diff --git a/src/conf_mode/vpn_ipsec.py b/src/conf_mode/vpn_ipsec.py
index 2d280a5c6..e59f20a5d 100755
--- a/src/conf_mode/vpn_ipsec.py
+++ b/src/conf_mode/vpn_ipsec.py
@@ -1,411 +1,407 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 # Copyright (C) 2021 VyOS maintainers and contributors
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 import os
 from copy import deepcopy
 from subprocess import DEVNULL
 from sys import exit
 from time import sleep
 from vyos.config import Config
 from vyos.configdiff import ConfigDiff
 from vyos.template import render
-from vyos.util import call, get_interface_address, process_named_running, run, cidr_fit
+from vyos.util import call
+from vyos.util import get_interface_address
+from vyos.util import process_named_running
+from vyos.util import run
+from vyos.util import cidr_fit
 from vyos import ConfigError
 from vyos import airbag
 authby_translate = {
     'pre-shared-secret': 'secret',
     'rsa': 'rsasig',
     'x509': 'rsasig'
 default_pfs = 'dh-group2'
 pfs_translate = {
     'dh-group1': 'modp768',
     'dh-group2': 'modp1024',
     'dh-group5': 'modp1536',
     'dh-group14': 'modp2048',
     'dh-group15': 'modp3072',
     'dh-group16': 'modp4096',
     'dh-group17': 'modp6144',
     'dh-group18': 'modp8192',
     'dh-group19': 'ecp256',
     'dh-group20': 'ecp384',
     'dh-group21': 'ecp512',
     'dh-group22': 'modp1024s160',
     'dh-group23': 'modp2048s224',
     'dh-group24': 'modp2048s256',
     'dh-group25': 'ecp192',
     'dh-group26': 'ecp224',
     'dh-group27': 'ecp224bp',
     'dh-group28': 'ecp256bp',
     'dh-group29': 'ecp384bp',
     'dh-group30': 'ecp512bp',
     'dh-group31': 'curve25519',
     'dh-group32': 'curve448'
 any_log_modes = [
     'dmn', 'mgr', 'ike', 'chd','job', 'cfg', 'knl', 'net', 'asn',
     'enc', 'lib', 'esp', 'tls', 'tnc', 'imc', 'imv', 'pts'
 ike_ciphers = {}
 esp_ciphers = {}
 mark_base = 0x900000
 CA_PATH = "/etc/ipsec.d/cacerts/"
 CRL_PATH = "/etc/ipsec.d/crls/"
 DHCP_BASE = "/var/lib/dhcp/dhclient"
 LOCAL_KEY_PATHS = ['/config/auth/', '/config/ipsec.d/rsa-keys/']
 X509_PATH = '/config/auth/'
 conf = None
 def resync_l2tp(conf):
     if not conf.exists('vpn l2tp remote-access ipsec-settings '):
     tmp = run('/usr/libexec/vyos/conf_mode/ipsec-settings.py')
     if tmp > 0:
         print('ERROR: failed to reapply L2TP IPSec settings!')
 def resync_nhrp(conf):
     if not conf.exists('protocols nhrp tunnel'):
     run('/opt/vyatta/sbin/vyos-update-nhrp.pl --set_ipsec')
 def get_config(config=None):
     global conf
     if config:
         conf = config
         conf = Config()
     base = ['vpn', 'ipsec']
     if not conf.exists(base):
         return None
     # retrieve common dictionary keys
     ipsec = conf.get_config_dict(base, key_mangling=('-', '_'), get_first_key=True, no_tag_node_value_mangle=True)
     default_ike_pfs = None
     if 'ike_group' in ipsec:
         for group, ike_conf in ipsec['ike_group'].items():
             if 'proposal' in ike_conf:
                 ciphers = []
                 for i in ike_conf['proposal']:
                     proposal = ike_conf['proposal'][i]
                     enc = proposal['encryption'] if 'encryption' in proposal else None
                     hash = proposal['hash'] if 'hash' in proposal else None
                     pfs = ('dh-group' + proposal['dh_group']) if 'dh_group' in proposal else default_pfs
                     if not default_ike_pfs:
                         default_ike_pfs = pfs
                     if enc and hash:
                         ciphers.append(f"{enc}-{hash}-{pfs_translate[pfs]}" if pfs else f"{enc}-{hash}")
                 ike_ciphers[group] = ','.join(ciphers) + '!'
     if 'esp_group' in ipsec:
         for group, esp_conf in ipsec['esp_group'].items():
             pfs = esp_conf['pfs'] if 'pfs' in esp_conf else 'enable'
             if pfs == 'disable':
                 pfs = None
             if pfs == 'enable':
                 pfs = default_ike_pfs
             if 'proposal' in esp_conf:
                 ciphers = []
                 for i in esp_conf['proposal']:
                     proposal = esp_conf['proposal'][i]
                     enc = proposal['encryption'] if 'encryption' in proposal else None
                     hash = proposal['hash'] if 'hash' in proposal else None
                     if enc and hash:
                         ciphers.append(f"{enc}-{hash}-{pfs_translate[pfs]}" if pfs else f"{enc}-{hash}")
                 esp_ciphers[group] = ','.join(ciphers) + '!'
     return ipsec
 def verify(ipsec):
     if not ipsec:
         return None
     if 'profile' in ipsec:
         for profile, profile_conf in ipsec['profile'].items():
             if 'esp_group' in profile_conf:
                 if 'esp_group' not in ipsec or profile_conf['esp_group'] not in ipsec['esp_group']:
                     raise ConfigError(f"Invalid esp-group on {profile} profile")
                 raise ConfigError(f"Missing esp-group on {profile} profile")
             if 'ike_group' in profile_conf:
                 if 'ike_group' not in ipsec or profile_conf['ike_group'] not in ipsec['ike_group']:
                     raise ConfigError(f"Invalid ike-group on {profile} profile")
                 raise ConfigError(f"Missing ike-group on {profile} profile")
             if 'authentication' not in profile_conf:
                 raise ConfigError(f"Missing authentication on {profile} profile")
     if 'site_to_site' in ipsec and 'peer' in ipsec['site_to_site']:
         for peer, peer_conf in ipsec['site_to_site']['peer'].items():
             has_default_esp = False
             if 'default_esp_group' in peer_conf:
                 has_default_esp = True
                 if 'esp_group' not in ipsec or peer_conf['default_esp_group'] not in ipsec['esp_group']:
                     raise ConfigError(f"Invalid esp-group on site-to-site peer {peer}")
             if 'ike_group' in peer_conf:
                 if 'ike_group' not in ipsec or peer_conf['ike_group'] not in ipsec['ike_group']:
                     raise ConfigError(f"Invalid ike-group on site-to-site peer {peer}")
                 raise ConfigError(f"Missing ike-group on site-to-site peer {peer}")
             if 'authentication' not in peer_conf or 'mode' not in peer_conf['authentication']:
                 raise ConfigError(f"Missing authentication on site-to-site peer {peer}")
             if peer_conf['authentication']['mode'] == 'x509':
                 if 'x509' not in peer_conf['authentication']:
                     raise ConfigError(f"Missing x509 settings on site-to-site peer {peer}")
                 if 'key' not in peer_conf['authentication']['x509'] or 'ca_cert_file' not in peer_conf['authentication']['x509'] or 'cert_file' not in peer_conf['authentication']['x509']:
                     raise ConfigError(f"Missing x509 settings on site-to-site peer {peer}")
                 if 'file' not in peer_conf['authentication']['x509']['key']:
                     raise ConfigError(f"Missing x509 settings on site-to-site peer {peer}")
                 for key in ['ca_cert_file', 'cert_file', 'crl_file']:
                     if key in peer_conf['authentication']['x509']:
                         path = peer_conf['authentication']['x509'][key]
                         if not os.path.exists(path if path.startswith(X509_PATH) else (X509_PATH + path)):
                             raise ConfigError(f"File not found for {key} on site-to-site peer {peer}")
                 key_path = peer_conf['authentication']['x509']['key']['file']
                 if not os.path.exists(key_path if key_path.startswith(X509_PATH) else (X509_PATH + key_path)):
                     raise ConfigError(f"Private key not found on site-to-site peer {peer}")
             if peer_conf['authentication']['mode'] == 'rsa':
                 if not verify_rsa_local_key():
                     raise ConfigError(f"Invalid key on rsa-keys local-key")
                 if 'rsa_key_name' not in peer_conf['authentication']:
                     raise ConfigError(f"Missing rsa-key-name on site-to-site peer {peer}")
                 if not verify_rsa_key(peer_conf['authentication']['rsa_key_name']):
                     raise ConfigError(f"Invalid rsa-key-name on site-to-site peer {peer}")
             if 'local_address' not in peer_conf and 'dhcp_interface' not in peer_conf:
                 raise ConfigError(f"Missing local-address or dhcp-interface on site-to-site peer {peer}")
             if 'dhcp_interface' in peer_conf:
                 dhcp_interface = peer_conf['dhcp_interface']
                 if not os.path.exists(f'{DHCP_BASE}_{dhcp_interface}.conf'):
                     raise ConfigError(f"Invalid dhcp-interface on site-to-site peer {peer}")
             if 'vti' in peer_conf:
                 if 'local_address' in peer_conf and 'dhcp_interface' in peer_conf:
                     raise ConfigError(f"A single local-address or dhcp-interface is required when using VTI on site-to-site peer {peer}")
                 if 'bind' in peer_conf['vti']:
                     vti_interface = peer_conf['vti']['bind']
-                    if not get_vti_interface(vti_interface):
-                        raise ConfigError(f'Invalid VTI interface on site-to-site peer {peer}')
+                    if not os.path.exists(f'/sys/class/net/{vti_interface}'):
+                        raise ConfigError(f'VTI interface {vti_interface} for site-to-site peer {peer} does not exist!')
             if 'vti' not in peer_conf and 'tunnel' not in peer_conf:
                 raise ConfigError(f"No vti or tunnels specified on site-to-site peer {peer}")
             if 'tunnel' in peer_conf:
                 for tunnel, tunnel_conf in peer_conf['tunnel'].items():
                     if 'esp_group' not in tunnel_conf and not has_default_esp:
                         raise ConfigError(f"Missing esp-group on tunnel {tunnel} for site-to-site peer {peer}")
                     esp_group_name = tunnel_conf['esp_group'] if 'esp_group' in tunnel_conf else peer_conf['default_esp_group']
                     if esp_group_name not in ipsec['esp_group']:
                         raise ConfigError(f"Invalid esp-group on tunnel {tunnel} for site-to-site peer {peer}")
                     esp_group = ipsec['esp_group'][esp_group_name]
                     if 'mode' in esp_group and esp_group['mode'] == 'transport':
                         if 'protocol' in tunnel_conf and ((peer in ['any', '']) or ('local_address' not in peer_conf or peer_conf['local_address'] in ['any', ''])):
                             raise ConfigError(f"Fixed local-address or peer required when a protocol is defined with ESP transport mode on tunnel {tunnel} for site-to-site peer {peer}")
                         if ('local' in tunnel_conf and 'prefix' in tunnel_conf['local']) or ('remote' in tunnel_conf and 'prefix' in tunnel_conf['remote']):
                             raise ConfigError(f"Local/remote prefix cannot be used with ESP transport mode on tunnel {tunnel} for site-to-site peer {peer}")
 def get_rsa_local_key():
     global conf
     base = ['vpn', 'rsa-keys']
     if not conf.exists(base + ['local-key', 'file']):
         return False
     return conf.return_value(base + ['local-key', 'file'])
 def verify_rsa_local_key():
     file = get_rsa_local_key()
     if not file:
         return False
     for path in LOCAL_KEY_PATHS:
         if os.path.exists(path + file):
             return path + file
     return False
 def verify_rsa_key(key_name):
     global conf
     base = ['vpn', 'rsa-keys']
     if not conf.exists(base):
         return False
     return conf.exists(base + ['rsa-key-name', key_name, 'rsa-key'])
 def generate(ipsec):
     data = {}
     if ipsec:
         data = deepcopy(ipsec)
         data['authby'] = authby_translate
         data['ciphers'] = {'ike': ike_ciphers, 'esp': esp_ciphers}
         data['marks'] = {}
         data['rsa_local_key'] = verify_rsa_local_key()
         data['x509_path'] = X509_PATH
         if 'site_to_site' in data and 'peer' in data['site_to_site']:
             for peer, peer_conf in ipsec['site_to_site']['peer'].items():
                 if peer_conf['authentication']['mode'] == 'x509':
                     ca_cert_file = os.path.join(X509_PATH, peer_conf['authentication']['x509']['ca_cert_file'])
                     call(f'cp -f {ca_cert_file} {CA_PATH}')
                     if 'crl_file' in peer_conf['authentication']['x509']:
                         crl_file = os.path.join(X509_PATH, peer_conf['authentication']['x509']['crl_file'])
                         call(f'cp -f {crl_file} {CRL_PATH}')
                 local_ip = ''
                 if 'local_address' in peer_conf:
                     local_ip = peer_conf['local_address']
                 elif 'dhcp_interface' in peer_conf:
                     local_ip = get_dhcp_address(peer_conf['dhcp_interface'])
                 data['site_to_site']['peer'][peer]['local_address'] = local_ip
                 if 'vti' in peer_conf and 'bind' in peer_conf['vti']:
                     vti_interface = peer_conf['vti']['bind']
                     data['marks'][vti_interface] = get_mark(vti_interface)
                     for tunnel, tunnel_conf in peer_conf['tunnel'].items():
                         if ('local' not in tunnel_conf or 'prefix' not in tunnel_conf['local']) or ('remote' not in tunnel_conf or 'prefix' not in tunnel_conf['remote']):
                         local_prefix = tunnel_conf['local']['prefix']
                         remote_prefix = tunnel_conf['remote']['prefix']
                         passthrough = cidr_fit(local_prefix, remote_prefix)
                         data['site_to_site']['peer'][peer]['tunnel'][tunnel]['passthrough'] = passthrough
         if 'logging' in ipsec and 'log_modes' in ipsec['logging']:
             modes = ipsec['logging']['log_modes']
             level = ipsec['logging']['log_level'] if 'log_level' in ipsec['logging'] else '1'
             if isinstance(modes, str):
                 modes = [modes]
             if 'any' in modes:
                 modes = any_log_modes
             data['charondebug'] = f' {level}, '.join(modes) + ' ' + level
     render("/etc/ipsec.conf", "ipsec/ipsec.conf.tmpl", data)
     render("/etc/ipsec.secrets", "ipsec/ipsec.secrets.tmpl", data)
     render("/etc/swanctl/swanctl.conf", "ipsec/swanctl.conf.tmpl", data)
 def apply(ipsec):
     if not ipsec:
         if conf.exists('vpn l2tp '):
             call('sudo /usr/sbin/ipsec rereadall')
             call('sudo /usr/sbin/ipsec reload')
             call('sudo /usr/sbin/swanctl -q')
             call('sudo /usr/sbin/ipsec stop')
     diff = ConfigDiff(conf, key_mangling=('-', '_'))
     diff.set_level(['vpn', 'ipsec'])
     old_if, new_if = diff.get_value_diff(['ipsec-interfaces', 'interface'])
     interface_change = (old_if != new_if)
     should_start = ('profile' in ipsec or ('site_to_site' in ipsec and 'peer' in ipsec['site_to_site']))
     if not process_named_running('charon'):
         args = ''
         if 'auto_update' in ipsec:
             args = f'--auto-update {ipsec["auto_update"]}'
         if should_start:
             call(f'sudo /usr/sbin/ipsec start {args}')
         if not should_start:
             call('sudo /usr/sbin/ipsec stop')
         elif interface_change:
             call('sudo /usr/sbin/ipsec restart')
             call('sudo /usr/sbin/ipsec rereadall')
             call('sudo /usr/sbin/ipsec reload')
     if should_start:
         sleep(2) # Give charon enough time to start
         call('sudo /usr/sbin/swanctl -q')
-def get_vti_interface(vti_interface):
-    global conf
-    section = conf.get_config_dict(['interfaces', 'vti'], get_first_key=True)
-    for interface, interface_conf in section.items():
-        if interface == vti_interface:
-            return interface_conf
-    return None
 def get_mark(vti_interface):
     vti_num = int(vti_interface.lstrip('vti'))
     return mark_base + vti_num
 def get_dhcp_address(interface):
     addr = get_interface_address(interface)
     if not addr:
         return None
     if len(addr['addr_info']) == 0:
         return None
     return addr['addr_info'][0]['local']
 if __name__ == '__main__':
         ipsec = get_config()
     except ConfigError as e: