diff --git a/src/conf_mode/https.py b/src/conf_mode/https.py
index 5d90b2b53..d8e78c6cd 100755
--- a/src/conf_mode/https.py
+++ b/src/conf_mode/https.py
@@ -1,204 +1,204 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 # Copyright (C) 2019 VyOS maintainers and contributors
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 import sys
 import os
 import jinja2
 import vyos.defaults
 import vyos.certbot_util
 from vyos.config import Config
 from vyos import ConfigError
 config_file = '/etc/nginx/sites-available/default'
 # Please be careful if you edit the template.
 config_tmpl = """
 ### Autogenerated by https.py ###
 # Default server configuration
 server {
         listen 80 default_server;
         listen [::]:80 default_server;
         server_name _;
         return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;
 {% for server in server_block_list %}
 server {
         # SSL configuration
 {% if server.address == '*' %}
-        listen 443 ssl;
-        listen [::]:443 ssl;
+        listen {{ server.port }} ssl;
+        listen [::]:{{ server.port }} ssl;
 {% else %}
         listen {{ server.address }}:{{ server.port }} ssl;
 {% endif %}
 {% for name in server.name %}
         server_name {{ name }};
 {% endfor %}
 {% if server.certbot %}
         ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ server.certbot_dir }}/fullchain.pem;
         ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ server.certbot_dir }}/privkey.pem;
         include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf;
         ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem;
 {% elif server.vyos_cert %}
         include {{ server.vyos_cert.conf }};
 {% else %}
         # Self signed certs generated by the ssl-cert package
         # Don't use them in a production server!
         include snippets/snakeoil.conf;
 {% endif %}
         # proxy settings for HTTP API, if enabled; 503, if not
         location ~ /(retrieve|configure|config-file|image) {
 {% if server.api %}
                 proxy_pass http://localhost:{{ server.api.port }};
                 proxy_buffering off;
 {% else %}
                 return 503;
 {% endif %}
         error_page 501 502 503 =200 @50*_json;
         location @50*_json {
                 default_type application/json;
                 return 200 '{"error": "Start service in configuration mode: set service https api"}';
 {% endfor %}
 default_server_block = {
     'address'   : '*',
     'name'      : ['_'],
     'api'       : {},
     'vyos_cert' : {},
     'certbot'   : False
 def get_config():
     server_block_list = []
     conf = Config()
     if not conf.exists('service https'):
         return None
         conf.set_level('service https')
     if conf.exists('listen-address'):
         for addr in conf.list_nodes('listen-address'):
             server_block = {'address' : addr}
             server_block['port'] = '443'
             server_block['name'] = ['_']
             if conf.exists('listen-address {0} listen-port'.format(addr)):
                 port = conf.return_value('listen-address {0} listen-port'.format(addr))
                 server_block['port'] = port
             if conf.exists('listen-address {0} server-name'.format(addr)):
                 names = conf.return_values('listen-address {0} server-name'.format(addr))
                 server_block['name'] = names[:]
     if not server_block_list:
     vyos_cert_data = {}
     if conf.exists('certificates system-generated-certificate'):
         vyos_cert_data = vyos.defaults.vyos_cert_data
     if vyos_cert_data:
         for block in server_block_list:
             block['vyos_cert'] = vyos_cert_data
     certbot = False
     certbot_domains = []
     if conf.exists('certificates certbot domain-name'):
         certbot_domains = conf.return_values('certificates certbot domain-name')
     if certbot_domains:
         certbot = True
         for domain in certbot_domains:
             sub_list = vyos.certbot_util.choose_server_block(server_block_list,
             if sub_list:
                 for sb in sub_list:
                     sb['certbot'] = True
                     # certbot organizes certificates by first domain
                     sb['certbot_dir'] = certbot_domains[0]
     api_data = {}
     if conf.exists('api'):
         api_data = vyos.defaults.api_data
         if conf.exists('api port'):
             port = conf.return_value('api port')
             api_data['port'] = port
     if api_data:
         for block in server_block_list:
             block['api'] = api_data
     https = {'server_block_list' : server_block_list, 'certbot': certbot}
     return https
 def verify(https):
     if https is None:
         return None
     if https['certbot']:
         for sb in https['server_block_list']:
             if sb['certbot']:
                 return None
         raise ConfigError("At least one 'listen-address x.x.x.x server-name' "
                           "matching the 'certbot domain-name' is required.")
     return None
 def generate(https):
     if https is None:
         return None
     if 'server_block_list' not in https or not https['server_block_list']:
         https['server_block_list'] = [default_server_block]
     tmpl = jinja2.Template(config_tmpl, trim_blocks=True)
     config_text = tmpl.render(https)
     with open(config_file, 'w') as f:
     return None
 def apply(https):
     if https is not None:
         os.system('sudo systemctl restart nginx.service')
         os.system('sudo systemctl stop nginx.service')
 if __name__ == '__main__':
         c = get_config()
     except ConfigError as e: