diff --git a/python/vyos/ifconfig/interface.py b/python/vyos/ifconfig/interface.py
index 117479ade..748830004 100644
--- a/python/vyos/ifconfig/interface.py
+++ b/python/vyos/ifconfig/interface.py
@@ -1,1900 +1,1910 @@
 # Copyright 2019-2024 VyOS maintainers and contributors <maintainers@vyos.io>
 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # Lesser General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 # License along with this library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 import os
 import re
 import json
 import jmespath
 from copy import deepcopy
 from glob import glob
 from ipaddress import IPv4Network
 from netifaces import ifaddresses
 # this is not the same as socket.AF_INET/INET6
 from netifaces import AF_INET
 from netifaces import AF_INET6
 from vyos import ConfigError
 from vyos.configdict import list_diff
 from vyos.configdict import dict_merge
 from vyos.configdict import get_vlan_ids
 from vyos.defaults import directories
 from vyos.template import render
 from vyos.utils.network import mac2eui64
 from vyos.utils.dict import dict_search
 from vyos.utils.network import get_interface_config
 from vyos.utils.network import get_interface_namespace
+from vyos.utils.network import get_vrf_tableid
 from vyos.utils.network import is_netns_interface
 from vyos.utils.process import is_systemd_service_active
 from vyos.utils.process import run
 from vyos.template import is_ipv4
 from vyos.template import is_ipv6
 from vyos.utils.file import read_file
 from vyos.utils.network import is_intf_addr_assigned
 from vyos.utils.network import is_ipv6_link_local
 from vyos.utils.assertion import assert_boolean
 from vyos.utils.assertion import assert_list
 from vyos.utils.assertion import assert_mac
 from vyos.utils.assertion import assert_mtu
 from vyos.utils.assertion import assert_positive
 from vyos.utils.assertion import assert_range
 from vyos.ifconfig.control import Control
 from vyos.ifconfig.vrrp import VRRP
 from vyos.ifconfig.operational import Operational
 from vyos.ifconfig import Section
 from netaddr import EUI
 from netaddr import mac_unix_expanded
 link_local_prefix = 'fe80::/64'
 class Interface(Control):
     # This is the class which will be used to create
     # self.operational, it allows subclasses, such as
     # WireGuard to modify their display behaviour
     OperationalClass = Operational
     options = ['debug', 'create']
     required = []
     default = {
         'debug': True,
         'create': True,
     definition = {
         'section': '',
         'prefixes': [],
         'vlan': False,
         'bondable': False,
         'broadcast': False,
         'bridgeable':  False,
         'eternal': '',
     _command_get = {
         'admin_state': {
             'shellcmd': 'ip -json link show dev {ifname}',
             'format': lambda j: 'up' if 'UP' in jmespath.search('[*].flags | [0]', json.loads(j)) else 'down',
         'alias': {
             'shellcmd': 'ip -json -detail link list dev {ifname}',
             'format': lambda j: jmespath.search('[*].ifalias | [0]', json.loads(j)) or '',
         'mac': {
             'shellcmd': 'ip -json -detail link list dev {ifname}',
             'format': lambda j: jmespath.search('[*].address | [0]', json.loads(j)),
         'min_mtu': {
             'shellcmd': 'ip -json -detail link list dev {ifname}',
             'format': lambda j: jmespath.search('[*].min_mtu | [0]', json.loads(j)),
         'max_mtu': {
             'shellcmd': 'ip -json -detail link list dev {ifname}',
             'format': lambda j: jmespath.search('[*].max_mtu | [0]', json.loads(j)),
         'mtu': {
             'shellcmd': 'ip -json -detail link list dev {ifname}',
             'format': lambda j: jmespath.search('[*].mtu | [0]', json.loads(j)),
         'oper_state': {
             'shellcmd': 'ip -json -detail link list dev {ifname}',
             'format': lambda j: jmespath.search('[*].operstate | [0]', json.loads(j)),
         'vrf': {
             'shellcmd': 'ip -json -detail link list dev {ifname}',
             'format': lambda j: jmespath.search('[?linkinfo.info_slave_kind == `vrf`].master | [0]', json.loads(j)),
     _command_set = {
         'admin_state': {
             'validate': lambda v: assert_list(v, ['up', 'down']),
             'shellcmd': 'ip link set dev {ifname} {value}',
         'alias': {
             'convert': lambda name: name if name else '',
             'shellcmd': 'ip link set dev {ifname} alias "{value}"',
         'bridge_port_isolation': {
             'validate': lambda v: assert_list(v, ['on', 'off']),
             'shellcmd': 'bridge link set dev {ifname} isolated {value}',
         'mac': {
             'validate': assert_mac,
             'shellcmd': 'ip link set dev {ifname} address {value}',
         'mtu': {
             'validate': assert_mtu,
             'shellcmd': 'ip link set dev {ifname} mtu {value}',
         'vrf': {
             'convert': lambda v: f'master {v}' if v else 'nomaster',
             'shellcmd': 'ip link set dev {ifname} {value}',
     _sysfs_set = {
         'arp_cache_tmo': {
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/{ifname}/base_reachable_time_ms',
         'arp_filter': {
             'validate': assert_boolean,
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/{ifname}/arp_filter',
         'arp_accept': {
             'validate': lambda arp: assert_range(arp,0,2),
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/{ifname}/arp_accept',
         'arp_announce': {
             'validate': assert_boolean,
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/{ifname}/arp_announce',
         'arp_ignore': {
             'validate': assert_boolean,
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/{ifname}/arp_ignore',
         'ipv4_forwarding': {
             'validate': assert_boolean,
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/{ifname}/forwarding',
         'ipv4_directed_broadcast': {
             'validate': assert_boolean,
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/{ifname}/bc_forwarding',
         'ipv6_accept_ra': {
             'validate': lambda ara: assert_range(ara,0,3),
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/{ifname}/accept_ra',
         'ipv6_autoconf': {
             'validate': lambda aco: assert_range(aco,0,2),
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/{ifname}/autoconf',
         'ipv6_forwarding': {
             'validate': lambda fwd: assert_range(fwd,0,2),
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/{ifname}/forwarding',
         'ipv6_accept_dad': {
             'validate': lambda dad: assert_range(dad,0,3),
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/{ifname}/accept_dad',
         'ipv6_dad_transmits': {
             'validate': assert_positive,
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/{ifname}/dad_transmits',
         'ipv6_cache_tmo': {
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/neigh/{ifname}/base_reachable_time_ms',
         'path_cost': {
             # XXX: we should set a maximum
             'validate': assert_positive,
             'location': '/sys/class/net/{ifname}/brport/path_cost',
             'errormsg': '{ifname} is not a bridge port member'
         'path_priority': {
             # XXX: we should set a maximum
             'validate': assert_positive,
             'location': '/sys/class/net/{ifname}/brport/priority',
             'errormsg': '{ifname} is not a bridge port member'
         'proxy_arp': {
             'validate': assert_boolean,
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/{ifname}/proxy_arp',
         'proxy_arp_pvlan': {
             'validate': assert_boolean,
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/{ifname}/proxy_arp_pvlan',
         # link_detect vs link_filter name weirdness
         'link_detect': {
             'validate': lambda link: assert_range(link,0,3),
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/{ifname}/link_filter',
         'per_client_thread': {
             'validate': assert_boolean,
             'location': '/sys/class/net/{ifname}/threaded',
     _sysfs_get = {
         'arp_cache_tmo': {
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/{ifname}/base_reachable_time_ms',
         'arp_filter': {
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/{ifname}/arp_filter',
         'arp_accept': {
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/{ifname}/arp_accept',
         'arp_announce': {
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/{ifname}/arp_announce',
         'arp_ignore': {
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/{ifname}/arp_ignore',
         'ipv4_forwarding': {
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/{ifname}/forwarding',
         'ipv4_directed_broadcast': {
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/{ifname}/bc_forwarding',
         'ipv6_accept_ra': {
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/{ifname}/accept_ra',
         'ipv6_autoconf': {
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/{ifname}/autoconf',
         'ipv6_forwarding': {
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/{ifname}/forwarding',
         'ipv6_accept_dad': {
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/{ifname}/accept_dad',
         'ipv6_dad_transmits': {
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/{ifname}/dad_transmits',
         'ipv6_cache_tmo': {
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/neigh/{ifname}/base_reachable_time_ms',
         'proxy_arp': {
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/{ifname}/proxy_arp',
         'proxy_arp_pvlan': {
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/{ifname}/proxy_arp_pvlan',
         'link_detect': {
             'location': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/{ifname}/link_filter',
         'per_client_thread': {
             'validate': assert_boolean,
             'location': '/sys/class/net/{ifname}/threaded',
     def exists(cls, ifname: str, netns: str=None) -> bool:
         cmd = f'ip link show dev {ifname}'
         if netns:
            cmd = f'ip netns exec {netns} {cmd}'
         return run(cmd) == 0
     def get_config(cls):
         Some but not all interfaces require a configuration when they are added
         using iproute2. This method will provide the configuration dictionary
         used by this class.
         return deepcopy(cls.default)
     def __init__(self, ifname, **kargs):
         This is the base interface class which supports basic IP/MAC address
         operations as well as DHCP(v6). Other interface which represent e.g.
         and ethernet bridge are implemented as derived classes adding all
         additional functionality.
         For creation you will need to provide the interface type, otherwise
         the existing interface is used
         This class has embedded debugging (print) which can be enabled by
         creating the following file:
         vyos@vyos# touch /tmp/vyos.ifconfig.debug
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> i = Interface('eth0')
         self.config = deepcopy(kargs)
         self.config['ifname'] = self.ifname = ifname
         self._admin_state_down_cnt = 0
         # we must have updated config before initialising the Interface
         if not self.exists(ifname):
             # Any instance of Interface, such as Interface('eth0') can be used
             # safely to access the generic function in this class as 'type' is
             # unset, the class can not be created
             if not self.iftype:
                 raise Exception(f'interface "{ifname}" not found')
             self.config['type'] = self.iftype
             # Should an Instance of a child class (EthernetIf, DummyIf, ..)
             # be required, then create should be set to False to not accidentally create it.
             # In case a subclass does not define it, we use get to set the default to True
             if self.config.get('create',True):
                 for k in self.required:
                     if k not in kargs:
                         name = self.default['type']
                         raise ConfigError(f'missing required option {k} for {name} {ifname} creation')
             # If we can not connect to the interface then let the caller know
             # as the class could not be correctly initialised
                 raise Exception(f'interface "{ifname}" not found!')
         # temporary list of assigned IP addresses
         self._addr = []
         self.operational = self.OperationalClass(ifname)
         self.vrrp = VRRP(ifname)
     def _create(self):
         # Do not create interface that already exist or exists in netns
         netns = self.config.get('netns', None)
         if self.exists(f'{self.ifname}', netns=netns):
         cmd = 'ip link add dev {ifname} type {type}'.format(**self.config)
         if 'netns' in self.config: cmd = f'ip netns exec {netns} {cmd}'
     def remove(self):
         Remove interface from operating system. Removing the interface
         deconfigures all assigned IP addresses and clear possible DHCP(v6)
         client processes.
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> i = Interface('eth0')
         >>> i.remove()
         # remove all assigned IP addresses from interface - this is a bit redundant
         # as the kernel will remove all addresses on interface deletion, but we
         # can not delete ALL interfaces, see below
         # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
         # Any class can define an eternal regex in its definition
         # interface matching the regex will not be deleted
         eternal = self.definition['eternal']
         if not eternal:
         elif not re.match(eternal, self.ifname):
     def _delete(self):
         # NOTE (Improvement):
         # after interface removal no other commands should be allowed
         # to be called and instead should raise an Exception:
         cmd = 'ip link del dev {ifname}'.format(**self.config)
         # for delete we can't get data from self.config{'netns'}
         netns = get_interface_namespace(self.ifname)
         if netns: cmd = f'ip netns exec {netns} {cmd}'
         return self._cmd(cmd)
-    def _set_vrf_ct_zone(self, vrf):
+    def _set_vrf_ct_zone(self, vrf, old_vrf_tableid=None):
         Add/Remove rules in nftables to associate traffic in VRF to an
         individual conntack zone
         # Don't allow for netns yet
         if 'netns' in self.config:
             return None
+        def nft_check_and_run(nft_command):
+            # Check if deleting is possible first to avoid raising errors
+            _, err = self._popen(f'nft --check {nft_command}')
+            if not err:
+                # Remove map element
+                self._cmd(f'nft {nft_command}')
         if vrf:
             # Get routing table ID for VRF
-            vrf_table_id = get_interface_config(vrf).get('linkinfo', {}).get(
-                'info_data', {}).get('table')
+            vrf_table_id = get_vrf_tableid(vrf)
             # Add map element with interface and zone ID
             if vrf_table_id:
+                # delete old table ID from nftables if it has changed, e.g. interface moved to a different VRF
+                if old_vrf_tableid and old_vrf_tableid != int(vrf_table_id):
+                    nft_del_element = f'delete element inet vrf_zones ct_iface_map {{ "{self.ifname}" }}'
+                    nft_check_and_run(nft_del_element)
                 self._cmd(f'nft add element inet vrf_zones ct_iface_map {{ "{self.ifname}" : {vrf_table_id} }}')
             nft_del_element = f'delete element inet vrf_zones ct_iface_map {{ "{self.ifname}" }}'
-            # Check if deleting is possible first to avoid raising errors
-            _, err = self._popen(f'nft --check {nft_del_element}')
-            if not err:
-                # Remove map element
-                self._cmd(f'nft {nft_del_element}')
+            nft_check_and_run(nft_del_element)
     def get_min_mtu(self):
         Get hardware minimum supported MTU
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').get_min_mtu()
         return int(self.get_interface('min_mtu'))
     def get_max_mtu(self):
         Get hardware maximum supported MTU
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').get_max_mtu()
         return int(self.get_interface('max_mtu'))
     def get_mtu(self):
         Get/set interface mtu in bytes.
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').get_mtu()
         return int(self.get_interface('mtu'))
     def set_mtu(self, mtu):
         Get/set interface mtu in bytes.
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').set_mtu(1400)
         >>> Interface('eth0').get_mtu()
         tmp = self.get_interface('mtu')
         if str(tmp) == mtu:
             return None
         return self.set_interface('mtu', mtu)
     def get_mac(self):
         Get current interface MAC (Media Access Contrl) address used.
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').get_mac()
         return self.get_interface('mac')
     def get_mac_synthetic(self):
         Get a synthetic MAC address. This is a common method which can be called
         from derived classes to overwrite the get_mac() call in a generic way.
         NOTE: Tunnel interfaces have no "MAC" address by default. The content
               of the 'address' file in /sys/class/net/device contains the
               local-ip thus we generate a random MAC address instead
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').get_mac()
         from hashlib import sha256
         # Get processor ID number
         cpu_id = self._cmd('sudo dmidecode -t 4 | grep ID | head -n1 | sed "s/.*ID://;s/ //g"')
         # XXX: T3894 - it seems not all systems have eth0 - get a list of all
         # available Ethernet interfaces on the system (without VLAN subinterfaces)
         # and then take the first one.
         all_eth_ifs = Section.interfaces('ethernet', vlan=False)
         first_mac = Interface(all_eth_ifs[0]).get_mac()
         sha = sha256()
         # Calculate SHA256 sum based on the CPU ID number, eth0 mac address and
         # this interface identifier - this is as predictable as an interface
         # MAC address and thus can be used in the same way
         # take the most significant 48 bits from the SHA256 string
         tmp = sha.hexdigest()[:12]
         # Convert pseudo random string into EUI format which now represents a
         # MAC address
         tmp = EUI(tmp).value
         # set locally administered bit in MAC address
         tmp |= 0xf20000000000
         # convert integer to "real" MAC address representation
         mac = EUI(hex(tmp).split('x')[-1])
         # change dialect to use : as delimiter instead of -
         mac.dialect = mac_unix_expanded
         return str(mac)
     def set_mac(self, mac):
         Set interface MAC (Media Access Contrl) address to given value.
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').set_mac('00:50:ab:cd:ef:01')
         # If MAC is unchanged, bail out early
         if mac == self.get_mac():
             return None
         # MAC address can only be changed if interface is in 'down' state
         prev_state = self.get_admin_state()
         if prev_state == 'up':
         self.set_interface('mac', mac)
         # Turn an interface to the 'up' state if it was changed to 'down' by this fucntion
         if prev_state == 'up':
     def del_netns(self, netns: str) -> bool:
         """ Remove interface from given network namespace """
         # If network namespace does not exist then there is nothing to delete
         if not os.path.exists(f'/run/netns/{netns}'):
             return False
         # Check if interface exists in network namespace
         if is_netns_interface(self.ifname, netns):
             self._cmd(f'ip netns exec {netns} ip link del dev {self.ifname}')
             return True
         return False
     def set_netns(self, netns: str) -> bool:
         Add interface from given network namespace
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('dum0').set_netns('foo')
         self._cmd(f'ip link set dev {self.ifname} netns {netns}')
         return True
     def get_vrf(self):
         Get VRF from interface
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').get_vrf()
         return self.get_interface('vrf')
     def set_vrf(self, vrf: str) -> bool:
         Add/Remove interface from given VRF instance.
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').set_vrf('foo')
         >>> Interface('eth0').set_vrf()
         tmp = self.get_interface('vrf')
         if tmp == vrf:
             return False
+        # Get current VRF table ID
+        old_vrf_tableid = get_vrf_tableid(self.ifname)
         self.set_interface('vrf', vrf)
-        self._set_vrf_ct_zone(vrf)
+        self._set_vrf_ct_zone(vrf, old_vrf_tableid)
         return True
     def set_arp_cache_tmo(self, tmo):
         Set ARP cache timeout value in seconds. Internal Kernel representation
         is in milliseconds.
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').set_arp_cache_tmo(40)
         tmo = str(int(tmo) * 1000)
         tmp = self.get_interface('arp_cache_tmo')
         if tmp == tmo:
             return None
         return self.set_interface('arp_cache_tmo', tmo)
     def set_ipv6_cache_tmo(self, tmo):
         Set IPv6 cache timeout value in seconds. Internal Kernel representation
         is in milliseconds.
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').set_ipv6_cache_tmo(40)
         tmo = str(int(tmo) * 1000)
         tmp = self.get_interface('ipv6_cache_tmo')
         if tmp == tmo:
             return None
         return self.set_interface('ipv6_cache_tmo', tmo)
     def _cleanup_mss_rules(self, table, ifname):
         commands = []
         results = self._cmd(f'nft -a list chain {table} VYOS_TCP_MSS').split("\n")
         for line in results:
             if f'oifname "{ifname}"' in line:
                 handle_search = re.search('handle (\d+)', line)
                 if handle_search:
                     self._cmd(f'nft delete rule {table} VYOS_TCP_MSS handle {handle_search[1]}')
     def set_tcp_ipv4_mss(self, mss):
         Set IPv4 TCP MSS value advertised when TCP SYN packets leave this
         interface. Value is in bytes.
         A value of 0 will disable the MSS adjustment
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').set_tcp_ipv4_mss(1340)
         # Don't allow for netns yet
         if 'netns' in self.config:
             return None
         self._cleanup_mss_rules('raw', self.ifname)
         nft_prefix = 'nft add rule raw VYOS_TCP_MSS'
         base_cmd = f'oifname "{self.ifname}" tcp flags & (syn|rst) == syn'
         if mss == 'clamp-mss-to-pmtu':
             self._cmd(f"{nft_prefix} '{base_cmd} tcp option maxseg size set rt mtu'")
         elif int(mss) > 0:
             low_mss = str(int(mss) + 1)
             self._cmd(f"{nft_prefix} '{base_cmd} tcp option maxseg size {low_mss}-65535 tcp option maxseg size set {mss}'")
     def set_tcp_ipv6_mss(self, mss):
         Set IPv6 TCP MSS value advertised when TCP SYN packets leave this
         interface. Value is in bytes.
         A value of 0 will disable the MSS adjustment
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').set_tcp_mss(1320)
         # Don't allow for netns yet
         if 'netns' in self.config:
             return None
         self._cleanup_mss_rules('ip6 raw', self.ifname)
         nft_prefix = 'nft add rule ip6 raw VYOS_TCP_MSS'
         base_cmd = f'oifname "{self.ifname}" tcp flags & (syn|rst) == syn'
         if mss == 'clamp-mss-to-pmtu':
             self._cmd(f"{nft_prefix} '{base_cmd} tcp option maxseg size set rt mtu'")
         elif int(mss) > 0:
             low_mss = str(int(mss) + 1)
             self._cmd(f"{nft_prefix} '{base_cmd} tcp option maxseg size {low_mss}-65535 tcp option maxseg size set {mss}'")
     def set_arp_filter(self, arp_filter):
         Filter ARP requests
         1 - Allows you to have multiple network interfaces on the same
             subnet, and have the ARPs for each interface be answered
             based on whether or not the kernel would route a packet from
             the ARP'd IP out that interface (therefore you must use source
             based routing for this to work). In other words it allows control
             of which cards (usually 1) will respond to an arp request.
         0 - (default) The kernel can respond to arp requests with addresses
             from other interfaces. This may seem wrong but it usually makes
             sense, because it increases the chance of successful communication.
             IP addresses are owned by the complete host on Linux, not by
             particular interfaces. Only for more complex setups like load-
             balancing, does this behaviour cause problems.
         tmp = self.get_interface('arp_filter')
         if tmp == arp_filter:
             return None
         return self.set_interface('arp_filter', arp_filter)
     def set_arp_accept(self, arp_accept):
         Define behavior for gratuitous ARP frames who's IP is not
         already present in the ARP table:
         0 - don't create new entries in the ARP table
         1 - create new entries in the ARP table
         Both replies and requests type gratuitous arp will trigger the
         ARP table to be updated, if this setting is on.
         If the ARP table already contains the IP address of the
         gratuitous arp frame, the arp table will be updated regardless
         if this setting is on or off.
         tmp = self.get_interface('arp_accept')
         if tmp == arp_accept:
             return None
         return self.set_interface('arp_accept', arp_accept)
     def set_arp_announce(self, arp_announce):
         Define different restriction levels for announcing the local
         source IP address from IP packets in ARP requests sent on
         0 - (default) Use any local address, configured on any interface
         1 - Try to avoid local addresses that are not in the target's
             subnet for this interface. This mode is useful when target
             hosts reachable via this interface require the source IP
             address in ARP requests to be part of their logical network
             configured on the receiving interface. When we generate the
             request we will check all our subnets that include the
             target IP and will preserve the source address if it is from
             such subnet.
         Increasing the restriction level gives more chance for
         receiving answer from the resolved target while decreasing
         the level announces more valid sender's information.
         tmp = self.get_interface('arp_announce')
         if tmp == arp_announce:
             return None
         return self.set_interface('arp_announce', arp_announce)
     def set_arp_ignore(self, arp_ignore):
         Define different modes for sending replies in response to received ARP
         requests that resolve local target IP addresses:
         0 - (default): reply for any local target IP address, configured
             on any interface
         1 - reply only if the target IP address is local address
             configured on the incoming interface
         tmp = self.get_interface('arp_ignore')
         if tmp == arp_ignore:
             return None
         return self.set_interface('arp_ignore', arp_ignore)
     def set_ipv4_forwarding(self, forwarding):
         """ Configure IPv4 forwarding. """
         tmp = self.get_interface('ipv4_forwarding')
         if tmp == forwarding:
             return None
         return self.set_interface('ipv4_forwarding', forwarding)
     def set_ipv4_directed_broadcast(self, forwarding):
         """ Configure IPv4 directed broadcast forwarding. """
         tmp = self.get_interface('ipv4_directed_broadcast')
         if tmp == forwarding:
             return None
         return self.set_interface('ipv4_directed_broadcast', forwarding)
     def _cleanup_ipv4_source_validation_rules(self, ifname):
         results = self._cmd(f'nft -a list chain ip raw vyos_rpfilter').split("\n")
         for line in results:
             if f'iifname "{ifname}"' in line:
                 handle_search = re.search('handle (\d+)', line)
                 if handle_search:
                     self._cmd(f'nft delete rule ip raw vyos_rpfilter handle {handle_search[1]}')
     def set_ipv4_source_validation(self, mode):
         Set IPv4 reverse path validation
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').set_ipv4_source_validation('strict')
         # Don't allow for netns yet
         if 'netns' in self.config:
             return None
         nft_prefix = f'nft insert rule ip raw vyos_rpfilter iifname "{self.ifname}"'
         if mode in ['strict', 'loose']:
             self._cmd(f"{nft_prefix} counter return")
         if mode == 'strict':
             self._cmd(f"{nft_prefix} fib saddr . iif oif 0 counter drop")
         elif mode == 'loose':
             self._cmd(f"{nft_prefix} fib saddr oif 0 counter drop")
     def _cleanup_ipv6_source_validation_rules(self, ifname):
         results = self._cmd(f'nft -a list chain ip6 raw vyos_rpfilter').split("\n")
         for line in results:
             if f'iifname "{ifname}"' in line:
                 handle_search = re.search('handle (\d+)', line)
                 if handle_search:
                     self._cmd(f'nft delete rule ip6 raw vyos_rpfilter handle {handle_search[1]}')
     def set_ipv6_source_validation(self, mode):
         Set IPv6 reverse path validation
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').set_ipv6_source_validation('strict')
         # Don't allow for netns yet
         if 'netns' in self.config:
             return None
         nft_prefix = f'nft insert rule ip6 raw vyos_rpfilter iifname "{self.ifname}"'
         if mode in ['strict', 'loose']:
             self._cmd(f"{nft_prefix} counter return")
         if mode == 'strict':
             self._cmd(f"{nft_prefix} fib saddr . iif oif 0 counter drop")
         elif mode == 'loose':
             self._cmd(f"{nft_prefix} fib saddr oif 0 counter drop")
     def set_ipv6_accept_ra(self, accept_ra):
         Accept Router Advertisements; autoconfigure using them.
         It also determines whether or not to transmit Router Solicitations.
         If and only if the functional setting is to accept Router
         Advertisements, Router Solicitations will be transmitted.
         0 - Do not accept Router Advertisements.
         1 - (default) Accept Router Advertisements if forwarding is disabled.
         2 - Overrule forwarding behaviour. Accept Router Advertisements even if
             forwarding is enabled.
         tmp = self.get_interface('ipv6_accept_ra')
         if tmp == accept_ra:
             return None
         return self.set_interface('ipv6_accept_ra', accept_ra)
     def set_ipv6_autoconf(self, autoconf):
         Autoconfigure addresses using Prefix Information in Router
         tmp = self.get_interface('ipv6_autoconf')
         if tmp == autoconf:
             return None
         return self.set_interface('ipv6_autoconf', autoconf)
     def add_ipv6_eui64_address(self, prefix):
         Extended Unique Identifier (EUI), as per RFC2373, allows a host to
         assign itself a unique IPv6 address based on a given IPv6 prefix.
         Calculate the EUI64 from the interface's MAC, then assign it
         with the given prefix to the interface.
         # T2863: only add a link-local IPv6 address if the interface returns
         # a MAC address. This is not the case on e.g. WireGuard interfaces.
         mac = self.get_mac()
         if mac:
             eui64 = mac2eui64(mac, prefix)
             prefixlen = prefix.split('/')[1]
     def del_ipv6_eui64_address(self, prefix):
         Delete the address based on the interface's MAC-based EUI64
         combined with the prefix address.
         if is_ipv6(prefix):
             eui64 = mac2eui64(self.get_mac(), prefix)
             prefixlen = prefix.split('/')[1]
     def set_ipv6_forwarding(self, forwarding):
         Configure IPv6 interface-specific Host/Router behaviour.
         By default, Host behaviour is assumed.  This means:
         1. IsRouter flag is not set in Neighbour Advertisements.
         2. If accept_ra is TRUE (default), transmit Router
         3. If accept_ra is TRUE (default), accept Router
            Advertisements (and do autoconfiguration).
         4. If accept_redirects is TRUE (default), accept Redirects.
         If local forwarding is enabled, Router behaviour is assumed.
         This means exactly the reverse from the above:
         1. IsRouter flag is set in Neighbour Advertisements.
         2. Router Solicitations are not sent unless accept_ra is 2.
         3. Router Advertisements are ignored unless accept_ra is 2.
         4. Redirects are ignored.
         tmp = self.get_interface('ipv6_forwarding')
         if tmp == forwarding:
             return None
         return self.set_interface('ipv6_forwarding', forwarding)
     def set_ipv6_dad_accept(self, dad):
         """Whether to accept DAD (Duplicate Address Detection)"""
         tmp = self.get_interface('ipv6_accept_dad')
         if tmp == dad:
             return None
         return self.set_interface('ipv6_accept_dad', dad)
     def set_ipv6_dad_messages(self, dad):
         The amount of Duplicate Address Detection probes to send.
         Default: 1
         tmp = self.get_interface('ipv6_dad_transmits')
         if tmp == dad:
             return None
         return self.set_interface('ipv6_dad_transmits', dad)
     def set_link_detect(self, link_filter):
         Configure kernel response in packets received on interfaces that are 'down'
         0 - Allow packets to be received for the address on this interface
             even if interface is disabled or no carrier.
         1 - Ignore packets received if interface associated with the incoming
             address is down.
         2 - Ignore packets received if interface associated with the incoming
             address is down or has no carrier.
         Default value is 0. Note that some distributions enable it in startup
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').set_link_detect(1)
         tmp = self.get_interface('link_detect')
         if tmp == link_filter:
             return None
         return self.set_interface('link_detect', link_filter)
     def get_alias(self):
         Get interface alias name used by e.g. SNMP
         >>> Interface('eth0').get_alias()
         'interface description as set by user'
         return self.get_interface('alias')
     def set_alias(self, ifalias=''):
         Set interface alias name used by e.g. SNMP
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').set_alias('VyOS upstream interface')
         to clear alias e.g. delete it use:
         >>> Interface('eth0').set_ifalias('')
         tmp = self.get_interface('alias')
         if tmp == ifalias:
             return None
         self.set_interface('alias', ifalias)
     def get_admin_state(self):
         Get interface administrative state. Function will return 'up' or 'down'
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').get_admin_state()
         return self.get_interface('admin_state')
     def set_admin_state(self, state):
         Set interface administrative state to be 'up' or 'down'
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').set_admin_state('down')
         >>> Interface('eth0').get_admin_state()
         if state == 'up':
             self._admin_state_down_cnt -= 1
             if self._admin_state_down_cnt < 1:
                 return self.set_interface('admin_state', state)
             self._admin_state_down_cnt += 1
             return self.set_interface('admin_state', state)
     def set_path_cost(self, cost):
         Set interface path cost, only relevant for STP enabled interfaces
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').set_path_cost(4)
         self.set_interface('path_cost', cost)
     def set_path_priority(self, priority):
         Set interface path priority, only relevant for STP enabled interfaces
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').set_path_priority(4)
         self.set_interface('path_priority', priority)
     def set_port_isolation(self, on_or_off):
         Controls whether a given port will be isolated, which means it will be
         able to communicate with non-isolated ports only. By default this flag
         is off.
         Use enable=1 to enable or enable=0 to disable
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth1').set_port_isolation('on')
         self.set_interface('bridge_port_isolation', on_or_off)
     def set_proxy_arp(self, enable):
         Set per interface proxy ARP configuration
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').set_proxy_arp(1)
         tmp = self.get_interface('proxy_arp')
         if tmp == enable:
             return None
         self.set_interface('proxy_arp', enable)
     def set_proxy_arp_pvlan(self, enable):
         Private VLAN proxy arp.
         Basically allow proxy arp replies back to the same interface
         (from which the ARP request/solicitation was received).
         This is done to support (ethernet) switch features, like RFC
         3069, where the individual ports are NOT allowed to
         communicate with each other, but they are allowed to talk to
         the upstream router.  As described in RFC 3069, it is possible
         to allow these hosts to communicate through the upstream
         router by proxy_arp'ing. Don't need to be used together with
         This technology is known by different names:
         In RFC 3069 it is called VLAN Aggregation.
         Cisco and Allied Telesyn call it Private VLAN.
         Hewlett-Packard call it Source-Port filtering or port-isolation.
         Ericsson call it MAC-Forced Forwarding (RFC Draft).
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').set_proxy_arp_pvlan(1)
         tmp = self.get_interface('proxy_arp_pvlan')
         if tmp == enable:
             return None
         self.set_interface('proxy_arp_pvlan', enable)
     def get_addr_v4(self):
         Retrieve assigned IPv4 addresses from given interface.
         This is done using the netifaces and ipaddress python modules.
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').get_addr_v4()
         ipv4 = []
         if AF_INET in ifaddresses(self.config['ifname']):
             for v4_addr in ifaddresses(self.config['ifname'])[AF_INET]:
                 # we need to manually assemble a list of IPv4 address/prefix
                 prefix = '/' + \
                     str(IPv4Network('' + v4_addr['netmask']).prefixlen)
                 ipv4.append(v4_addr['addr'] + prefix)
         return ipv4
     def get_addr_v6(self):
         Retrieve assigned IPv6 addresses from given interface.
         This is done using the netifaces and ipaddress python modules.
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').get_addr_v6()
         ipv6 = []
         if AF_INET6 in ifaddresses(self.config['ifname']):
             for v6_addr in ifaddresses(self.config['ifname'])[AF_INET6]:
                 # Note that currently expanded netmasks are not supported. That means
                 # 2001:db00::0/24 is a valid argument while 2001:db00::0/ffff:ff00:: not.
                 # see https://docs.python.org/3/library/ipaddress.html
                 prefix = '/' + v6_addr['netmask'].split('/')[-1]
                 # we alsoneed to remove the interface suffix on link local
                 # addresses
                 v6_addr['addr'] = v6_addr['addr'].split('%')[0]
                 ipv6.append(v6_addr['addr'] + prefix)
         return ipv6
     def get_addr(self):
         Retrieve assigned IPv4 and IPv6 addresses from given interface.
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0').get_addr()
         ['', 'fe80::20c:29ff:fe11:a174/64']
         return self.get_addr_v4() + self.get_addr_v6()
     def add_addr(self, addr):
         Add IP(v6) address to interface. Address is only added if it is not
         already assigned to that interface. Address format must be validated
         and compressed/normalized before calling this function.
         addr: can be an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, dhcp or dhcpv6!
               IPv4: add IPv4 address to interface
               IPv6: add IPv6 address to interface
               dhcp: start dhclient (IPv4) on interface
               dhcpv6: start WIDE DHCPv6 (IPv6) on interface
         Returns False if address is already assigned and wasn't re-added.
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> j = Interface('eth0')
         >>> j.add_addr('')
         >>> j.add_addr('2001:db8::ffff/64')
         >>> j.get_addr()
         ['', '2001:db8::ffff/64']
         # XXX: normalize/compress with ipaddress if calling functions don't?
         # is subnet mask always passed, and in the same way?
         # do not add same address twice
         if addr in self._addr:
             return False
         # get interface network namespace if specified
         netns = self.config.get('netns', None)
         # add to interface
         if addr == 'dhcp':
         elif addr == 'dhcpv6':
         elif not is_intf_addr_assigned(self.ifname, addr, netns=netns):
             netns_cmd  = f'ip netns exec {netns}' if netns else ''
             tmp = f'{netns_cmd} ip addr add {addr} dev {self.ifname}'
             # Add broadcast address for IPv4
             if is_ipv4(addr): tmp += ' brd +'
             return False
         # add to cache
         return True
     def del_addr(self, addr):
         Delete IP(v6) address from interface. Address is only deleted if it is
         assigned to that interface. Address format must be exactly the same as
         was used when adding the address.
         addr: can be an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, dhcp or dhcpv6!
               IPv4: delete IPv4 address from interface
               IPv6: delete IPv6 address from interface
               dhcp: stop dhclient (IPv4) on interface
               dhcpv6: stop dhclient (IPv6) on interface
         Returns False if address isn't already assigned and wasn't deleted.
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> j = Interface('eth0')
         >>> j.add_addr('2001:db8::ffff/64')
         >>> j.add_addr('')
         >>> j.get_addr()
         ['', '2001:db8::ffff/64']
         >>> j.del_addr('')
         >>> j.get_addr()
         if not addr:
             raise ValueError()
         # get interface network namespace if specified
         netns = self.config.get('netns', None)
         # remove from interface
         if addr == 'dhcp':
         elif addr == 'dhcpv6':
         elif is_intf_addr_assigned(self.ifname, addr, netns=netns):
             netns_cmd  = f'ip netns exec {netns}' if netns else ''
             self._cmd(f'{netns_cmd} ip addr del {addr} dev {self.ifname}')
             return False
         # remove from cache
         if addr in self._addr:
         return True
     def flush_addrs(self):
         Flush all addresses from an interface, including DHCP.
         Will raise an exception on error.
         # stop DHCP(v6) if running
         netns = get_interface_namespace(self.ifname)
         netns_cmd = f'ip netns exec {netns}' if netns else ''
         cmd = f'{netns_cmd} ip addr flush dev {self.ifname}'
         # flush all addresses
     def add_to_bridge(self, bridge_dict):
         Adds the interface to the bridge with the passed port config.
         Returns False if bridge doesn't exist.
         # drop all interface addresses first
         ifname = self.ifname
         for bridge, bridge_config in bridge_dict.items():
             # add interface to bridge - use Section.klass to get BridgeIf class
             Section.klass(bridge)(bridge, create=True).add_port(self.ifname)
             # set bridge port path cost
             if 'cost' in bridge_config:
             # set bridge port path priority
             if 'priority' in bridge_config:
             bridge_vlan_filter = Section.klass(bridge)(bridge, create=True).get_vlan_filter()
             if int(bridge_vlan_filter):
                 cur_vlan_ids = get_vlan_ids(ifname)
                 add_vlan = []
                 native_vlan_id = None
                 allowed_vlan_ids= []
                 if 'native_vlan' in bridge_config:
                     vlan_id = bridge_config['native_vlan']
                     native_vlan_id = vlan_id
                 if 'allowed_vlan' in bridge_config:
                     for vlan in bridge_config['allowed_vlan']:
                         vlan_range = vlan.split('-')
                         if len(vlan_range) == 2:
                             for vlan_add in range(int(vlan_range[0]),int(vlan_range[1]) + 1):
                 # Remove redundant VLANs from the system
                 for vlan in list_diff(cur_vlan_ids, add_vlan):
                     cmd = f'bridge vlan del dev {ifname} vid {vlan} master'
                 for vlan in allowed_vlan_ids:
                     cmd = f'bridge vlan add dev {ifname} vid {vlan} master'
                 # Setting native VLAN to system
                 if native_vlan_id:
                     cmd = f'bridge vlan add dev {ifname} vid {native_vlan_id} pvid untagged master'
     def set_dhcp(self, enable):
         Enable/Disable DHCP client on a given interface.
         if enable not in [True, False]:
             raise ValueError()
         ifname = self.ifname
         config_base = directories['isc_dhclient_dir'] + '/dhclient'
         dhclient_config_file = f'{config_base}_{ifname}.conf'
         dhclient_lease_file = f'{config_base}_{ifname}.leases'
         systemd_override_file = f'/run/systemd/system/dhclient@{ifname}.service.d/10-override.conf'
         systemd_service = f'dhclient@{ifname}.service'
         # Rendered client configuration files require the apsolute config path
         self.config['isc_dhclient_dir'] = directories['isc_dhclient_dir']
         # 'up' check is mandatory b/c even if the interface is A/D, as soon as
         # the DHCP client is started the interface will be placed in u/u state.
         # This is not what we intended to do when disabling an interface.
         if enable and 'disable' not in self.config:
             if dict_search('dhcp_options.host_name', self.config) == None:
                 # read configured system hostname.
                 # maybe change to vyos-hostsd client ???
                 hostname = 'vyos'
                 hostname_file = '/etc/hostname'
                 if os.path.isfile(hostname_file):
                     hostname = read_file(hostname_file)
                 tmp = {'dhcp_options' : { 'host_name' : hostname}}
                 self.config = dict_merge(tmp, self.config)
             render(systemd_override_file, 'dhcp-client/override.conf.j2', self.config)
             render(dhclient_config_file, 'dhcp-client/ipv4.j2', self.config)
             # Reload systemd unit definitons as some options are dynamically generated
             self._cmd('systemctl daemon-reload')
             # When the DHCP client is restarted a brief outage will occur, as
             # the old lease is released a new one is acquired (T4203). We will
             # only restart DHCP client if it's option changed, or if it's not
             # running, but it should be running (e.g. on system startup)
             if 'dhcp_options_changed' in self.config or not is_systemd_service_active(systemd_service):
                 return self._cmd(f'systemctl restart {systemd_service}')
             if is_systemd_service_active(systemd_service):
                 self._cmd(f'systemctl stop {systemd_service}')
             # cleanup old config files
             for file in [dhclient_config_file, systemd_override_file, dhclient_lease_file]:
                 if os.path.isfile(file):
         return None
     def set_dhcpv6(self, enable):
         Enable/Disable DHCPv6 client on a given interface.
         if enable not in [True, False]:
             raise ValueError()
         ifname = self.ifname
         config_base = directories['dhcp6_client_dir']
         config_file = f'{config_base}/dhcp6c.{ifname}.conf'
         script_file = f'/etc/wide-dhcpv6/dhcp6c.{ifname}.script' # can not live under /run b/c of noexec mount option
         systemd_override_file = f'/run/systemd/system/dhcp6c@{ifname}.service.d/10-override.conf'
         systemd_service = f'dhcp6c@{ifname}.service'
         # Rendered client configuration files require additional settings
         config = deepcopy(self.config)
         config['dhcp6_client_dir'] = directories['dhcp6_client_dir']
         config['dhcp6_script_file'] = script_file
         if enable and 'disable' not in config:
             render(systemd_override_file, 'dhcp-client/ipv6.override.conf.j2', config)
             render(config_file, 'dhcp-client/ipv6.j2', config)
             render(script_file, 'dhcp-client/dhcp6c-script.j2', config, permission=0o755)
             # Reload systemd unit definitons as some options are dynamically generated
             self._cmd('systemctl daemon-reload')
             # We must ignore any return codes. This is required to enable
             # DHCPv6-PD for interfaces which are yet not up and running.
             return self._popen(f'systemctl restart {systemd_service}')
             if is_systemd_service_active(systemd_service):
                 self._cmd(f'systemctl stop {systemd_service}')
             if os.path.isfile(config_file):
             if os.path.isfile(script_file):
         return None
     def set_mirror_redirect(self):
         # Please refer to the document for details
         #   - https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/tc.8.html
         #   - https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/tc-mirred.8.html
         # Depening if we are the source or the target interface of the port
         # mirror we need to setup some variables.
         # Don't allow for netns yet
         if 'netns' in self.config:
             return None
         source_if = self.config['ifname']
         mirror_config = None
         if 'mirror' in self.config:
             mirror_config = self.config['mirror']
         if 'is_mirror_intf' in self.config:
             source_if = next(iter(self.config['is_mirror_intf']))
             mirror_config = self.config['is_mirror_intf'][source_if].get('mirror', None)
         redirect_config = None
         # clear existing ingess - ignore errors (e.g. "Error: Cannot find specified
         # qdisc on specified device") - we simply cleanup all stuff here
         if not 'traffic_policy' in self.config:
             self._popen(f'tc qdisc del dev {source_if} parent ffff: 2>/dev/null');
             self._popen(f'tc qdisc del dev {source_if} parent 1: 2>/dev/null');
         # Apply interface mirror policy
         if mirror_config:
             for direction, target_if in mirror_config.items():
                 if direction == 'ingress':
                     handle = 'ffff: ingress'
                     parent = 'ffff:'
                 elif direction == 'egress':
                     handle = '1: root prio'
                     parent = '1:'
                 # Mirror egress traffic
                 mirror_cmd  = f'tc qdisc add dev {source_if} handle {handle}; '
                 # Export the mirrored traffic to the interface
                 mirror_cmd += f'tc filter add dev {source_if} parent {parent} protocol '\
                               f'all prio 10 u32 match u32 0 0 flowid 1:1 action mirred '\
                               f'egress mirror dev {target_if}'
                 _, err = self._popen(mirror_cmd)
                 if err: print('tc qdisc(filter for mirror port failed')
         # Apply interface traffic redirection policy
         elif 'redirect' in self.config:
             _, err = self._popen(f'tc qdisc add dev {source_if} handle ffff: ingress')
             if err: print(f'tc qdisc add for redirect failed!')
             target_if = self.config['redirect']
             _, err = self._popen(f'tc filter add dev {source_if} parent ffff: protocol '\
                                  f'all prio 10 u32 match u32 0 0 flowid 1:1 action mirred '\
                                  f'egress redirect dev {target_if}')
             if err: print('tc filter add for redirect failed')
     def set_per_client_thread(self, enable):
         Per-device control to enable/disable the threaded mode for all the napi
         instances of the given network device, without the need for a device up/down.
         User sets it to 1 or 0 to enable or disable threaded mode.
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('wg1').set_per_client_thread(1)
         # In the case of a "virtual" interface like wireguard, the sysfs
         # node is only created once there is a peer configured. We can now
         # add a verify() code-path for this or make this dynamic without
         # nagging the user
         tmp = self._sysfs_get['per_client_thread']['location']
         if not os.path.exists(tmp):
             return None
         tmp = self.get_interface('per_client_thread')
         if tmp == enable:
             return None
         self.set_interface('per_client_thread', enable)
     def update(self, config):
         """ General helper function which works on a dictionary retrived by
         get_config_dict(). It's main intention is to consolidate the scattered
         interface setup code and provide a single point of entry when workin
         on any interface. """
         if self.debug:
             import pprint
         # Cache the configuration - it will be reused inside e.g. DHCP handler
         # XXX: maybe pass the option via __init__ in the future and rename this
         # method to apply()?
         self.config = config
         # Change interface MAC address - re-set to real hardware address (hw-id)
         # if custom mac is removed. Skip if bond member.
         if 'is_bond_member' not in config:
             mac = config.get('hw_id')
             if 'mac' in config:
                 mac = config.get('mac')
             if mac:
         # If interface is connected to NETNS we don't have to check all other
         # settings like MTU/IPv6/sysctl values, etc.
         # Since the interface is pushed onto a separate logical stack
         # Configure NETNS
         if dict_search('netns', config) != None:
             if not is_netns_interface(self.ifname, self.config['netns']):
                 self.set_netns(config.get('netns', ''))
             self.del_netns(config.get('netns', ''))
         # Update interface description
         self.set_alias(config.get('description', ''))
         # Ignore link state changes
         value = '2' if 'disable_link_detect' in config else '1'
         # Configure assigned interface IP addresses. No longer
         # configured addresses will be removed first
         new_addr = config.get('address', [])
         # always ensure DHCP client is stopped (when not configured explicitly)
         if 'dhcp' not in new_addr:
         # always ensure DHCPv6 client is stopped (when not configured as client
         # for IPv6 address or prefix delegation)
         dhcpv6pd = dict_search('dhcpv6_options.pd', config)
         dhcpv6pd = dhcpv6pd != None and len(dhcpv6pd) != 0
         if 'dhcpv6' not in new_addr and not dhcpv6pd:
         # determine IP addresses which are assigned to the interface and build a
         # list of addresses which are no longer in the dict so they can be removed
         if 'address_old' in config:
             for addr in list_diff(config['address_old'], new_addr):
                 # we will delete all interface specific IP addresses if they are not
                 # explicitly configured on the CLI
                 if is_ipv6_link_local(addr):
                     eui64 = mac2eui64(self.get_mac(), link_local_prefix)
                     if addr != f'{eui64}/64':
         # start DHCPv6 client when only PD was configured
         if dhcpv6pd:
         # XXX: Bind interface to given VRF or unbind it if vrf is not set. Unbinding
         # will call 'ip link set dev eth0 nomaster' which will also drop the
         # interface out of any bridge or bond - thus this is checked before.
         if 'is_bond_member' in config:
             bond_if = next(iter(config['is_bond_member']))
             tmp = get_interface_config(config['ifname'])
             if 'master' in tmp and tmp['master'] != bond_if:
         elif 'is_bridge_member' in config:
             bridge_if = next(iter(config['is_bridge_member']))
             tmp = get_interface_config(config['ifname'])
             if 'master' in tmp and tmp['master'] != bridge_if:
             self.set_vrf(config.get('vrf', ''))
         # Add this section after vrf T4331
         for addr in new_addr:
         # Configure MSS value for IPv4 TCP connections
         tmp = dict_search('ip.adjust_mss', config)
         value = tmp if (tmp != None) else '0'
         # Configure ARP cache timeout in milliseconds - has default value
         tmp = dict_search('ip.arp_cache_timeout', config)
         value = tmp if (tmp != None) else '30'
         # Configure ARP filter configuration
         tmp = dict_search('ip.disable_arp_filter', config)
         value = '0' if (tmp != None) else '1'
         # Configure ARP accept
         tmp = dict_search('ip.enable_arp_accept', config)
         value = '1' if (tmp != None) else '0'
         # Configure ARP announce
         tmp = dict_search('ip.enable_arp_announce', config)
         value = '1' if (tmp != None) else '0'
         # Configure ARP ignore
         tmp = dict_search('ip.enable_arp_ignore', config)
         value = '1' if (tmp != None) else '0'
         # Enable proxy-arp on this interface
         tmp = dict_search('ip.enable_proxy_arp', config)
         value = '1' if (tmp != None) else '0'
         # Enable private VLAN proxy ARP on this interface
         tmp = dict_search('ip.proxy_arp_pvlan', config)
         value = '1' if (tmp != None) else '0'
         # IPv4 forwarding
         tmp = dict_search('ip.disable_forwarding', config)
         value = '0' if (tmp != None) else '1'
         # IPv4 directed broadcast forwarding
         tmp = dict_search('ip.enable_directed_broadcast', config)
         value = '1' if (tmp != None) else '0'
         # IPv4 source-validation
         tmp = dict_search('ip.source_validation', config)
         value = tmp if (tmp != None) else '0'
         # IPv6 source-validation
         tmp = dict_search('ipv6.source_validation', config)
         value = tmp if (tmp != None) else '0'
         # MTU - Maximum Transfer Unit has a default value. It must ALWAYS be set
         # before mangling any IPv6 option. If MTU is less then 1280 IPv6 will be
         # automatically disabled by the kernel. Also MTU must be increased before
         # configuring any IPv6 address on the interface.
         if 'mtu' in config and dict_search('dhcp_options.mtu', config) == None:
         # Configure MSS value for IPv6 TCP connections
         tmp = dict_search('ipv6.adjust_mss', config)
         value = tmp if (tmp != None) else '0'
         # IPv6 forwarding
         tmp = dict_search('ipv6.disable_forwarding', config)
         value = '0' if (tmp != None) else '1'
         # IPv6 router advertisements
         tmp = dict_search('ipv6.address.autoconf', config)
         value = '2' if (tmp != None) else '1'
         if 'dhcpv6' in new_addr:
             value = '2'
         # IPv6 address autoconfiguration
         tmp = dict_search('ipv6.address.autoconf', config)
         value = '1' if (tmp != None) else '0'
         # Whether to accept IPv6 DAD (Duplicate Address Detection) packets
         tmp = dict_search('ipv6.accept_dad', config)
         # Not all interface types got this CLI option, but if they do, there
         # is an XML defaultValue available
         if (tmp != None): self.set_ipv6_dad_accept(tmp)
         # IPv6 DAD tries
         tmp = dict_search('ipv6.dup_addr_detect_transmits', config)
         # Not all interface types got this CLI option, but if they do, there
         # is an XML defaultValue available
         if (tmp != None): self.set_ipv6_dad_messages(tmp)
         # Delete old IPv6 EUI64 addresses before changing MAC
         for addr in (dict_search('ipv6.address.eui64_old', config) or []):
         # Manage IPv6 link-local addresses
         if dict_search('ipv6.address.no_default_link_local', config) != None:
         # Add IPv6 EUI-based addresses
         tmp = dict_search('ipv6.address.eui64', config)
         if tmp:
             for addr in tmp:
         # Configure IPv6 base time in milliseconds - has default value
         tmp = dict_search('ipv6.base_reachable_time', config)
         value = tmp if (tmp != None) else '30'
         # re-add ourselves to any bridge we might have fallen out of
         if 'is_bridge_member' in config:
             tmp = config.get('is_bridge_member')
         # configure interface mirror or redirection target
         # enable/disable NAPI threading mode
         tmp = dict_search('per_client_thread', config)
         value = '1' if (tmp != None) else '0'
         # Enable/Disable of an interface must always be done at the end of the
         # derived class to make use of the ref-counting set_admin_state()
         # function. We will only enable the interface if 'up' was called as
         # often as 'down'. This is required by some interface implementations
         # as certain parameters can only be changed when the interface is
         # in admin-down state. This ensures the link does not flap during
         # reconfiguration.
         state = 'down' if 'disable' in config else 'up'
         # remove no longer required 802.1ad (Q-in-Q VLANs)
         ifname = config['ifname']
         for vif_s_id in config.get('vif_s_remove', {}):
             vif_s_ifname = f'{ifname}.{vif_s_id}'
         # create/update 802.1ad (Q-in-Q VLANs)
         for vif_s_id, vif_s_config in config.get('vif_s', {}).items():
             tmp = deepcopy(VLANIf.get_config())
             tmp['protocol'] = vif_s_config['protocol']
             tmp['source_interface'] = ifname
             tmp['vlan_id'] = vif_s_id
             # It is not possible to change the VLAN encapsulation protocol
             # "on-the-fly". For this "quirk" we need to actively delete and
             # re-create the VIF-S interface.
             vif_s_ifname = f'{ifname}.{vif_s_id}'
             if self.exists(vif_s_ifname):
                 cur_cfg = get_interface_config(vif_s_ifname)
                 protocol = dict_search('linkinfo.info_data.protocol', cur_cfg).lower()
                 if protocol != vif_s_config['protocol']:
             s_vlan = VLANIf(vif_s_ifname, **tmp)
             # remove no longer required client VLAN (vif-c)
             for vif_c_id in vif_s_config.get('vif_c_remove', {}):
                 vif_c_ifname = f'{vif_s_ifname}.{vif_c_id}'
             # create/update client VLAN (vif-c) interface
             for vif_c_id, vif_c_config in vif_s_config.get('vif_c', {}).items():
                 tmp = deepcopy(VLANIf.get_config())
                 tmp['source_interface'] = vif_s_ifname
                 tmp['vlan_id'] = vif_c_id
                 vif_c_ifname = f'{vif_s_ifname}.{vif_c_id}'
                 c_vlan = VLANIf(vif_c_ifname, **tmp)
         # remove no longer required 802.1q VLAN interfaces
         for vif_id in config.get('vif_remove', {}):
             vif_ifname = f'{ifname}.{vif_id}'
         # create/update 802.1q VLAN interfaces
         for vif_id, vif_config in config.get('vif', {}).items():
             vif_ifname = f'{ifname}.{vif_id}'
             tmp = deepcopy(VLANIf.get_config())
             tmp['source_interface'] = ifname
             tmp['vlan_id'] = vif_id
             # We need to ensure that the string format is consistent, and we need to exclude redundant spaces.
             sep = ' '
             if 'egress_qos' in vif_config:
                 # Unwrap strings into arrays
                 egress_qos_array = vif_config['egress_qos'].split()
                 # The split array is spliced according to the fixed format
                 tmp['egress_qos'] = sep.join(egress_qos_array)
             if 'ingress_qos' in vif_config:
                 # Unwrap strings into arrays
                 ingress_qos_array = vif_config['ingress_qos'].split()
                 # The split array is spliced according to the fixed format
                 tmp['ingress_qos'] = sep.join(ingress_qos_array)
             # Since setting the QoS control parameters in the later stage will
             # not completely delete the old settings,
             # we still need to delete the VLAN encapsulation interface in order to
             # ensure that the changed settings are effective.
             cur_cfg = get_interface_config(vif_ifname)
             qos_str = ''
             tmp2 = dict_search('linkinfo.info_data.ingress_qos', cur_cfg)
             if 'ingress_qos' in tmp and tmp2:
                 for item in tmp2:
                     from_key = item['from']
                     to_key = item['to']
                     qos_str += f'{from_key}:{to_key} '
                 if qos_str != tmp['ingress_qos']:
                     if self.exists(vif_ifname):
             qos_str = ''
             tmp2 = dict_search('linkinfo.info_data.egress_qos', cur_cfg)
             if 'egress_qos' in tmp and tmp2:
                 for item in tmp2:
                     from_key = item['from']
                     to_key = item['to']
                     qos_str += f'{from_key}:{to_key} '
                 if qos_str != tmp['egress_qos']:
                     if self.exists(vif_ifname):
             vlan = VLANIf(vif_ifname, **tmp)
 class VLANIf(Interface):
     """ Specific class which abstracts 802.1q and 802.1ad (Q-in-Q) VLAN interfaces """
     iftype = 'vlan'
     def _create(self):
         # bail out early if interface already exists
         if self.exists(f'{self.ifname}'):
         # If source_interface or vlan_id was not explicitly defined (e.g. when
         # calling  VLANIf('eth0.1').remove() we can define source_interface and
         # vlan_id here, as it's quiet obvious that it would be eth0 in that case.
         if 'source_interface' not in self.config:
             self.config['source_interface'] = '.'.join(self.ifname.split('.')[:-1])
         if 'vlan_id' not in self.config:
             self.config['vlan_id'] = self.ifname.split('.')[-1]
         cmd = 'ip link add link {source_interface} name {ifname} type vlan id {vlan_id}'
         if 'protocol' in self.config:
             cmd += ' protocol {protocol}'
         if 'ingress_qos' in self.config:
             cmd += ' ingress-qos-map {ingress_qos}'
         if 'egress_qos' in self.config:
             cmd += ' egress-qos-map {egress_qos}'
         # interface is always A/D down. It needs to be enabled explicitly
     def set_admin_state(self, state):
         Set interface administrative state to be 'up' or 'down'
         >>> from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
         >>> Interface('eth0.10').set_admin_state('down')
         >>> Interface('eth0.10').get_admin_state()
         # A VLAN interface can only be placed in admin up state when
         # the lower interface is up, too
         lower_interface = glob(f'/sys/class/net/{self.ifname}/lower*/flags')[0]
         with open(lower_interface, 'r') as f:
             flags = f.read()
         # If parent is not up - bail out as we can not bring up the VLAN.
         # Flags are defined in kernel source include/uapi/linux/if.h
         if not int(flags, 16) & 1:
             return None
         return super().set_admin_state(state)
diff --git a/python/vyos/utils/network.py b/python/vyos/utils/network.py
index 829124b57..8406a5638 100644
--- a/python/vyos/utils/network.py
+++ b/python/vyos/utils/network.py
@@ -1,558 +1,571 @@
 # Copyright 2023 VyOS maintainers and contributors <maintainers@vyos.io>
 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # Lesser General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 # License along with this library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 def _are_same_ip(one, two):
     from socket import AF_INET
     from socket import AF_INET6
     from socket import inet_pton
     from vyos.template import is_ipv4
     # compare the binary representation of the IP
     f_one = AF_INET if is_ipv4(one) else AF_INET6
     s_two = AF_INET if is_ipv4(two) else AF_INET6
     return inet_pton(f_one, one) == inet_pton(f_one, two)
 def get_protocol_by_name(protocol_name):
     """Get protocol number by protocol name
        % get_protocol_by_name('tcp')
        % 6
     import socket
         protocol_number = socket.getprotobyname(protocol_name)
         return protocol_number
     except socket.error:
         return protocol_name
 def interface_exists(interface) -> bool:
     import os
     return os.path.exists(f'/sys/class/net/{interface}')
 def is_netns_interface(interface, netns):
     from vyos.utils.process import rc_cmd
     rc, out = rc_cmd(f'sudo ip netns exec {netns} ip link show dev {interface}')
     if rc == 0:
         return True
     return False
 def get_netns_all() -> list:
     from json import loads
     from vyos.utils.process import cmd
     tmp = loads(cmd('ip --json netns ls'))
     return [ netns['name'] for netns in tmp ]
 def get_vrf_members(vrf: str) -> list:
     Get list of interface VRF members
     :param vrf: str
     :return: list
     import json
     from vyos.utils.process import cmd
     interfaces = []
         if not interface_exists(vrf):
             raise ValueError(f'VRF "{vrf}" does not exist!')
         output = cmd(f'ip --json --brief link show vrf {vrf}')
         answer = json.loads(output)
         for data in answer:
             if 'ifname' in data:
     return interfaces
 def get_interface_vrf(interface):
     """ Returns VRF of given interface """
     from vyos.utils.dict import dict_search
     from vyos.utils.network import get_interface_config
     tmp = get_interface_config(interface)
     if dict_search('linkinfo.info_slave_kind', tmp) == 'vrf':
         return tmp['master']
     return 'default'
+def get_vrf_tableid(interface: str):
+    """ Return VRF table ID for given interface name or None """
+    from vyos.utils.dict import dict_search
+    table = None
+    tmp = get_interface_config(interface)
+    # Check if we are "the" VRF interface
+    if dict_search('linkinfo.info_kind', tmp) == 'vrf':
+        table = tmp['linkinfo']['info_data']['table']
+    # or an interface bound to a VRF
+    elif dict_search('linkinfo.info_slave_kind', tmp) == 'vrf':
+        table = tmp['linkinfo']['info_slave_data']['table']
+    return table
 def get_interface_config(interface):
     """ Returns the used encapsulation protocol for given interface.
         If interface does not exist, None is returned.
     if not interface_exists(interface):
         return None
     from json import loads
     from vyos.utils.process import cmd
     tmp = loads(cmd(f'ip --detail --json link show dev {interface}'))[0]
     return tmp
 def get_interface_address(interface):
     """ Returns the used encapsulation protocol for given interface.
         If interface does not exist, None is returned.
     if not interface_exists(interface):
         return None
     from json import loads
     from vyos.utils.process import cmd
     tmp = loads(cmd(f'ip --detail --json addr show dev {interface}'))[0]
     return tmp
 def get_interface_namespace(interface: str):
        Returns wich netns the interface belongs to
     from json import loads
     from vyos.utils.process import cmd
     # Bail out early if netns does not exist
     tmp = cmd(f'ip --json netns ls')
     if not tmp: return None
     for ns in loads(tmp):
         netns = f'{ns["name"]}'
         # Search interface in each netns
         data = loads(cmd(f'ip netns exec {netns} ip --json link show'))
         for tmp in data:
             if interface == tmp["ifname"]:
                 return netns
 def is_ipv6_tentative(iface: str, ipv6_address: str) -> bool:
     """Check if IPv6 address is in tentative state.
     This function checks if an IPv6 address on a specific network interface is
     in the tentative state. IPv6 tentative addresses are not fully configured
     and are undergoing Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) to ensure they are
     unique on the network.
         iface (str): The name of the network interface.
         ipv6_address (str): The IPv6 address to check.
         bool: True if the IPv6 address is tentative, False otherwise.
     import json
     from vyos.utils.process import rc_cmd
     rc, out = rc_cmd(f'ip -6 --json address show dev {iface}')
     if rc:
         return False
     data = json.loads(out)
     for addr_info in data[0]['addr_info']:
         if (
             addr_info.get('local') == ipv6_address and
             addr_info.get('tentative', False)
             return True
     return False
 def is_wwan_connected(interface):
     """ Determine if a given WWAN interface, e.g. wwan0 is connected to the
     carrier network or not """
     import json
     from vyos.utils.dict import dict_search
     from vyos.utils.process import cmd
     from vyos.utils.process import is_systemd_service_active
     if not interface.startswith('wwan'):
         raise ValueError(f'Specified interface "{interface}" is not a WWAN interface')
     # ModemManager is required for connection(s) - if service is not running,
     # there won't be any connection at all!
     if not is_systemd_service_active('ModemManager.service'):
         return False
     modem = interface.lstrip('wwan')
     tmp = cmd(f'mmcli --modem {modem} --output-json')
     tmp = json.loads(tmp)
     # return True/False if interface is in connected state
     return dict_search('modem.generic.state', tmp) == 'connected'
 def get_bridge_fdb(interface):
     """ Returns the forwarding database entries for a given interface """
     if not interface_exists(interface):
         return None
     from json import loads
     from vyos.utils.process import cmd
     tmp = loads(cmd(f'bridge -j fdb show dev {interface}'))
     return tmp
 def get_all_vrfs():
     """ Return a dictionary of all system wide known VRF instances """
     from json import loads
     from vyos.utils.process import cmd
     tmp = loads(cmd('ip --json vrf list'))
     # Result is of type [{"name":"red","table":1000},{"name":"blue","table":2000}]
     # so we will re-arrange it to a more nicer representation:
     # {'red': {'table': 1000}, 'blue': {'table': 2000}}
     data = {}
     for entry in tmp:
         name = entry.pop('name')
         data[name] = entry
     return data
 def interface_list() -> list:
     from vyos.ifconfig import Section
     Get list of interfaces in system
     :rtype: list
     return Section.interfaces()
 def vrf_list() -> list:
     Get list of VRFs in system
     :rtype: list
     return list(get_all_vrfs().keys())
 def mac2eui64(mac, prefix=None):
     Convert a MAC address to a EUI64 address or, with prefix provided, a full
     IPv6 address.
     Thankfully copied from https://gist.github.com/wido/f5e32576bb57b5cc6f934e177a37a0d3
     import re
     from ipaddress import ip_network
     # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4291#section-2.5.1
     eui64 = re.sub(r'[.:-]', '', mac).lower()
     eui64 = eui64[0:6] + 'fffe' + eui64[6:]
     eui64 = hex(int(eui64[0:2], 16) ^ 2)[2:].zfill(2) + eui64[2:]
     if prefix is None:
         return ':'.join(re.findall(r'.{4}', eui64))
             net = ip_network(prefix, strict=False)
             euil = int('0x{0}'.format(eui64), 16)
             return str(net[euil])
         except:  # pylint: disable=bare-except
 def check_port_availability(ipaddress, port, protocol):
     Check if port is available and not used by any service
     Return False if a port is busy or IP address does not exists
     Should be used carefully for services that can start listening
     dynamically, because IP address may be dynamic too
     from socketserver import TCPServer, UDPServer
     from ipaddress import ip_address
     # verify arguments
         ipaddress = ip_address(ipaddress).compressed
         raise ValueError(f'The {ipaddress} is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address')
     if port not in range(1, 65536):
         raise ValueError(f'The port number {port} is not in the 1-65535 range')
     if protocol not in ['tcp', 'udp']:
         raise ValueError(f'The protocol {protocol} is not supported. Only tcp and udp are allowed')
     # check port availability
         if protocol == 'tcp':
             server = TCPServer((ipaddress, port), None, bind_and_activate=True)
         if protocol == 'udp':
             server = UDPServer((ipaddress, port), None, bind_and_activate=True)
     except Exception as e:
         # errno.h:
         #define EADDRINUSE  98  /* Address already in use */
         if e.errno == 98:
             return False
     return True
 def is_listen_port_bind_service(port: int, service: str) -> bool:
     """Check if listen port bound to expected program name
     :param port: Bind port
     :param service: Program name
     :return: bool
         % is_listen_port_bind_service(443, 'nginx')
         % is_listen_port_bind_service(443, 'ocserv-main')
     from psutil import net_connections as connections
     from psutil import Process as process
     for connection in connections():
         addr = connection.laddr
         pid = connection.pid
         pid_name = process(pid).name()
         pid_port = addr.port
         if service == pid_name and port == pid_port:
             return True
     return False
 def is_ipv6_link_local(addr):
     """ Check if addrsss is an IPv6 link-local address. Returns True/False """
     from ipaddress import ip_interface
     from vyos.template import is_ipv6
     addr = addr.split('%')[0]
     if is_ipv6(addr):
         if ip_interface(addr).is_link_local:
             return True
     return False
 def is_addr_assigned(ip_address, vrf=None, return_ifname=False, include_vrf=False) -> bool | str:
     """ Verify if the given IPv4/IPv6 address is assigned to any interface """
     from netifaces import interfaces
     from vyos.utils.network import get_interface_config
     from vyos.utils.dict import dict_search
     for interface in interfaces():
         # Check if interface belongs to the requested VRF, if this is not the
         # case there is no need to proceed with this data set - continue loop
         # with next element
         tmp = get_interface_config(interface)
         if dict_search('master', tmp) != vrf and not include_vrf:
         if is_intf_addr_assigned(interface, ip_address):
             return interface if return_ifname else True
     return False
 def is_intf_addr_assigned(ifname: str, addr: str, netns: str=None) -> bool:
     Verify if the given IPv4/IPv6 address is assigned to specific interface.
     It can check both a single IP address (e.g. or a assigned CIDR
     import json
     import jmespath
     from vyos.utils.process import rc_cmd
     from ipaddress import ip_interface
     netns_cmd = f'ip netns exec {netns}' if netns else ''
     rc, out = rc_cmd(f'{netns_cmd} ip --json address show dev {ifname}')
     if rc == 0:
         json_out = json.loads(out)
         addresses = jmespath.search("[].addr_info[].{family: family, address: local, prefixlen: prefixlen}", json_out)
         for address_info in addresses:
             family = address_info['family']
             address = address_info['address']
             prefixlen = address_info['prefixlen']
             # Remove the interface name if present in the given address
             if '%' in addr:
                 addr = addr.split('%')[0]
             interface = ip_interface(f"{address}/{prefixlen}")
             if ip_interface(addr) == interface or address == addr:
                 return True
     return False
 def is_loopback_addr(addr):
     """ Check if supplied IPv4/IPv6 address is a loopback address """
     from ipaddress import ip_address
     return ip_address(addr).is_loopback
 def is_wireguard_key_pair(private_key: str, public_key:str) -> bool:
      Checks if public/private keys are keypair
     :param private_key: Wireguard private key
     :type private_key: str
     :param public_key: Wireguard public key
     :type public_key: str
     :return: If public/private keys are keypair returns True else False
     :rtype: bool
     from vyos.utils.process import cmd
     gen_public_key = cmd('wg pubkey', input=private_key)
     if gen_public_key == public_key:
         return True
         return False
 def is_subnet_connected(subnet, primary=False):
     Verify is the given IPv4/IPv6 subnet is connected to any interface on this
     primary check if the subnet is reachable via the primary IP address of this
     interface, or in other words has a broadcast address configured. ISC DHCP
     for instance will complain if it should listen on non broadcast interfaces.
     Return True/False
     from ipaddress import ip_address
     from ipaddress import ip_network
     from netifaces import ifaddresses
     from netifaces import interfaces
     from netifaces import AF_INET
     from netifaces import AF_INET6
     from vyos.template import is_ipv6
     # determine IP version (AF_INET or AF_INET6) depending on passed address
     addr_type = AF_INET
     if is_ipv6(subnet):
         addr_type = AF_INET6
     for interface in interfaces():
         # check if the requested address type is configured at all
         if addr_type not in ifaddresses(interface).keys():
         # An interface can have multiple addresses, but some software components
         # only support the primary address :(
         if primary:
             ip = ifaddresses(interface)[addr_type][0]['addr']
             if ip_address(ip) in ip_network(subnet):
                 return True
             # Check every assigned IP address if it is connected to the subnet
             # in question
             for ip in ifaddresses(interface)[addr_type]:
                 # remove interface extension (e.g. %eth0) that gets thrown on the end of _some_ addrs
                 addr = ip['addr'].split('%')[0]
                 if ip_address(addr) in ip_network(subnet):
                     return True
     return False
 def is_afi_configured(interface: str, afi):
     """ Check if given address family is configured, or in other words - an IP
     address is assigned to the interface. """
     from netifaces import ifaddresses
     from netifaces import AF_INET
     from netifaces import AF_INET6
     if afi not in [AF_INET, AF_INET6]:
         raise ValueError('Address family must be in [AF_INET, AF_INET6]')
         addresses = ifaddresses(interface)
     except ValueError as e:
         return False
     return afi in addresses
 def get_vxlan_vlan_tunnels(interface: str) -> list:
     """ Return a list of strings with VLAN IDs configured in the Kernel """
     from json import loads
     from vyos.utils.process import cmd
     if not interface.startswith('vxlan'):
         raise ValueError('Only applicable for VXLAN interfaces!')
     # Determine current OS Kernel configured VLANs
     # $ bridge -j -p vlan tunnelshow dev vxlan0
     # [ {
     #         "ifname": "vxlan0",
     #         "tunnels": [ {
     #                 "vlan": 10,
     #                 "vlanEnd": 11,
     #                 "tunid": 10010,
     #                 "tunidEnd": 10011
     #             },{
     #                 "vlan": 20,
     #                 "tunid": 10020
     #             } ]
     #     } ]
     os_configured_vlan_ids = []
     tmp = loads(cmd(f'bridge --json vlan tunnelshow dev {interface}'))
     if tmp:
         for tunnel in tmp[0].get('tunnels', {}):
             vlanStart = tunnel['vlan']
             if 'vlanEnd' in tunnel:
                 vlanEnd = tunnel['vlanEnd']
                 # Build a real list for user VLAN IDs
                 vlan_list = list(range(vlanStart, vlanEnd +1))
                 # Convert list of integers to list or strings
                 os_configured_vlan_ids.extend(map(str, vlan_list))
                 # Proceed with next tunnel - this one is complete
             # Add single tunel id - not part of a range
     return os_configured_vlan_ids
 def get_vxlan_vni_filter(interface: str) -> list:
     """ Return a list of strings with VNIs configured in the Kernel"""
     from json import loads
     from vyos.utils.process import cmd
     if not interface.startswith('vxlan'):
         raise ValueError('Only applicable for VXLAN interfaces!')
     # Determine current OS Kernel configured VNI filters in VXLAN interface
     # $ bridge -j vni show dev vxlan1
     # [{"ifname":"vxlan1","vnis":[{"vni":100},{"vni":200},{"vni":300,"vniEnd":399}]}]
     # Example output: ['10010', '10020', '10021', '10022']
     os_configured_vnis = []
     tmp = loads(cmd(f'bridge --json vni show dev {interface}'))
     if tmp:
         for tunnel in tmp[0].get('vnis', {}):
             vniStart = tunnel['vni']
             if 'vniEnd' in tunnel:
                 vniEnd = tunnel['vniEnd']
                 # Build a real list for user VNIs
                 vni_list = list(range(vniStart, vniEnd +1))
                 # Convert list of integers to list or strings
                 os_configured_vnis.extend(map(str, vni_list))
                 # Proceed with next tunnel - this one is complete
             # Add single tunel id - not part of a range
     return os_configured_vnis
 # Calculate prefix length of an IPv6 range, where possible
 # Python-ified from source: https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/dhcp/-/blob/master/keama/confparse.c#L4591
 def ipv6_prefix_length(low, high):
     import socket
     bytemasks = [0x80, 0xc0, 0xe0, 0xf0, 0xf8, 0xfc, 0xfe, 0xff]
         lo = bytearray(socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, low))
         hi = bytearray(socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, high))
         return None
     xor = bytearray(a ^ b for a, b in zip(lo, hi))
     plen = 0
     while plen < 128 and xor[plen // 8] == 0:
         plen += 8
     if plen == 128:
         return plen
     for i in range((plen // 8) + 1, 16):
         if xor[i] != 0:
             return None
     for i in range(8):
         msk = ~xor[plen // 8] & 0xff
         if msk == bytemasks[i]:
             return plen + i + 1
     return None
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/base_interfaces_test.py b/smoketest/scripts/cli/base_interfaces_test.py
index 9be2c2f1a..4072fd5c2 100644
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/base_interfaces_test.py
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/base_interfaces_test.py
@@ -1,1092 +1,1138 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2019-2024 VyOS maintainers and contributors
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 from netifaces import AF_INET
 from netifaces import AF_INET6
 from netifaces import ifaddresses
 from netifaces import interfaces
 from base_vyostest_shim import VyOSUnitTestSHIM
 from vyos.configsession import ConfigSessionError
 from vyos.defaults import directories
 from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
 from vyos.ifconfig import Section
 from vyos.utils.file import read_file
 from vyos.utils.dict import dict_search
 from vyos.utils.process import process_named_running
 from vyos.utils.network import get_interface_config
 from vyos.utils.network import get_interface_vrf
+from vyos.utils.network import get_vrf_tableid
 from vyos.utils.process import cmd
 from vyos.utils.network import is_intf_addr_assigned
 from vyos.utils.network import is_ipv6_link_local
 from vyos.xml_ref import cli_defined
 dhclient_base_dir = directories['isc_dhclient_dir']
 dhclient_process_name = 'dhclient'
 dhcp6c_base_dir = directories['dhcp6_client_dir']
 dhcp6c_process_name = 'dhcp6c'
 def is_mirrored_to(interface, mirror_if, qdisc):
     Ask TC if we are mirroring traffic to a discrete interface.
     interface: source interface
     mirror_if: destination where we mirror our data to
     qdisc: must be ffff or 1 for ingress/egress
     if qdisc not in ['ffff', '1']:
         raise ValueError()
     ret_val = False
     tmp = cmd(f'tc -s -p filter ls dev {interface} parent {qdisc}: | grep mirred')
     tmp = tmp.lower()
     if mirror_if in tmp:
         ret_val = True
     return ret_val
 class BasicInterfaceTest:
     class TestCase(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
         _test_dhcp = False
         _test_ip = False
         _test_mtu = False
         _test_vlan = False
         _test_qinq = False
         _test_ipv6 = False
         _test_ipv6_pd = False
         _test_ipv6_dhcpc6 = False
         _test_mirror = False
         _test_vrf = False
         _base_path = []
         _options = {}
         _interfaces = []
         _qinq_range = ['10', '20', '30']
         _vlan_range = ['100', '200', '300', '2000']
         _test_addr = ['', '', '',
                       '2001:db8:1::ffff/64', '2001:db8:101::1/112']
         _mirror_interfaces = []
         # choose IPv6 minimum MTU value for tests - this must always work
         _mtu = '1280'
         def setUpClass(cls):
             super(BasicInterfaceTest.TestCase, cls).setUpClass()
             # XXX the case of test_vif_8021q_mtu_limits, below, shows that
             # we should extend cli_defined to support more complex queries
             cls._test_vlan = cli_defined(cls._base_path, 'vif')
             cls._test_qinq = cli_defined(cls._base_path, 'vif-s')
             cls._test_dhcp = cli_defined(cls._base_path, 'dhcp-options')
             cls._test_ip = cli_defined(cls._base_path, 'ip')
             cls._test_ipv6 = cli_defined(cls._base_path, 'ipv6')
             cls._test_ipv6_dhcpc6 = cli_defined(cls._base_path, 'dhcpv6-options')
             cls._test_ipv6_pd = cli_defined(cls._base_path + ['dhcpv6-options'], 'pd')
             cls._test_mtu = cli_defined(cls._base_path, 'mtu')
             cls._test_vrf = cli_defined(cls._base_path, 'vrf')
             # Setup mirror interfaces for SPAN (Switch Port Analyzer)
             for span in cls._mirror_interfaces:
                 section = Section.section(span)
                 cls.cli_set(cls, ['interfaces', section, span])
         def tearDownClass(cls):
             # Tear down mirror interfaces for SPAN (Switch Port Analyzer)
             for span in cls._mirror_interfaces:
                 section = Section.section(span)
                 cls.cli_delete(cls, ['interfaces', section, span])
             super(BasicInterfaceTest.TestCase, cls).tearDownClass()
         def tearDown(self):
             # Verify that no previously interface remained on the system
             for intf in self._interfaces:
                 self.assertNotIn(intf, interfaces())
             # No daemon started during tests should remain running
             for daemon in ['dhcp6c', 'dhclient']:
                 # if _interface list is populated do a more fine grained search
                 # by also checking the cmd arguments passed to the daemon
                 if self._interfaces:
                     for tmp in self._interfaces:
                         self.assertFalse(process_named_running(daemon, tmp))
         def test_dhcp_disable_interface(self):
             if not self._test_dhcp:
                 self.skipTest('not supported')
             # When interface is configured as admin down, it must be admin down
             # even when dhcpc starts on the given interface
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'disable'])
                 for option in self._options.get(interface, []):
                     self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface] + option.split())
                 # Also enable DHCP (ISC DHCP always places interface in admin up
                 # state so we check that we do not start DHCP client.
                 # https://vyos.dev/T2767
                 self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'address', 'dhcp'])
             # Validate interface state
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 flags = read_file(f'/sys/class/net/{interface}/flags')
                 self.assertEqual(int(flags, 16) & 1, 0)
         def test_dhcp_client_options(self):
             if not self._test_dhcp or not self._test_vrf:
                 self.skipTest('not supported')
             client_id = 'VyOS-router'
             distance = '100'
             hostname = 'vyos'
             vendor_class_id = 'vyos-vendor'
             user_class = 'vyos'
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 for option in self._options.get(interface, []):
                     self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface] + option.split())
                 self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'address', 'dhcp'])
                 self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'dhcp-options', 'client-id', client_id])
                 self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'dhcp-options', 'default-route-distance', distance])
                 self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'dhcp-options', 'host-name', hostname])
                 self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'dhcp-options', 'vendor-class-id', vendor_class_id])
                 self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'dhcp-options', 'user-class', user_class])
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 # Check if dhclient process runs
                 dhclient_pid = process_named_running(dhclient_process_name, cmdline=interface, timeout=10)
                 dhclient_config = read_file(f'{dhclient_base_dir}/dhclient_{interface}.conf')
                 self.assertIn(f'request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, routers, domain-name-servers', dhclient_config)
                 self.assertIn(f'require subnet-mask;', dhclient_config)
                 self.assertIn(f'send host-name "{hostname}";', dhclient_config)
                 self.assertIn(f'send dhcp-client-identifier "{client_id}";', dhclient_config)
                 self.assertIn(f'send vendor-class-identifier "{vendor_class_id}";', dhclient_config)
                 self.assertIn(f'send user-class "{user_class}";', dhclient_config)
                 # and the commandline has the appropriate options
                 cmdline = read_file(f'/proc/{dhclient_pid}/cmdline')
                 self.assertIn(f'-e\x00IF_METRIC={distance}', cmdline)
         def test_dhcp_vrf(self):
             if not self._test_dhcp or not self._test_vrf:
                 self.skipTest('not supported')
             vrf_name = 'purple4'
             self.cli_set(['vrf', 'name', vrf_name, 'table', '65000'])
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 for option in self._options.get(interface, []):
                     self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface] + option.split())
                 self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'address', 'dhcp'])
                 self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'vrf', vrf_name])
             # Validate interface state
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 tmp = get_interface_vrf(interface)
                 self.assertEqual(tmp, vrf_name)
                 # Check if dhclient process runs
                 dhclient_pid = process_named_running(dhclient_process_name, cmdline=interface, timeout=10)
                 # .. inside the appropriate VRF instance
                 vrf_pids = cmd(f'ip vrf pids {vrf_name}')
                 self.assertIn(str(dhclient_pid), vrf_pids)
                 # and the commandline has the appropriate options
                 cmdline = read_file(f'/proc/{dhclient_pid}/cmdline')
                 self.assertIn('-e\x00IF_METRIC=210', cmdline) # 210 is the default value
             self.cli_delete(['vrf', 'name', vrf_name])
         def test_dhcpv6_vrf(self):
             if not self._test_ipv6_dhcpc6 or not self._test_vrf:
                 self.skipTest('not supported')
             vrf_name = 'purple6'
             self.cli_set(['vrf', 'name', vrf_name, 'table', '65001'])
             # When interface is configured as admin down, it must be admin down
             # even when dhcpc starts on the given interface
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 for option in self._options.get(interface, []):
                     self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface] + option.split())
                 self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'address', 'dhcpv6'])
                 self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'vrf', vrf_name])
             # Validate interface state
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 tmp = get_interface_vrf(interface)
                 self.assertEqual(tmp, vrf_name)
                 # Check if dhclient process runs
                 tmp = process_named_running(dhcp6c_process_name, cmdline=interface, timeout=10)
                 # .. inside the appropriate VRF instance
                 vrf_pids = cmd(f'ip vrf pids {vrf_name}')
                 self.assertIn(str(tmp), vrf_pids)
             self.cli_delete(['vrf', 'name', vrf_name])
+        def test_move_interface_between_vrf_instances(self):
+            if not self._test_vrf:
+                self.skipTest('not supported')
+            vrf1_name = 'smoketest_mgmt1'
+            vrf1_table = '5424'
+            vrf2_name = 'smoketest_mgmt2'
+            vrf2_table = '7412'
+            self.cli_set(['vrf', 'name', vrf1_name, 'table', vrf1_table])
+            self.cli_set(['vrf', 'name', vrf2_name, 'table', vrf2_table])
+            # move interface into first VRF
+            for interface in self._interfaces:
+                for option in self._options.get(interface, []):
+                    self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface] + option.split())
+                self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'vrf', vrf1_name])
+            self.cli_commit()
+            # check that interface belongs to proper VRF
+            for interface in self._interfaces:
+                tmp = get_interface_vrf(interface)
+                self.assertEqual(tmp, vrf1_name)
+                tmp = get_interface_config(vrf1_name)
+                self.assertEqual(int(vrf1_table), get_vrf_tableid(interface))
+            # move interface into second VRF
+            for interface in self._interfaces:
+                self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'vrf', vrf2_name])
+            self.cli_commit()
+            # check that interface belongs to proper VRF
+            for interface in self._interfaces:
+                tmp = get_interface_vrf(interface)
+                self.assertEqual(tmp, vrf2_name)
+                tmp = get_interface_config(vrf2_name)
+                self.assertEqual(int(vrf2_table), get_vrf_tableid(interface))
+            self.cli_delete(['vrf', 'name', vrf1_name])
+            self.cli_delete(['vrf', 'name', vrf2_name])
         def test_span_mirror(self):
             if not self._mirror_interfaces:
                 self.skipTest('not supported')
             # Check the two-way mirror rules of ingress and egress
             for mirror in self._mirror_interfaces:
                 for interface in self._interfaces:
                     self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'mirror', 'ingress', mirror])
                     self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'mirror', 'egress',  mirror])
             # Verify config
             for mirror in self._mirror_interfaces:
                 for interface in self._interfaces:
                     self.assertTrue(is_mirrored_to(interface, mirror, 'ffff'))
                     self.assertTrue(is_mirrored_to(interface, mirror, '1'))
         def test_interface_disable(self):
             # Check if description can be added to interface and
             # can be read back
             for intf in self._interfaces:
                 self.cli_set(self._base_path + [intf, 'disable'])
                 for option in self._options.get(intf, []):
                     self.cli_set(self._base_path + [intf] + option.split())
             # Validate interface description
             for intf in self._interfaces:
                 self.assertEqual(Interface(intf).get_admin_state(), 'down')
         def test_interface_description(self):
             # Check if description can be added to interface and
             # can be read back
             for intf in self._interfaces:
                 self.cli_set(self._base_path + [intf, 'description', test_string])
                 for option in self._options.get(intf, []):
                     self.cli_set(self._base_path + [intf] + option.split())
             # Validate interface description
             for intf in self._interfaces:
                 tmp = read_file(f'/sys/class/net/{intf}/ifalias')
                 self.assertEqual(tmp, test_string)
                 self.assertEqual(Interface(intf).get_alias(), test_string)
                 self.cli_delete(self._base_path + [intf, 'description'])
             # Validate remove interface description "empty"
             for intf in self._interfaces:
                 tmp = read_file(f'/sys/class/net/{intf}/ifalias')
                 self.assertEqual(tmp, str())
                 self.assertEqual(Interface(intf).get_alias(), str())
             # Test maximum interface description lengt (255 characters)
             for intf in self._interfaces:
                 self.cli_set(self._base_path + [intf, 'description', test_string])
                 for option in self._options.get(intf, []):
                     self.cli_set(self._base_path + [intf] + option.split())
             # Validate interface description
             for intf in self._interfaces:
                 tmp = read_file(f'/sys/class/net/{intf}/ifalias')
                 self.assertEqual(tmp, test_string)
                 self.assertEqual(Interface(intf).get_alias(), test_string)
         def test_add_single_ip_address(self):
             addr = ''
             for intf in self._interfaces:
                 self.cli_set(self._base_path + [intf, 'address', addr])
                 for option in self._options.get(intf, []):
                     self.cli_set(self._base_path + [intf] + option.split())
             for intf in self._interfaces:
                 self.assertTrue(is_intf_addr_assigned(intf, addr))
                 self.assertEqual(Interface(intf).get_admin_state(), 'up')
         def test_add_multiple_ip_addresses(self):
             # Add address
             for intf in self._interfaces:
                 for option in self._options.get(intf, []):
                     self.cli_set(self._base_path + [intf] + option.split())
                 for addr in self._test_addr:
                     self.cli_set(self._base_path + [intf, 'address', addr])
             # Validate address
             for intf in self._interfaces:
                 for af in AF_INET, AF_INET6:
                     for addr in ifaddresses(intf)[af]:
                         # checking link local addresses makes no sense
                         if is_ipv6_link_local(addr['addr']):
                         self.assertTrue(is_intf_addr_assigned(intf, addr['addr']))
         def test_ipv6_link_local_address(self):
             # Common function for IPv6 link-local address assignemnts
             if not self._test_ipv6:
                 self.skipTest('not supported')
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 base = self._base_path + [interface]
                 # just set the interface base without any option - some interfaces
                 # (VTI) do not require any option to be brought up
                 for option in self._options.get(interface, []):
                     self.cli_set(base + option.split())
             # after commit we must have an IPv6 link-local address
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 self.assertIn(AF_INET6, ifaddresses(interface))
                 for addr in ifaddresses(interface)[AF_INET6]:
             # disable IPv6 link-local address assignment
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 base = self._base_path + [interface]
                 self.cli_set(base + ['ipv6', 'address', 'no-default-link-local'])
             # after commit we must have no IPv6 link-local address
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 self.assertNotIn(AF_INET6, ifaddresses(interface))
         def test_interface_mtu(self):
             if not self._test_mtu:
                 self.skipTest('not supported')
             for intf in self._interfaces:
                 base = self._base_path + [intf]
                 self.cli_set(base + ['mtu', self._mtu])
                 for option in self._options.get(intf, []):
                     self.cli_set(base + option.split())
             # commit interface changes
             # verify changed MTU
             for intf in self._interfaces:
                 tmp = get_interface_config(intf)
                 self.assertEqual(tmp['mtu'], int(self._mtu))
         def test_mtu_1200_no_ipv6_interface(self):
             # Testcase if MTU can be changed to 1200 on non IPv6
             # enabled interfaces
             if not self._test_mtu:
                 self.skipTest('not supported')
             old_mtu = self._mtu
             self._mtu = '1200'
             for intf in self._interfaces:
                 base = self._base_path + [intf]
                 for option in self._options.get(intf, []):
                     self.cli_set(base + option.split())
                 self.cli_set(base + ['mtu', self._mtu])
             # check validate() - can not set low MTU if 'no-default-link-local'
             # is not set on CLI
             with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError):
             for intf in self._interfaces:
                 base = self._base_path + [intf]
                 self.cli_set(base + ['ipv6', 'address', 'no-default-link-local'])
             # commit interface changes
             # verify changed MTU
             for intf in self._interfaces:
                 tmp = get_interface_config(intf)
                 self.assertEqual(tmp['mtu'], int(self._mtu))
             self._mtu = old_mtu
         def test_vif_8021q_interfaces(self):
             # XXX: This testcase is not allowed to run as first testcase, reason
             # is the Wireless test will first load the wifi kernel hwsim module
             # which creates a wlan0 and wlan1 interface which will fail the
             # tearDown() test in the end that no interface is allowed to survive!
             if not self._test_vlan:
                 self.skipTest('not supported')
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 base = self._base_path + [interface]
                 for option in self._options.get(interface, []):
                     self.cli_set(base + option.split())
                 for vlan in self._vlan_range:
                     base = self._base_path + [interface, 'vif', vlan]
                     for address in self._test_addr:
                         self.cli_set(base + ['address', address])
             for intf in self._interfaces:
                 for vlan in self._vlan_range:
                     vif = f'{intf}.{vlan}'
                     for address in self._test_addr:
                         self.assertTrue(is_intf_addr_assigned(vif, address))
                     self.assertEqual(Interface(vif).get_admin_state(), 'up')
             # T4064: Delete interface addresses, keep VLAN interface
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 base = self._base_path + [interface]
                 for vlan in self._vlan_range:
                     base = self._base_path + [interface, 'vif', vlan]
                     self.cli_delete(base + ['address'])
             # Verify no IP address is assigned
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 for vlan in self._vlan_range:
                     vif = f'{intf}.{vlan}'
                     for address in self._test_addr:
                         self.assertFalse(is_intf_addr_assigned(vif, address))
         def test_vif_8021q_mtu_limits(self):
             # XXX: This testcase is not allowed to run as first testcase, reason
             # is the Wireless test will first load the wifi kernel hwsim module
             # which creates a wlan0 and wlan1 interface which will fail the
             # tearDown() test in the end that no interface is allowed to survive!
             if not self._test_vlan or not self._test_mtu:
                 self.skipTest('not supported')
             mtu_1500 = '1500'
             mtu_9000 = '9000'
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 base = self._base_path + [interface]
                 self.cli_set(base + ['mtu', mtu_1500])
                 for option in self._options.get(interface, []):
                     self.cli_set(base + option.split())
                     if 'source-interface' in option:
                         iface = option.split()[-1]
                         iface_type = Section.section(iface)
                         self.cli_set(['interfaces', iface_type, iface, 'mtu', mtu_9000])
                 for vlan in self._vlan_range:
                     base = self._base_path + [interface, 'vif', vlan]
                     self.cli_set(base + ['mtu', mtu_9000])
             # check validate() - Interface MTU "9000" too high, parent interface MTU is "1500"!
             with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError):
             # Change MTU on base interface to be the same as on the VIF interface
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 base = self._base_path + [interface]
                 self.cli_set(base + ['mtu', mtu_9000])
             # Verify MTU on base and VIF interfaces
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 tmp = get_interface_config(interface)
                 self.assertEqual(tmp['mtu'], int(mtu_9000))
                 for vlan in self._vlan_range:
                     tmp = get_interface_config(f'{interface}.{vlan}')
                     self.assertEqual(tmp['mtu'], int(mtu_9000))
         def test_vif_8021q_qos_change(self):
             # XXX: This testcase is not allowed to run as first testcase, reason
             # is the Wireless test will first load the wifi kernel hwsim module
             # which creates a wlan0 and wlan1 interface which will fail the
             # tearDown() test in the end that no interface is allowed to survive!
             if not self._test_vlan:
                 self.skipTest('not supported')
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 base = self._base_path + [interface]
                 for option in self._options.get(interface, []):
                     self.cli_set(base + option.split())
                 for vlan in self._vlan_range:
                     base = self._base_path + [interface, 'vif', vlan]
                     self.cli_set(base + ['ingress-qos', '0:1'])
                     self.cli_set(base + ['egress-qos', '1:6'])
             for intf in self._interfaces:
                 for vlan in self._vlan_range:
                     vif = f'{intf}.{vlan}'
                     tmp = get_interface_config(f'{vif}')
                     tmp2 = dict_search('linkinfo.info_data.ingress_qos', tmp)
                     for item in tmp2 if tmp2 else []:
                         from_key = item['from']
                         to_key = item['to']
                         self.assertEqual(from_key, 0)
                         self.assertEqual(to_key, 1)
                     tmp2 = dict_search('linkinfo.info_data.egress_qos', tmp)
                     for item in tmp2 if tmp2 else []:
                         from_key = item['from']
                         to_key = item['to']
                         self.assertEqual(from_key, 1)
                         self.assertEqual(to_key, 6)
                     self.assertEqual(Interface(vif).get_admin_state(), 'up')
             new_ingress_qos_from = 1
             new_ingress_qos_to = 6
             new_egress_qos_from = 2
             new_egress_qos_to = 7
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 base = self._base_path + [interface]
                 for vlan in self._vlan_range:
                     base = self._base_path + [interface, 'vif', vlan]
                     self.cli_set(base + ['ingress-qos', f'{new_ingress_qos_from}:{new_ingress_qos_to}'])
                     self.cli_set(base + ['egress-qos', f'{new_egress_qos_from}:{new_egress_qos_to}'])
             for intf in self._interfaces:
                 for vlan in self._vlan_range:
                     vif = f'{intf}.{vlan}'
                     tmp = get_interface_config(f'{vif}')
                     tmp2 = dict_search('linkinfo.info_data.ingress_qos', tmp)
                     if tmp2:
                         from_key = tmp2[0]['from']
                         to_key = tmp2[0]['to']
                         self.assertEqual(from_key, new_ingress_qos_from)
                         self.assertEqual(to_key, new_ingress_qos_to)
                     tmp2 = dict_search('linkinfo.info_data.egress_qos', tmp)
                     if tmp2:
                         from_key = tmp2[0]['from']
                         to_key = tmp2[0]['to']
                         self.assertEqual(from_key, new_egress_qos_from)
                         self.assertEqual(to_key, new_egress_qos_to)
         def test_vif_8021q_lower_up_down(self):
             # Testcase for https://vyos.dev/T3349
             if not self._test_vlan:
                 self.skipTest('not supported')
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 base = self._base_path + [interface]
                 for option in self._options.get(interface, []):
                     self.cli_set(base + option.split())
                 # disable the lower interface
                 self.cli_set(base + ['disable'])
                 for vlan in self._vlan_range:
                     vlan_base = self._base_path + [interface, 'vif', vlan]
                     # disable the vlan interface
                     self.cli_set(vlan_base + ['disable'])
             # re-enable all lower interfaces
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 base = self._base_path + [interface]
                 self.cli_delete(base + ['disable'])
             # verify that the lower interfaces are admin up and the vlan
             # interfaces are all admin down
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 self.assertEqual(Interface(interface).get_admin_state(), 'up')
                 for vlan in self._vlan_range:
                     ifname = f'{interface}.{vlan}'
                     self.assertEqual(Interface(ifname).get_admin_state(), 'down')
         def test_vif_s_8021ad_vlan_interfaces(self):
             # XXX: This testcase is not allowed to run as first testcase, reason
             # is the Wireless test will first load the wifi kernel hwsim module
             # which creates a wlan0 and wlan1 interface which will fail the
             # tearDown() test in the end that no interface is allowed to survive!
             if not self._test_qinq:
                 self.skipTest('not supported')
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 base = self._base_path + [interface]
                 for option in self._options.get(interface, []):
                     self.cli_set(base + option.split())
                 for vif_s in self._qinq_range:
                     for vif_c in self._vlan_range:
                         base = self._base_path + [interface, 'vif-s', vif_s, 'vif-c', vif_c]
                         self.cli_set(base + ['mtu', self._mtu])
                         for address in self._test_addr:
                             self.cli_set(base + ['address', address])
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 for vif_s in self._qinq_range:
                     tmp = get_interface_config(f'{interface}.{vif_s}')
                     self.assertEqual(dict_search('linkinfo.info_data.protocol', tmp), '802.1ad')
                     for vif_c in self._vlan_range:
                         vif = f'{interface}.{vif_s}.{vif_c}'
                         # For an unknown reason this regularely fails on the QEMU builds,
                         # thus the test for reading back IP addresses is temporary
                         # disabled. There is no big deal here, as this uses the same
                         # methods on 802.1q and here it works and is verified.
 #                       for address in self._test_addr:
 #                           self.assertTrue(is_intf_addr_assigned(vif, address))
                         tmp = get_interface_config(vif)
                         self.assertEqual(tmp['mtu'], int(self._mtu))
             # T4064: Delete interface addresses, keep VLAN interface
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 base = self._base_path + [interface]
                 for vif_s in self._qinq_range:
                     for vif_c in self._vlan_range:
                         self.cli_delete(self._base_path + [interface, 'vif-s', vif_s, 'vif-c', vif_c, 'address'])
             # Verify no IP address is assigned
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 base = self._base_path + [interface]
                 for vif_s in self._qinq_range:
                     for vif_c in self._vlan_range:
                         vif = f'{interface}.{vif_s}.{vif_c}'
                         for address in self._test_addr:
                             self.assertFalse(is_intf_addr_assigned(vif, address))
             # T3972: remove vif-c interfaces from vif-s
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 base = self._base_path + [interface]
                 for vif_s in self._qinq_range:
                     base = self._base_path + [interface, 'vif-s', vif_s, 'vif-c']
         def test_vif_s_protocol_change(self):
             # XXX: This testcase is not allowed to run as first testcase, reason
             # is the Wireless test will first load the wifi kernel hwsim module
             # which creates a wlan0 and wlan1 interface which will fail the
             # tearDown() test in the end that no interface is allowed to survive!
             if not self._test_qinq:
                 self.skipTest('not supported')
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 base = self._base_path + [interface]
                 for option in self._options.get(interface, []):
                     self.cli_set(base + option.split())
                 for vif_s in self._qinq_range:
                     for vif_c in self._vlan_range:
                         base = self._base_path + [interface, 'vif-s', vif_s, 'vif-c', vif_c]
                         for address in self._test_addr:
                             self.cli_set(base + ['address', address])
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 for vif_s in self._qinq_range:
                     tmp = get_interface_config(f'{interface}.{vif_s}')
                     # check for the default value
                     self.assertEqual(tmp['linkinfo']['info_data']['protocol'], '802.1ad')
             # T3532: now change ethertype
             new_protocol = '802.1q'
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 for vif_s in self._qinq_range:
                     base = self._base_path + [interface, 'vif-s', vif_s]
                     self.cli_set(base + ['protocol', new_protocol])
             # Verify new ethertype configuration
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 for vif_s in self._qinq_range:
                     tmp = get_interface_config(f'{interface}.{vif_s}')
                     self.assertEqual(tmp['linkinfo']['info_data']['protocol'], new_protocol.upper())
         def test_interface_ip_options(self):
             if not self._test_ip:
                 self.skipTest('not supported')
             arp_tmo = '300'
             mss = '1420'
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 path = self._base_path + [interface]
                 for option in self._options.get(interface, []):
                     self.cli_set(path + option.split())
                 # Options
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ip'], 'adjust-mss'):
                     self.cli_set(path + ['ip', 'adjust-mss', mss])
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ip'], 'arp-cache-timeout'):
                     self.cli_set(path + ['ip', 'arp-cache-timeout', arp_tmo])
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ip'], 'disable-arp-filter'):
                     self.cli_set(path + ['ip', 'disable-arp-filter'])
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ip'], 'disable-forwarding'):
                     self.cli_set(path + ['ip', 'disable-forwarding'])
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ip'], 'enable-directed-broadcast'):
                     self.cli_set(path + ['ip', 'enable-directed-broadcast'])
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ip'], 'enable-arp-accept'):
                     self.cli_set(path + ['ip', 'enable-arp-accept'])
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ip'], 'enable-arp-announce'):
                     self.cli_set(path + ['ip', 'enable-arp-announce'])
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ip'], 'enable-arp-ignore'):
                     self.cli_set(path + ['ip', 'enable-arp-ignore'])
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ip'], 'enable-proxy-arp'):
                     self.cli_set(path + ['ip', 'enable-proxy-arp'])
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ip'], 'proxy-arp-pvlan'):
                     self.cli_set(path + ['ip', 'proxy-arp-pvlan'])
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ip'], 'source-validation'):
                     self.cli_set(path + ['ip', 'source-validation', 'loose'])
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ip'], 'adjust-mss'):
                     base_options = f'oifname "{interface}"'
                     out = cmd('sudo nft list chain raw VYOS_TCP_MSS')
                     for line in out.splitlines():
                         if line.startswith(base_options):
                             self.assertIn(f'tcp option maxseg size set {mss}', line)
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ip'], 'arp-cache-timeout'):
                     tmp = read_file(f'/proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/{interface}/base_reachable_time_ms')
                     self.assertEqual(tmp, str((int(arp_tmo) * 1000))) # tmo value is in milli seconds
                 proc_base = f'/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/{interface}'
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ip'], 'disable-arp-filter'):
                     tmp = read_file(f'{proc_base}/arp_filter')
                     self.assertEqual('0', tmp)
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ip'], 'enable-arp-accept'):
                     tmp = read_file(f'{proc_base}/arp_accept')
                     self.assertEqual('1', tmp)
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ip'], 'enable-arp-announce'):
                     tmp = read_file(f'{proc_base}/arp_announce')
                     self.assertEqual('1', tmp)
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ip'], 'enable-arp-ignore'):
                     tmp = read_file(f'{proc_base}/arp_ignore')
                     self.assertEqual('1', tmp)
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ip'], 'disable-forwarding'):
                     tmp = read_file(f'{proc_base}/forwarding')
                     self.assertEqual('0', tmp)
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ip'], 'enable-directed-broadcast'):
                     tmp = read_file(f'{proc_base}/bc_forwarding')
                     self.assertEqual('1', tmp)
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ip'], 'enable-proxy-arp'):
                     tmp = read_file(f'{proc_base}/proxy_arp')
                     self.assertEqual('1', tmp)
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ip'], 'proxy-arp-pvlan'):
                     tmp = read_file(f'{proc_base}/proxy_arp_pvlan')
                     self.assertEqual('1', tmp)
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ip'], 'source-validation'):
                     base_options = f'iifname "{interface}"'
                     out = cmd('sudo nft list chain ip raw vyos_rpfilter')
                     for line in out.splitlines():
                         if line.startswith(base_options):
                             self.assertIn('fib saddr oif 0', line)
                             self.assertIn('drop', line)
         def test_interface_ipv6_options(self):
             if not self._test_ipv6:
                 self.skipTest('not supported')
             mss = '1400'
             dad_transmits = '10'
             accept_dad = '0'
             source_validation = 'strict'
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 path = self._base_path + [interface]
                 for option in self._options.get(interface, []):
                     self.cli_set(path + option.split())
                 # Options
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ipv6'], 'adjust-mss'):
                     self.cli_set(path + ['ipv6', 'adjust-mss', mss])
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ipv6'], 'accept-dad'):
                     self.cli_set(path + ['ipv6', 'accept-dad', accept_dad])
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ipv6'], 'dup-addr-detect-transmits'):
                     self.cli_set(path + ['ipv6', 'dup-addr-detect-transmits', dad_transmits])
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ipv6'], 'disable-forwarding'):
                     self.cli_set(path + ['ipv6', 'disable-forwarding'])
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ipv6'], 'source-validation'):
                     self.cli_set(path + ['ipv6', 'source-validation', source_validation])
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 proc_base = f'/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/{interface}'
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ipv6'], 'adjust-mss'):
                     base_options = f'oifname "{interface}"'
                     out = cmd('sudo nft list chain ip6 raw VYOS_TCP_MSS')
                     for line in out.splitlines():
                         if line.startswith(base_options):
                             self.assertIn(f'tcp option maxseg size set {mss}', line)
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ipv6'], 'accept-dad'):
                     tmp = read_file(f'{proc_base}/accept_dad')
                     self.assertEqual(accept_dad, tmp)
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ipv6'], 'dup-addr-detect-transmits'):
                     tmp = read_file(f'{proc_base}/dad_transmits')
                     self.assertEqual(dad_transmits, tmp)
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ipv6'], 'disable-forwarding'):
                     tmp = read_file(f'{proc_base}/forwarding')
                     self.assertEqual('0', tmp)
                 if cli_defined(self._base_path + ['ipv6'], 'source-validation'):
                     base_options = f'iifname "{interface}"'
                     out = cmd('sudo nft list chain ip6 raw vyos_rpfilter')
                     for line in out.splitlines():
                         if line.startswith(base_options):
                             self.assertIn('fib saddr . iif oif 0', line)
                             self.assertIn('drop', line)
         def test_dhcpv6_client_options(self):
             if not self._test_ipv6_dhcpc6:
                 self.skipTest('not supported')
             duid_base = 10
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 duid = '00:01:00:01:27:71:db:f0:00:50:00:00:00:{}'.format(duid_base)
                 path = self._base_path + [interface]
                 for option in self._options.get(interface, []):
                     self.cli_set(path + option.split())
                 # Enable DHCPv6 client
                 self.cli_set(path + ['address', 'dhcpv6'])
                 self.cli_set(path + ['dhcpv6-options', 'no-release'])
                 self.cli_set(path + ['dhcpv6-options', 'rapid-commit'])
                 self.cli_set(path + ['dhcpv6-options', 'parameters-only'])
                 self.cli_set(path + ['dhcpv6-options', 'duid', duid])
                 duid_base += 1
             duid_base = 10
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 duid = '00:01:00:01:27:71:db:f0:00:50:00:00:00:{}'.format(duid_base)
                 dhcpc6_config = read_file(f'{dhcp6c_base_dir}/dhcp6c.{interface}.conf')
                 self.assertIn(f'interface {interface} ' + '{', dhcpc6_config)
                 self.assertIn(f'  request domain-name-servers;', dhcpc6_config)
                 self.assertIn(f'  request domain-name;', dhcpc6_config)
                 self.assertIn(f'  information-only;', dhcpc6_config)
                 self.assertIn(f'  send ia-na 0;', dhcpc6_config)
                 self.assertIn(f'  send rapid-commit;', dhcpc6_config)
                 self.assertIn(f'  send client-id {duid};', dhcpc6_config)
                 self.assertIn('};', dhcpc6_config)
                 duid_base += 1
                 # Better ask the process about it's commandline in the future
                 pid = process_named_running(dhcp6c_process_name, cmdline=interface, timeout=10)
                 dhcp6c_options = read_file(f'/proc/{pid}/cmdline')
                 self.assertIn('-n', dhcp6c_options)
         def test_dhcpv6pd_auto_sla_id(self):
             if not self._test_ipv6_pd:
                 self.skipTest('not supported')
             prefix_len = '56'
             sla_len = str(64 - int(prefix_len))
             # Create delegatee interfaces first to avoid any confusion by dhcpc6
             # this is mainly an "issue" with virtual-ethernet interfaces
             delegatees = ['dum2340', 'dum2341', 'dum2342', 'dum2343', 'dum2344']
             for delegatee in delegatees:
                 section = Section.section(delegatee)
                 self.cli_set(['interfaces', section, delegatee])
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 path = self._base_path + [interface]
                 for option in self._options.get(interface, []):
                     self.cli_set(path + option.split())
                 address = '1'
                 # prefix delegation stuff
                 pd_base = path + ['dhcpv6-options', 'pd', '0']
                 self.cli_set(pd_base + ['length', prefix_len])
                 for delegatee in delegatees:
                     self.cli_set(pd_base + ['interface', delegatee, 'address', address])
                     # increment interface address
                     address = str(int(address) + 1)
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 dhcpc6_config = read_file(f'{dhcp6c_base_dir}/dhcp6c.{interface}.conf')
                 # verify DHCPv6 prefix delegation
                 self.assertIn(f'prefix ::/{prefix_len} infinity;', dhcpc6_config)
                 address = '1'
                 sla_id = '0'
                 for delegatee in delegatees:
                     self.assertIn(f'prefix-interface {delegatee}' + r' {', dhcpc6_config)
                     self.assertIn(f'ifid {address};', dhcpc6_config)
                     self.assertIn(f'sla-id {sla_id};', dhcpc6_config)
                     self.assertIn(f'sla-len {sla_len};', dhcpc6_config)
                     # increment sla-id
                     sla_id = str(int(sla_id) + 1)
                     # increment interface address
                     address = str(int(address) + 1)
                 # Check for running process
                 self.assertTrue(process_named_running(dhcp6c_process_name, cmdline=interface, timeout=10))
             for delegatee in delegatees:
                 # we can already cleanup the test delegatee interface here
                 # as until commit() is called, nothing happens
                 section = Section.section(delegatee)
                 self.cli_delete(['interfaces', section, delegatee])
         def test_dhcpv6pd_manual_sla_id(self):
             if not self._test_ipv6_pd:
                 self.skipTest('not supported')
             prefix_len = '56'
             sla_len = str(64 - int(prefix_len))
             # Create delegatee interfaces first to avoid any confusion by dhcpc6
             # this is mainly an "issue" with virtual-ethernet interfaces
             delegatees = ['dum3340', 'dum3341', 'dum3342', 'dum3343', 'dum3344']
             for delegatee in delegatees:
                 section = Section.section(delegatee)
                 self.cli_set(['interfaces', section, delegatee])
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 path = self._base_path + [interface]
                 for option in self._options.get(interface, []):
                     self.cli_set(path + option.split())
                 # prefix delegation stuff
                 address = '1'
                 sla_id = '1'
                 pd_base = path + ['dhcpv6-options', 'pd', '0']
                 self.cli_set(pd_base + ['length', prefix_len])
                 for delegatee in delegatees:
                     self.cli_set(pd_base + ['interface', delegatee, 'address', address])
                     self.cli_set(pd_base + ['interface', delegatee, 'sla-id', sla_id])
                     # increment interface address
                     address = str(int(address) + 1)
                     sla_id = str(int(sla_id) + 1)
             # Verify dhcpc6 client configuration
             for interface in self._interfaces:
                 address = '1'
                 sla_id = '1'
                 dhcpc6_config = read_file(f'{dhcp6c_base_dir}/dhcp6c.{interface}.conf')
                 # verify DHCPv6 prefix delegation
                 self.assertIn(f'prefix ::/{prefix_len} infinity;', dhcpc6_config)
                 for delegatee in delegatees:
                     self.assertIn(f'prefix-interface {delegatee}' + r' {', dhcpc6_config)
                     self.assertIn(f'ifid {address};', dhcpc6_config)
                     self.assertIn(f'sla-id {sla_id};', dhcpc6_config)
                     self.assertIn(f'sla-len {sla_len};', dhcpc6_config)
                     # increment sla-id
                     sla_id = str(int(sla_id) + 1)
                     # increment interface address
                     address = str(int(address) + 1)
                 # Check for running process
                 self.assertTrue(process_named_running(dhcp6c_process_name, cmdline=interface, timeout=10))
             for delegatee in delegatees:
                 # we can already cleanup the test delegatee interface here
                 # as until commit() is called, nothing happens
                 section = Section.section(delegatee)
                 self.cli_delete(['interfaces', section, delegatee])
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/test_protocols_static.py b/smoketest/scripts/cli/test_protocols_static.py
index c5cf2aab6..f676e2a52 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/test_protocols_static.py
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/test_protocols_static.py
@@ -1,481 +1,482 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 # Copyright (C) 2021-2024 VyOS maintainers and contributors
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 import unittest
 from base_vyostest_shim import VyOSUnitTestSHIM
 from vyos.configsession import ConfigSessionError
 from vyos.template import is_ipv6
 from vyos.utils.network import get_interface_config
+from vyos.utils.network import get_vrf_tableid
 base_path = ['protocols', 'static']
 vrf_path =  ['protocols', 'vrf']
 routes = {
     '' : {
         'next_hop' : {
             '' : { 'distance' : '100' },
             '' : { 'distance' : '110', 'interface' : 'eth0' },
             '' : { 'distance' : '120', 'disable' : '' },
             '' : { 'bfd' : '' },
             '' : { 'bfd_source' : '' },
         'interface' : {
             'eth0'  : { 'distance' : '130' },
             'eth1'  : { 'distance' : '140' },
         'blackhole' : { 'distance' : '250', 'tag' : '500' },
     '' : {
         'interface' : {
             'eth0'  : { 'distance' : '50', 'vrf' : 'black' },
             'eth1'  : { 'distance' : '60', 'vrf' : 'black' },
         'blackhole' : { 'distance' : '90' },
     '' : {
         'interface' : {
             'eth0'  : { 'distance' : '50', 'vrf' : 'black' },
             'eth1'  : { 'disable' : '' },
         'blackhole' : { 'distance' : '90' },
     '' : {
         'blackhole' : {},
     '' : {
         'reject'    : { 'distance' : '10', 'tag' : '200' },
     '' : {
         'blackhole' : {},
         'reject'    : { 'distance' : '10', 'tag' : '200' },
     '2001:db8:100::/40' : {
         'next_hop' : {
             '2001:db8::1' : { 'distance' : '10' },
             '2001:db8::2' : { 'distance' : '20', 'interface' : 'eth0' },
             '2001:db8::3' : { 'distance' : '30', 'disable' : '' },
             '2001:db8::4' : { 'bfd' : '' },
             '2001:db8::5' : { 'bfd_source' : '2001:db8::ffff' },
         'interface' : {
             'eth0'  : { 'distance' : '40', 'vrf' : 'black' },
             'eth1'  : { 'distance' : '50', 'disable' : '' },
         'blackhole' : { 'distance' : '250', 'tag' : '500' },
     '2001:db8:200::/40' : {
         'interface' : {
             'eth0'  : { 'distance' : '40' },
             'eth1'  : { 'distance' : '50', 'disable' : '' },
         'blackhole' : { 'distance' : '250', 'tag' : '500' },
     '2001:db8:300::/40' : {
         'reject'    : { 'distance' : '250', 'tag' : '500' },
     '2001:db8:400::/40' : {
         'next_hop' : {
             '2001:db8::400' : { 'segments' : '2001:db8:aaaa::400/2002::400/2003::400/2004::400' },
     '2001:db8:500::/40' : {
         'next_hop' : {
             '2001:db8::500' : { 'segments' : '2001:db8:aaaa::500/2002::500/2003::500/2004::500' },
     '2001:db8:600::/40' : {
         'interface' : {
             'eth0'  : { 'segments' : '2001:db8:aaaa::600/2002::600' },
     '2001:db8:700::/40' : {
         'interface' : {
             'eth1'  : { 'segments' : '2001:db8:aaaa::700' },
     '2001:db8::/32' : {
         'blackhole' : { 'distance' : '200', 'tag' : '600' }
 tables = ['80', '81', '82']
 class TestProtocolsStatic(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
     def setUpClass(cls):
         super(TestProtocolsStatic, cls).setUpClass()
         cls.cli_delete(cls, ['vrf'])
         cls.cli_set(cls, ['vrf', 'name', 'black', 'table', '43210'])
     def tearDownClass(cls):
         cls.cli_delete(cls, ['vrf'])
         super(TestProtocolsStatic, cls).tearDownClass()
     def tearDown(self):
         v4route = self.getFRRconfig('ip route', end='')
         v6route = self.getFRRconfig('ipv6 route', end='')
     def test_01_static(self):
         bfd_profile = 'vyos-test'
         for route, route_config in routes.items():
             route_type = 'route'
             if is_ipv6(route):
                 route_type = 'route6'
             base = base_path + [route_type, route]
             if 'next_hop' in route_config:
                 for next_hop, next_hop_config in route_config['next_hop'].items():
                     self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop])
                     if 'disable' in next_hop_config:
                         self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'disable'])
                     if 'distance' in next_hop_config:
                         self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'distance', next_hop_config['distance']])
                     if 'interface' in next_hop_config:
                         self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'interface', next_hop_config['interface']])
                     if 'vrf' in next_hop_config:
                         self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'vrf', next_hop_config['vrf']])
                     if 'bfd' in next_hop_config:
                         self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'bfd', 'profile', bfd_profile ])
                     if 'bfd_source' in next_hop_config:
                         self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'bfd', 'multi-hop', 'source', next_hop_config['bfd_source'], 'profile', bfd_profile])
                     if 'segments' in next_hop_config:
                         self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'segments', next_hop_config['segments']])
             if 'interface' in route_config:
                 for interface, interface_config in route_config['interface'].items():
                     self.cli_set(base + ['interface', interface])
                     if 'disable' in interface_config:
                         self.cli_set(base + ['interface', interface, 'disable'])
                     if 'distance' in interface_config:
                         self.cli_set(base + ['interface', interface, 'distance', interface_config['distance']])
                     if 'vrf' in interface_config:
                         self.cli_set(base + ['interface', interface, 'vrf', interface_config['vrf']])
                     if 'segments' in interface_config:
                         self.cli_set(base + ['interface', interface, 'segments', interface_config['segments']])
             if 'blackhole' in route_config:
                 self.cli_set(base + ['blackhole'])
                 if 'distance' in route_config['blackhole']:
                     self.cli_set(base + ['blackhole', 'distance', route_config['blackhole']['distance']])
                 if 'tag' in route_config['blackhole']:
                     self.cli_set(base + ['blackhole', 'tag', route_config['blackhole']['tag']])
             if 'reject' in route_config:
                 self.cli_set(base + ['reject'])
                 if 'distance' in route_config['reject']:
                     self.cli_set(base + ['reject', 'distance', route_config['reject']['distance']])
                 if 'tag' in route_config['reject']:
                     self.cli_set(base + ['reject', 'tag', route_config['reject']['tag']])
             if {'blackhole', 'reject'} <= set(route_config):
                 # Can not use blackhole and reject at the same time
                 with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError):
                 self.cli_delete(base + ['blackhole'])
                 self.cli_delete(base + ['reject'])
         # commit changes
         # Verify FRR bgpd configuration
         frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('ip route', end='')
         # Verify routes
         for route, route_config in routes.items():
             ip_ipv6 = 'ip'
             if is_ipv6(route):
                 ip_ipv6 = 'ipv6'
             if 'next_hop' in route_config:
                 for next_hop, next_hop_config in route_config['next_hop'].items():
                     tmp = f'{ip_ipv6} route {route} {next_hop}'
                     if 'interface' in next_hop_config:
                         tmp += ' ' + next_hop_config['interface']
                     if 'distance' in next_hop_config:
                         tmp += ' ' + next_hop_config['distance']
                     if 'vrf' in next_hop_config:
                         tmp += ' nexthop-vrf ' + next_hop_config['vrf']
                     if 'bfd' in next_hop_config:
                         tmp += ' bfd profile ' + bfd_profile
                     if 'bfd_source' in next_hop_config:
                         tmp += ' bfd multi-hop source ' + next_hop_config['bfd_source'] + ' profile ' + bfd_profile
                     if 'segments' in next_hop_config:
                         tmp += ' segments ' + next_hop_config['segments']
                     if 'disable' in next_hop_config:
                         self.assertNotIn(tmp, frrconfig)
                         self.assertIn(tmp, frrconfig)
             if 'interface' in route_config:
                 for interface, interface_config in route_config['interface'].items():
                     tmp = f'{ip_ipv6} route {route} {interface}'
                     if 'interface' in interface_config:
                         tmp += ' ' + interface_config['interface']
                     if 'distance' in interface_config:
                         tmp += ' ' + interface_config['distance']
                     if 'vrf' in interface_config:
                         tmp += ' nexthop-vrf ' + interface_config['vrf']
                     if 'segments' in interface_config:
                         tmp += ' segments ' + interface_config['segments']
                     if 'disable' in interface_config:
                         self.assertNotIn(tmp, frrconfig)
                         self.assertIn(tmp, frrconfig)
             if {'blackhole', 'reject'} <= set(route_config):
                 # Can not use blackhole and reject at the same time
                 # Config error validated above - skip this route
             if 'blackhole' in route_config:
                 tmp = f'{ip_ipv6} route {route} blackhole'
                 if 'tag' in route_config['blackhole']:
                     tmp += ' tag ' + route_config['blackhole']['tag']
                 if 'distance' in route_config['blackhole']:
                     tmp += ' ' + route_config['blackhole']['distance']
                 self.assertIn(tmp, frrconfig)
             if 'reject' in route_config:
                 tmp = f'{ip_ipv6} route {route} reject'
                 if 'tag' in route_config['reject']:
                     tmp += ' tag ' + route_config['reject']['tag']
                 if 'distance' in route_config['reject']:
                     tmp += ' ' + route_config['reject']['distance']
                 self.assertIn(tmp, frrconfig)
     def test_02_static_table(self):
         for table in tables:
             for route, route_config in routes.items():
                 route_type = 'route'
                 if is_ipv6(route):
                     route_type = 'route6'
                 base = base_path + ['table', table, route_type, route]
                 if 'next_hop' in route_config:
                     for next_hop, next_hop_config in route_config['next_hop'].items():
                         self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop])
                         if 'disable' in next_hop_config:
                             self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'disable'])
                         if 'distance' in next_hop_config:
                             self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'distance', next_hop_config['distance']])
                         if 'interface' in next_hop_config:
                             self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'interface', next_hop_config['interface']])
                         if 'vrf' in next_hop_config:
                             self.cli_set(base + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'vrf', next_hop_config['vrf']])
                 if 'interface' in route_config:
                     for interface, interface_config in route_config['interface'].items():
                         self.cli_set(base + ['interface', interface])
                         if 'disable' in interface_config:
                             self.cli_set(base + ['interface', interface, 'disable'])
                         if 'distance' in interface_config:
                             self.cli_set(base + ['interface', interface, 'distance', interface_config['distance']])
                         if 'vrf' in interface_config:
                             self.cli_set(base + ['interface', interface, 'vrf', interface_config['vrf']])
                 if 'blackhole' in route_config:
                     self.cli_set(base + ['blackhole'])
                     if 'distance' in route_config['blackhole']:
                         self.cli_set(base + ['blackhole', 'distance', route_config['blackhole']['distance']])
                     if 'tag' in route_config['blackhole']:
                         self.cli_set(base + ['blackhole', 'tag', route_config['blackhole']['tag']])
         # commit changes
         # Verify FRR bgpd configuration
         frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('ip route', end='')
         for table in tables:
             # Verify routes
             for route, route_config in routes.items():
                 ip_ipv6 = 'ip'
                 if is_ipv6(route):
                     ip_ipv6 = 'ipv6'
                 if 'next_hop' in route_config:
                     for next_hop, next_hop_config in route_config['next_hop'].items():
                         tmp = f'{ip_ipv6} route {route} {next_hop}'
                         if 'interface' in next_hop_config:
                             tmp += ' ' + next_hop_config['interface']
                         if 'distance' in next_hop_config:
                             tmp += ' ' + next_hop_config['distance']
                         if 'vrf' in next_hop_config:
                             tmp += ' nexthop-vrf ' + next_hop_config['vrf']
                         tmp += ' table ' + table
                         if 'disable' in next_hop_config:
                             self.assertNotIn(tmp, frrconfig)
                             self.assertIn(tmp, frrconfig)
                 if 'interface' in route_config:
                     for interface, interface_config in route_config['interface'].items():
                         tmp = f'{ip_ipv6} route {route} {interface}'
                         if 'interface' in interface_config:
                             tmp += ' ' + interface_config['interface']
                         if 'distance' in interface_config:
                             tmp += ' ' + interface_config['distance']
                         if 'vrf' in interface_config:
                             tmp += ' nexthop-vrf ' + interface_config['vrf']
                         tmp += ' table ' + table
                         if 'disable' in interface_config:
                             self.assertNotIn(tmp, frrconfig)
                             self.assertIn(tmp, frrconfig)
                 if 'blackhole' in route_config:
                     tmp = f'{ip_ipv6} route {route} blackhole'
                     if 'tag' in route_config['blackhole']:
                         tmp += ' tag ' + route_config['blackhole']['tag']
                     if 'distance' in route_config['blackhole']:
                         tmp += ' ' + route_config['blackhole']['distance']
                     tmp += ' table ' + table
                     self.assertIn(tmp, frrconfig)
     def test_03_static_vrf(self):
         # Create VRF instances and apply the static routes from above to FRR.
         # Re-read the configured routes and match them if they are programmed
         # properly. This also includes VRF leaking
         vrfs = {
             'red'   : { 'table' : '1000' },
             'green' : { 'table' : '2000' },
             'blue'  : { 'table' : '3000' },
         for vrf, vrf_config in vrfs.items():
             vrf_base_path = ['vrf', 'name', vrf]
             self.cli_set(vrf_base_path + ['table', vrf_config['table']])
             for route, route_config in routes.items():
                 route_type = 'route'
                 if is_ipv6(route):
                     route_type = 'route6'
                 route_base_path = vrf_base_path + ['protocols', 'static', route_type, route]
                 if 'next_hop' in route_config:
                     for next_hop, next_hop_config in route_config['next_hop'].items():
                         self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['next-hop', next_hop])
                         if 'disable' in next_hop_config:
                             self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'disable'])
                         if 'distance' in next_hop_config:
                             self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'distance', next_hop_config['distance']])
                         if 'interface' in next_hop_config:
                             self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'interface', next_hop_config['interface']])
                         if 'vrf' in next_hop_config:
                             self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'vrf', next_hop_config['vrf']])
                         if 'segments' in next_hop_config:
                             self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['next-hop', next_hop, 'segments', next_hop_config['segments']])
                 if 'interface' in route_config:
                     for interface, interface_config in route_config['interface'].items():
                         self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['interface', interface])
                         if 'disable' in interface_config:
                             self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['interface', interface, 'disable'])
                         if 'distance' in interface_config:
                             self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['interface', interface, 'distance', interface_config['distance']])
                         if 'vrf' in interface_config:
                             self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['interface', interface, 'vrf', interface_config['vrf']])
                         if 'segments' in interface_config:
                             self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['interface', interface, 'segments', interface_config['segments']])
                 if 'blackhole' in route_config:
                     self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['blackhole'])
                     if 'distance' in route_config['blackhole']:
                         self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['blackhole', 'distance', route_config['blackhole']['distance']])
                     if 'tag' in route_config['blackhole']:
                         self.cli_set(route_base_path + ['blackhole', 'tag', route_config['blackhole']['tag']])
         # commit changes
         for vrf, vrf_config in vrfs.items():
             tmp = get_interface_config(vrf)
             # Compare VRF table ID
-            self.assertEqual(tmp['linkinfo']['info_data']['table'], int(vrf_config['table']))
+            self.assertEqual(get_vrf_tableid(vrf), int(vrf_config['table']))
             self.assertEqual(tmp['linkinfo']['info_kind'],          'vrf')
             # Verify FRR bgpd configuration
             frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig(f'vrf {vrf}')
             self.assertIn(f'vrf {vrf}', frrconfig)
             # Verify routes
             for route, route_config in routes.items():
                 ip_ipv6 = 'ip'
                 if is_ipv6(route):
                     ip_ipv6 = 'ipv6'
                 if 'next_hop' in route_config:
                     for next_hop, next_hop_config in route_config['next_hop'].items():
                         tmp = f'{ip_ipv6} route {route} {next_hop}'
                         if 'interface' in next_hop_config:
                             tmp += ' ' + next_hop_config['interface']
                         if 'distance' in next_hop_config:
                             tmp += ' ' + next_hop_config['distance']
                         if 'vrf' in next_hop_config:
                             tmp += ' nexthop-vrf ' + next_hop_config['vrf']
                         if 'segments' in next_hop_config:
                             tmp += ' segments ' + next_hop_config['segments']
                         if 'disable' in next_hop_config:
                             self.assertNotIn(tmp, frrconfig)
                             self.assertIn(tmp, frrconfig)
                 if 'interface' in route_config:
                     for interface, interface_config in route_config['interface'].items():
                         tmp = f'{ip_ipv6} route {route} {interface}'
                         if 'interface' in interface_config:
                             tmp += ' ' + interface_config['interface']
                         if 'distance' in interface_config:
                             tmp += ' ' + interface_config['distance']
                         if 'vrf' in interface_config:
                             tmp += ' nexthop-vrf ' + interface_config['vrf']
                         if 'segments' in interface_config:
                             tmp += ' segments ' + interface_config['segments']
                         if 'disable' in interface_config:
                             self.assertNotIn(tmp, frrconfig)
                             self.assertIn(tmp, frrconfig)
                 if 'blackhole' in route_config:
                     tmp = f'{ip_ipv6} route {route} blackhole'
                     if 'tag' in route_config['blackhole']:
                         tmp += ' tag ' + route_config['blackhole']['tag']
                     if 'distance' in route_config['blackhole']:
                         tmp += ' ' + route_config['blackhole']['distance']
                     self.assertIn(tmp, frrconfig)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main(verbosity=2)
+    unittest.main(verbosity=2, failfast=True)
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/test_vrf.py b/smoketest/scripts/cli/test_vrf.py
index 243397dc2..176882ca5 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/test_vrf.py
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/test_vrf.py
@@ -1,584 +1,583 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 # Copyright (C) 2020-2024 VyOS maintainers and contributors
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 import re
 import os
 import unittest
 from base_vyostest_shim import VyOSUnitTestSHIM
 from vyos.configsession import ConfigSessionError
 from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
 from vyos.ifconfig import Section
 from vyos.utils.file import read_file
 from vyos.utils.network import get_interface_config
+from vyos.utils.network import get_vrf_tableid
 from vyos.utils.network import is_intf_addr_assigned
 from vyos.utils.network import interface_exists
 from vyos.utils.system import sysctl_read
 base_path = ['vrf']
 vrfs = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'foo-bar', 'baz_foo']
 v4_protocols = ['any', 'babel', 'bgp', 'connected', 'eigrp', 'isis', 'kernel', 'ospf', 'rip', 'static', 'table']
 v6_protocols = ['any', 'babel', 'bgp', 'connected', 'isis', 'kernel', 'ospfv3', 'ripng', 'static', 'table']
 class VRFTest(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
     _interfaces = []
     def setUpClass(cls):
         # we need to filter out VLAN interfaces identified by a dot (.)
         # in their name - just in case!
         if 'TEST_ETH' in os.environ:
             tmp = os.environ['TEST_ETH'].split()
             cls._interfaces = tmp
             for tmp in Section.interfaces('ethernet', vlan=False):
         # call base-classes classmethod
         super(VRFTest, cls).setUpClass()
     def setUp(self):
         # VRF strict_most ist always enabled
         tmp = read_file('/proc/sys/net/vrf/strict_mode')
         self.assertEqual(tmp, '1')
     def tearDown(self):
         # delete all VRFs
         for vrf in vrfs:
     def test_vrf_vni_and_table_id(self):
         base_table = '1000'
         table = base_table
         for vrf in vrfs:
             base = base_path + ['name', vrf]
             description = f'VyOS-VRF-{vrf}'
             self.cli_set(base + ['description', description])
             # check validate() - a table ID is mandatory
             with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError):
             self.cli_set(base + ['table', table])
             self.cli_set(base + ['vni', table])
             if vrf == 'green':
                 self.cli_set(base + ['disable'])
             table = str(int(table) + 1)
         # commit changes
         # Verify VRF configuration
         table = base_table
         iproute2_config = read_file('/etc/iproute2/rt_tables.d/vyos-vrf.conf')
         for vrf in vrfs:
             description = f'VyOS-VRF-{vrf}'
             vrf_if = Interface(vrf)
             # validate proper interface description
             self.assertEqual(vrf_if.get_alias(), description)
             # validate admin up/down state of VRF
             state = 'up'
             if vrf == 'green':
                 state = 'down'
             self.assertEqual(vrf_if.get_admin_state(), state)
             # Test the iproute2 lookup file, syntax is as follows:
             # # id       vrf name         comment
             # 1000       red              # VyOS-VRF-red
             # 1001       green            # VyOS-VRF-green
             #  ...
             regex = f'{table}\s+{vrf}\s+#\s+{description}'
             self.assertTrue(re.findall(regex, iproute2_config))
             frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig(f'vrf {vrf}')
             self.assertIn(f' vni {table}', frrconfig)
-            tmp = get_interface_config(vrf)
-            self.assertEqual(int(table), tmp['linkinfo']['info_data']['table'])
+            self.assertEqual(int(table), get_vrf_tableid(vrf))
             # Increment table ID for the next run
             table = str(int(table) + 1)
     def test_vrf_loopbacks_ips(self):
         table = '2000'
         for vrf in vrfs:
             base = base_path + ['name', vrf]
             self.cli_set(base + ['table', str(table)])
             table = str(int(table) + 1)
         # commit changes
         # Verify VRF configuration
         loopbacks = ['', '::1']
         for vrf in vrfs:
             # Ensure VRF was created
             # Verify IP forwarding is 1 (enabled)
             self.assertEqual(sysctl_read(f'net.ipv4.conf.{vrf}.forwarding'), '1')
             self.assertEqual(sysctl_read(f'net.ipv6.conf.{vrf}.forwarding'), '1')
             # Test for proper loopback IP assignment
             for addr in loopbacks:
                 self.assertTrue(is_intf_addr_assigned(vrf, addr))
     def test_vrf_bind_all(self):
         table = '2000'
         for vrf in vrfs:
             base = base_path + ['name', vrf]
             self.cli_set(base + ['table', str(table)])
             table = str(int(table) + 1)
         self.cli_set(base_path +  ['bind-to-all'])
         # commit changes
         # Verify VRF configuration
         self.assertEqual(sysctl_read('net.ipv4.tcp_l3mdev_accept'), '1')
         self.assertEqual(sysctl_read('net.ipv4.udp_l3mdev_accept'), '1')
         # If there is any VRF defined, strict_mode should be on
         self.assertEqual(sysctl_read('net.vrf.strict_mode'), '1')
     def test_vrf_table_id_is_unalterable(self):
         # Linux Kernel prohibits the change of a VRF table  on the fly.
         # VRF must be deleted and recreated!
         table = '1000'
         vrf = vrfs[0]
         base = base_path + ['name', vrf]
         self.cli_set(base + ['table', table])
         # commit changes
         # Check if VRF has been created
         table = str(int(table) + 1)
         self.cli_set(base + ['table', table])
         # check validate() - table ID can not be altered!
         with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError):
     def test_vrf_assign_interface(self):
         vrf = vrfs[0]
         table = '5000'
         self.cli_set(['vrf', 'name', vrf, 'table', table])
         for interface in self._interfaces:
             section = Section.section(interface)
             self.cli_set(['interfaces', section, interface, 'vrf', vrf])
         # commit changes
         # Verify VRF assignmant
         for interface in self._interfaces:
             tmp = get_interface_config(interface)
             self.assertEqual(vrf, tmp['master'])
             # cleanup
             section = Section.section(interface)
             self.cli_delete(['interfaces', section, interface, 'vrf'])
     def test_vrf_static_route(self):
         base_table = '100'
         table = base_table
         for vrf in vrfs:
             next_hop = f'192.0.{table}.1'
             prefix = f'10.0.{table}.0/24'
             base = base_path + ['name', vrf]
             self.cli_set(base + ['vni', table])
             # check validate() - a table ID is mandatory
             with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError):
             self.cli_set(base + ['table', table])
             self.cli_set(base + ['protocols', 'static', 'route', prefix, 'next-hop', next_hop])
             table = str(int(table) + 1)
         # commit changes
         # Verify VRF configuration
         table = base_table
         for vrf in vrfs:
             next_hop = f'192.0.{table}.1'
             prefix = f'10.0.{table}.0/24'
             frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig(f'vrf {vrf}')
             self.assertIn(f' vni {table}', frrconfig)
             self.assertIn(f' ip route {prefix} {next_hop}', frrconfig)
             # Increment table ID for the next run
             table = str(int(table) + 1)
     def test_vrf_link_local_ip_addresses(self):
         # Testcase for issue T4331
         table = '100'
         vrf = 'orange'
         interface = 'dum9998'
         addresses = ['', '2001:db8:9998::1/64', 'fe80::1/64']
         for address in addresses:
             self.cli_set(['interfaces', 'dummy', interface, 'address', address])
         # Create dummy interfaces
         # ... and verify IP addresses got assigned
         for address in addresses:
             self.assertTrue(is_intf_addr_assigned(interface, address))
         # Move interface to VRF
         self.cli_set(base_path + ['name', vrf, 'table', table])
         self.cli_set(['interfaces', 'dummy', interface, 'vrf', vrf])
         # Apply VRF config
         # Ensure VRF got created
         # ... and IP addresses are still assigned
         for address in addresses:
             self.assertTrue(is_intf_addr_assigned(interface, address))
         # Verify VRF table ID
-        tmp = get_interface_config(vrf)
-        self.assertEqual(int(table), tmp['linkinfo']['info_data']['table'])
+        self.assertEqual(int(table), get_vrf_tableid(vrf))
         # Verify interface is assigned to VRF
         tmp = get_interface_config(interface)
         self.assertEqual(vrf, tmp['master'])
         # Delete Interface
         self.cli_delete(['interfaces', 'dummy', interface])
     def test_vrf_disable_forwarding(self):
         table = '2000'
         for vrf in vrfs:
             base = base_path + ['name', vrf]
             self.cli_set(base + ['table', table])
             self.cli_set(base + ['ip', 'disable-forwarding'])
             self.cli_set(base + ['ipv6', 'disable-forwarding'])
             table = str(int(table) + 1)
         # commit changes
         # Verify VRF configuration
         loopbacks = ['', '::1']
         for vrf in vrfs:
             # Ensure VRF was created
             # Verify IP forwarding is 0 (disabled)
             self.assertEqual(sysctl_read(f'net.ipv4.conf.{vrf}.forwarding'), '0')
             self.assertEqual(sysctl_read(f'net.ipv6.conf.{vrf}.forwarding'), '0')
     def test_vrf_ip_protocol_route_map(self):
         table = '6000'
         for vrf in vrfs:
             base = base_path + ['name', vrf]
             self.cli_set(base + ['table', table])
             for protocol in v4_protocols:
                 self.cli_set(['policy', 'route-map', f'route-map-{vrf}-{protocol}', 'rule', '10', 'action', 'permit'])
                 self.cli_set(base + ['ip', 'protocol', protocol, 'route-map', f'route-map-{vrf}-{protocol}'])
             table = str(int(table) + 1)
         # Verify route-map properly applied to FRR
         for vrf in vrfs:
             frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig(f'vrf {vrf}', daemon='zebra')
             self.assertIn(f'vrf {vrf}', frrconfig)
             for protocol in v4_protocols:
                 self.assertIn(f' ip protocol {protocol} route-map route-map-{vrf}-{protocol}', frrconfig)
         # Delete route-maps
         for vrf in vrfs:
             base = base_path + ['name', vrf]
             self.cli_delete(['policy', 'route-map', f'route-map-{vrf}-{protocol}'])
             self.cli_delete(base + ['ip', 'protocol'])
         # Verify route-map properly is removed from FRR
         for vrf in vrfs:
             frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig(f'vrf {vrf}', daemon='zebra')
             self.assertNotIn(f'vrf {vrf}', frrconfig)
     def test_vrf_ip_ipv6_protocol_non_existing_route_map(self):
         table = '6100'
         non_existing = 'non-existing'
         for vrf in vrfs:
             base = base_path + ['name', vrf]
             self.cli_set(base + ['table', table])
             for protocol in v4_protocols:
                 self.cli_set(base + ['ip', 'protocol', protocol, 'route-map', f'v4-{non_existing}'])
             for protocol in v6_protocols:
                 self.cli_set(base + ['ipv6', 'protocol', protocol, 'route-map', f'v6-{non_existing}'])
             table = str(int(table) + 1)
         # Both v4 and v6 route-maps do not exist yet
         with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError):
         self.cli_set(['policy', 'route-map', f'v4-{non_existing}', 'rule', '10', 'action', 'deny'])
         # v6 route-map does not exist yet
         with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError):
         self.cli_set(['policy', 'route-map', f'v6-{non_existing}', 'rule', '10', 'action', 'deny'])
         # Commit again
     def test_vrf_ipv6_protocol_route_map(self):
         table = '6200'
         for vrf in vrfs:
             base = base_path + ['name', vrf]
             self.cli_set(base + ['table', table])
             for protocol in v6_protocols:
                 route_map = f'route-map-{vrf}-{protocol.replace("ospfv3", "ospf6")}'
                 self.cli_set(['policy', 'route-map', route_map, 'rule', '10', 'action', 'permit'])
                 self.cli_set(base + ['ipv6', 'protocol', protocol, 'route-map', route_map])
             table = str(int(table) + 1)
         # Verify route-map properly applied to FRR
         for vrf in vrfs:
             frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig(f'vrf {vrf}', daemon='zebra')
             self.assertIn(f'vrf {vrf}', frrconfig)
             for protocol in v6_protocols:
                 # VyOS and FRR use a different name for OSPFv3 (IPv6)
                 if protocol == 'ospfv3':
                     protocol = 'ospf6'
                 route_map = f'route-map-{vrf}-{protocol}'
                 self.assertIn(f' ipv6 protocol {protocol} route-map {route_map}', frrconfig)
         # Delete route-maps
         for vrf in vrfs:
             base = base_path + ['name', vrf]
             self.cli_delete(['policy', 'route-map', f'route-map-{vrf}-{protocol}'])
             self.cli_delete(base + ['ipv6', 'protocol'])
         # Verify route-map properly is removed from FRR
         for vrf in vrfs:
             frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig(f'vrf {vrf}', daemon='zebra')
             self.assertNotIn(f'vrf {vrf}', frrconfig)
     def test_vrf_vni_duplicates(self):
         base_table = '6300'
         table = base_table
         for vrf in vrfs:
             base = base_path + ['name', vrf]
             self.cli_set(base + ['table', str(table)])
             self.cli_set(base + ['vni', '100'])
             table = str(int(table) + 1)
         # L3VNIs can only be used once
         with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError):
         table = base_table
         for vrf in vrfs:
             base = base_path + ['name', vrf]
             self.cli_set(base + ['vni', str(table)])
             table = str(int(table) + 1)
         # commit changes
         # Verify VRF configuration
         table = base_table
         for vrf in vrfs:
             frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig(f'vrf {vrf}')
             self.assertIn(f' vni {table}', frrconfig)
             # Increment table ID for the next run
             table = str(int(table) + 1)
     def test_vrf_vni_add_change_remove(self):
         base_table = '6300'
         table = base_table
         for vrf in vrfs:
             base = base_path + ['name', vrf]
             self.cli_set(base + ['table', str(table)])
             self.cli_set(base + ['vni', str(table)])
             table = str(int(table) + 1)
         # commit changes
         # Verify VRF configuration
         table = base_table
         for vrf in vrfs:
             frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig(f'vrf {vrf}')
             self.assertIn(f' vni {table}', frrconfig)
             # Increment table ID for the next run
             table = str(int(table) + 1)
         # Now change all L3VNIs (increment 2)
         # We must also change the base_table number as we probably could get
         # duplicate VNI's during the test as VNIs are applied 1:1 to FRR
         base_table = '5000'
         table = base_table
         for vrf in vrfs:
             base = base_path + ['name', vrf]
             self.cli_set(base + ['vni', str(table)])
             table = str(int(table) + 2)
         # commit changes
         # Verify VRF configuration
         table = base_table
         for vrf in vrfs:
             frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig(f'vrf {vrf}')
             self.assertIn(f' vni {table}', frrconfig)
             # Increment table ID for the next run
             table = str(int(table) + 2)
         # add a new VRF with VNI - this must not delete any existing VRF/VNI
         purple = 'purple'
         table = str(int(table) + 10)
         self.cli_set(base_path + ['name', purple, 'table', table])
         self.cli_set(base_path + ['name', purple, 'vni', table])
         # commit changes
         # Verify VRF configuration
         table = base_table
         for vrf in vrfs:
             frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig(f'vrf {vrf}')
             self.assertIn(f' vni {table}', frrconfig)
             # Increment table ID for the next run
             table = str(int(table) + 2)
         # Verify purple VRF/VNI
         table = str(int(table) + 10)
         frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig(f'vrf {purple}')
         self.assertIn(f' vni {table}', frrconfig)
         # Now delete all the VNIs
         for vrf in vrfs:
             base = base_path + ['name', vrf]
             self.cli_delete(base + ['vni'])
         # commit changes
         # Verify no VNI is defined
         for vrf in vrfs:
             frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig(f'vrf {vrf}')
             self.assertNotIn('vni', frrconfig)
         # Verify purple VNI remains
         frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig(f'vrf {purple}')
         self.assertIn(f' vni {table}', frrconfig)
     def test_vrf_ip_ipv6_nht(self):
         table = '6910'
         for vrf in vrfs:
             base = base_path + ['name', vrf]
             self.cli_set(base + ['table', table])
             self.cli_set(base + ['ip', 'nht', 'no-resolve-via-default'])
             self.cli_set(base + ['ipv6', 'nht', 'no-resolve-via-default'])
             table = str(int(table) + 1)
         # Verify route-map properly applied to FRR
         for vrf in vrfs:
             frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig(f'vrf {vrf}', daemon='zebra')
             self.assertIn(f'vrf {vrf}', frrconfig)
             self.assertIn(f' no ip nht resolve-via-default', frrconfig)
             self.assertIn(f' no ipv6 nht resolve-via-default', frrconfig)
         # Delete route-maps
         for vrf in vrfs:
             base = base_path + ['name', vrf]
             self.cli_delete(base + ['ip'])
             self.cli_delete(base + ['ipv6'])
         # Verify route-map properly is removed from FRR
         for vrf in vrfs:
             frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig(f'vrf {vrf}', daemon='zebra')
             self.assertNotIn(f' no ip nht resolve-via-default', frrconfig)
             self.assertNotIn(f' no ipv6 nht resolve-via-default', frrconfig)
     def test_vrf_conntrack(self):
         table = '1000'
         nftables_rules = {
             'vrf_zones_ct_in': ['ct original zone set iifname map @ct_iface_map'],
             'vrf_zones_ct_out': ['ct original zone set oifname map @ct_iface_map']
         self.cli_set(base_path + ['name', 'blue', 'table', table])
         # Conntrack rules should not be present
         for chain, rule in nftables_rules.items():
             self.verify_nftables_chain(rule, 'inet vrf_zones', chain, inverse=True)
         # Conntrack rules should now be present
         for chain, rule in nftables_rules.items():
             self.verify_nftables_chain(rule, 'inet vrf_zones', chain, inverse=False)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/src/conf_mode/vrf.py b/src/conf_mode/vrf.py
index 8d8c234c0..184725573 100755
--- a/src/conf_mode/vrf.py
+++ b/src/conf_mode/vrf.py
@@ -1,349 +1,349 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 # Copyright (C) 2020-2024 VyOS maintainers and contributors
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 from sys import exit
 from json import loads
 from vyos.config import Config
 from vyos.configdict import dict_merge
 from vyos.configdict import node_changed
 from vyos.configverify import verify_route_map
 from vyos.firewall import conntrack_required
 from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
 from vyos.template import render
 from vyos.template import render_to_string
 from vyos.utils.dict import dict_search
-from vyos.utils.network import get_interface_config
+from vyos.utils.network import get_vrf_tableid
 from vyos.utils.network import get_vrf_members
 from vyos.utils.network import interface_exists
 from vyos.utils.process import call
 from vyos.utils.process import cmd
 from vyos.utils.process import popen
 from vyos.utils.system import sysctl_write
 from vyos import ConfigError
 from vyos import frr
 from vyos import airbag
 config_file = '/etc/iproute2/rt_tables.d/vyos-vrf.conf'
 k_mod = ['vrf']
 nftables_table = 'inet vrf_zones'
 nftables_rules = {
     'vrf_zones_ct_in': 'counter ct original zone set iifname map @ct_iface_map',
     'vrf_zones_ct_out': 'counter ct original zone set oifname map @ct_iface_map'
 def has_rule(af : str, priority : int, table : str=None):
     Check if a given ip rule exists
     $ ip --json -4 rule show
     [{'l3mdev': None, 'priority': 1000, 'src': 'all'},
     {'action': 'unreachable', 'l3mdev': None, 'priority': 2000, 'src': 'all'},
     {'priority': 32765, 'src': 'all', 'table': 'local'},
     {'priority': 32766, 'src': 'all', 'table': 'main'},
     {'priority': 32767, 'src': 'all', 'table': 'default'}]
     if af not in ['-4', '-6']:
         raise ValueError()
     command = f'ip --detail --json {af} rule show'
     for tmp in loads(cmd(command)):
         if 'priority' in tmp and 'table' in tmp:
             if tmp['priority'] == priority and tmp['table'] == table:
                 return True
         elif 'priority' in tmp and table in tmp:
             # l3mdev table has a different layout
             if tmp['priority'] == priority:
                 return True
     return False
 def vrf_interfaces(c, match):
     matched = []
     old_level = c.get_level()
     section = c.get_config_dict([], get_first_key=True)
     for type in section:
         interfaces = section[type]
         for name in interfaces:
             interface = interfaces[name]
             if 'vrf' in interface:
                 v = interface.get('vrf', '')
                 if v == match:
     return matched
 def vrf_routing(c, match):
     matched = []
     old_level = c.get_level()
     c.set_level(['protocols', 'vrf'])
     if match in c.list_nodes([]):
     return matched
 def get_config(config=None):
     if config:
         conf = config
         conf = Config()
     base = ['vrf']
     vrf = conf.get_config_dict(base, key_mangling=('-', '_'),
                                no_tag_node_value_mangle=True, get_first_key=True)
     # determine which VRF has been removed
     for name in node_changed(conf, base + ['name']):
         if 'vrf_remove' not in vrf:
             vrf.update({'vrf_remove' : {}})
         vrf['vrf_remove'][name] = {}
         # get VRF bound interfaces
         interfaces = vrf_interfaces(conf, name)
         if interfaces: vrf['vrf_remove'][name]['interface'] = interfaces
         # get VRF bound routing instances
         routes = vrf_routing(conf, name)
         if routes: vrf['vrf_remove'][name]['route'] = routes
     if 'name' in vrf:
         vrf['conntrack'] = conntrack_required(conf)
     # We also need the route-map information from the config
     # XXX: one MUST always call this without the key_mangling() option! See
     # vyos.configverify.verify_common_route_maps() for more information.
     tmp = {'policy' : {'route-map' : conf.get_config_dict(['policy', 'route-map'],
     # Merge policy dict into "regular" config dict
     vrf = dict_merge(tmp, vrf)
     return vrf
 def verify(vrf):
     # ensure VRF is not assigned to any interface
     if 'vrf_remove' in vrf:
         for name, config in vrf['vrf_remove'].items():
             if 'interface' in config:
                 raise ConfigError(f'Can not remove VRF "{name}", it still has '\
                                   f'member interfaces!')
             if 'route' in config:
                 raise ConfigError(f'Can not remove VRF "{name}", it still has '\
                                   f'static routes installed!')
     if 'name' in vrf:
         reserved_names = ["add", "all", "broadcast", "default", "delete", "dev",
                           "get", "inet", "mtu", "link", "type", "vrf"]
         table_ids = []
         for name, vrf_config in vrf['name'].items():
             # Reserved VRF names
             if name in reserved_names:
                 raise ConfigError(f'VRF name "{name}" is reserved and connot be used!')
             # table id is mandatory
             if 'table' not in vrf_config:
                 raise ConfigError(f'VRF "{name}" table id is mandatory!')
             # routing table id can't be changed - OS restriction
             if interface_exists(name):
-                tmp = str(dict_search('linkinfo.info_data.table', get_interface_config(name)))
-                if tmp and tmp != vrf_config['table']:
+                tmp = get_vrf_tableid(name)
+                if tmp and tmp != int(vrf_config['table']):
                     raise ConfigError(f'VRF "{name}" table id modification not possible!')
             # VRF routing table ID must be unique on the system
             if 'table' in vrf_config and vrf_config['table'] in table_ids:
                 raise ConfigError(f'VRF "{name}" table id is not unique!')
             tmp = dict_search('ip.protocol', vrf_config)
             if tmp != None:
                 for protocol, protocol_options in tmp.items():
                     if 'route_map' in protocol_options:
                         verify_route_map(protocol_options['route_map'], vrf)
             tmp = dict_search('ipv6.protocol', vrf_config)
             if tmp != None:
                 for protocol, protocol_options in tmp.items():
                     if 'route_map' in protocol_options:
                         verify_route_map(protocol_options['route_map'], vrf)
     return None
 def generate(vrf):
     # Render iproute2 VR helper names
     render(config_file, 'iproute2/vrf.conf.j2', vrf)
     # Render VRF Kernel/Zebra route-map filters
     vrf['frr_zebra_config'] = render_to_string('frr/zebra.vrf.route-map.frr.j2', vrf)
     return None
 def apply(vrf):
     # Documentation
     # - https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/Documentation/networking/vrf.txt
     # - https://github.com/Mellanox/mlxsw/wiki/Virtual-Routing-and-Forwarding-(VRF)
     # - https://github.com/Mellanox/mlxsw/wiki/L3-Tunneling
     # - https://netdevconf.info/1.1/proceedings/slides/ahern-vrf-tutorial.pdf
     # - https://netdevconf.info/1.2/slides/oct6/02_ahern_what_is_l3mdev_slides.pdf
     # set the default VRF global behaviour
     bind_all = '0'
     if 'bind_to_all' in vrf:
         bind_all = '1'
     sysctl_write('net.ipv4.tcp_l3mdev_accept', bind_all)
     sysctl_write('net.ipv4.udp_l3mdev_accept', bind_all)
     for tmp in (dict_search('vrf_remove', vrf) or []):
         if interface_exists(tmp):
             # T5492: deleting a VRF instance may leafe processes running
             # (e.g. dhclient) as there is a depedency ordering issue in the CLI.
             # We need to ensure that we stop the dhclient processes first so
             # a proper DHCLP RELEASE message is sent
             for interface in get_vrf_members(tmp):
                 vrf_iface = Interface(interface)
             # Remove nftables conntrack zone map item
             nft_del_element = f'delete element inet vrf_zones ct_iface_map {{ "{tmp}" }}'
             # Check if deleting is possible first to avoid raising errors
             _, err = popen(f'nft --check {nft_del_element}')
             if not err:
                 # Remove map element
                 cmd(f'nft {nft_del_element}')
             # Delete the VRF Kernel interface
             call(f'ip link delete dev {tmp}')
     if 'name' in vrf:
         # Linux routing uses rules to find tables - routing targets are then
         # looked up in those tables. If the lookup got a matching route, the
         # process ends.
         # TL;DR; first table with a matching entry wins!
         # You can see your routing table lookup rules using "ip rule", sadly the
         # local lookup is hit before any VRF lookup. Pinging an addresses from the
         # VRF will usually find a hit in the local table, and never reach the VRF
         # routing table - this is usually not what you want. Thus we will
         # re-arrange the tables and move the local lookup further down once VRFs
         # are enabled.
         # Thanks to https://stbuehler.de/blog/article/2020/02/29/using_vrf__virtual_routing_and_forwarding__on_linux.html
         for afi in ['-4', '-6']:
             # move lookup local to pref 32765 (from 0)
             if not has_rule(afi, 32765, 'local'):
                 call(f'ip {afi} rule add pref 32765 table local')
             if has_rule(afi, 0, 'local'):
                 call(f'ip {afi} rule del pref 0')
             # make sure that in VRFs after failed lookup in the VRF specific table
             # nothing else is reached
             if not has_rule(afi, 1000, 'l3mdev'):
                 # this should be added by the kernel when a VRF is created
                 # add it here for completeness
                 call(f'ip {afi} rule add pref 1000 l3mdev protocol kernel')
             # add another rule with an unreachable target which only triggers in VRF context
             # if a route could not be reached
             if not has_rule(afi, 2000, 'l3mdev'):
                 call(f'ip {afi} rule add pref 2000 l3mdev unreachable')
         for name, config in vrf['name'].items():
             table = config['table']
             if not interface_exists(name):
                 # For each VRF apart from your default context create a VRF
                 # interface with a separate routing table
                 call(f'ip link add {name} type vrf table {table}')
             # set VRF description for e.g. SNMP monitoring
             vrf_if = Interface(name)
             # We also should add proper loopback IP addresses to the newly added
             # VRF for services bound to the loopback address (SNMP, NTP)
             # add VRF description if available
             vrf_if.set_alias(config.get('description', ''))
             # Enable/Disable IPv4 forwarding
             tmp = dict_search('ip.disable_forwarding', config)
             value = '0' if (tmp != None) else '1'
             # Enable/Disable IPv6 forwarding
             tmp = dict_search('ipv6.disable_forwarding', config)
             value = '0' if (tmp != None) else '1'
             # Enable/Disable of an interface must always be done at the end of the
             # derived class to make use of the ref-counting set_admin_state()
             # function. We will only enable the interface if 'up' was called as
             # often as 'down'. This is required by some interface implementations
             # as certain parameters can only be changed when the interface is
             # in admin-down state. This ensures the link does not flap during
             # reconfiguration.
             state = 'down' if 'disable' in config else 'up'
             # Add nftables conntrack zone map item
             nft_add_element = f'add element inet vrf_zones ct_iface_map {{ "{name}" : {table} }}'
             cmd(f'nft {nft_add_element}')
         if vrf['conntrack']:
             for chain, rule in nftables_rules.items():
                 cmd(f'nft add rule inet vrf_zones {chain} {rule}')
     if 'name' not in vrf or not vrf['conntrack']:
         for chain, rule in nftables_rules.items():
             cmd(f'nft flush chain inet vrf_zones {chain}')
     # Return default ip rule values
     if 'name' not in vrf:
         for afi in ['-4', '-6']:
             # move lookup local to pref 0 (from 32765)
             if not has_rule(afi, 0, 'local'):
                 call(f'ip {afi} rule add pref 0 from all lookup local')
             if has_rule(afi, 32765, 'local'):
                 call(f'ip {afi} rule del pref 32765 table local')
             if has_rule(afi, 1000, 'l3mdev'):
                 call(f'ip {afi} rule del pref 1000 l3mdev protocol kernel')
             if has_rule(afi, 2000, 'l3mdev'):
                 call(f'ip {afi} rule del pref 2000 l3mdev unreachable')
     # Apply FRR filters
     zebra_daemon = 'zebra'
     # Save original configuration prior to starting any commit actions
     frr_cfg = frr.FRRConfig()
     # The route-map used for the FIB (zebra) is part of the zebra daemon
     frr_cfg.modify_section(f'^vrf .+', stop_pattern='^exit-vrf', remove_stop_mark=True)
     if 'frr_zebra_config' in vrf:
         frr_cfg.add_before(frr.default_add_before, vrf['frr_zebra_config'])
     return None
 if __name__ == '__main__':
         c = get_config()
     except ConfigError as e: