diff --git a/src/migration-scripts/firewall/6-to-7 b/src/migration-scripts/firewall/6-to-7
index 1e698da0b..5f4cff90d 100755
--- a/src/migration-scripts/firewall/6-to-7
+++ b/src/migration-scripts/firewall/6-to-7
@@ -1,253 +1,226 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 # Copyright (C) 2021 VyOS maintainers and contributors
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 # T2199: Remove unavailable nodes due to XML/Python implementation using nftables
 #        monthdays: nftables does not have a monthdays equivalent
 #        utc: nftables userspace uses localtime and calculates the UTC offset automatically
 #        icmp/v6: migrate previously available `type-name` to valid type/code
 # T4178: Update tcp flags to use multi value node
-# T3907: Add log levels
-#        `enable-default-log` --> `enable-default-log warn`
-#        `rule X log enable` --> `rule X log warn`
-#        `rule X log disable` --> No log config
 import re
 from sys import argv
 from sys import exit
 from vyos.configtree import ConfigTree
 from vyos.ifconfig import Section
 if (len(argv) < 1):
     print("Must specify file name!")
 file_name = argv[1]
 with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
     config_file = f.read()
 base = ['firewall']
 config = ConfigTree(config_file)
 if not config.exists(base):
     # Nothing to do
 icmp_remove = ['any']
 icmp_translations = {
     'ping': 'echo-request',
     'pong': 'echo-reply',
     'ttl-exceeded': 'time-exceeded',
     # Network Unreachable
     'network-unreachable': [3, 0],
     'host-unreachable': [3, 1],
     'protocol-unreachable': [3, 2],
     'port-unreachable': [3, 3],
     'fragmentation-needed': [3, 4],
     'source-route-failed': [3, 5],
     'network-unknown': [3, 6],
     'host-unknown': [3, 7],
     'network-prohibited': [3, 9],
     'host-prohibited': [3, 10],
     'TOS-network-unreachable': [3, 11],
     'TOS-host-unreachable': [3, 12],
     'communication-prohibited': [3, 13],
     'host-precedence-violation': [3, 14],
     'precedence-cutoff': [3, 15],
     # Redirect
     'network-redirect': [5, 0],
     'host-redirect': [5, 1],
     'TOS-network-redirect': [5, 2],
     'TOS host-redirect': [5, 3],
     #  Time Exceeded
     'ttl-zero-during-transit': [11, 0],
     'ttl-zero-during-reassembly': [11, 1],
     # Parameter Problem
     'ip-header-bad': [12, 0],
     'required-option-missing': [12, 1]
 icmpv6_remove = []
 icmpv6_translations = {
     'ping': 'echo-request',
     'pong': 'echo-reply',
     # Destination Unreachable
     'no-route': [1, 0],
     'communication-prohibited': [1, 1],
     'address-unreachble': [1, 3],
     'port-unreachable': [1, 4],
     # Redirect
     'redirect': 'nd-redirect',
     #  Time Exceeded
     'ttl-zero-during-transit': [3, 0],
     'ttl-zero-during-reassembly': [3, 1],
     # Parameter Problem
     'bad-header': [4, 0],
     'unknown-header-type': [4, 1],
     'unknown-option': [4, 2]
 if config.exists(base + ['name']):
     for name in config.list_nodes(base + ['name']):
-        if config.exists(base + ['name', name, 'enable-default-log']):
-            config.set(base + ['name', name, 'enable-default-log'], value='warn')
         if not config.exists(base + ['name', name, 'rule']):
         for rule in config.list_nodes(base + ['name', name, 'rule']):
             rule_recent = base + ['name', name, 'rule', rule, 'recent']
             rule_time = base + ['name', name, 'rule', rule, 'time']
             rule_tcp_flags = base + ['name', name, 'rule', rule, 'tcp', 'flags']
             rule_icmp = base + ['name', name, 'rule', rule, 'icmp']
-            rule_log = base + ['name', name, 'rule', rule, 'log']
             if config.exists(rule_time + ['monthdays']):
                 config.delete(rule_time + ['monthdays'])
             if config.exists(rule_time + ['utc']):
                 config.delete(rule_time + ['utc'])
             if config.exists(rule_recent + ['time']):
                 tmp = int(config.return_value(rule_recent + ['time']))
                 unit = 'minute'
                 if tmp > 600:
                     unit = 'hour'
                 elif tmp < 10:
                     unit = 'second'
                 config.set(rule_recent + ['time'], value=unit)
             if config.exists(rule_tcp_flags):
                 tmp = config.return_value(rule_tcp_flags)
                 for flag in tmp.split(","):
                     if flag[0] == '!':
                         config.set(rule_tcp_flags + ['not', flag[1:].lower()])
                         config.set(rule_tcp_flags + [flag.lower()])
             if config.exists(rule_icmp + ['type-name']):
                 tmp = config.return_value(rule_icmp + ['type-name'])
                 if tmp in icmp_remove:
                     config.delete(rule_icmp + ['type-name'])
                 elif tmp in icmp_translations:
                     translate = icmp_translations[tmp]
                     if isinstance(translate, str):
                         config.set(rule_icmp + ['type-name'], value=translate)
                     elif isinstance(translate, list):
                         config.delete(rule_icmp + ['type-name'])
                         config.set(rule_icmp + ['type'], value=translate[0])
                         config.set(rule_icmp + ['code'], value=translate[1])
-            if config.exists(rule_log):
-                tmp = config.return_value(rule_log)
-                if tmp == 'disable':
-                    config.delete(rule_log)
-                else:
-                    config.set(rule_log, value='warn')
             for src_dst in ['destination', 'source']:
                 pg_base = base + ['name', name, 'rule', rule, src_dst, 'group', 'port-group']
                 proto_base = base + ['name', name, 'rule', rule, 'protocol']
                 if config.exists(pg_base) and not config.exists(proto_base):
                     config.set(proto_base, value='tcp_udp')
 if config.exists(base + ['ipv6-name']):
-    if config.exists(base + ['ipv6-name', name, 'enable-default-log']):
-            config.set(base + ['ipv6-name', name, 'enable-default-log'], value='warn')
     for name in config.list_nodes(base + ['ipv6-name']):
         if not config.exists(base + ['ipv6-name', name, 'rule']):
         for rule in config.list_nodes(base + ['ipv6-name', name, 'rule']):
             rule_recent = base + ['ipv6-name', name, 'rule', rule, 'recent']
             rule_time = base + ['ipv6-name', name, 'rule', rule, 'time']
             rule_tcp_flags = base + ['ipv6-name', name, 'rule', rule, 'tcp', 'flags']
             rule_icmp = base + ['ipv6-name', name, 'rule', rule, 'icmpv6']
-            rule_log = base + ['ipv6-name', name, 'rule', rule, 'log']
             if config.exists(rule_time + ['monthdays']):
                 config.delete(rule_time + ['monthdays'])
             if config.exists(rule_time + ['utc']):
                 config.delete(rule_time + ['utc'])
             if config.exists(rule_recent + ['time']):
                 tmp = int(config.return_value(rule_recent + ['time']))
                 unit = 'minute'
                 if tmp > 600:
                     unit = 'hour'
                 elif tmp < 10:
                     unit = 'second'
                 config.set(rule_recent + ['time'], value=unit)
             if config.exists(rule_tcp_flags):
                 tmp = config.return_value(rule_tcp_flags)
                 for flag in tmp.split(","):
                     if flag[0] == '!':
                         config.set(rule_tcp_flags + ['not', flag[1:].lower()])
                         config.set(rule_tcp_flags + [flag.lower()])
             if config.exists(base + ['ipv6-name', name, 'rule', rule, 'protocol']):
                 tmp = config.return_value(base + ['ipv6-name', name, 'rule', rule, 'protocol'])
                 if tmp == 'icmpv6':
                     config.set(base + ['ipv6-name', name, 'rule', rule, 'protocol'], value='ipv6-icmp')
             if config.exists(rule_icmp + ['type']):
                 tmp = config.return_value(rule_icmp + ['type'])
                 type_code_match = re.match(r'^(\d+)/(\d+)$', tmp)
                 if type_code_match:
                     config.set(rule_icmp + ['type'], value=type_code_match[1])
                     config.set(rule_icmp + ['code'], value=type_code_match[2])
                 elif tmp in icmpv6_remove:
                     config.delete(rule_icmp + ['type'])
                 elif tmp in icmpv6_translations:
                     translate = icmpv6_translations[tmp]
                     if isinstance(translate, str):
                         config.delete(rule_icmp + ['type'])
                         config.set(rule_icmp + ['type-name'], value=translate)
                     elif isinstance(translate, list):
                         config.set(rule_icmp + ['type'], value=translate[0])
                         config.set(rule_icmp + ['code'], value=translate[1])
                     config.rename(rule_icmp + ['type'], 'type-name')
-            if config.exists(rule_log):
-                tmp = config.return_value(rule_log)
-                if tmp == 'disable':
-                    config.delete(rule_log)
-                else:
-                    config.set(rule_log, value='warn')
             for src_dst in ['destination', 'source']:
                 pg_base = base + ['ipv6-name', name, 'rule', rule, src_dst, 'group', 'port-group']
                 proto_base = base + ['ipv6-name', name, 'rule', rule, 'protocol']
                 if config.exists(pg_base) and not config.exists(proto_base):
                     config.set(proto_base, value='tcp_udp')
     with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
 except OSError as e:
     print("Failed to save the modified config: {}".format(e))