diff --git a/data/templates/login/tacplus_nss.conf.j2 b/data/templates/login/tacplus_nss.conf.j2
index 2a30b1710..1c5402233 100644
--- a/data/templates/login/tacplus_nss.conf.j2
+++ b/data/templates/login/tacplus_nss.conf.j2
@@ -1,74 +1,73 @@
 # Install this file as /etc/tacplus_nss.conf
 # Edit /etc/nsswitch.conf to add tacplus to the passwd lookup, similar to this
 # where tacplus precede compat (or files), and depending on local policy can
 # follow or precede ldap, nis, etc.
 #    passwd: tacplus compat
 #  Servers are tried in the order listed, and once a server
 #  replies, no other servers are attempted in a given process instantiation
 #  This configuration is similar to the libpam_tacplus configuration, but
 #  is maintained as a configuration file, since nsswitch.conf doesn't
 #  support passing parameters.  Parameters must start in the first
 #  column, and parsing stops at the first whitespace
 # if set, errors and other issues are logged with syslog
 # min_uid is the minimum uid to lookup via tacacs.  Setting this to 0
 # means uid 0 (root) is never looked up, good for robustness and performance
 # Cumulus Linux ships with it set to 1001, so we never lookup our standard
 # local users, including the cumulus uid of 1000.  Should not be greater
 # than the local tacacs{0..15} uids
+min_uid={{ tacacs_min_uid }}
 # This is a comma separated list of usernames that are never sent to
 # a tacacs server, they cause an early not found return.
 # "*" is not a wild card.  While it's not a legal username, it turns out
 # that during pathname completion, bash can do an NSS lookup on "*"
 # To avoid server round trip delays, or worse, unreachable server delays
 # on filename completion, we include "*" in the exclusion list.
-exclude_users=root,telegraf,radvd,strongswan,tftp,conservr,frr,ocserv,pdns,_chrony,_lldpd,sshd,openvpn,radius_user,radius_priv_user,*{{ ',' + user | join(',') if user is vyos_defined }}
+exclude_users=*{{ ',' + exclude_users | join(',') if exclude_users is vyos_defined }}
 # The include keyword allows centralizing the tacacs+ server information
 # including the IP address and shared secret
 # include=/etc/tacplus_servers
 #  The server IP address can be optionally followed by a ':' and a port
 #  number (server=  It is strongly recommended that you NOT
 #  add secret keys to this file, because it is world readable.
 {% if tacacs.server is vyos_defined %}
 {%     for server, server_config in tacacs.server.items() %}
 secret={{ server_config.key }}
 server={{ server }}:{{ server_config.port }}
 {%     endfor %}
 {% endif %}
 {% if tacacs.vrf is vyos_defined %}
 # If the management network is in a vrf, set this variable to the vrf name.
 # This would usually be "mgmt". When this variable is set, the connection to the
 # TACACS+ accounting servers will be made through the named vrf.
 vrf={{ tacacs.vrf }}
 {% endif %}
 {% if tacacs.source_address is vyos_defined %}
 # Sets the IPv4 address used as the source IP address when communicating with
 # the TACACS+ server. IPv6 addresses are not supported, nor are hostnames.
 # The address must work when passsed to the bind() system call, that is, it must
 # be valid for the interface being used.
 source_ip={{ tacacs.source_address }}
 {% endif %}
 # The connection timeout for an NSS library should be short, since it is
 # invoked for many programs and daemons, and a failure is usually not
 # catastrophic.  Not set or set to a negative value disables use of poll().
 # This follows the include of tacplus_servers, so it can override any
 # timeout value set in that file.
 # It's important to have this set in this file, even if the same value
 # as in tacplus_servers, since tacplus_servers should not be readable
 # by users other than root.
 timeout={{ tacacs.timeout }}
diff --git a/src/conf_mode/system_login.py b/src/conf_mode/system_login.py
index 439fa645b..d3a969d9b 100755
--- a/src/conf_mode/system_login.py
+++ b/src/conf_mode/system_login.py
@@ -1,413 +1,420 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 # Copyright (C) 2020-2024 VyOS maintainers and contributors
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 import os
 from passlib.hosts import linux_context
 from psutil import users
 from pwd import getpwall
 from pwd import getpwnam
 from pwd import getpwuid
 from sys import exit
 from time import sleep
 from vyos.config import Config
 from vyos.configverify import verify_vrf
 from vyos.template import render
 from vyos.template import is_ipv4
 from vyos.utils.auth import get_current_user
 from vyos.utils.configfs import delete_cli_node
 from vyos.utils.configfs import add_cli_node
 from vyos.utils.dict import dict_search
 from vyos.utils.file import chown
 from vyos.utils.process import cmd
 from vyos.utils.process import call
 from vyos.utils.process import run
 from vyos.utils.process import DEVNULL
 from vyos import ConfigError
 from vyos import airbag
 autologout_file = "/etc/profile.d/autologout.sh"
 limits_file = "/etc/security/limits.d/10-vyos.conf"
 radius_config_file = "/etc/pam_radius_auth.conf"
 tacacs_pam_config_file = "/etc/tacplus_servers"
 tacacs_nss_config_file = "/etc/tacplus_nss.conf"
 nss_config_file = "/etc/nsswitch.conf"
 # Minimum UID used when adding system users
 MIN_USER_UID: int = 1000
 # Maximim UID used when adding system users
 MAX_USER_UID: int = 59999
 # LOGIN_TIMEOUT from /etc/loign.defs minus 10 sec
 # MAX_RADIUS_TIMEOUT divided by 2 sec (minimum recomended timeout)
 # Maximum number of supported TACACS servers
+# Minimum USER id for TACACS users
 # List of local user accounts that must be preserved
 SYSTEM_USER_SKIP_LIST: list = ['radius_user', 'radius_priv_user', 'tacacs0', 'tacacs1',
                               'tacacs2', 'tacacs3', 'tacacs4', 'tacacs5', 'tacacs6',
                               'tacacs7', 'tacacs8', 'tacacs9', 'tacacs10',' tacacs11',
                               'tacacs12', 'tacacs13', 'tacacs14', 'tacacs15']
-def get_local_users():
+def get_local_users(min_uid=MIN_USER_UID, max_uid=MAX_USER_UID):
     """Return list of dynamically allocated users (see Debian Policy Manual)"""
     local_users = []
     for s_user in getpwall():
-        if getpwnam(s_user.pw_name).pw_uid < MIN_USER_UID:
+        if getpwnam(s_user.pw_name).pw_uid < min_uid:
-        if getpwnam(s_user.pw_name).pw_uid > MAX_USER_UID:
+        if getpwnam(s_user.pw_name).pw_uid > max_uid:
         if s_user.pw_name in SYSTEM_USER_SKIP_LIST:
     return local_users
 def get_shadow_password(username):
     with open('/etc/shadow') as f:
         for user in f.readlines():
             items = user.split(":")
             if username == items[0]:
                 return items[1]
     return None
 def get_config(config=None):
     if config:
         conf = config
         conf = Config()
     base = ['system', 'login']
     login = conf.get_config_dict(base, key_mangling=('-', '_'),
     # users no longer existing in the running configuration need to be deleted
     local_users = get_local_users()
     cli_users = []
     if 'user' in login:
         cli_users = list(login['user'])
     # prune TACACS global defaults if not set by user
     if login.from_defaults(['tacacs']):
         del login['tacacs']
     # same for RADIUS
     if login.from_defaults(['radius']):
         del login['radius']
     # create a list of all users, cli and users
     all_users = list(set(local_users + cli_users))
     # We will remove any normal users that dos not exist in the current
     # configuration. This can happen if user is added but configuration was not
     # saved and system is rebooted.
     rm_users = [tmp for tmp in all_users if tmp not in cli_users]
     if rm_users: login.update({'rm_users' : rm_users})
+    # Build TACACS user mapping
+    if 'tacacs' in login:
+        login['exclude_users'] = get_local_users(min_uid=0,
+                                                 max_uid=MIN_TACACS_UID) + cli_users
+        login['tacacs_min_uid'] = MIN_TACACS_UID
     return login
 def verify(login):
     if 'rm_users' in login:
         # This check is required as the script is also executed from vyos-router
         # init script and there is no SUDO_USER environment variable available
         # during system boot.
         tmp = get_current_user()
         if tmp in login['rm_users']:
             raise ConfigError(f'Attempting to delete current user: {tmp}')
     if 'user' in login:
         system_users = getpwall()
         for user, user_config in login['user'].items():
             # Linux system users range up until UID 1000, we can not create a
             # VyOS CLI user which already exists as system user
             for s_user in system_users:
                 if s_user.pw_name == user and s_user.pw_uid < MIN_USER_UID:
                     raise ConfigError(f'User "{user}" can not be created, conflict with local system account!')
             for pubkey, pubkey_options in (dict_search('authentication.public_keys', user_config) or {}).items():
                 if 'type' not in pubkey_options:
                     raise ConfigError(f'Missing type for public-key "{pubkey}"!')
                 if 'key' not in pubkey_options:
                     raise ConfigError(f'Missing key for public-key "{pubkey}"!')
     if {'radius', 'tacacs'} <= set(login):
         raise ConfigError('Using both RADIUS and TACACS at the same time is not supported!')
     # At lease one RADIUS server must not be disabled
     if 'radius' in login:
         if 'server' not in login['radius']:
             raise ConfigError('No RADIUS server defined!')
         sum_timeout: int = 0
         radius_servers_count: int = 0
         fail = True
         for server, server_config in dict_search('radius.server', login).items():
             if 'key' not in server_config:
                 raise ConfigError(f'RADIUS server "{server}" requires key!')
             if 'disable' not in server_config:
                 sum_timeout += int(server_config['timeout'])
                 radius_servers_count += 1
                 fail = False
         if fail:
             raise ConfigError('All RADIUS servers are disabled')
         if radius_servers_count > MAX_RADIUS_COUNT:
             raise ConfigError(f'Number of RADIUS servers exceeded maximum of {MAX_RADIUS_COUNT}!')
         if sum_timeout > MAX_RADIUS_TIMEOUT:
             raise ConfigError('Sum of RADIUS servers timeouts '
                               'has to be less or eq 50 sec')
         if 'source_address' in login['radius']:
             ipv4_count = 0
             ipv6_count = 0
             for address in login['radius']['source_address']:
                 if is_ipv4(address): ipv4_count += 1
                 else:                ipv6_count += 1
             if ipv4_count > 1:
                 raise ConfigError('Only one IPv4 source-address can be set!')
             if ipv6_count > 1:
                 raise ConfigError('Only one IPv6 source-address can be set!')
     if 'tacacs' in login:
         tacacs_servers_count: int = 0
         fail = True
         for server, server_config in dict_search('tacacs.server', login).items():
             if 'key' not in server_config:
                 raise ConfigError(f'TACACS server "{server}" requires key!')
             if 'disable' not in server_config:
                 tacacs_servers_count += 1
                 fail = False
         if fail:
             raise ConfigError('All RADIUS servers are disabled')
         if tacacs_servers_count > MAX_TACACS_COUNT:
             raise ConfigError(f'Number of TACACS servers exceeded maximum of {MAX_TACACS_COUNT}!')
     if 'max_login_session' in login and 'timeout' not in login:
         raise ConfigError('"login timeout" must be configured!')
     return None
 def generate(login):
     # calculate users encrypted password
     if 'user' in login:
         for user, user_config in login['user'].items():
             tmp = dict_search('authentication.plaintext_password', user_config)
             if tmp:
                 encrypted_password = linux_context.hash(tmp)
                 login['user'][user]['authentication']['encrypted_password'] = encrypted_password
                 del login['user'][user]['authentication']['plaintext_password']
                 # Set default commands for re-adding user with encrypted password
                 del_user_plain = ['system', 'login', 'user', user, 'authentication', 'plaintext-password']
                 add_user_encrypt = ['system', 'login', 'user', user, 'authentication', 'encrypted-password']
                 add_cli_node(add_user_encrypt, value=encrypted_password)
                     if get_shadow_password(user) == dict_search('authentication.encrypted_password', user_config):
                         # If the current encrypted bassword matches the encrypted password
                         # from the config - do not update it. This will remove the encrypted
                         # value from the system logs.
                         # The encrypted password will be set only once during the first boot
                         # after an image upgrade.
                         del login['user'][user]['authentication']['encrypted_password']
     ### RADIUS based user authentication
     if 'radius' in login:
         render(radius_config_file, 'login/pam_radius_auth.conf.j2', login,
                    permission=0o600, user='root', group='root')
         if os.path.isfile(radius_config_file):
     ### TACACS+ based user authentication
     if 'tacacs' in login:
         render(tacacs_pam_config_file, 'login/tacplus_servers.j2', login,
                    permission=0o644, user='root', group='root')
         render(tacacs_nss_config_file, 'login/tacplus_nss.conf.j2', login,
                    permission=0o644, user='root', group='root')
         if os.path.isfile(tacacs_pam_config_file):
         if os.path.isfile(tacacs_nss_config_file):
     # NSS must always be present on the system
     render(nss_config_file, 'login/nsswitch.conf.j2', login,
                permission=0o644, user='root', group='root')
     # /etc/security/limits.d/10-vyos.conf
     if 'max_login_session' in login:
         render(limits_file, 'login/limits.j2', login,
                    permission=0o644, user='root', group='root')
         if os.path.isfile(limits_file):
     if 'timeout' in login:
         render(autologout_file, 'login/autologout.j2', login,
                    permission=0o755, user='root', group='root')
         if os.path.isfile(autologout_file):
     return None
 def apply(login):
     enable_otp = False
     if 'user' in login:
         for user, user_config in login['user'].items():
             # make new user using vyatta shell and make home directory (-m),
             # default group of 100 (users)
             command = 'useradd --create-home --no-user-group '
             # check if user already exists:
             if user in get_local_users():
                 # update existing account
                 command = 'usermod'
             # all accounts use /bin/vbash
             command += ' --shell /bin/vbash'
             # we need to use '' quotes when passing formatted data to the shell
             # else it will not work as some data parts are lost in translation
             tmp = dict_search('authentication.encrypted_password', user_config)
             if tmp: command += f" --password '{tmp}'"
             tmp = dict_search('full_name', user_config)
             if tmp: command += f" --comment '{tmp}'"
             tmp = dict_search('home_directory', user_config)
             if tmp: command += f" --home '{tmp}'"
             else: command += f" --home '/home/{user}'"
             command += f' --groups frr,frrvty,vyattacfg,sudo,adm,dip,disk,_kea {user}'
                 # we should not rely on the value stored in user_config['home_directory'], as a
                 # crazy user will choose username root or any other system user which will fail.
                 # XXX: Should we deny using root at all?
                 home_dir = getpwnam(user).pw_dir
                 # always re-render SSH keys with appropriate permissions
                 render(f'{home_dir}/.ssh/authorized_keys', 'login/authorized_keys.j2',
                        user_config, permission=0o600,
                        formater=lambda _: _.replace("&quot;", '"'),
                        user=user, group='users')
             except Exception as e:
                 raise ConfigError(f'Adding user "{user}" raised exception: "{e}"')
             # T5875: ensure UID is properly set on home directory if user is re-added
             # the home directory will always exist, as it's created above by --create-home,
             # retrieve current owner of home directory and adjust on demand
             dir_owner = None
                 dir_owner = getpwuid(os.stat(home_dir).st_uid).pw_name
             if dir_owner != user:
                     chown(home_dir, user=user, recursive=True)
             # Generate 2FA/MFA One-Time-Pad configuration
             if dict_search('authentication.otp.key', user_config):
                 enable_otp = True
                 render(f'{home_dir}/.google_authenticator', 'login/pam_otp_ga.conf.j2',
                        user_config, permission=0o400, user=user, group='users')
                 # delete configuration as it's not enabled for the user
                 if os.path.exists(f'{home_dir}/.google_authenticator'):
             # Lock/Unlock local user account
             lock_unlock = '--unlock'
             if 'disable' in user_config:
                 lock_unlock = '--lock'
             cmd(f'usermod {lock_unlock} {user}')
     if 'rm_users' in login:
         for user in login['rm_users']:
                 # Disable user to prevent re-login
                 call(f'usermod -s /sbin/nologin {user}')
                 # Logout user if he is still logged in
                 if user in list(set([tmp[0] for tmp in users()])):
                     print(f'{user} is logged in, forcing logout!')
                     # re-run command until user is logged out
                     while run(f'pkill -HUP -u {user}'):
                 # Remove user account but leave home directory in place. Re-run
                 # command until user is removed - userdel might return 8 as
                 # SSH sessions are not all yet properly cleaned away, thus we
                 # simply re-run the command until the account wen't away
                 while run(f'userdel {user}', stderr=DEVNULL):
             except Exception as e:
                 raise ConfigError(f'Deleting user "{user}" raised exception: {e}')
     # Enable/disable RADIUS in PAM configuration
     cmd('pam-auth-update --disable radius-mandatory radius-optional')
     if 'radius' in login:
         if login['radius'].get('security_mode', '') == 'mandatory':
             pam_profile = 'radius-mandatory'
             pam_profile = 'radius-optional'
         cmd(f'pam-auth-update --enable {pam_profile}')
     # Enable/disable TACACS+ in PAM configuration
     cmd('pam-auth-update --disable tacplus-mandatory tacplus-optional')
     if 'tacacs' in login:
         if login['tacacs'].get('security_mode', '') == 'mandatory':
             pam_profile = 'tacplus-mandatory'
             pam_profile = 'tacplus-optional'
         cmd(f'pam-auth-update --enable {pam_profile}')
     # Enable/disable Google authenticator
     cmd('pam-auth-update --disable mfa-google-authenticator')
     if enable_otp:
         cmd(f'pam-auth-update --enable mfa-google-authenticator')
     return None
 if __name__ == '__main__':
         c = get_config()
     except ConfigError as e: