CRL_PATH, PUBKEY_PATH]: if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path, mode=0o755) if not os.path.exists(KEY_PATH): os.mkdir(KEY_PATH, mode=0o700) if 'l2tp' in ipsec: if 'authentication' in ipsec['l2tp'] and 'x509' in ipsec['l2tp']['authentication']: generate_pki_files_x509(ipsec['pki'], ipsec['l2tp']['authentication']['x509']) if 'remote_access' in ipsec and 'connection' in ipsec['remote_access']: for rw, rw_conf in ipsec['remote_access']['connection'].items(): if f'ra_{rw}' in ipsec['dhcp_no_address']: continue local_ip = '' if 'local_address' in rw_conf: local_ip = rw_conf['local_address'] elif 'dhcp_interface' in rw_conf: local_ip = get_dhcp_address(rw_conf['dhcp_interface']) ipsec['remote_access']['connection'][rw]['local_address'] = local_ip if 'authentication' in rw_conf and 'x509' in rw_conf['authentication']: generate_pki_files_x509(ipsec['pki'], rw_conf['authentication']['x509']) if 'site_to_site' in ipsec and 'peer' in ipsec['site_to_site']: for peer, peer_conf in ipsec['site_to_site']['peer'].items(): if f'peer_{peer}' in ipsec['dhcp_no_address']: continue if peer_conf['authentication']['mode'] == 'x509': generate_pki_files_x509(ipsec['pki'], peer_conf['authentication']['x509']) elif peer_conf['authentication']['mode'] == 'rsa': generate_pki_files_rsa(ipsec['pki'], peer_conf['authentication']['rsa']) local_ip = '' if 'local_address' in peer_conf: local_ip = peer_conf['local_address'] elif 'dhcp_interface' in peer_conf: local_ip = get_dhcp_address(peer_conf['dhcp_interface']) ipsec['site_to_site']['peer'][peer]['local_address'] = local_ip if 'tunnel' in peer_conf: for tunnel, tunnel_conf in peer_conf['tunnel'].items(): local_prefixes = dict_search_args(tunnel_conf, 'local', 'prefix') remote_prefixes = dict_search_args(tunnel_conf, 'remote', 'prefix') if not local_prefixes or not remote_prefixes: continue passthrough = None for local_prefix in local_prefixes: for remote_prefix in remote_prefixes: local_net = ipaddress.ip_network(local_prefix) remote_net = ipaddress.ip_network(remote_prefix) if local_net.overlaps(remote_net): if passthrough is None: passthrough = [] passthrough.append(local_prefix) ipsec['site_to_site']['peer'][peer]['tunnel'][tunnel]['passthrough'] = passthrough # auth psk <tag> dhcp-interface <xxx> if jmespath.search('authentication.psk.*.dhcp_interface', ipsec): for psk, psk_config in ipsec['authentication']['psk'].items(): if 'dhcp_interface' in psk_config: for iface in psk_config['dhcp_interface']: id = get_dhcp_address(iface) if id: ipsec['authentication']['psk'][psk]['id'].append(id) render(charon_conf, 'ipsec/charon.j2', ipsec) render(charon_dhcp_conf, 'ipsec/charon/dhcp.conf.j2', ipsec) render(charon_radius_conf, 'ipsec/charon/eap-radius.conf.j2', ipsec) render(interface_conf, 'ipsec/interfaces_use.conf.j2', ipsec) render(swanctl_conf, 'ipsec/swanctl.conf.j2', ipsec) def apply(ipsec): systemd_service = 'strongswan.service' if not ipsec: call(f'systemctl stop {systemd_service}') else: call(f'systemctl reload-or-restart {systemd_service}') if ipsec.get('nhrp_exists', False): try: call_dependents() except ConfigError: # Ignore config errors on dependent due to being called too early. Example: # ConfigError("ConfigError('Interface ethN requires an IP address!')") pass if __name__ == '__main__': try: ipsec = get_config() verify(ipsec) generate(ipsec) apply(ipsec) except ConfigError as e: print(e) exit(1)